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#226939 Blurry graphics on 32" HD tv?

Posted by Luca on 27 June 2013 - 03:32 PM in General Gaming

The Xbox 360 comes with normal composite cables. These will be VERY blurry. You need HDMI or component cables, which will make the picture clear.

I'm not sure about the PS3, and if you're already using HD cables then I can't help. Btw, you can tell if they're not HD if they have only 3 wires (standard Red Yellow White).

#224225 Xbox one will not require internet acces. and will alow used games.

Posted by Luca on 19 June 2013 - 02:41 PM in General Gaming

Yay finally, now I can get an Xbox One :) 

Really not a fan of Sony...

The Kinect being mandatory really isn't a problem, as long as it doesn't do things like charge according to the amount of people in the room :P and I don't mind paying an extra $100 for it, I'm going to get Just Dance 2014 on it anyways, so it's good that it comes with it in the first place for me.

#224054 Sakurai: Not enough time to bring back every Smash Bros. character

Posted by Luca on 19 June 2013 - 09:48 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Oh noes this is bad news! I want all the characters back :( I hope Ice Climbers are back, because they're saying that they are having trouble with them. Hopefully they don't cut them altogether. 

And why don't they have enough time...? I'll wait if it means more characters :P

#223607 Favorite Rhythm game?

Posted by Luca on 18 June 2013 - 01:44 PM in General Gaming

Rhythm Tengoku GBA, Rhythm Heaven DS, Rhythm Heaven Fever :D

Just Dance (1, 2, 3, 4, 2014)

Definitely two of my favorite series ever :)

#222472 Animal Crossing Bug-off Competition

Posted by Luca on 15 June 2013 - 08:11 PM in General Gaming

Wasn't home today, couldn't do it :(( I missed out

#220764 RUMOR: Pac Man, Little Mac, and Miis in Smash 4

Posted by Luca on 12 June 2013 - 07:10 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I really don't want Mii... the others I'm fine, I don't even want Little Mac, but whatever. I just hope Mii is wrong maybe.

Also, when will they reveal these, anyway? They didn't reveal any characters today.

#220674 What 3DS Pokemon game are you getting?

Posted by Luca on 12 June 2013 - 05:13 PM in General Gaming

I'm getting X and my brother is getting Y. I think the Y mascot is way cooler, but I just like the X name better :P

#218699 Ubisoft Press Conference

Posted by Luca on 10 June 2013 - 05:03 PM in E3 2013 Archive


#218529 Ubisoft Press Conference

Posted by Luca on 10 June 2013 - 02:17 PM in E3 2013 Archive

Will they be showing Just Dance? :P

#218457 Ubisoft Press Conference

Posted by Luca on 10 June 2013 - 01:15 PM in E3 2013 Archive

Just Dance 5? :3

#217401 Spam Battle

Posted by Luca on 08 June 2013 - 09:50 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

GREEN MARIO! I can't wait to see their final smashes and move sets, especially Reggies.

#214059 Porting games to other systems

Posted by Luca on 31 May 2013 - 06:53 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Porting requires a LOT of work... First of all, if you're saying that people besides the developers should port the games, you're way wrong. They do not have the source code of these games, and therefore will not be able to port this way. And if the developers were to do it, they'd have to change each function, code, etc to fit the consoles needs. Every console has a different Dev kit, different hardware, different capabilities. It's not at all simple and cannot be done by anyone besides the developers. 

#211905 Animal Crossing New Leaf 3DS bundle

Posted by Luca on 27 May 2013 - 02:25 PM in General Gaming

Pre-ordered this last month :) Sooo excited! For the game and I want an XL too! :D

#211192 Amazon UK: Wii U Sales Rank Jumps 875% Following Microsoft's Xbox One Reveal

Posted by Luca on 25 May 2013 - 10:32 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Xbox one Can't play used games, if you want to borrow a game from a friend or trade games, you can't do that unless you want to spend £40 on it

Microsoft teamed up with EA... do i need to go into detail?

Xbox one reveal showed how it can play tv and sports... THATS ALL THE REVEAL SHOWED!

Microsoft employee called people backwards for wanting backwards compatibility.

Xbox one needs to be connect to the internet once every 24 hours, if you wanted to play at you uncles house but he doesn't have internet, #Dealwithit you can't play your xbox one there.


Ok whatever I give up

#210977 Just dance 4 dlc!

Posted by Luca on 24 May 2013 - 02:59 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I am addicted to Just Dance aswell. If you check my Youtube channel you will see this xD

#210645 Amazon UK: Wii U Sales Rank Jumps 875% Following Microsoft's Xbox One Reveal

Posted by Luca on 23 May 2013 - 06:53 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I don't see how the Xbox One was disappointing. Can anyone explain how the PS4 is better than the XBOne??

