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#178978 Zombi V...

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 04 March 2013 - 11:27 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Maybe it would be kind of nice to have groups of survivors in different cities around Europe.
Start off in Rome, couple hours into the game you find out there are survivors in Barcelona, even later there's word of survivors in Athens.

Once you find out about these people you are able to switch between the different areas while in safe locations.

The end goal would be to bring the survivors together.


...or something...

#176532 Zelda U Ideas

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 26 February 2013 - 09:23 AM in Wii U Games and Software

The GamePad would allow you to zoom in and out of your map and draw your map the best way you see fit(to scale or not). The canvas is yours to do as you wish. It's like the old days(well, for me at least :P) when we didn't always have strategy guides and maps and we had to draw our own. Only this time, you can save your maps and edit them as you wish on the GamePad. Though, as I said, I can see how this might be an annoyance to some gamers. It could definitely be tedious work.

Maybe could be a quirky optional thing :P , I'd be more inclined to do it if there was some sort of help during the process.

#182261 Zelda U Ideas

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 13 March 2013 - 10:18 AM in Wii U Games and Software

How about this art style?



Be sweet if it looked like that ^^ .

I'm actually hoping they base their art style on Skyward Sword, maybe just work on a bigger contrast between the cheerful characters and the evil ones.

Lets say the cheerful characters could almost fit in Wind Waker and the evil ones could look closer to Twilight Princess.

I enjoyed the more realistic looking Twilight but I feel Zelda is a colourful and vibrant fantasy world probably because of my love for aLttP.

#181922 Zelda U Ideas

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 12 March 2013 - 08:53 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Found an article discussing the story history of the Zelda Series and what it means for a future console release.

It's from a month ago, but I hadn't seen it myself.

#176054 Zelda U Ideas

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 25 February 2013 - 11:53 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'd love to see a Zelda game which focuses more on magic, heavily based on the four elements. I'd prefer this to be without a magic meter though, maybe one is required at the start but as Link becomes proficient in his magic use he no longer needs specific resources, or something happens to the world that allows him to use magic without expending resources...
Not yet sure how most of this magic would be used but maybe imbuing your sword with different elements, real time. Fully replacing certain items, where does he keep all his items anyway :P. Ability to use magic just with his hands instead of through items like the ice and fire rod. Maybe he'll become so powerful he's able to change the seasons, since he's already been able to change wind direction and time itself why not control the seasons :) .

A world big enough so that it wraps around itself. I don't want massive cliffs or mountains blocking my path to something that doesn't exist, I want to be able to run in a straight line and after a considerable amount of time end up in the same place. Be awesome to see the curve of the world when standing om something like death mountain for example. Lost Woods big enough to actually get lost in it.
The world should be filled with caves, floating islands, underwater cities etc, lots of places to explore that have nothing or little to do with the main story line. Rewards for exploring such places could be items or magic abilities not needed to complete the story.

I want to be as lost as I was when I first started playing The Legend of Zelda for NES. Dropped in the middle of a world with no clue where to go. You're encouraged to explore and as you do the story starts to unfold. Zelda has become too much of a guided experience in my opinion.

Lots of collectibles with rewards, like the skulltulas, poe souls, treasure charts etc.

Dynamic Difficulty Setting; with this I mean that the game keeps track of all your battles, much like SS, and uses this information to adjust monsters AI, speed, abilities, life and other things to keep the game challenging for the elite yet accessible for the beginner. Instead of just setting the highest difficulty, try reaching and keeping it. How fast you kill a monster, what items you've used how much damage you've taken could all be taken into account to adjust the battle accordingly until eventually every mob you encounter has the potential of a real fight.

This started by just wanting to say I want more magic... so, sorry bout the wall ^^
I've made the important parts bold for lazy readers.

(As said before should make this a Zelda U Discussion thread to avoid dozens of Zelda topics n the future. )

#176181 Zelda U Ideas

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 25 February 2013 - 02:15 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Even so, I'd much rather see things that alter the gameplay much more drastically than 'you are now stronger' or 'you can now survive longer'.

How about there are 4 costumes, Dark Green, Blue, Dark Red and White. Each representing a natural element. Earth (I know, earth isn't green but brown wouldn't look nice :P ), Water, Fire and Wind, respectively. Now, instead of just adding resistance to the associated element, how about you gain a passive and/or active ability on each of these.

Earth could allow you to actively block attacks that would break your shield or the nature aspect of it allow you to interact with animals and plants.
Water, besides the obvious breathing under water, allows you to absorb certain attacks and channel them elsewhere, maybe to gain magic or life, or 'store' the attack for later use.
Fire, besides allowing you to stay in close proximity of hot temperatures, could perhaps be ignited to light up dark areas or damage yourself and foes around you.
Wind could allow you to visit floating islands or give you the ability to reflect projectiles and redirect them.

These are all just things that pop in my head just now so I'm sure if a decent mind is put to it proper ideas would come forth.

#176145 Zelda U Ideas

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 25 February 2013 - 01:23 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Maybe they can start adding stats to gear?

While I agree with most you mention and would love to see all that, please no stats on gear. I was just thinking how so many games, especially rpg games just come down to number crunching. Increase stat A with X%. I wish they would do away with all that. Games tend to get too technical to my liking.

#176517 Zelda U Ideas

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 26 February 2013 - 08:48 AM in Wii U Games and Software

How bout one with an online mode where you can be some of the classic races for example hylian, goron, zora, etc. Maybe like a World of Hyrule sort of thing.

What would we be doing in this online mode?

