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#191383 Lego City Undercover ?

Posted by Lebon14 on 07 April 2013 - 07:18 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Got the game last Friday. It's awesome so far!  Love the humor and randomness!

#192367 Lego City Undercover ?

Posted by Lebon14 on 09 April 2013 - 08:19 PM in Wii U Games and Software

How far are you into the game? 

I'm about 7% in. ~4-5 hours.

#192704 Lego City Undercover ?

Posted by Lebon14 on 10 April 2013 - 01:48 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Bought this today, and just started play! Do they plan on fixing the loading times in a patch?

Loading times will be greatly improved with Nintendo's patch this month, I hear. Or maybe I got it all wrong.

I know... it's annoying to have to load every second.

#193957 Wii U graphics question... will you be satisfied?

Posted by Lebon14 on 13 April 2013 - 12:15 AM in Wii U Hardware

Personally, looking at the graphics in Lego City Undercover (an exemple), they look pretty darn good for what it is.  Then, again, it may not be using the WiiU at full capacity graphic-wise but, still, it looks great. I'm not a graphics whore: I'm not looking for top notch graphics with the best physics ever, etc, etc, etc. As long as it looks good and not an half-assed job, whatever resolution (depends on the game console generation here), I'll be happy.


the graphical difference will be much tinier because they'll all be in 1080p (unless Microsoft loses it and tries a 4k console)


A 4k console? In your dreams... for now. Even a the nVidia GeForce GTX Titan can't even run a game full quality at 4k at a decent framerate. And, that's the most powerful single-GPU on the market (at 1000$ a pop). In Unigine, in 2560x1600, it only gets ~45fps. Note that UltraHD (aka 4k) is 7680x4320. How would you plan to make a console, at this present date, when the most power single-GPU card on the market can't even run something smooth in 2560x1600 in a GPU Benchmark software? And how UltraHD TVs are crazy expensive? Tell me about it.


Now, I also know that you are hypothetical here.

#194384 Lego City Undercover ?

Posted by Lebon14 on 14 April 2013 - 02:08 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Can I play this on the gamepad only?

No because the game uses the gamepad as a gameplay element (map, detective tool, etc) to complement the action on-screen.

#197231 i think the majority fo SEGA fans hate Nintendo :/

Posted by Lebon14 on 20 April 2013 - 12:05 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I like Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed and Mario Kart. Am I an exception?

#197987 Wii u urgent HELP monitor.

Posted by Lebon14 on 21 April 2013 - 10:17 PM in Wii U Hardware

I have a VW246H and it works wonderfully. HDMI, DVI, VGA, integrated speakers... the same. I have sound and the image showing up just fine.

#198467 Wii u urgent HELP monitor.

Posted by Lebon14 on 22 April 2013 - 06:25 PM in Wii U Hardware

Thank you for the help i think that work, here on the image, The black and green are for the sound, on the black i only can hook up a headphone? or i can put some speakers. 



The monitor has built-in speakers but, if you want, you can plug any headphones or PC speakers to it and, well, it'll replace the monitor speakers *shrug*. It's the Green jack, btw.

#198586 Do You Ever Use the 3DS's 3D?

Posted by Lebon14 on 23 April 2013 - 01:52 AM in General Gaming

I do when I start a game to look how the 3D looks like. However, even though I like how it gives depth and stuff, I have to concentrate more on "keeping the 3D on" so it doesn't double or anything. *sigh* So, I turn it off because of that...

#200061 Wii U update is live!

Posted by Lebon14 on 25 April 2013 - 05:57 PM in Wii U Hardware

Error code: 199-9999
Wii U GamePad update failed.
The console will now restart.
If the problem persists etc.


Did you get that at the end?


It restarted and told me to update my upad.

The upad's update counts for 20% of the total update time according to the status bar majiggy.

I got it... I thought I would have the update over but when it rebooted, it did when you said and the update completed successfully. It took me 30min to download. Probably another 10-15 minutes to install.

#200924 Do you regret getting the Wii U?

Posted by Lebon14 on 27 April 2013 - 08:27 PM in Wii U Hardware

What? No!

I don't regret anything.

#204612 WiiKey U is legit and its in Development!

Posted by Lebon14 on 06 May 2013 - 09:41 PM in Wii U Hardware

This isn't homebrew, this is piracy.


Piracy will effect sales of software.

The Wii U already has an automatic update solution though, so it'll be nerfed as soon as it's out.

