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#174570 killzone ps4 trailer

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 22 February 2013 - 01:51 PM in General Gaming

and.... it's not like Nintendo didn't know the wiiU was coming out. If not even Nintendo can be bothered to release a game on it designed for the system for months or even up to a year, who else is going to?

So have you noticed yet that the WiiU recently came out? Now do you realize how long it takes to develop a truly good game for a system? Look at Skyward Sword it took 4 years to make (Me thinks). Not only that I personally believe the LoZ Demo at E3 2011 was better than this Killzone PS4 trailer.

#174139 killzone ps4 trailer

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 21 February 2013 - 11:59 AM in General Gaming

ummm no i doubt it lol give me a break lol

Dont ruin my optimism lol

#173776 killzone ps4 trailer

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 20 February 2013 - 06:07 PM in General Gaming

Sony showed some great graphics at this event.

In some cases.

but we haven't seen publicly what the Wii U is capable of yet.  

we always knew the PS4/720 would be more powerful.

But that may not truly translate into an extreme gulf in graphical capability.

Nintendo had put together an intelligent system that can pump out some serious graphics.  but you have to do it right.

sony shot their load here.  And it was cool, but it wasn't overly impressive.

But it was far better than the junk Nintendo shoved out the last two E3s.  But that may be by design.

I would say this:

Just wait for E3.  Make your call then.

I agree this could be apart of a plan by Nintendo. They could be waiting for both companies to show off their consoles and then just put thiem to utter shame with a true graphics demonstration.

#173773 Ps4=Wii U in graphics IMO

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 20 February 2013 - 06:04 PM in General Gaming

I think the graphics are still about the same.  But I still understand we cant judge either of them yet. For now I think that they are even.

#173502 A meteorite crashes over Russia

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 20 February 2013 - 12:29 PM in The Café

It's just as bad to have a meteorite detonate above ground as well, because the shock wave is focused directly in all directions, including the ground.  It were any bigger, the area would have been decimated, like the Tunguska Event.

Not always, this was high enough it didnt do much and it wasnt all that big.....

#172745 A meteorite crashes over Russia

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 18 February 2013 - 12:33 PM in The Café

Guess what. They are caused by the meteorite.
Perhaps, you meant that it might be caused rather by following sonic boom, which, in turn is caused by the crash itself.

Not the sonic boom. In fact the meteor didn't even touch the ground. It simply blew up in mid air with such force that it was simmalar to a MOAB (MOAB stands for Massive Ordinace Air Blast mind you) but it was too high up for anyone to get hurt. The air currenst from the explosion is what caused all the crap to happen. The "explosion" was that big flash you saw where the meteor broke up in the atmosphere. It technically wasnt even all that bad because the meteor didn't even touch the ground. IZ ISH SMARTZ AZIAN!

#169747 Boys VS Girls

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 10 February 2013 - 10:33 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games


#168981 Spam Battle

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 08 February 2013 - 05:26 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

I give it 7/10 (average to me)

Give this a try!

#167287 BREAKING NEWS: Resident Evil returning to survival horror roots!

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 05 February 2013 - 01:12 PM in General Gaming

I think that they just need to slow down because they seem to just be milking the franchise for all it is worth at this point. I personally think it is just a problem of them just rushing everything and not taking enough time to make the game.

#167278 In loving memory of

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 05 February 2013 - 12:49 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

RIP All Beef McDonalds Hamburgers

#163029 SCEA's new Vita campaign is a gamechanger?

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 25 January 2013 - 02:05 PM in General Gaming

That is uhhh... Desperate.

#162969 See how many people like you...

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 25 January 2013 - 12:48 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Hi you may have remembered me before I fell off a cliff and went inactive for six months.

#162959 Jackie Chan calls United States most corrupt nation on earth.

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 25 January 2013 - 12:34 PM in The Café

Why fifty years? And why not judge it for its flaws, yet give it credit for its advantages and for its ideas?

