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#53605 Your hired to change the Wii U's name. What would you call Nintendo's...

Posted by 10k on 11 January 2012 - 11:12 PM in Wii U Hardware

Nintendo Stream
The Nintendo 6
Super Wii
Wii 2

#53767 Your hired to change the Wii U's name. What would you call Nintendo's...

Posted by 10k on 12 January 2012 - 04:31 PM in Wii U Hardware

Nintendo-U just take out the Wii part, Nintendo Universe, Utopia, Unstoppable etc....Hey I like it >_>

I like that actually. The Nintendo U. Sounds nice. Go to eb games and ask for a multiplatform game like assassins creed "would you like that for the PS3, 360, or the U?"

One syllable.

#57434 Your hired to change the Wii U's name. What would you call Nintendo's...

Posted by 10k on 26 January 2012 - 12:08 AM in Wii U Hardware

Alright hear me out here.....

Nintendo Zion.

It sounds sick, and it has meaning to it.

Zion is another word for an idealized, harmonious community; utopia

Nintendo wants to unite Casuals and Hardcore into one ultimate gaming communitiy. It is an ideal and peaceful goal. Zion is a good word for that, and it's cool to say. Doesn't sound gimmicky, and is only two syllables.

#80963 Your Favorite Video Game Song/Music

Posted by 10k on 26 May 2012 - 04:57 PM in General Gaming

Donkey Kong Country 1 &2 for the SNES. Beautiful soundtracks.

#57429 Your favorite video game character?

Posted by 10k on 25 January 2012 - 11:42 PM in General Gaming

Man this is tough. I am a Nintendo guy but my favourite video game characters seem to be non-nintendo characters haha.

Sonic the Hedgehog (I always loved his games and when he transforms into SuperSonic it's just cool)
Master Chief (reading the Halo novels really got me interested in his character and what made him the soldier he is)
Commander Shepard
Luigi (I always liked Green more than Red, so I always played as player 2 for the NES and SNES haha)
Link (Young Link was 11 Years old in OoT, same age I was when I played it. It felt like me playing him)

If I had to pick one from all that, I would say Link.

#47394 Your favorite game that no one plays

Posted by 10k on 13 December 2011 - 06:35 PM in General Gaming

Gauntlet: Dark Legacy on the Game Cube. Great game play, great music, great bosses, great fun, especially with 4 people :laugh:.

Are you kidding me? I thought only my friends played that! Gauntlet Legends for the N64 was epic too! 4 player FTW!

My game is Legend of Dragoon for the PS1

#78521 Yay or Nay to the idea of in the future having colored Wii U Tablet Controllers?

Posted by 10k on 15 May 2012 - 03:52 PM in Wii U Hardware

Different colored controllers are cheaper to make then consoles. Wii had only 3 or 4 console colors, but the wii remotes came in a variety of colors.

#60789 Yay or Nay for Mad World 2 on the Wii U?

Posted by 10k on 10 February 2012 - 06:48 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I would rather an hd remake and here is why:

Many hardcore gamers missed out on great hardcore titles on the GameCube and especially the wii, so it would be best. To do hd rereleases of MadWorld, Zack and Wiki, Eternal Darkness, and maybe the conduit would be beneficial in getting the new crowd into established IP's.

Then do a MadWorld 2.

#83650 Xbox Smart Glass (sort of beat ubuntu tablet to it)

Posted by 10k on 03 June 2012 - 09:11 PM in General Gaming

Exactly what I was thinking while reading this.


Eh, it's basically microsofts equivalent of AirPlay where you can stream Xbox content on any device pretty much, even an iOS device.

#57697 Xbox 720 to block used games?

Posted by 10k on 26 January 2012 - 06:37 PM in General Gaming

Well if that happens it means we can kiss those annoying online passes goodbye. But, I'd say 35% of my gaming is from used purchases. Hell my new PS3 has more used games than new ones because its hard to find new versions of older games from the beginning of the gen (Uncharted 1, Resistance 1 & 2, FF XIII, etc.)

#57165 Xbox 720 to be 20% more powerful then the Wii U

Posted by 10k on 24 January 2012 - 10:07 PM in Wii U Hardware

well here we are people the time has come where i think i can declare that nintendo has another winner on there hands i cant wait for the wii u.

btw if one thing is needed its dx11 i cant stress this enough we NEED IT

Agreed. I'm skeptical though because the Radeon RV700 architecture cards only support DX10.1 while the 6670 supports 11. That alone could leave the Wii U in the dust again and nintendo will have another Gamecube on their hands.

But it is supposedly a customized card based off of the Radeon 4xxx series, so maybe they can add in DX11 support.

