Star Fox Wii U - My Ultimate Fantasm
Posted 12 May 2012 - 07:19 PM
The rumors have been going these days about a possible Star Fox game coming to the Wii U, developped by Retro. I don't know for you guys, but I'm really excited for that. I mean, I've always thought of Star Fox as a game with a huge potential, so just think about how it could be for the Wii U. Plus, I see the Wii U as the first console to really break gaming's limits, meaning that a game could have lots of content, more than what we have ever seen.
The Idea
Although the game was originally a space shooter, Nintendo showed us that they're not afraid to take a different path (I'm thinking about Star Fox Adventures, which had a pretty decent success). That's why I don't really agree with people who claim that Star Fox should stick to the original game and stay a space shooter.
So here's the idea. The game should not only be a space shooter or an adventure game (a la SF Adventures). They should combine both, and add a 3rd Person Shooter aspect to the game. As you probably already know, my english is a bit clunky so there's no better way to make you understand an idea than to give you an example so here we go.
1. Order System
Yes let me explain. When starting the game, you would have to choose between a decent amount of orders, which one having a speciality. You know in some games, you have orders to choose between before starting the game, like warrior, pirate, mage, thief etc. Do you get my point? So, for Star Fox Wii U, you would have to choose between Wrecker, Power Commando, Staff Fighter and Aerial Shooter. You would have to choose one of these as Fox's speciality. I'll explain what are each of these orders.
If you choose Wrecker, most of your missions would make you sabotage the ennemy head quarters/space ship/whatever. Your missions would be about sneaking into places without being seen and wreck whatever you need to wreck. It would be a lot like Metal Gear Solid. I'll give an example after explaining all the orders.
Power Commando
It's kind of the opposite of the wrecker. He doesn't sneak, he gets sent right in the middle of the battlefield and fights with guns. For those who love action, it's the right class to choose. It would be a fairly fast-paced (not too much) 3rd person shooter, like Ghost Recon: Online. Here, you won't have to sabotage something quietly, the goal is to fight and eliminate everything on your way.
Staff Fighter
For those who loved Star Fox Adventures, the staff is back. In this order, Fox handles his magic stick. It would be like the Power Commando but you would handle a staff instead. It's for those who like elegant and epic hand-to-hand fights. The gameplay would be like SF Adventures, but a tiny bit faster to add thrill.
Aerial Shooter
Like the original Star Fox games. You board your Arwing and fight. Nothing much to say about it because we already know how the previous SF games are like.
I'll give here an example of how the same mission would work for the four orders. Let's say the mission is to get rid of Star Wolf, who is attacking you.
If you're a wrecker, you would start on your Arwing, but your task is to find a safe spot to get on the Great Wolf. Once you found it, you would be ejected from your Arwing to land on the ship. Then you'd enter in it and quietly sneak to the central computer of the ship and wreck it, which would make the Star Wolf blow up. There would be people guarding the place and people patroling. When they don't see you, you kill them. You're probably asking yourself where Fox could take cover. I've got the answer. Don't forget that there's a huge space battle outside, so the ship is being attacked. There may be rooms with huge windows where you could watch the HD spacefight. Sometimes, an Arwing or a Wolfen could crash into the ship, destroying a lot of things, which become great places to hide. When you wrecked the central engine, then you gotta run really fast to get back to the Arwing before everything blows up, not even caring if people see you. it would be thrilling.
If you're a Power Commando, then you start in the Arwing but you don't even have to bother to find a safe spot to land. You would only have to land anywhere on the ship. One crazy way would be to rush to the ship with your Arwing and to eject yourself a second before it crashes into the Great Wolf, dealing a lot of damage before even starting. Then you can get started. You would just go on a rampage and destroying everything in sight, which would be cool. When you're finished, you could jump into a Wolfen, if there's one and attacking the other wolfens, who wouldnt attack you because they think you're on their side.
If you're a Staff Fighter, you would start like the Power commando, but you'd have to go somewhere. You wont just go on a rampage. You would have to fight your way to Wolf and defeat him in a hand-to-hand fight.
If you're an Aerial Shooter, then you just fight in your Arwing, destroying everything that you can see, until you win.
See how the gameplay changes but the storyline stays the same? And it would please everybody. Those who love 3rd Person Shooters would like the game, and those who like the original Star Fox's as well. Actually, there would be a way to choose between orders between missions. That would allow people to choose how they want to accomplish their mission.
2. Diversity
I think it would be great we finally get to play as the other characters. I mean, I love Fox, but wouldn't it be awesome to play as Falco too? More significantly, wouldn't it be cool to play as Star Wolf? It would have a totally different storyline, which would incitate people to finish the game more than once. Including the fact that there would be four orders, people may want to finish the game 8 times! That would be fantastic.
3. Open World
It would be crazy to be able to cruise in your Great Fox in the Star Fox World between missions, to actually control it and be able to visit a decent number of planets without having to fight.
Another thing that would be great would be that you could visit your own ship and do some stuff like customizing your Arwing or customizing all the Arwings to have a team design for your Arwing. You know, it would be nice to have a bunch of bonus' like these...
4. Others
We know how Star Fox is a fast-paced action game, but sometimes, relaxing is just as good. There could be a whole city where you could go to relax and do whatever you want. That would be really cool. It would be great to discover the Star Fox universe, as we only know it by doing missions. There could be a museum in that city to make you know about the universe.

