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#242559 Iwata slowly making his way out?

Posted by 3Dude on 29 August 2013 - 05:23 AM

I like him too but I fear that I'm being blinded by that and that his presence in the company is slowly ruining it. If he understood the business so well, they wouldn't be in the situation they are right now.
If think Nintendo still needs him in the company (in the board or something, idk) but just not in his current position. Nintendo needs a better leader. Someone who can make two of the most successful video game consoles in history and not sit by that success hoping the Nintendo brand, or the Wii brand, will save its successors.

I really dont think you have enough information on whats been going on at nintendo.

Iwata, DID make two of the most successful consoles in history, in fact, he and miyamoto SAVED THEM, from being the most embarrassing failures since the virtual boy. Yamuchi wanted the ds to be no more powerful than a gba, and the wii to be a controller peripheal for the gamecube to last through an entire generation. Only Iwata and Miyamoto gegging him to please understand and puttingbtheir jobs on the line got us the marginally more powerful wii as a new console, and the n64 power level ds. It is NOT a coincidence that when yamauchi left both the 3ds and the wii u were much larger leaps in power than nintendo saw last time.

What you dont understand, is Iwata has been cleaning up a MASSIVE mess since before hes even been in charge.

Hiroshi Yamouchi nearly destroyed Nintendo, with the same batcrap crazy gamer hating iron fist he used to build it. Iwata has been cleaning up his mess since the end of gamecube.

EA has ALWAYS hated and shunned Nintendo. And Yamauchi's brutal treatment of 3rd parties is the reason why. There are still people there, investors, board members, who have a seething hatred of Nintendo because of Yamauchi's (often illegal) strong arm tactics.

Its been like this since the 80's. What was the original home of ea sports? The master system, then the genesis, then the playstation. EA are not alone in being pissed at Nintendo for horrible strong arm tactics.

We are talking about a man, who upon first being invited to take part in a partnership of the family business nintendo, fired his brother immediately, with no provacation, to ensure no power plays were made and there was no loyalty to any other Yamauchi but him. This was back in the playing cards/toys days.

Yamauchi hated video games. He hates people who play videogames, he hates people who make videogames. He openly called fans of square rpg's lonely loser nerds who live alone in their mothers basement playing video games in the dark.

The next final fantasy, after six exclusive to nintendo systems, released on playstation, a product made by sony ANOTHER COMPANY lied to, bullied, and (attempted) back stabbed by yamauchi (this is where the nintendo phillips cdi games came from).

Gunpei Yokoi, co creator of metroid, father of the gameboy, was designing a next gen system, an ambitious new experience, offering 3d visuals via a powerful new processor and brilliant 24 bit color. Yamauchi decreed that the project would cost too much, and thwt worthless crappy little gamer morons were perfectly happy playing games with no color. He ripped out the budget and demanded Gunpei to finish the project. We ended up with a sad little system that could only display red and black. Yamauchi then fired the man who created the game boy.

Nintendo was the first console maker to go online. With the famicom, nintendo came out with a modem, which allowed microtransactions, to buy downloadable episodic games, or applications like checking bank accounts.

many in the company saw great long term potential if they could foster and grow an audience for the new technology. Yamauchi HATED the idea, and decreed the short term loss was unacceptable, and that gamers do not want internet in there games. A stance he held even in the face of xbox live taking off. And even when other members finally convinced him online was a necessary function, he crippled the functionality by demanding the cheapest possible solution, and we got freind codes. As soon as Yamauchi is gone, Nintendo network goes up, and earnest attempts to patch up the broken nintendo online experience began. They are even trying to figure out how to unify accounts, WITHOUT screwing over all the online users who already have accounts tied to the old fractured system. Its a huge mess, that iwata has been left to clean up. Its not going to go away if Iwata leaves.

Almost all the things you are upset about, are leftovers from Yamauchi Nintendo that Iwata has to clean up. They arent going to go away just because Iwata leaves.

The wii u, was a brilliant idea when it was conceptualized in 2007. It was pure winning. Nintendo NAILED the future trend. Nintendo wanted to release a tablet controller... BEFORE the tablet craze! It Just moved faster than the console generation, with its new model every 6 months business model. By the time wii u came out, it was already at full swing and past them. Oops.