The fifty years part may have been a stretch but what I am trying to get across is that it is still sprouting and developing. Kinda like a video game, at first you have too look at what IS working and improve on that then you look at what is NOT working. That is what in my opinion America is doing wrong and China is doing right. China is a very misunderstood country and I still stand by my original statement that if you have not lived there then you have no right to judge it. I lived it and about 99.99% of you haven't and I am proud to have China as my home country. Sure I will admit I have bias twards it but only because it is natural. I am constantly put down in this country just because I have different eyes or hair or noes or metabolism. I still stand by my statement you have no right to judge.

#159226 Albums to Listen To 2012

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 14 January 2013 - 11:47 AM in The Café

Blood by in This Moment!

#158956 Jackie Chan calls United States most corrupt nation on earth.

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 13 January 2013 - 08:51 AM in The Café

China is truly the corrupt one. America has rights and freedoms China can't even begin to dream of.

Sorry but I will have to disagree. Having grown up in China I feel that it is a much misunderstood country. China cant give it's people some rights because if it did then things would get out of control. China has the freedom of religion despite popular belief and they do not kill children for breaking the single child policy. And if they were to give them the freedom of press then it could cause further corruption because of it's massive population. Almost all of the rights that they don't have is simply because they cant have everyone knowing everything or else it could mean bad stuff for the government. China has moved allot in its less than 100 years of new government and is still developing. Despite its massive 4,000+ year history just remember the last dynasty ended in 1911. Remember America was considered the corrupt one while it was under the Articles of Confederation and later it changed so please don't judge my country for at least another 50 years because you just don't know it like I do. When I lived there I was just fine and it seemed no different if not better than America so you people if you have not lived there you have no right to judge.

#152257 Anyone from Canada, East Coast?

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 26 December 2012 - 03:12 PM in Introduction Central

I am in the unknown and insignificant state of Delaware.

#144585 Old broken Wii. Useless?

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 06 December 2012 - 11:53 AM in General Gaming

I'd look up letterbomb. I believe there's a tutorial on hackmii. Then you'll be able to play totally legal homebrew and emulators.

I am not so sure if talking about hacks on this site is exactly within the rules but....

Anyways I would just keep it if the repairs are too expensive. If the selling price is lower than the repair price then obviously sell ti.

#143574 Sporting Lounge

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 04 December 2012 - 03:33 PM in The Café

Okay I don't understand why I was the first to come up with one but talk about the sports you are currently participating in! I am currently a wrestler! I just won the division competition and I now have a place in the state competition! So I am about to go to the state competition in 12/7/12. I am really psyched right now and I am training furiously! So wish me luck!

Anyways what is going on with you in the sporting world?

#142665 Time in Japan: A Memory a Day for 365 Days

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 03 December 2012 - 12:25 PM in The Café

Man why no one talk about China? :(

Anyways I hope ya had fun! I heard that it is similar to China. Have you been to Japan before?

#142664 Playsation Omni and Xbox 720 news.

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 03 December 2012 - 12:23 PM in General Gaming

Okay this is a bunch of BS if you ask me. Especially with Sony because right now they need to give you more reasons as to why you should buy a Vita. It seems to be a little premature for them to be making another console already. Also a $400-500 price tag? Really? For about $100 more I can buy a decent gaming PC that is about 2x a powerful as your phony Xbox720.  Also how on earth would you make a console 3x as powerful as the Wii U if it uses the most modern technology out there? Unless if they made I time machine to the future I don't think that they are going to make such a powerful console.

#141011 The Fitness and Exercise Thread

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 30 November 2012 - 12:28 PM in The Café

I see.

How many days of the week do you exercise? I go to the gym about four days out of the week. Also, do you use the power rack or the smith machine? Also what does you your diet consist of? Lean meats, vegetables, whole wheat, fish, fruits, and brown rice?

Sorry for all the questions.

