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There have been 65 items by TheUltimateWaddleDee (Search limited from 04-June 23)

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#317531 Mario and Luigi Paper Jam Stuff

Posted by TheUltimateWaddleDee on 14 December 2015 - 08:22 PM in General Gaming

I still need to beat Dream Team. I remember being super excited about it before it came out because I love Bowser's Inside Story, but then I got Pokemon X on release and haven't touched it since. I'm pretty excited about this, especially since I like Paper Mario.

#317403 Secret Santa 2015 Sign Up

Posted by TheUltimateWaddleDee on 01 December 2015 - 11:17 PM in The Museum

EDIT: Never mind, I'm too busy to do something.

#317067 Nintendo Distributing NX software kits to 3rd parties

Posted by TheUltimateWaddleDee on 18 October 2015 - 02:02 PM in Wii U Hardware

I can't wait for third parties to use it for about 6 months before never touching it again.

#316132 Bill Trinen Entering Smash Bros Wii U Tournament at EVO 2015

Posted by TheUltimateWaddleDee on 17 July 2015 - 03:36 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I don't know why he'd want to, I'm sure he'd get destroyed. EVO will be full of the best smash players in the world....people that practice 6-8 hours a day on their characters.

He apparently plays, and he probably entered for the fun of it. JWits entered and he wasn't expecting to enter a single game.

#316011 Satoru Iwata passed away

Posted by TheUltimateWaddleDee on 12 July 2015 - 05:30 PM in General Gaming

#316000 Satoru Iwata passed away

Posted by TheUltimateWaddleDee on 12 July 2015 - 04:12 PM in General Gaming

I don't even know how to respond to this. Who's going to be Nintendo's president? Did they have someone get ready in case this happens? This is just all so sudden. May he rest in peace, and my condolences to everyone who knew him personally.

#315639 Your Top 5 or 10 DS Games

Posted by TheUltimateWaddleDee on 30 June 2015 - 06:14 PM in General Gaming

So I was cleaning the garage a few days ago and I found a sealed copy of Phantom Hourglass. I borrowed my cousin's game and beat it on that copy, but then I guess I got it for Christmas or something and never opened it.

#315446 Tell A Story in GIF Form.

Posted by TheUltimateWaddleDee on 27 June 2015 - 10:30 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games


#314434 Xbone gets XBox 360 Backwards Compatibility?

Posted by TheUltimateWaddleDee on 15 June 2015 - 02:58 PM in General Gaming

Watch Sony announce the same thing but with PS2 and PS1 games just to one-up them. This is actually a big deal because now the PS4 is the only machine unable to play their old games, so it'd be interesting to see if they can respond.

#314346 Platinums next game NOT on Wii U and is..

Posted by TheUltimateWaddleDee on 14 June 2015 - 06:33 AM in General Gaming

Isn't Platinum working on an Xbox One exclusive game? I can't exactly what it is, but I remember it being announced last year.

#312853 concept: Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door HD?

Posted by TheUltimateWaddleDee on 11 May 2015 - 05:07 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Bowser's Inside Story >>>> Every other Mario RPG ever made.

#312537 Mario Kart 8 update 4.1 is now live

Posted by TheUltimateWaddleDee on 01 May 2015 - 06:31 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Shouldn't the article say, "Either way, both 200cc mode and Mirror Mode are NOW available for anyone"?

#312520 World of Nintendo 8-Bit Plushes Available from July

Posted by TheUltimateWaddleDee on 30 April 2015 - 12:33 PM in The Café

$55 is for all three, but the only one that's a decent price by itself is the Luigi one.

#312293 Mario Kart DLC 2 not working? Anyone else have issues?

Posted by TheUltimateWaddleDee on 23 April 2015 - 04:50 PM in Wii U Games and Software

It worked for me. I think 200CC is only in vs, so check there for that. I don't know what else to say other than trying again or contacting Nintendo. Check if you got an email confirming the purchase to show to them.

#312234 1993 Nintendo training video..cringe

Posted by TheUltimateWaddleDee on 22 April 2015 - 11:17 AM in General Gaming

We also have to remember that this is in 1993, so the 80's mentality didn't completely go away yet.