I disagree. Why? People that will download the game would have not purchase the game in the first place. Even if they finally like the game, they won't buy it. So, does it affect sales. No, it won't and It's been proven already. Actually, "pirates" are actually those that purchase the most medias (music, movies, video games, etc). Those that doesn't pirate anything are usually those that doesn't buy anything anyway. I don't say that what I say is applying to everybody. No, in fact, there will ALWAYS be pirates that will download and don't give a Wii. However, the opposite exists : there will be people that downloads to try it and then ends up buying the game (I'm pretty much in this category, but music wise). There is also people that doesn't pirate and always purchase.


Why does it exist in the first place?

- Game availability (ex.: game only available in Japan)

- Lack of features

- Region locks.


As long as companies supports any sort of restrictive DRM, they won't sell as much unless they make it widely available and at an avantageous price. Until then, there WILL always be stuff like that happening. It's also been proven that when Netflix has been lauching in countries, the "piracy" for said country dwindled considerably. Same goes for video games. Best exemple : Steam. Yes, it's still some form of DRM. BUT! It allows you to...:

- Redownload the games you purchase in case of all sorts of mishaps. Nintendo seems against the idea... unless it's on the same console.

- Games will be retail price at launch, however, during the pre-order time, they will actually add incensitive to purchase the digital version. Nintendo doesn't do that.

- Steam also offers heavy price cuts from the original release price only a couple of weeks after release. Even for big titles. Nintendo takes YEARS to drop the price. FFS, Super Mario Galaxy 2 is still 49.99$ MSRP NEW!!!!! It has been released for YEARS!!! The only thing to have rebates seems to be... 3rd party games which most of the time, are available on PC and... Steam.

- Allow fans to create their own content for the games a company release. Steam has Steam Workshop which I believe to be pretty darn popular. I do not count how much hacks of Mario Kart Wii and New Super Mario Wii there are on the net... To be able to run those hacks, you need a modded Wii. Since Nintendo doesn't allow user created content, they are bound for hackers to get into the system to allow people to do just that.


And the list goes on.


Additionally, allowing people to do more with their console than just play games (Steam is on PC, Mac and Linux so it doesn't apply...) i.e. Watch movies without going online or use an online service such as Netflix or YT. How? Play DVDs and Blu-rays. the 360s plays DVDs and the PS3 plays both. And, Nintendo, because they simply refuse to give a single cent to get the rights to play DVDs and/or BDs, are bound to get themselves hacked to allow such things. Oh wait, the optical drive just doesn't read those... so, the homebrews will simply allow to play content from an hard drive or a USB flash drive. Offering a workaround, that's what it will allow.


If you don't believe me, you don't read torrentfreak.com enough. They've been posting articles throughout the years by researchers that takes the issue to heart, actually research and publish actual results; not BS results from say, an anti-piracy company (biased numbers). Even the European Commission agrees that music piracy doesn't affect sales! Smae logic goes for video games. If the latest COD or Halo game sell for a million copies, I don't believe that this actual number will increase if there was no piracy at all. I simply can't believe that.


Don't get me wrong, if my wallet was flowing with cash, I would certainly buy every games I'm interessed in. However, because of ridiculous prices, I never had to play those games... Exemple: Kid Icarus Uprising, Starfox 64 3D, Luigi's Mansion, etc. Those are all 3DS games. Why no WiiU games... well, the offer isn't still quite there. I purchased SMW on the virtual console and when I saw the price I thought... "What a rip-off." Even if it was only 6$ (and I have to actually add the taxes in the region I live in).


Do I plan to hack my console after saying all that? No. Why? I don't want to risk an investment that took months to gather the money for. Anyway, the games I will be actually interessed in will be limited. It's not like Mario/Banjo-like platformers or Perfect Dark or Goldeneye 007 (N64) FPS or Pokemon and Golden Sun-like turn based RPGs were legion these days...

#204615 WiiKey U is legit and its in Development!

Posted by Lebon14 on 06 May 2013 - 10:23 PM in Wii U Hardware

Homebrew = things made by people at home

Piracy = dumping games and playing them with this device.

Oh, I know. But, piracy, as a term, is widely used in various situation and has various meanings. You know that right? I was using the term on a general basis as in "downloading content for free" and "accessing a protected system by unofficial means". Of course, even homebrew can be considered piracy because, to be able to do an homebrew, you need to access to crack/pirate the console to be able to develop and use it. A game hack, is also some sort of homebrew in some way.  There are various ways to see and understand those terms.

#205003 WiiKey U is legit and its in Development!

Posted by Lebon14 on 07 May 2013 - 08:15 PM in Wii U Hardware

2. The unauthorized use or reproduction of

copyrighted or patented material: software

Thats it.

Even then, it's still wide for me *shrug*

#209936 Rare to show HISTORIC franchise at E3

Posted by Lebon14 on 22 May 2013 - 01:31 AM in General Gaming

If it's Jet Force Gemini, I'm going to cry.

