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#314325 2 New smash characters leaked (spoilers)

Posted by xile6 on 13 June 2015 - 06:06 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Oh yay we get to smasj up a car till ot blows up.


But no really that would be cool, but i bet they wont put it in the game.

#312447 Yoshi's Woolly World - Details, Analysis

Posted by xile6 on 28 April 2015 - 03:36 PM in Wii U Games and Software

seems cool. but how easy will the game be?

Kirby epic yarn was a big let down. You couldnt die on the game and it was just way to easy.

#312023 Comfort Grip for N3DS XL

Posted by xile6 on 14 April 2015 - 01:21 PM in General Gaming

dang,if you wanted to hold a NES you should of said something..... lol


that thing is big.


To me the New 3ds XL fits great in the hands and i have no problems holding or using it.

#311275 Cute Amiibo Live April Fools Joke

Posted by xile6 on 01 April 2015 - 11:16 AM in The Café

That would be pretty cool tho

#311086 How to Mute Wii Remote on Wii U

Posted by xile6 on 28 March 2015 - 08:35 AM in Wii U Hardware Help

something in wii mote setting and turn the vol all the way down.

#310857 Cleaning Wii U inside?

Posted by xile6 on 21 March 2015 - 05:24 PM in Wii U Hardware Help

I normally take a small vacuum cleaner and put it on the out let vent and then the inlet vent.


I remember opening an xbox 360 long time ago. They said it didnt wont to turn on.

Once i open it it was covered in dust. Im talking about a dang dust bunny world in there. couldnt even see any of the board.

I vacuum it all out and bam it turn on and play games.

#310624 LEGO Jurassic World First Trailer

Posted by xile6 on 16 March 2015 - 08:24 AM in General Gaming

ahhhh, just give me the movie and ill be ok.

i think this game wont be all that.

#309974 Some New Mario Party 10 Gameplay Vids

Posted by xile6 on 03 March 2015 - 05:11 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Looks good but I still dislike the while everyone over together stuff.
I like it the old way where you roll your own spaces.
Graphic are much better thoo. I hope there is tons of mini games. That's what most where lacking .

#309947 Wii U really is the best console for exclusive games.

Posted by xile6 on 02 March 2015 - 03:02 PM in General Gaming

Haha, I still buy DVDs!

And I still have a VCR.

man thats old school lol....

I use to have one. I used it long time ago as a tv tuner for a monitor that had rca jacks.


but i buy only a few dvds, other then that its all digital i just download them. I got a media box for my tv last year so i use that for my movies. I even gotten a few free movies on the google store lol. I remember checking it one day and lord of the rings was free and 3 other movies.

#309928 Wii U really is the best console for exclusive games.

Posted by xile6 on 02 March 2015 - 10:54 AM in General Gaming

Does the XBONE not have a Bluray player too? It's a bit ridiculous that the Wii U doesn't to be honest.

honestly no its not.


think about how many people have dvd players or blu ray player. Why would you need your system to also play it.

In all of my life i have only play 1 movie on a system. It was long time ago i play a DVD on a ps2. Then i got a dvd player when i started to get more movies.

Got a blu ray player when i upgraded from then. I was never into wanting a system to play movies. Its meant for games.

#309903 Wii U really is the best console for exclusive games.

Posted by xile6 on 01 March 2015 - 07:55 PM in General Gaming

Between my ps4 and wii u.
I play the ps4 much more but I do have a few more games on the wii u then the ps4 tho.

I don't own an x1, and don't plan on it since there isn't anything on it worth it to me.

But with the ps4 there are games that won't ever come to the wii u and I just gotta have (battlefield, mgs, gta, etc...)
But then same for the wii u. Kirby , smash bro, mario etc..

So I guess I'm in between.
I think it just depends on what type of gamer you are as to which system would have the most games

#309598 New 3ds thread

Posted by xile6 on 24 February 2015 - 03:34 PM in General Gaming

Any peeps in NA with the XL going to import a charging dock?


http://www.ebay.com/...l dock&_sacat=0


just gotta break down and spend the money then wait the month lol..

#309526 Poll edition: desires for next Nintendo console

Posted by xile6 on 23 February 2015 - 10:36 AM in Wii U Hardware

^ yes times a million.


they need to drop the wii name. But they wont. I will probably be called "the new wii u" just like the 3ds.

I truly think the should of called the New 3ds "Super 3ds"

But the next Nintendo system should have a brand new name. and the main first party games should be rolling out at lest 1 pre 6months.  metriod, mario, zelda, smash bro, mario party etc....

#309503 Poll edition: desires for next Nintendo console

Posted by xile6 on 23 February 2015 - 06:05 AM in Wii U Hardware

They gotta start over and leave the backwards play behind. It's slowing them down in terms of what a new system can be.

The same thing happen with playstation. They left the backwards play to force more on the next gen.

But nintendo needs to get there spec up. They are normally the first one out the gate with new systems. And then ms and Sony looks at there specs and say oh I'll doubt that and we will win.