#312201 Currently playing thread

Posted by TheUltimateWaddleDee on 21 April 2015 - 03:49 PM in General Gaming

I've been playing through MGS3 again, and I keep forgetting how many different things you can do to meet your objective. I've also been playing Kirby Triple Deluxe, Pokemon SoulSilver, Platinum, and Alpha Sapphire.

#312200 Keep save files on Wii after transfer

Posted by TheUltimateWaddleDee on 21 April 2015 - 03:45 PM in Wii U Hardware

I don't think that Wii Fit connected online, so you should be able to back up your data to an SD card. Just Dance could be problematic, because I believe that can connect online to buy songs. I'm not to familiar with either game, but if it connects online, you can't save it to an SD card.

#312099 Black Ops 3 headed to Wii U?

Posted by TheUltimateWaddleDee on 16 April 2015 - 06:26 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I wouldn't call a bag of doritos 'mindless fun' but I get what you mean. I also wouldn't call these games cheap because they're full priced retail games, they're definitely accessible and that's the main source of appeal but it's just odd to me that these companies can sell the same game and people still pay good amount of money for them. It's the same damn game and it's not even a good one, like you both said it's accessible, mindless fun. Consumers are stupid.

Cheap fun as in simple. It doesn't make you think, nor is it difficult. Also, even though they're all mediocre at best, there is a noticible difference in lit between the three studios, with the Treyarch games (the ones I like) being the best of the three.

#312096 Black Ops 3 headed to Wii U?

Posted by TheUltimateWaddleDee on 16 April 2015 - 05:41 PM in Wii U Games and Software

People still play these games? I really wish the series would just die out but people keep throwing money at it for some strange reason.

It's like a bag of Doritos: it's mindless fun that you can easily enjoy, but it's not that great and you can do much better.

#312071 SMASH 1.0.6 Update - 6 Stages Added To 8 Player Mode - Share Replay Data...

Posted by TheUltimateWaddleDee on 15 April 2015 - 12:14 PM in Wii U Games and Software

So this is great and all, but you all need to ask the big questions, like does the screen move when you move the right stick? I'm still recording replays, so idk, but I heard that it does.

#312038 Big Blue FZero Track MK8 (DLC Pack 2)

Posted by TheUltimateWaddleDee on 14 April 2015 - 05:56 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Is the car that Mario's in a DLC vehicle? Because that thing looks sick as hell.

#311985 MK8 DLC #2 - Tracks from Japan Trailer

Posted by TheUltimateWaddleDee on 13 April 2015 - 09:26 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Baby Park. 12 Racers. 200CC. This is a dream come true.

#311877 Splatoon Voice Chat... the reason we wont get it

Posted by TheUltimateWaddleDee on 11 April 2015 - 07:54 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Gamepad has a mic on it and you can video chat. MK8 lets you post match. Again I say why is it a big deal people praise Dark Souls and Journey and niether have voice chat either.

Because those games aren't team-based shooters that would actually benefit from voice chat? In Dark Souls/Journey, the multiplayer is about the interactions with complete strangers when they were in your world; you weren't supposed to communicate with them outside of vague hints in Dark Souls that were meant for the player to figure out and decide to trust. Here, the multiplayer is more team-based than most other shooters, so the lack of vocal communication between teammates is actually a big deal because you can't strategize about the best ways to cover an area or call for help when something unexpected happens. It's like not being able to speak to your teammates in a sport or your co-workers on a project.

#311696 Zelda Wii u delay = NX launch title?

Posted by TheUltimateWaddleDee on 08 April 2015 - 03:15 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I think you guys are forgetting one important difference between this and Twilight Princess: there was already an original Zelda game out for the Gamecube at that point (in fact there were two). Wind Waker HD is a remake and I'm 96.8% sure that they aren't counting Hyrule Warriors as this console's premier Zelda game.

#311304 Who are YOU voting for?

Posted by TheUltimateWaddleDee on 01 April 2015 - 03:25 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Bandana Waddle Dee. He's been in the past 3 Kirby Games, is basically the fourth main character of the series now, and he's adorable and badass af.

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