#210244 What Nintendo OS now needs to do to compete

Posted by Lebon14 on 22 May 2013 - 09:08 PM in Wii U Hardware


1) I disagree. If people are getting lazier and lazier... I think they should AT LEAST do an effort into pressing the power button of the console. Or on the gamepad for U's case. Vocal commands in this situation is just lazy.

2) Face recognition is hit and miss like you said. If people stopped being lazy and don't use the same password, or at least have an inventory of them, AND put an effort into making a good password, there would be next to need for facial recognition.

3) I agree with this. If the system indeed use an SSD as storage even if it's on SATA2 there are NO reason to have a slow OS. They did an amazing effort with April's update. However, it isn't as fast as it could be and I agree. Accessing a menu and getting out of one should be next to instant. This is 2013, not 1985.

4.1) Wasn't that done already?

4.2) WiiU is underpowered for that. At least, right now, we have a way of retrieving screenshots from Miiverse. As for cloud, I don't think that's possible either. Recording a video needs an amazing amount of computing power. It even brings gaming PCs to a crawl (i.e 120+ fps -> 30fps, which creates lag). If you upload directly to cloud, well, you need this one heck of upload speed to sustain the recording without lag. And over Wifi? Good luck~~

5) I agree but at the same time I don't. You need to keep your own thing but at the same time, you need to be proactive with the gaming industry. Not only indies but also big third-party players and see what they want. Of course, stuff like EA wanting to invade Nintendo's console with Oricrap, needs to be countered.


1-New layout, should take notes of 360 OS

2-Be able to add small widgets

eg. Stick notes, clocks, weather updates, news reports, quick twitter/facebook messenger.

3-Video sharing would be great but it isn't necessary, especially if it chugs the OS.

4-Prediction mode wouldn't be a hard thing to add

5-Improved internet data speeds for both wireless and Lan adapter

6-Perhaps a reinstalled game?

7-Simplified code would be great

8-Secret Nintendo easter eggs

eg. Ability to play Donkey Kong, Zork, etc.

9-Easy Facebook and twitter app that doesn't deviate to much from original format in order to reduce having a confusing layout.


1) i.e. taking notes of Windows 8. NO THANKS.

2) they are always nice to have. Usually, somebody would prefer a computer for that though. My poinion though.

3) Video, in this context of underpower, is not feasible. Nice maybe, but not possible with what we have right now. See above.

4) I don't know what you mean by "Prediction mode".

5) Yes. Why is the WiiU unable to achieve 30Mbits on Wifi when a laptop is able to? That is a bug that needs to be addressed.

5a) Include an Ethernet port off the bat without a need for adapter.

6) what?

7) You mean optimizing code, right? if so, yes, it needs to. ALWAYS.

8) Knowing Nintendo, they would never do that from the OS but more inclined to make you pay for it.

9) I answer that in the widgets


Honestly, next time Nintendo should outsource and get Linux. Be so much better.


I agree! Get the latest kernel and start working around it instead of starting from scratch!

#211330 What Nintendo OS now needs to do to compete

Posted by Lebon14 on 26 May 2013 - 01:19 AM in Wii U Hardware

By prediction mode i mean having the WiiU take notes of the games you buy and offer suggestions of other games you may enjoy (without being too in your face). It's already available in all sorts of different platforms, the PS4 has especially made a big fuss about implementing it into their system, but this is definitely not a must have feature.


Whoops, i meant to say pre-installed software, a small minigame or something mildly entertaining for those that bought the system but are yet to get games. Game and Wario was meant to be a preinstalled game but the developers decided they had too many ideas that they wanted to implement, thus they decided to make it a retail game.


Nintendo should at least give developers a manuel on how to code on the WiiU since so many devs are finding it a little difficult to learn to work with this new architecture (mainly because their lazy, but a helping hand would be good, Nintendo can be there to help everyone at once).

Oh OK, I see what you mean now by "Prediction Mode". Of course, I would agree with such feature. That could give light to not-so-well-known games that needs more respect instead of always being the big guys standing out.


That kind of pre-installed software. That's an added bonus and it's all cool. What I would agree with, in WiiU's future is that Nintendo could pre-install what was before retail games. For exemple, New Super Mario Bros U. It give an added value to the console and, hopefully, at no additional cost.

#211334 Is the wii u THAT underpowered?

Posted by Lebon14 on 26 May 2013 - 01:24 AM in Wii U Hardware

The WiiU isn't as underpowered as the haters might make it seem. Is it underpowered? Yes. But FAR from as much as the Wii was to the PS360 combo. I think that those screens shows it. W101 is not a launch game but isn't a game that is far into the console's life either and Knack, whatever that game is, doesn't even look graphically better, is it? I see them both on par.