#208916 Building a new desktop, need help with graphics card choice

Posted by Luca on 19 May 2013 - 04:10 PM in The Café

I have a Radeon 7950 with the Catalyst beta drivers, which outperform the 660 Ti. If you have enough I would get the Radeon 7970, I know 7950 is around $300.

#206383 Favourite Nintendo 64 Games

Posted by Luca on 12 May 2013 - 10:27 AM in General Gaming


#204140 13 Yearold attemps to rape then murders mother over taking away his videogame

Posted by Luca on 05 May 2013 - 07:47 AM in The Café

Did the kid think that his mom would respawn? He said I wish this was a dream or whatever, what an idiot. This is why you don't buy you're mentally unstable children shooting games, or guns.

#202152 WiiKey U is legit and its in Development!

Posted by Luca on 30 April 2013 - 03:29 PM in Wii U Hardware

If no one released pirated game running programs, this would be great. Homebrew and emulators and all, that's great. But pirated games will ruin the Wii U even more, and we'll all have a dead console. But if somehow you could not pirate games, this would be SO amazing. It would up sales of Wii U, and software would still be fine too. 


And @above about the whole Wii games were easy because 4GB, PS3 games are also 20GB+, but some games can be around 5GB if they don't use the whole disc. Also, it's really not as much as you'd think. You just need a 100GB+ external HDD, and you put them all on there. I've downloaded a PS3 ISO before.

#202049 WiiKey U is legit and its in Development!

Posted by Luca on 30 April 2013 - 12:37 PM in Wii U Hardware

Although I LOVE piracy a lot, I don't want this. Not yet. Of course if it releases, I'm going to get it. But it's far too early in the Wii U stages to have piracy available. Yes it may create more console sales, but once people start pirating all the games and no one buys it, developers will dump the U, leaving it with LESS games.

It'll screw up everything. Hopefully it waits a few years.

#189048 TellTale's The Walking Dead Discussion SPOILERS!

Posted by Luca on 01 April 2013 - 07:36 PM in General Gaming

I honestly don't like the game, but I LOVE the show. 

#186946 Pc graphics cards,which ones?

Posted by Luca on 27 March 2013 - 11:49 AM in General Gaming

Save up more money. You won't get a good one at all with $60-$70. I had a really bad graphic card about 2 years ago and it cost me $100, but they cost around $50 today. 

I just got a Radeon HD 7950, it was $300, and it can run anything I want on high settings. I'd say save at least $150.

#186630 Nintendo gives a glimpse of faster loading times with comparison video

Posted by Luca on 26 March 2013 - 07:00 PM in Wii U Hardware

Huh, I usually get about the same load times as their after video.

Then you probably haven't played for a while. There's no way you'd get even close to the after, even if you've taken amazing care of your Wii U. It's a software problem, so either you're lying or you're one of those people who thinks speed of computers doesn't matter.

#186237 PS4 looks more like a PS3.2 than a low-end PC imo

Posted by Luca on 25 March 2013 - 02:31 PM in General Gaming

Your wrong, it will blow wii u out of the water, however your right that it isn't crazy powerful. However, to those that take advantage Of of the capabilities of it, the systems graphics may be par with PC. Those who say the wii u will compete in terms of raw power are ignorant and foolish. Many of them forget that the U has to render two screens, that nearly doubles the computer power usage and requires some good RAM too. The PS4 is not going to be cheap, and for the money you will spend on it you can build a more powerful computer, but people will still buy it. I think the PS4 is more impressive than a lot thought, but it's still nothing to write home about. And it won't play zelda so... Yeah... That says it all right there, no zelda, no console. Hehe.

You can't in any way say it's "up to par with PC". No console is EVER up to par with PC. The reason is that the PC is not a system, it can be customized and enhanced in any way. While the PS4 may have a good video card, a PC can have a 10x better one, which would stomp all over the PS4 and make it look like trash. So it's not even close to PC, PC is better than any console out ATM, and will be better for a long time. 

Plus PS4 is going to be too expensive and not add enough, so it might not even sell well. I don't even care if it does or doesn't, I like PC and I won't switch to a console mainly, pretty much forever. I got the Wii U because I love Nintendo consoles, but everytime I get a Nintendo console I always find myself disappointed that they didn't go the extra step, and I always wonder why they couldn't. I love the 3DS, but was better PPI going to increase the price THAT much? iPod has 326 PPI and sells for $200, so I don't see why they couldn't make it have better graphics. 

But don't get me wrong, I'm still going to stick to Nintendo consoles. They're the only ones I enjoy :P

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