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There have been 183 items by Gameboysoadvance (Search limited from 04-June 23)

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#83732 Confirmed: WiiU GamePad has independent subsystem and OS

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 04 June 2012 - 03:08 AM in Wii U Hardware

That has really nothing to do with it.

Ofcourse i knew it has a CPU and other stuff required .. we just nevrr knew if thd subsystem was usable by public in any capacity.

Im not sure but in some of your early post u were saying that it wouldn't have a CPU. I remember u shooting my android rumor down quickly and one of your reasons was that the Wii U Pad didn't have a CPU. Is this not true? Are you being a hypocrite?

#82118 Take Your Mind Off E3

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 31 May 2012 - 07:47 AM in Wii U Hardware

Lol...some crazy stuff.


#81773 Wii u is apparently not supported by unreal engine 4

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 30 May 2012 - 03:05 AM in Wii U Hardware

Unreal 4 is not the god of game engines. There are alot of great game engines. I believe that the Fox Engine will be The top engine on game consoles next generation. Please people click the link below. The FOX ENGINE produces photorealistic graphics and physics.




I'm sorry but to me Samaritan doesn't look photorealistic.

#81529 Wii u is apparently not supported by unreal engine 4

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 29 May 2012 - 07:24 AM in Wii U Hardware

Let's let. Epic clear this up.


Ok now we have clarity. Now people E3 is 6 days away all will be revealed. If the Wii U specs are low we just have to deal with it. There's no changing it now. I buying a Wii U regardless of the rumors I just need E3 to show me what games will be available for me to snatch up at launch. I was sold on the Wii U since last E3. Either folks are going to buy it or not. Expect more negative rumors to float before E3 and after. Theses rumors are the only way that Sony/Microsoft fanboys and maybe even the companies themselves have at stopping the Wii U's momentum. Once E3 comes and Nintendo Unveils this new console all will be revealed. If you think that Nintendo's tight lips got you nervous just imagine how Sony/Microsoft feel. Nothing to copy off of because they don't have any info on the Wii U themselves. The only way to stop Nintendo is to shoot their plane down before it takes off. It's to late now. Any info on Wii U from this point until E3 should not be taking with a grain of salt but taking with a grain bag and tossed out the cart. There is no need for folks like Nollog,Tron, and Stewox to start educating us on CPU's, GPU's and other tech info because in 6 days real experts will introduce and explain this hardware at E3. Please just stop speculating and just wait a few days. Either your mind is made up that your going to buy a Wii U or your just waiting on more info at E3 to confirm your decision on whether or not to buy one. We've speculated and analyzed rumors for a long time and in six days we won't have to anymore. Only E3 can set our minds free now.

#81436 Rumor: Wii U CPU said to support 8 threads, is 20X faster than Wii

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 28 May 2012 - 05:35 PM in Wii U Hardware

Wii U Daily...ha...ha...ha...ha...FAKE!

Wii U Daily...ha...ha...ha...ha...FAKE!..sorry said I wouldn't post any more until after E3...I mean it this time.

#80422 Info that makes Android Rumor Plausable

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 24 May 2012 - 07:54 AM in Wii U Hardware

The Info shows that Nintendo and Google have a patent together on ES operating system which means they have come together before OS systems. The partnership that............You know what forget it. E3 IS A FEW DAYS AWAY!!!!!!!!!!

#80421 Gagged

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 24 May 2012 - 07:46 AM in Wii U Hardware

if info did come out about the wii u, it would still be hard to tell if it is true or not because of all the roumers. and i'd rather have all the info at e3. in fact i was disappointed the leaked controller came out.

That was a spoiler:(

#80420 Vigil - Darksiders 2

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 24 May 2012 - 07:44 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Not really interested in the game, so I don't care.

I Agree. Never got into the first game. Straight ports with just WiiPad features will make the WiiPad seem like a gimmick. I pretty sure some cool stuff can be done on it, but it just fuels Sony/Microsoft fire by saying that it's the same game, same graphics,they're(Nintendo)  just using an useless gimmicks to win over gamers...then they'll immediately copy Nintendo.

#80415 Gagged

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 24 May 2012 - 07:33 AM in Wii U Hardware

apparently Nintendo has put a gag on all Wii U developers until E3. Not surprising because developers were nearly letting any info go anyway.


I can wait til E3 so this is probably my last post until E3 and after. My brain has had enough of the rumors and speculations. It's time for facts.

#80129 Controller update

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 22 May 2012 - 02:01 PM in Wii U Hardware

Screen size increase?

#80119 Controller update

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 22 May 2012 - 01:32 PM in Wii U Hardware

A few more details.


#80065 Info that makes Android Rumor Plausable

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 22 May 2012 - 07:59 AM in Wii U Hardware

I was doing some research on Google and Nintendo and apparently they both own rights to ES which is an operating system. ES was developed by Nintendo and makes perfect since for the Wii U. I'm not a tech guy so someone please help me understand it better. But apparently the google employee that leaked the android info knows what they 're talking about.


#80044 WiiPad Rumored to use Android OS:

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 22 May 2012 - 03:35 AM in Wii U Hardware

I think you should give this a read.