With the GamePad, I would love a Zelda game where YOU have to draw out all of your maps. This applies to the overworld and dungeons. Whenever you enter a new area, your GamePad will allow you to start drawing a map with the stylus as you progress. Any maps you create for any area/dungeon will be saved and can be edited at anytime. You can also mark the locations of treasures, secrets, character locations, … pretty much anything you want. This feature would probably be more of an annoyance for some gamers, but imagine the immersion and feeling of exploration you'd have. You would actually have to work at finding your way around instead of relying on pre-drawn maps you find in treasure chests.

Not sure how exactly this would work tbh. Actually draw the map, to scale? Could just make it automatic, as you walk around an area you see a map being drawn on the gamepad, but doing it yourself would get tedious real fast imo.

#176252 Zelda U Ideas

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 25 February 2013 - 03:50 PM in Wii U Games and Software

that....is more or less what i was talking about. just more functionality that makes sense for whatever set piece it is. they should all be enhancing in some way or another. Besides their basic function.

yeh hadn't seen the edit, figured we were on the same page :P

#187486 Your favorite generation of the Pokemon series?

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 28 March 2013 - 05:44 PM in General Gaming

Definitely generation 1 for me.

I had just played Dragon Warrior Monsters and was eager to try another pet based battle game.

The only games I've played extensively from the series are gen 1 games.

I could never relate to later gen Pokémon like I could with the first gen.

#211497 Xbox One Haters: Does this change your opinion?

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 26 May 2013 - 03:25 PM in General Gaming

My "hate" for the console comes from the forced Kinect usage.

I don't need a camera in my house that watches me whenever I'm in the room,

listens to everything I say, monitors my heart beat and facial expressions.

All this while being connected to the internet so it can stream this information freely.


Absolutely no amount of games or features is ever going to make me consider buying one.

So no, this doesn't change my opinion in the slightest.

#209472 Xbox 720 Official Reveal Thread

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 21 May 2013 - 09:45 AM in General Gaming

The speed of the system is quite impressive,

but whats with all this CGI cut scenes...

#209486 Xbox 720 Official Reveal Thread

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 21 May 2013 - 10:09 AM in General Gaming

Am I the only one who never watches tv?

All the things they showed look impressive but are of absolutely no use to me.


All the tv sports stuff hardly applies to people outside of America...

#183947 Worry about the Wii U? Read this

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 18 March 2013 - 02:38 PM in Wii U Hardware

Nice video, though the PS4 was released in Europe 4 months after the release in Japan and the US so I don't know how accurate those sales numbers are.

That said, he didn't say anything about the state of the economy.

#184081 Worry about the Wii U? Read this

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 19 March 2013 - 04:34 AM in Wii U Hardware

They might be accurate because European numbers can`t be included in the 4 months since launch, because the console only released in Europe in March of 2007.


On topic:

That was a good video and article!


Maybe I used the wrong words. What I meant was; The PS3 may have sold less in its first 4 months of release compared to the Wii U,

this is however, an unfair comparison because Europe was not included in these first 4 months.


A more fair comparison would perhaps be to add the initial European sales numbers to the initial Japan and NA numbers.

#182378 World of Keflings U

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 13 March 2013 - 02:21 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Nice that despite all this doom reporting, the eShop seems to just keep getting stronger and stronger.

#238586 Wonderful 101 is the reason to own a Wii U

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 11 August 2013 - 01:39 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I advise everyone to watch this playthrough of the demo.
He really shows nearly every aspect of it and explains everything he is doing.

Truly shows how immersive this game is and shows the kind of skill needed to start thinking about doing it on hard mode and up.


#108375 Will I still be able to get a premium?

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 16 September 2012 - 01:38 AM in Wii U Hardware

where did you read you can only get it form pre orders or gamestop?

#182371 Wii U Wishlist

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 13 March 2013 - 02:01 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Glasses free 3D for both the Gamepad and TV using eye tracking with the built-in cam and the built-in sensor bar.

Make it happen Nintendo, do it!

#176752 Wii U version of Watch Dogs will not be a PS3 or 360 port

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 26 February 2013 - 03:40 PM in Wii U Hardware

This belongs in the game section imo, where there is already a thread going on about Watch Dogs as well, think its even mentioned there already as well.

#177094 Wii U sales fall below PS Vita's for the first time

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 27 February 2013 - 11:48 AM in Wii U Hardware

30 million by the end of 2013 is essentially impossible

Only two consoles even have a LIFETIME mark of over 30 million sales in Japan (DS and GB).

I was talking worldwide and I wasn't being very serious :P

#177074 Wii U sales fall below PS Vita's for the first time

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 27 February 2013 - 10:59 AM in Wii U Hardware

Sales aren't going to increase until more titles are going to show up, I'd say another 6-8 weeks before sales really start to pick up again.
E3 hype will start after that, some unannounced big hits for the September - November period, price drop + new bundle -> 30mil Wii U sales by the end of the year.

#134395 Wii U Pro Controller Review

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 20 November 2012 - 06:13 AM in Wii U Hardware

nice little review :) .

On a side note, would it be possible to use the Pro controller with pc games, like you're able to do with a 360 controller?

#189656 Wii U outsells PS3 in Japan thanks to DQX and Game&Wario

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 03 April 2013 - 11:02 AM in Wii U Hardware

Lego City has been selling pretty well, and was number 4 in sales last week I believe.


Which is quite an amazing feat considering the relatively small install base.

Wii U sales have doubled or more all over the world, things are looking up.

#108151 Wii U North American Launch titles revealed.

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 15 September 2012 - 02:40 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Thats a pretty crazy launch line-up tbh.

Smart from Nintendo to back off with real heavy hitters at launch to give 3rd parties a shot at selling their stuff.

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