Nintendo needs to listen to there customers and stop all this kiddy stuff.
That holds them back way to much. Everyone thinks the wii systems are just for little kids. And some or the games are and they just don't show off the teen and adult games. Which is where the money is.
Little kids don't have money. So they can't buy s games or systems.
But if you show off a bad ass me trio that's is rated teen. Then the will get the older people to buy the system.

It will have to have a better and new GUI. (I'm sorry but I'm tired of the 3ds, wii,wii u look ).

Better online play.
Better eshop. (The wii u one is ok but can improve alot)
Every game made would need to support a normal controller. Alot of people don't like using the game pad all the time (I like it even tho devs don't do anything special with it)

Humm mmmm

Price range would probably be close to the $400 to $500 range.

And they need to change very little for nes,snes,gba games. I think if they charged only $1 or .99c that those games would move very fast and they will get more sells.

That's about all I can think off.

#309273 New 3ds gets Monadolicious Cover plates. NoA farts on hands and smells fingers.

Posted by xile6 on 19 February 2015 - 01:25 PM in General Gaming

I see in my magic ball.


There will be people making plates for the New 3ds XL. and people will buy them and unscrew there old one and put on the new one :D

#309199 New 3ds thread

Posted by xile6 on 18 February 2015 - 01:39 PM in General Gaming

So i got one of my New 3ds in (my girls black system)

The system looks great the black isnt flat or just glossy its kind of a carbon fiber texture.

The system itself is nice in the hands. While some of it is bigger then the normal 3ds xl it feels better in the hand.


The 3d is way better then the others. The normal size 3ds had problem with more or being to far away.

The 3ds xl help with that but it still only had a small sweet spot.

The new 3ds with head tracking just works so much better and that what 3d systems should be.


When you first setup the system it shows you an icon of yourself. so it lets you see and get use to how the head tracking works. And its pretty "jam it" good (lol just had to say it).


The button placement is cool. i havent gotten to fully test them out yet tho. I should be gaming on it none stop this weekend lol.

And the screens look better. just a bit tho. It like there just clear or maybe its the fact that the pixel are smaller so you dont see them as much.



Bottom line.


Its a great system and its what the 3ds should of been long time ago. I believe this system will make it and we will start to see better games. No one wanted to carry around a circle pro all the time.



forgot to add

I love the volume button being on the top screen. Its so much bettter. With the normal 3ds xl i would aways end up hitting it with my hand and turning it up or down. But since they moved it its so much better and the volume stays put

I can see more FPS coming out and more ports from gamecube since the button layout is much better.

#309180 Would you like Nintendo to get into VR again?

Posted by xile6 on 18 February 2015 - 08:10 AM in General Gaming

The 3d is enough.
K don't believe we need VR.
I don't think any system needs ot right now.

#308891 Opened Red N3DS XL; my summary; share yours

Posted by xile6 on 13 February 2015 - 05:28 PM in General Gaming

I gotta wait a weekfweek for mines to come but I will for sure let you know what I think.

#308877 Majora's Mask 3D Easter Egg

Posted by xile6 on 13 February 2015 - 03:59 PM in General Gaming

man cant wait to play mines.

My game will be here Monday. and system shortly after

#308863 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by xile6 on 13 February 2015 - 01:33 PM in The Café

I'm already having to order a free replacement... dodgy c-stick x3

that sucks. and that almost means they gotta make you another one lol. These are suppose to be limited stock..

#308853 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by xile6 on 13 February 2015 - 09:46 AM in The Café







lucky devil you...


and i thought they would do more tho.


I can see people making skins of this and just adding it to the normal New 3ds

#308852 gamepad facebuttons

Posted by xile6 on 13 February 2015 - 09:26 AM in Wii U Hardware Help

You know I had a friend who thought that the curving that some iPhone 6s did was a feature. Oh, how we laughed.

lol.  yea those are the iphone bots. They cant think for them self. I have heard of alot of people believing this

#308832 gamepad facebuttons

Posted by xile6 on 13 February 2015 - 04:27 AM in Wii U Hardware Help

Buy new buttons and crack the system open and replace.

Where you get new buttons you say??... I don't know that part.

But I have change out buttons on other systems before for other people.
They play to hard and rip the pads on the inside. Cause a very sloppy feel.

But glue and a button controller isn't a match

#308745 Possible Twilight Princess 3DS (new grain of salt rumor)

Posted by xile6 on 12 February 2015 - 05:57 AM in General Gaming

to much zelda.... lol


but really iwould like to see metroid. We dont have a single new game. The wii u or the 3ds. I love the old side scroll gba ones.

So i think its time for them to make a new metroid for the new 3ds.

#308724 Real Life pikmin

Posted by xile6 on 11 February 2015 - 05:39 PM in The Café

still if theres alot its pretty noticeable no matter how old you are

I was little and These where fire ants, there small.
And tif your not looking at your pants how would you know there on you?
They didn't bite me until I walk away when I started moving and they got under my pants.

But if your so smart and thing that you know the moment a bug gets on your cloths then by all means, al holy your something else.

No one knows if a bug lands on there pants or if you step on a spider, unless you look down.

Also your dog is probably smarter then you.
I mean hell he gets free food and water from you ever day. And you rub him when ever he wants to.

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