#57163 Xbox 720 to be 20% more powerful then the Wii U

Posted by 10k on 24 January 2012 - 10:01 PM in Wii U Hardware

6670 also supports DirectX11 and uses a more sophisticated shader model (something that held back the Wii greatly, not just the fact it wasn't HD). But the 4870 can do more processing at once, fill in more pixels quickly, do things faster and let's not forget the 4870 will be customized to be smaller and produce less heat and use up less energy (probably around 40nm instead of the 55nm), and they may add DirectX11 support. But if you do a straight comparison, the 4870 wins in many benchmarks.

My source:
4870 = 1741 G3D Mark
6670 = 1227 G3D Mark
(Higher Number is better)


As you can see in the link below, no matter how much VRAM Nintendo dedicates to the 4850 or 4870 (either 512MB or 1GB). The 512MB 4850is most likely if also have 1GB of regular RAM

Ignore the GTX 295, that's my own video card and I got curious :P


Also ignore the orange and red bars, you have to include 8 video cards so i just chose randomly. Focus on the 6670 and up (yellow and green)

EDIT: Can't post the pics. Use the website yourselves. Compare the video cards it gives you expected performance % it's awesome.

Even the lowest end 4850 is said to outperform the 6670 by 10.6% (that's the cheapest possible Rv700 card Nintendo could use.)
The mid-range RV700 card the 4870 512GB outperforms the 6670 by 39.4%
The upper-mid range card 4850 1GB outperforms the 6670 by 15.6%
The highest RV700 card the 4870 1GB outperforms the 6670 by 44.3%

#57171 Xbox 720 to be 20% more powerful then the Wii U

Posted by 10k on 24 January 2012 - 10:49 PM in Wii U Hardware

i think they will be smart enough to go all out on this console and at least support dx11 plus who knows maybe its highly customize remember its based off that series but who knows how much they changed it. hopefully its drastically different in the good way

The Shader Model is not as high as the 6670 so nintendo needs two things for sure from it's GPU, DX11 and SM5.0

I think for sure the card will be 40nm instead of the 55nm because Nintendo likes small components that dont generate alot of heat.

#88106 Xbox 720 documents leaked, console is probably $299

Posted by 10k on 16 June 2012 - 11:41 AM in General Gaming

Document was removed. Maybe it was legit. If it is 6x the 360 then that will make the Wii U look like a toy with Iwata saying half the Wii U power is being used on current gen ports, which puts the Wii U at 2x the 360.

I don't see how the 720 can be 6x the performance of the 360 and cost only $299 especially with Kinect 2 and a tablet like controller.

#68079 Xbox 720 "A generation leap" Says a NeoGaf source

Posted by 10k on 25 March 2012 - 10:29 PM in Wii U Hardware

Do not call it the Nextbox. It wont be called that. I saw a commercial for a new DVR and thats called the Nextbox. Just call it the Xbox 720 for now. Either way with Microsoft focusing on casuals next gen the system wont be a powerhouse or anything. Look at the Wii. You do not get casuals with power and graphics. Plus with it not using used games or having a hard drive 720 will be lame anyway. Plus lets be honest here. Besides Halo 5 and 6 there is absolutly no other 1st party game on it that anyone wants.

PS4 not until 2016 my friend. Sony has stated time and time again they are sticking with their 10 year life span plan.

BAKA!!! seriously does nobody do any research??? In an interview with....damn it forgot his name in xbox magazine it was the ceo or president or vice president or somthing. He said "For the millionth time we have nothing to show at E3 2012 involving the Xbox 360's successor."

Stop....just...just stop. First off, Sony always supports their consoles for ten years but they also release the next console around the 7th or 8th year in a lifespan. PS1 came out in 1994 and still got gsmes up until 2003, even though the PS2 came out in 2000. The PS2 was developed on until 2010 even though the PS3 came out in 2006. All that ten year cycle means is Sony plans on developing PS3 gsmes until 2016 but they will probably release a PS4 in 2014. Also, their CEO said they don't want competitors to get a huge headstart this gen (I guess they don't take Nintendo seriously as a competitor).

I reference to the Xbox 720 denial at E3? It's marketing suicide to claim you are revealing your next hardware product 3 months before a show when your current hardware is selling higher nd faster than ever before. Microsoft will not admit their plans for e3 until e3. There is still a chance the 720 will at least be mentioned at E3 to steal some of Nintendo's thunder.

#68122 Xbox 720 "A generation leap" Says a NeoGaf source

Posted by 10k on 26 March 2012 - 08:00 AM in Wii U Hardware

Glad I could clear that up for yah.