Posted 12 May 2012 - 07:47 PM
Especially the class system.
Posted 12 May 2012 - 08:05 PM
Glad to hear that somebody understood the idea. I'm always holding my breath hoping that people understand when I post an idea!Sounds awesome!
Especially the class system.

Posted 13 May 2012 - 04:42 AM
Yeah nice to hear that you approve my idea. It came because I wanted to please everybody because some people loved Adventures and some liked more the classic SFs. Plus it would be crazy.I approve of that class system also. I'm amazed that I couldn't even think of that.

Posted 13 May 2012 - 10:00 AM

Posted 13 May 2012 - 10:43 AM
The class system is awesome, and I love the open world style you have chosen. I also think it would be awesome if every class is a different Star Fox character. Star Wolf is the Wrecker, Falcon is the Power Commando, Crystal is the Staff fighter and Fox is the Aerial Shooter. Something like that.
What about Slippy..?
Everybody forgets Slippy...

Posted 13 May 2012 - 10:47 AM
Hahaha it was either going to be Slippy or Crystal. but I felt like maybe we need a Female character.What about Slippy..?
Everybody forgets Slippy...

Posted 13 May 2012 - 10:57 AM
Hahaha it was either going to be Slippy or Crystal. but I felt like maybe we need a Female character.
Oh.. XD I see.
Posted 13 May 2012 - 10:59 AM
Posted 13 May 2012 - 02:11 PM
Well actually I'd like to have the choice to play as a lot of characters and be able to choose the class you want for each character.The class system is awesome, and I love the open world style you have chosen. I also think it would be awesome if every class is a different Star Fox character. Star Wolf is the Wrecker, Falcon is the Power Commando, Crystal is the Staff fighter and Fox is the Aerial Shooter. Something like that.
Oops, it "slipped" from our minds...What about Slippy..?
Everybody forgets Slippy...
Hehe sorry I had to say it.
So do I.I truly hope something like this is in the works.

Posted 13 May 2012 - 04:49 PM
Good ideas Alianjaro, but I see things just a little differently.
While I agree with the idea of multiple ways to play for this Wii U version (Air/ground/water combat), I don't think that SF Adventures is the best example of how 3rd person levels should be played.
It's too Zelda-ish, not that there's anything wrong with LoZ. I just think SF should just be a little different.
3rd Person:
I think your Ghost Recon or my Gears of War "over-the-shoulder" camera angle idea would be best for the 3rd person combat missions in this game. Should be gritty and also Incorporating a sleek cover system, also just like GR or GoW. It usually makes for more dramatic gaming experiences in stead of the run-and-gun style that other games use. I think it's cool that you imagined sort of the same thing I imagined for this game a while back.
Class System (or Order System, as you call it):
Here's where we differ a little.
While I like the idea of different classes, I think it would probably be better if it were "Nintendo simplified." What I mean by that is; Treat each character on the StarFox team like a different type of Class, where you get to play as, or give orders (get into giving orders below) to these different characters of the team capitalizing on their strengths.
Example of classes (not thorough examples by any means):
Falco- Would specialize in speed and sharp shooting abilities, nimble but can get hurt a little easier than Fox. (totes a faster shooting blaster and uses a hologram decoy device).
Slippy- Maybe a little weaker than the others but makes up for it in special weapons & ammo and have special gadgets, since he's the gadget guru. Might also have unique hacking missions.
Krystal- More of a naturalist, Krystal uses the aforementioned staff for cool, acrobatic (luchador-like) close combat and the ability to blast (slower fire rate than hand blasters). Also quicker/better healing.
Fox- Well rounded, as would be expected. Able to take a little more damage, stronger blaster gun, but not as quick or as long-distance as Falco's also doesn't overheat as quickly.
(I didn't mention Peppy because based on the current storyline, he's taken over the late, great Peppers position as General of the Cornerian Army {SF Assault}),
so he'll just be an important NPC, like ROB or Slippy's dad.
Diversity is surely the key component for me as well. Not just with different characters to choose from, but also how you go about the Lylat System.
The Great thing about Starfox 64 was the option to fly to Venom via different routes giving the player a reason to want to play the game again, but get a different experience and more elaboration on the story. Assault didn't have that which made me

