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There have been 308 items by HaoSenVastForest (Search limited from 06-June 23)

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#93856 Wii U Reveals Predictions

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 17 July 2012 - 05:50 AM in Wii U Hardware

Assuming that the Wii U is releasing in November it would make more sense for September for both that way people get excited and stay that way,

#93855 Nintendo caved, says Patcher.

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 17 July 2012 - 05:46 AM in Wii U Hardware

This is the reasoning behind why I don't even bother to even consider anything Patcher says about the Wii U: Name one bad thing Patcher said about the Wii U. That wasn't too hard now was it? Well name one thing Ubisoft said that offends the Wii U. That may be a little tricky.

#93562 Understanding graphics (101)

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 16 July 2012 - 05:25 AM in General Gaming

This may not be the right place to put this but does anyone know the difference between a CPU and a GPU?

#93561 Anime Discussion

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 16 July 2012 - 05:21 AM in The Café

I am really interested in Ganketsuo: The Count of Monte Cristo. I find it very interesting especially that twist at the end. I really enjoyed the betrayal of the count. It was very cleverly orchestrated. I may even find myself picking up the book.

#93560 Wii U CPU confirmed (by respected game producer) As weak.

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 16 July 2012 - 05:14 AM in Wii U Hardware

~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~
At this point I honestly don't care what anyone says unless it is from Nintendo. This dude must have had a mental issue because everyone else is kissing the Wii U and basking in its power.

#90686 Yo Momma So... (MAY BE OFFENSIVE)

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 29 June 2012 - 05:37 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Yo mama so stupid she brought a spoon to the superbowl.
Yo mama so fat when she gets killed on Call of Duty you automatically get a five kill streak.

#90685 Access to Wii U Nintendo Network will be free.

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 29 June 2012 - 05:34 AM in Wii U Hardware

Yay free online now follow this example Microsoft damn you!

#90453 Yo Momma So... (MAY BE OFFENSIVE)

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 28 June 2012 - 04:56 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Yo mama so fat she was arrested eight times for murdering scales.

#90196 ECHO3 Interviews U !

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 27 June 2012 - 05:19 AM in The Café

I am from China! I am the only one.... :'(
INTERVIEW Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!

#90194 The most amazing concept ever... the DS U!

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 27 June 2012 - 05:17 AM in General Gaming

Uhhh.... It wont look any good.... You would have to upscale it and it wont look pretty I'll tell you that. It will look all pixleated and well... Gross.... It worked on the gameboys because it was using sprites but with three dimentional objects it wont work.

#90187 IGN says Nintendo sacrificed E3 for stockholders

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 27 June 2012 - 04:31 AM in General Gaming


#90186 wii u elder scrolls?

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 27 June 2012 - 04:28 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Well weren't there rumors at E3 2011 that Skyrim would come out for Wii U?

#90011 Wii U 1080p and much more

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 26 June 2012 - 04:48 AM in Wii U Hardware

I honestly don't believe the wii u is anywhere near 350% as powerful. The devkit listed a 3 core power series cpu and while we don't know the details its likely to be close to 360 performance or 2x performance max. Personally I think its likely to run sub 3ghz and end up possibly even below 360 performance. The gpu we have less information on but it has to create graphics for both the main display and the controller so it has an extra burden. If the gpu really was powerful it could easily run ps3/360 ports in 1080p with the same graphic assets of those games just like the PC does. If the wii u is powerful we would be getting PC conversions not 360/PS3. I want the wii u to be powerful but the information we are getting indicates Nintendo's entry into the current generation rather than something beyond it. I'll be happy with 2x performance out of the wii u. As it stands the wii u has more memory, similar cpu resources and unknown gpu power but I'm not willing to give Nintendo the benefit of the doubt with the gpu. I think its in the same ballpark as 360 with additional video memory (32meg instead of 10meg) and much faster memory bandwidth giving it the advantage.


#90010 Make a wish and ruin someone else's

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 26 June 2012 - 04:40 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Sure but I replaced your hair with potato's.

I wish Xbox Live was free.

#90003 Xbox 360 Gamertags

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 26 June 2012 - 03:52 AM in General Gaming

I think on Wii it was like 23?

never played zombies on the 360 before but I played it on the PS3 and go to i think like level 15

TAKE THAT!!! I made it to round 103. (No I really did.) I died when I ran into my own electric barrier.

#90002 Resturaunt

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 26 June 2012 - 03:49 AM in The Café

I don't like fast food. I don't really even like to eat out because me being chinese my parents make the best chinese food. YOU HEAR THAT HIBACHI BUFFET? Really American Chinese food sucks!

#90001 Wii U Domain Names

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 26 June 2012 - 03:45 AM in Wii U Games and Software

What is the difference between NSMBU and SMBU?

#90000 Top 10 Wii U Game Pre-Orders

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 26 June 2012 - 03:42 AM in Wii U Games and Software

The only games I am dying for is ZombiU and NSMBU right now.

#89999 another probably fake developer criticism

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 26 June 2012 - 03:38 AM in General Gaming

~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~ ~Head Desk~

Why do we listen to these people? We all know that the Wii U is only going to sell one system in its first day of launch because of its inferior CPU. It just uses an upped version of the Wii's and will be only fifty percent of the Xbox 360's power. I have an anonymous developer leaking this info so it is absolutely true. Trust me I read it on the interwebz.

#89840 I have a fear that the Wii U won't get great third party support

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 25 June 2012 - 07:12 AM in Wii U Hardware

You couldn't handle what they had to say?


#89824 New Super Mario Bros Wii U Gameplay

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 25 June 2012 - 04:30 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I actually broke my TV playing Wii sports. I made a hole right through it..... AND I LOVED IT!!!! BECAUSE OF THAT I WAS FINALLY ABLE TO GET A HD TV!!!! THANK YOU Wii!!!!!

#89820 Xbox 360 Gamertags

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 25 June 2012 - 03:42 AM in General Gaming

I love Zombies I play it all the time on my Wii version...hopefully I can get a cheap version of Black Ops to continue playing online

Same here but my Wii keeps crashing. Hey I will add ya and maybe we can play zombies together! What is your highest round? Can you guess mine?

#89729 Xbox 360 Gamertags

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 24 June 2012 - 01:00 PM in General Gaming

Mine is D3M3NT3D Lord. I play allot now that my Wii failed me but I go on vacation allot too.

I play Battlefield 3, MW3..... Hopefully I can get Black Ops although I will just be playing zombies all day if you don't mind. But those are really the only online games I have.

#85717 What consoles are you getting next gen? (8th gen)

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 08 June 2012 - 08:05 AM in General Gaming

I will get the Wii U and PS4

#85685 Wiiu Cpu just as powerful as the ps3-360 and its Gpu 1.5 x stronger? (Please no)

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 08 June 2012 - 06:24 AM in Wii U Hardware

by reading the specs. Specs never lie! :)

even though, the leaked specs, pictures a 4xxx series card with 8 rops... probably 4650... We dont know yet, how many spus it has and many other stuff.. but its not much for sure, if this leak is real.

Yes but I am a Ubisoft producer remember? I know all the things about Wii U and it is absolutely .5x as powerful as the Xbox.

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