Nintendo revealed they would show off there system before E3 last year and they did...it wasnt suicide. Plus with how well Microsoft did last E3 you really think they will do any better. At best they will say at the end. Oh yah we have started thinking about our next system but wait till E3 2013 for info.......Then again with the 2012 end of the world this year we wont even ever see the 720/PS4. And with the PS4 sony is in financial unstability right now. Spitting out a POWERHOUSE system would be shooting themselfs in the foot and would risk bankruptcy. after the failure of the PS3 launch they wont make that mistake again.

Yeah and what happened after E3 2011? Nintendo sold the least amount of Wii's and wii software because people knew that a new console was coming out. The wii was starting to decline anyway.

Microsoft doesn't have that issue. They are selling 360's like hot cakes and won't announce the 720 right now, not until at least e3 or else they will see a sharp decline in 360 sales and halo 4 wont sell as well because people know next year there is a new console. An extra three months of revenue is a lot of money in this industry (it's a whole financial quarter) so announcing the 720 now or in June plays a huge difference financially. Basically, don't take Microsoft seriously when they say they won't announce new hardware at E3

#61366 Worst Video Game Fanbase

Posted by 10k on 12 February 2012 - 08:05 PM in General Gaming

Sony. Definitely without a doubt, Sony.

Oh by far. Can't reason with them. Say one negative thing about a Sony brand and you are a troll

#86539 Will you wait for the black wii u if its not available on day one?

Posted by 10k on 11 June 2012 - 03:34 AM in Wii U Hardware

I will wait for black. I'm sick of white.

#86612 Will you wait for the black wii u if its not available on day one?

Posted by 10k on 11 June 2012 - 08:39 AM in Wii U Hardware

If its supposed to be a living room device then it will stick out like a sore thumb being white. Most tv stands and entertainment centers are brown or black. Most people's DVD and blu ray players are black or silver. Most DVR and cable boxes are black or silver. It would only make senses if the wii u was black at launch.

White belongs on stoves, washing machines, toasters, and walls.

#76462 Will the Wii U have "cross game-chat"?

Posted by 10k on 01 May 2012 - 03:23 PM in Wii U Hardware

Knowing that the Wii U has a full online system, we have to wonder if the Wii U will support "cross game-chat".
I'm not saying it's a necessity, but it would be a great feature if your playing on a different game , can you still communicate with your friends?

The only reason the PS3 didn;t have it was because of it's low RAM compared to the 360. The Wii U is supposed to have more RAM then both of them combined so I don't imagine why not.

#81273 Will Nintendo show off next-gen graphics?

Posted by 10k on 28 May 2012 - 06:01 AM in Wii U Hardware

It will debut the same way the 360 and PS3 debuted. Ports will look the same as last gen, fanboys will accuse of being on-par because devs won't be used to the new tech yet. Nintendo's first party games will have glorious graphics. At launch, look to PIkmin 3 and maybe killer freaks (built form the ground up for Wii U) for next gen graphics.

#81311 Will Nintendo show off next-gen graphics?

Posted by 10k on 28 May 2012 - 08:38 AM in Wii U Hardware

Like with the 360, it wasn't until the release of Gears of War that we saw a truly next gen looking game with Unreal 3 running on it. Then came Mass Effect, Assassins Creed, Bioshock, etc. these games came out in 2007, 360 came out in 2005. Going by that formula, it will take about 2 years for third party games to look next gen on the Wii U (or whenever PS4 and 720 come out)

#47159 WiiU Trophy/Achievement system

Posted by 10k on 12 December 2011 - 05:23 PM in Wii U Hardware

I wrote on article on ign about this. I would rather have power stars from Mario as gamerscore like Xbox 360. Trophies seem weird to me. But Nintendo has so many iconic symbols like mushrooms and stars that they could do a trophy Ike system.

I also think that Nintendo should name their online service "Nintendo Stream" (a rumored name for wii u, along with café


#86569 Wiiu Cpu just as powerful as the ps3-360 and its Gpu 1.5 x stronger? (Please no)

Posted by 10k on 11 June 2012 - 05:57 AM in Wii U Hardware

I won't even participate  remotely in this, though with exception of this post.

Not your fault guys, but this rumor is BS.

I won't waste time reading all the pages either.

This ^

#52033 Wii U's Big Secret

Posted by 10k on 06 January 2012 - 12:13 PM in Wii U Hardware

Well the wii u was just a prototype. So much could change. Maybe the touchscreen will become multitouch like an iPad? Maybe the controller will be thinner and smaller? Maybe the app store was the secret? Maybe the online service is better thn Xbox live but costs nothing?

I can't possibly imagine what this big secret is if it doesn't have to do with graphics, online, or the controller. What does that leave us with? The console itself?

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