I propose that SF Wii U brings this idea back, but also giving the planets themselves multiple routes to choose from. Different areas of each planet, but also different ways to play. Storywise, this might mean that the Star Fox team splits up from time to time.
Random Example:
Wii U Mission on Corneria

So that's just random, but the point is you get to choose if you want to fly around in Corneria and take out the big boss ship, or play as the person who infiltrates the building. How you wish to actually play the level out is entirely up to you.
NOT ONLY THAT, but it would also be cool if there were alternate missions on the same planet. So instead of the Cornerian city battle as described above, you also have the option to choose a mission on the other side of the planet. Like maybe over the ocean, perhaps trying to take out the HUGE Venomian battle ship attack cruiser that's unloading all the enemy fighters into Corneria in the first place. this mission might be different where everyone flies together. Or perhaps after a certain checkpoint, the situation changes. the battle cruiser attempts to rise up and out into space. You split again. two going up after the cruiser, and two staying behind to clean up the rest of the enemies and preventing torpedoes or something from crashing into a Cornerian battle ship (just to make the "stay behind" mission feel important too and you'll want to play it). While the chasing team goes up into space after the big Venom cruiser (it would be so cool to watch them flying up after it, blazing through a windy blue sky into the calm stillness of outer space...*sigh)... Anyway you finally catch up to it, go inside of it and take out the core, narrowly escaping the collapsing Juggernaut.
Okay, so I've written a bit much. sorry. I was just inspired to write down what ideas i've had with a Star Fox game on Wii U.
I also have a post for Star Fox Wii U control Ideas in this link below:
http://thewiiu.com/t...assault__st__40 (just scroll to the bottom. My post is there)
I'm just so glad that Retro might be making a SF game!!!!!!
Edited by dagwood dang, 13 May 2012 - 04:51 PM.
- Andy likes this
Posted 13 May 2012 - 06:09 PM
I see , that is a much better idea then what I thought of.lolWell actually I'd like to have the choice to play as a lot of characters and be able to choose the class you want for each character.
Oops, it "slipped" from our minds...
Hehe sorry I had to say it.
So do I.

