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Member Since 04 Aug 2011
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#57326 Video Game Research Paper (6th Grade, Pre-AP, 96/100!)

Posted by Xiombarg on 25 January 2012 - 04:35 PM

There are a few issues in this paper.
The first issue is the first paragraph, or intro.  The main issue is that your thesis is still rather foggy or its transition is a little off.  You probably would want to add a sentence that actually relates to rich immersion.  Link707's post is a brilliant revision, as the intro is much more clear.  Because you aren't in high school, I wont go on about your thesis sentence in detail.  However, when you are in high school, the thesis is the major aspect of your essays and research papers.  A faulty thesis can destroy a great paper.
And another thing, delete the period after "Super Mario Bros.;".  The period isn't needed and can mess up the overall flow.

The second paragraph really just needs revision.  From a grading standpoint, you may lose some points for verb tense.

The third paragraph just needs some minor revision.
"In 1994, Sony entered the video game business with the PlayStation.  It was a huge success." can be easily changed to "In 1994, Sony entered the video game business with the PlayStation which was a huge success."

The fourth paragraph should be revised.

The Conclusion should have an aspect of every paragraph before it, in order to conclude it.  Out of every part of an essay, the conclusion is usually the easiest.

The final issue is the title: From Atari to Zelda.  Nowhere in your essay do you mention Zelda, so if someone does not know of video games, they may assume Zelda is a game company or a system.

#55287 -

Posted by Xiombarg on 17 January 2012 - 05:23 PM

The only issue of the technilogical singularity is that we haven't quite mapped the way free throught works.  As long as robots can be programmed by us, they cannot truly evolve.  I think the plan is to merge human minds and technology and allow free thought to be programmed.  If the singularity happens beforehand, the super technology can only operate within logical bounds even if given rough perameters.
Once the mind and brain can be mapped, technology can be just like a human and truly evolve.

#54447 Tell the Best Joke

Posted by Xiombarg on 14 January 2012 - 07:59 PM

What do you do when an elephant comes in your window?

#53136 Can't believe someone would do this.

Posted by Xiombarg on 10 January 2012 - 02:18 PM

I wish people didn't think this way and would see that animals are just as important as humans.

Many people will oppose this statement.  I oppose it logically, but not emotionally.  I wish I could think and treat animals as equals, but humans are the more advanced and intelligent.  Because of this, we have the urge to continue our own survival, this includes eating animals or testing on them.
Not everyone sees life the same way and years of being superior, makes many people too callous.  There is a grey line that exists, but because we are not animals, it's hard to see when we pass it, but easy to see the extremes.

#50886 I forgot to post you secret santa, AMAC

Posted by Xiombarg on 02 January 2012 - 11:39 PM

I'm really sorry about that.  I can't believe that it's been done, but I never posted it...
Well, because of an issue that came up before the completion, the background is rather bland.  To make it less bland, I made a snowy version and a non-snowy version.
Sorry for the messy quality.  My vectoring was a little rusty and my original base sketch was an entirely separate pony (cloud dancer, I believe).
Happy late holidays and whatnot.

EDIT:  The site uploader isn't working...
Posted Image
Posted Image


Posted by Xiombarg on 31 December 2011 - 08:39 AM

Defeating people will turn them into trophies.

SSB is actually a game where the trophies come to life.  If you look at all the symbolism, it's actually a game based off a child playing pretend with his figures.

#49603 Next Zelda Idea

Posted by Xiombarg on 28 December 2011 - 06:59 PM

Sorry, but I disagree.  I think the games are so good because they are never meant to be directly related.  Unless it's similar to 4 swords (with three) or similar to a majora/hourglass-esque sequel, the gameplay and ambience wont be strong.  This is more of a timeline gimmick, if anything.
As for the multiconsole idea, that's just pulling a pokemon.  Oracle of time and seasons worked out because they weren't the same game.

The only other gripe of mine is the dark game for the console.  Beware, this last part is just my opinion...  The reason why Twilight Princess was the worst Zelda game, was because they tried too hard to make it dark.  The games have a stronger darkness to them when the characters are built up and actual catastrophes happen to them.  Only a few people in Majora's Mask could be saved, but many of them died because of Link having to back several times..  Link will never regain his childhood in OoT or MM.  The world goes dark in WW and people suffer because of the battle between Link and Gannon.  Several tensions in SS along with the demon lords.

#49551 Am I The Only One Who Thinks Nintendo Needs a Beat-Em'-Up Series?

Posted by Xiombarg on 28 December 2011 - 02:16 PM

Double Dragon would make an amazing comeback

#49549 720p, 1080p... whats next?

Posted by Xiombarg on 28 December 2011 - 02:11 PM

Don't expect more than 1080p more most things you deal with.  Higher resolutions are used more for modified gaming, modified computers (some computers have higher resolutions), and film productions.  Most people don't even understand resolution or aspect ratios.

#48462 the zelda timeline revealed!!

Posted by Xiombarg on 21 December 2011 - 10:02 AM

Split 3: Link fails in Ocarina Of Time
a) A Link To The Past
b ) Oracles
c) Link's Awakening
d) The Legend Of Zelda
e) The Legend Of Zelda II

This doesn't seem right...

#47777 G4 TV game of the year results

Posted by Xiombarg on 17 December 2011 - 06:49 PM

Pyro, I never saw your statement as being only towards hcUf. I thought it was an open statement to everyone.

It may have seemed that way, but it was a response to a direct quote.  But it's my mistake if it was taken that way.
I overreacted and I will back down now.  But because my PM for peace was ignored, I may attack hcuf if provoked.

#47767 G4 TV game of the year results

Posted by Xiombarg on 17 December 2011 - 04:52 PM

i have the right to my own opinion if your gonna get butthurt don't reply thats all thankyou

Looks like you have just made an unneeded enemy, boy.  We could have settled this civilly through PM, like I tried earlier, but you will be getting no more sympathy from me.

and please mind your own business before you call people supposed wolves.

This was our business to begin with, so why aren't you saying something to N or gamecollecter?  Probably because you couldn't handle this on your own.

#47594 G4 TV game of the year results

Posted by Xiombarg on 15 December 2011 - 04:19 PM

~looks at Skyward Sword with only one glitch~

Patches are a lazy excuse to release a game early. I'd rather have the game released a few months later than have something that takes a month worth of patches to fix.

Look up on youtube, SS has several glitches.  Besides, it's impossible to fix all the glitches in an open world game.
The game wasn't released early, they had an entire marketing scheme to release it on 11/11/11.  Besides, the all the glitches will never be fixed.

I get that there will be glitches, BUT my point stands. When it's a glitch that occurs very easily, then why did they not fix it?
It's people's faults that they can't stand gltiches that Bethasda can't test to find?

Because there are too many glitches to fix at once.  The nature of a game like Skyrim will create the glitches.  Open world games always have glitches and have always been like this.

#47584 G4 TV game of the year results

Posted by Xiombarg on 15 December 2011 - 03:44 PM

Well, let me put this in perspective for you. My friend rented the Xbox 360 version. At one point, they were following a river. The water texture started floating. At one point, they fell through the GROUND and died. Another time, a dragon (that wasn't there before hand) fell out of the sky, dead. Sound glitchy enough for ya?

Nope, not nearly as glitchy as I hoped.
I'll admit that the game is glitchy, but It's annoying how it's just getting bashed.  I don't care if it won GOTY or if people think SS is better.  It's like people are expecting Skyrim to be perfect when Bethsada always releases glitchy games.

#47106 LOL!

Posted by Xiombarg on 12 December 2011 - 02:19 PM

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