Breaking: The Nintendo Wii U Is Not An Apple iPad

Who in their right mind said that it was an IPad? You would have to be insane or born yesterday to think that. Nintendo realized that console gaming was being challenged by mobile gaming. Nintendo adapted an interface similar to a tablet but never said it was a tablet. It was a very easy  job to explain the differences; and they are plenty, but Nintendo knows that. The created something with s similar feel and style of a tablet because that is what most people are familiar with now. Let's talk about the similarities:

-Touch Screen Interface
-Ability to surf web
-Ability to play apps(Wii U console may stream to WiiPad but you still play the games on the WiiPad. So both iPad and WiiPad can be used to play games and apps on).
-Can do digital downloads(I know it's done by the Wii U  console but can be displayed and played on the WiiPad).
-Mobile(you may not be able to go far but you can move around your house with it. Mobile none the less).

Nintendo is only trying to make an device that has an interface that everyone today is already familiar with. I Agree Wii U is a console and not an iPad, however,  it comes with a interface that is similar to all tablets including iPad.

#79560 RUMOUR: Controller redesign!

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 20 May 2012 - 01:40 PM in Wii U Hardware

I have a feeling that square button by the power button is for connecting multiple controllers. Kinda like how you do that with the Wii Mote when you press 1 and 2 at the same time.

Or switching from Tv to WiiPad view.

#79106 RUMOR: Retro's New Game to be "Star Fox – Metroid: Fusion Saga"

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 19 May 2012 - 06:33 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Tekken/Street Fighter. Metroid/Star Fox. Plausible. Online would be insane literally. Who to choose who to choose. If true it could be a HALO killer.

#79095 RUMOR: Retro's New Game to be "Star Fox – Metroid: Fusion Saga"

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 19 May 2012 - 05:07 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Was going to post this topic yesterday but it's the craziest rumor yet so I didn't. But if it is true, this would be an incredibly massive game.

#79011 New Rumors/facts and OS rumors from IdeaMan

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 18 May 2012 - 01:42 PM in Wii U Hardware


#78974 More Rumors:Black Wii U Shipped To US,Wii U Design

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 18 May 2012 - 10:00 AM in Wii U Hardware

The OP's article's source is the same as mine:
lhere from neogaf, a confirmed wii u developer.


#78957 Wii U at E3 vs Sony

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 18 May 2012 - 08:34 AM in Wii U Hardware

Funny how when Nintendo was in the same loss situation all Nintendo fans(including myself) were saying Nintendo were not going to go down and despite what news sites were suggesting, yet however when a completely different company than your prefered one posts a loss and is restructuring their plans your outright opinion is that they could no longer exist in 2 years time, I smell hipocrisy.

On to Microsofts patent, well Microsoft is making Windows 8 which is intended for tablets, with the Xbox hub being the primary focus ( Zune to be scrapped and rebranded as Xbox media) of course they would be a patent for tablet controller regardless of Wii U. The reason they said their not impressed is because they believe their solution is a much better solution.

Yes I enjoy being the devils advocate on these forums.

I agree 100% but Sony has turned a profit in years. It would sorta make since for them to wait until they completely reorganize the company before they release the PS4. Nintendo took a loss but no way near as much as Sony. If they release a super beast of a PS4 in this economy they would have to sell it at a loss. Their ten year strategy is fine. PS3's are selling now. Another bad investment could really be the end of Sony.

#78930 More Acid Ghost Info

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 18 May 2012 - 03:52 AM in Wii U Games and Software

We have Grand Theft Auto for that kind of stuff. :P

Nothing wrong with variety.

#78810 More Acid Ghost Info

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 17 May 2012 - 01:01 PM in Wii U Games and Software

It's starting to look exciting!


Is it real?

#78806 More Rumors:Black Wii U Shipped To US,Wii U Design

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 17 May 2012 - 12:50 PM in Wii U Hardware

As I've heard you ask several times before, please give me a source.

Yes a source!

#78802 More Rumors:Black Wii U Shipped To US,Wii U Design

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 17 May 2012 - 12:29 PM in Wii U Hardware

The devkits are black.

This rumour has been nipped in the bud right there.

Explain how it's nipped.What has your unknown source say.

#78790 Wii U at E3 vs Sony

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 17 May 2012 - 11:54 AM in Wii U Hardware

Iwata: Today I am joined by Kazuo Hirai, Chairman of Sony Computer Entertainment.

Hirai: Please, call me Kaz.

Iwata: Please do not call me Sat. [Laughs]

Hirai: [Frowns]

^ i lold. yeah he doesnt seem very happy to be there

I believe it's just photoshopped. But could you imagine that going down. He would have probably mother dog slapped Iwata. It would be the only way to defend the Vita.

#78788 More Rumors:Black Wii U Shipped To US,Wii U Design

Posted by Gameboysoadvance on 17 May 2012 - 11:51 AM in Wii U Hardware

Retro's game is "massive"? Black Wii Us available, possibly even the system's primary colour?! That's all I needed to hear to get my hype ball for E3 rollin' again. ^_^

Star Fox online multiplayer squadrant battles?:)

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