Posted 13 May 2012 - 06:21 PM
I get the Nintendo simplified thing. But our ideas can be mixed together. You could get to choose between each class for each character PLUS each character has some special abilities like you said.Good ideas Alianjaro, but I see things just a little differently.
While I agree with the idea of multiple ways to play for this Wii U version (Air/ground/water combat), I don't think that SF Adventures is the best example of how 3rd person levels should be played.
It's too Zelda-ish, not that there's anything wrong with LoZ. I just think SF should just be a little different.
3rd Person:
I think your Ghost Recon or my Gears of War "over-the-shoulder" camera angle idea would be best for the 3rd person combat missions in this game. Should be gritty and also Incorporating a sleek cover system, also just like GR or GoW. It usually makes for more dramatic gaming experiences in stead of the run-and-gun style that other games use. I think it's cool that you imagined sort of the same thing I imagined for this game a while back.
Class System (or Order System, as you call it):
Here's where we differ a little.
While I like the idea of different classes, I think it would probably be better if it were "Nintendo simplified." What I mean by that is; Treat each character on the StarFox team like a different type of Class, where you get to play as, or give orders (get into giving orders below) to these different characters of the team capitalizing on their strengths.
Example of classes (not thorough examples by any means):
Falco- Would specialize in speed and sharp shooting abilities, nimble but can get hurt a little easier than Fox. (totes a faster shooting blaster and uses a hologram decoy device).
Slippy- Maybe a little weaker than the others but makes up for it in special weapons & ammo and have special gadgets, since he's the gadget guru. Might also have unique hacking missions.
Krystal- More of a naturalist, Krystal uses the aforementioned staff for cool, acrobatic (luchador-like) close combat and the ability to blast (slower fire rate than hand blasters). Also quicker/better healing.
Fox- Well rounded, as would be expected. Able to take a little more damage, stronger blaster gun, but not as quick or as long-distance as Falco's also doesn't overheat as quickly.
(I didn't mention Peppy because based on the current storyline, he's taken over the late, great Peppers position as General of the Cornerian Army {SF Assault}),
so he'll just be an important NPC, like ROB or Slippy's dad.
Diversity is surely the key component for me as well. Not just with different characters to choose from, but also how you go about the Lylat System.
The Great thing about Starfox 64 was the option to fly to Venom via different routes giving the player a reason to want to play the game again, but get a different experience and more elaboration on the story. Assault didn't have that which made me.
I propose that SF Wii U brings this idea back, but also giving the planets themselves multiple routes to choose from. Different areas of each planet, but also different ways to play. Storywise, this might mean that the Star Fox team splits up from time to time.
Random Example:
Wii U Mission on Corneria-We're all familliar with flying through corneria and shooting star fighters and robo tanks with Fox's Arwing, but imagine this time...
There's a fusion bomb in the center of town under the Cornerian city hall building!!! Before loading out to Corneria, YOU the player decide (as Fox) to split the team up. Two members (say Fox and Krystal) take the arwings and fly around the city taking down as much of the Venomian army as possible so that, say Falco for example, takes the Landmaster as close to City hall as he can before getting out and going into the building for the 3rd person Ghost Recon/Gears of War combat. Meanwhile, Slippy is in the Great fox, using special sattelite technology to help guide Falco through the enemy troop infested building to the bomb so he can diffuse it. In the air, Fox and Krystal encounter a big boss battle causing problems for Falco down in the building. Constant communication between team members checking on each other's status for awesome dialog and story purposes.
So that's just random, but the point is you get to choose if you want to fly around in Corneria and take out the big boss ship, or play as the person who infiltrates the building. How you wish to actually play the level out is entirely up to you.
NOT ONLY THAT, but it would also be cool if there were alternate missions on the same planet. So instead of the Cornerian city battle as described above, you also have the option to choose a mission on the other side of the planet. Like maybe over the ocean, perhaps trying to take out the HUGE Venomian battle ship attack cruiser that's unloading all the enemy fighters into Corneria in the first place. this mission might be different where everyone flies together. Or perhaps after a certain checkpoint, the situation changes. the battle cruiser attempts to rise up and out into space. You split again. two going up after the cruiser, and two staying behind to clean up the rest of the enemies and preventing torpedoes or something from crashing into a Cornerian battle ship (just to make the "stay behind" mission feel important too and you'll want to play it). While the chasing team goes up into space after the big Venom cruiser (it would be so cool to watch them flying up after it, blazing through a windy blue sky into the calm stillness of outer space...*sigh)... Anyway you finally catch up to it, go inside of it and take out the core, narrowly escaping the collapsing Juggernaut.
Okay, so I've written a bit much. sorry. I was just inspired to write down what ideas i've had with a Star Fox game on Wii U.
I also have a post for Star Fox Wii U control Ideas in this link below:
http://thewiiu.com/t...assault__st__40 (just scroll to the bottom. My post is there)
I'm just so glad that Retro might be making a SF game!!!!!!
For the team splitting thing, I totally agree. Don't you think it could give a possibility to multiple endings?
Finally, why are you saying sorry? Writing big posts is great and I love reading them (I actually read the whole Miitropolis thing hehehe)!

Posted 14 May 2012 - 06:49 AM
Posted 14 May 2012 - 05:02 PM
Damn I wish so! It's really promising to know that it's possible. I'm not even talking about graphics. Oh god, HD will blow our minds...I think Retro has the ability to do these things, too. I mean Metroid Prime was always known for its huge, diverse world's. I'm absolutely stoked about the possibilities we can see with them on the helm.

Posted 14 May 2012 - 10:01 PM
The class system would be phenomenal and give the game a lot of replay value.
Posted 15 May 2012 - 03:12 PM
I hope so too... Glad to see you approve my idea and well... for a replay value, I think I would be old and still playing the game.I would probably buy a new StarFox game anyway, but these ideas Alianjaro came up with, man I hope atleast half would be true lol.
The class system would be phenomenal and give the game a lot of replay value.

Posted 20 May 2012 - 06:54 AM
Star Fox has been called to a near by star system, where strange activity has been seen. They were called to investigate. So they warped and when they jumped out of warp they saw a mysterious craft. The speed of jumping out of warp, they couldn't slow down fast enough and one of them collide with the mysterious orange craft, causing both of them to fall hopelessly to the ground.
Fox decides to go after them, to help their fallen conrad and to find out who the other pilot is.
We would go back and forth between air battles in the Airwings and land missions with Samus. Eventually the two meet, and Samus tells them about Andros's plan. Of course, she doesn't know who Andros is -- so she describes him and Fox knows. They then find the fallen member of Star Fox and go on and have an adventure! Every world you go to you can play as Star Fox, or as Samus, and have two different experiences.
What do you think?
Posted 20 May 2012 - 07:48 AM
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