It is alright. I exercise about five times a day but I rarely ever use a gym because I simply don't need one. All you really need to get the proper work out is gravity. I do those basic push ups and sit ups. I was actually sent to boot camp for being too fat -_-. But anyways that is when I picked up my exercise. Like I said I rarely go to gyms because I can still work out just as effectively without one. My diet is mainly vegetables with little sugar because it burns too fast. I am Chinese so I eat few meats and contrary to popular belief you dont really need to eat many meats at all when working out. Vegetables can give you close to the same nutrients but without the fat. In the long run you have allot more energy. (Trust me I used to be a fast food junkie) Fish is always good and so is chicken but I try to avoid red meats although things like livers, intestine, blood, and hearts is great for you! Anyways that is pretty much me and the way I do things and it is working out great! How do you work out?

#141002 The Fitness and Exercise Thread

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 30 November 2012 - 12:05 PM in The Café

Do you work out your entire core? (Triceps, Back, Legs)

Yeah I do. I do allot of wall sits and squats. Pull ups are essential when preparing for wrestling and my book bag for school is a work out in itself. Anyways yeah I try to exercise everything so that I have no weakness when I do go into wrestling competitions.

#140455 fallout for wii u

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 29 November 2012 - 12:06 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I think an entirely new installment would be best. The Wii U already has enough remakes and another would just draw more people to the assumption that it is just for Nintendo to catch up with the past generation.

#140443 The Fitness and Exercise Thread

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 29 November 2012 - 11:48 AM in The Café

Same here it is kinda surprising to me too now that you bring it up! I exercise too. Mainly for wrestling. I have become very fond of it and good at it as well. I am very strong and I am proud of it. I exercise daily to keep it up and I have biceps the size of most people's thighs lol.

#139242 Request: Chatbox Rules Specifics

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 27 November 2012 - 02:19 PM in Site News and Feedback

Always make meaningful chat messages. If you don't have anything to add to a discussion, don't send a message like "I don't know what to say" or something just to get attention. Your message will only get deleted. We'd like to avoid enforcing a specific word or character limit, if possible. This rule also acts against conversation necromancy - do not bring up an old topic of conversation if it has become irrelevant (e.g.: a conversation speculating about Blu-ray playback after it has been confirmed not to be a feature of the Wii U), and especially if you've got nothing to add to it (e.g.: you're only talking to say "the thing doesn't play Blu-ray's," or something along the lines of that).

Always be respectful of others and their opinions. No personal attacks, hateful/racist comments, flame wars, etc. It won't be tolerated. Emotional debates are fine, but hating someone just because they think the PSP is better than the DS is simply irrational.

No swearing. Minor curse words like "crap" and "hell" are fine, but the S-word and F-bomb are strictly taboo. Appropriate substitutes like "snit" and "funk" may be used freely, though. If you swear, don't be surprised if your words are replaced with embarrassing things like unicorns or rainbows.

Please write your messages in understandable English. You don't need to be perfect, and I won't even enforce capitalization; but basic punctuation and diction are a must. We want to keep the chat as readable as possible so you don't need to waste time deciphering aposttahtluksliektis.

Don't advertise your website on this site outside of your signature and the designated URL field on your profile. Status updates, chat messages, and forum threads/posts made to promote your site will be removed unless you have received express permission from the administration to advertise your site here.

Keep it appropriate. This means no posting pornographic or fetishistic images or content; no racism, sexism, or otherwise derogatory behaviour towards ethnic groups or other members - you get the gist of it. This isn't 4chan, after all.

Only one account per person! If you wish to change your username, you can do so from your user CP. Members caught with or suspected of having multiple accounts may have all but one of their accounts deleted or merged. We use the IP address logs to determine whether you have more than one account, so if another member of your household signs up, please do us a favour and send the moderation team a message about it.

No bashing, insulting, or otherwise pointlessly slandering Nintendo or their competitors. We're a community of respectful Nintendo fans. If you're here only to talk trash, don't even bother joining. That said, blind fanboyism (be it of Nintendo or any other company) will not be tolerated, either - if you've got something negative to say about any of the big three, it's fine to do so as long as it's phrased constructively and you know what you're talking about.

Discussion of piracy and ways to obtain, create, or play ROM's/ISO's is strictly forbidden.

Them's the rules.

THAT IS WHAT I WANTED anyways how does a guy get 2,000 posts?

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