#211335 Is there a way to get my old ID back on Wii U ? [Updated]

Posted by Lebon14 on 26 May 2013 - 01:31 AM in Wii U Hardware

I did, 


She said it might be cuz of that time when they had too much going on

I would ask for compensation since you lost your ID you wanted to keep.

#211336 Your favourite thing about the Wii U

Posted by Lebon14 on 26 May 2013 - 01:32 AM in Wii U Hardware

My favorite thing is the fact that I know I will get the games I love the most with Nintendo.

#211337 which one should I choose?

Posted by Lebon14 on 26 May 2013 - 01:48 AM in The Café

The second one, add a Windows 7 licence, because Windows 8 sucks, and switch the i5 for an i7 3770. Should be compatible without changing the motherboard. Even without the i7, this is a cool machine. 675 pounds... seem very underpriced for what it is. The i5 is like 250$ alone (~165 pounds). The graphic card is like 350$ (~231 pounds). The SSD is also non-negligible too price-wise. I don't even know how they sell tha the prce it is... :\ I know if I would build such a machine I would be aiming for ~1250-1500$ minimum (825-1000 pounds). Even more. Or maybe they DO ACTUALLY convert from US$ to £; unlike the euro.


Personally, that would the best of the best if you would be willing to pay for it:

Intel Core i7 3770

(insert brand name here) 16GB DDR3 @ (insert speed here)

(insert brand) H60 Watercooler (AND WATERCOOLED TOO AT 670 pounds?!?!?! SERIOUSLY?!?)

Gigabyte H77M

(Insert brand) 120GB SSD

(Insert brand) 1TB HDD @ (Insert speed)

Windows 7 Pro (instead of Windwos 8)

EVGA nVidia GTX 670 FTW Signature 2


By the way, what pictures?!

#211478 What music are you listening to at the moment?

Posted by Lebon14 on 26 May 2013 - 02:34 PM in The Café

"Mutable Story" by Axel.K

If you are either a fan of...

- Heavy Metal

- Japanese music

- Touhou

You should totally rock to that awesome song!


#216391 Post Your Favorite MiiVerse Screen Capture

Posted by Lebon14 on 05 June 2013 - 09:11 PM in Wii U Games and Software



The amount of PWNAGE is high on this screenshot of mine.

#217622 Pokemon X & Y Thread

Posted by Lebon14 on 08 June 2013 - 10:43 PM in E3 2013 Archive

Source: 4chan



Why do people rely upon 4chan for this kind of stuff...

#218031 Pokemon X & Y Thread

Posted by Lebon14 on 09 June 2013 - 11:04 PM in E3 2013 Archive

^ You are going to boycott pokemon games because it introduces new battling elements? You are afraid of doing over your good old move set you never had to touch? Or simply because of something trivial such as a NAME? "NORMAL" type as been around since day 1 and design a pokémon with no particular typing affiliation. Come on.


"Echo", if it is remotely true, won't be affecting existing move that much. I can see move like "Growl" or "Screech" become Echo instead of Normal. There are so many better ways to decrease attack and defense, are there? And, the moves that are going to make damage as this new type, if it exists, won't be abundant. The only move, until 5th gen, that will do damage and might turn Echo is Uproar.


Fairy is the long awaited answer of the opposite of Dark introduced in the 2nd Gen. Yes, it could have been simply named "Light" but "Fairy" is, imo, a broader term. "Fairy" is a pure creature wielding positive energy and light (imo). So, it covers much more ground than "light". Beside the new Eeveelution, Igglybuff line (Igglybuff, Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff), the cleffa line (Cleffa, Clefairy, Cleffable), the Togepi line (Togepi, Togetic, Togekiss), Mew and some others that might fit. Now, do you really use those often? Besides Mew (which is pretty hard to come by firstly) which I cannot say for sure, I can say that your answer is "No". Slaking, imo, isn't going to change type any time soon.


About the Fairy one, if it turns to Light type, it should just be related to Dark, not Poison...

You fail to see the link right?

Poison operates in the background to do damage and it's very sly but not necessarily in the darkness: they can also operate in the broad daylight. Now, the Fairy/Light type is somewhat the opposite: sociable (being on the foregound if we can say that) and honest.

Dark pokemons are pokemon that loves the night. Like Ghost pokemon, they are mischievious but also very careful. They do not want to attract attention and want to do their move as fast and silent as possible. Fairies/light is just the general opposite and just doesn't want to harm other pokemon in the first place. They also want to be kind.


Dark and Poison BOTH relate to Fairy/Light type. Period.



Finally, everybody who gives crap about names is being stupid. These changes are here to bring more dynamics and probably to reduce the sheer amount of "Normal" type pokemons. I, for one, welcome, with open arms, this change.

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