Iwata still has a third winner with the 3ds, and im sure he can turn the wii u around the same way. Not as big as last time, but still pleasantly successful. I dont know if anyone can fix the damage done by Yamauchi with western 3rd parties.

#255559 Very long rant about Nintendo.

Posted by Azure-Edge on 11 November 2013 - 08:52 AM

I was just going to make a topic on this. Thanks for saving me the trouble.


Ugh..I couldn't even bother to get through the first half hour of it. I mean seriously, all they're complaining about is that the games aren't 'dark and gritty'. I thought we had gotten past this BS years ago. I hate this 'mature' mentality. The idea that every damn game needs to specifically cater to the angsty teen/dudebros demographic and needs an M rating. I was there when I was a teen, but I grew out of it so it's really pathetic to hear guys older than myself still saying this crap. There are SO MANY games these days that go for that. Essentially every single 'AAA' title does the 'dark and gritty' look and it's tiring. I'm tired of that and photorealism. It's boring! Developers spend so much time on the dirt and the photorealism that they completely neglect basic artistic aesthetic. They've forgotten that it's not about the pixel density and the texture mapping. It's how you use those to create interesting world. Something Nintendo still does quite well and I never want to see them stop doing. God forbid we have some colors and variety in our games.


The huge irony of it is that Nintendo gave people what they're asking for with the Gamecube. It was more powerful than the PS2, it had 'dark and gritty' games (RE4/REmake, Eternal Darkness, Metroid), and it had 'decent' third party support. Guess what, it didn't sell. People spoke with their money and Nintendo listened. In a race with three nearly identical consoles, Nintendo lost out. People chastise the Wii and yet it sold more than either competitors' systems. Nintendo is trying with the Wii U to offer more of what these guys are whining for and yet once again it's not selling. These so called 'core gamers' need to realize that they can whine on youtube until Rich's moobs hang down to the floor, but the only way for them to get through is with their buying decisions. 


What kills me in this whole article is the guy claiming to be a 'Nintendo fanboy' says he doesn't even consider the Wii a gaming system. Really? I mean....REALLY? In terms of Nintendo's offerings, the Wii smokes both the Gamecube AND the N64. Sure, there are some IPs we didn't get to see and that sucked, but it was still a solid first party line up. Hell, recently I picked up the Operation Rainfall games and I started out with the one I thought would be the least interesting. I'm having a freaking ball with that game. I love it, and I wouldn't have been able to play it if I didn't have a Wii (well a Wii U now). The system missed out on a lot of games the competition had, but it also had HUGE third party exclusives of its own. It just didn't have yearly rehash releases to fluff it up. Look if your primary means of gaming is FPS then yeah, the Wii wasn't for you. But just because something isn't catering to you doesn't mean it has no value as a gaming system. These two 'real' next-gen consoles hold zero appeal to me so far and yet I still acknowledge they're gaming machines.


Nintendo has issues and they've F'd up MAJORLY with the Wii U's first year in almost every possible way. No real account system, tons of games getting delayed, not putting a stop to lazy devs putting out gimped versions of games, etc. But what I can't fault Nintendo for is the quality of their games. That has always been and still is their biggest strength. Their offerings could have been better in the first year and they SHOULD have gotten them out faster (no seriously, they had seven years to learn how to manage HD development. That's complete negligence on their part) but the finished product is still awesome.


The biggest problem I've had so far is Nintendo's attempts with third parties, more specifically WHICH third parties they've been going after. Trying to win over EA, Activision, and Ubisoft was just ignorant. The demographics that their games appeal to are not in any way interested in Nintendo. CoD/BF/AC gamers are perfectly content where they're at. Having their games on this system isn't enticing any new buyers and we all knew they were going to gimp their games anyways. All it is doing is giving already Nintendo fans more options on THEIR system, which is not a bad thing, but there were better devs to go after.


I think Nintendo should have been seriously going after the major Japanese publishers such as Capcom, SE, and Konami. Now to be fair I have way more love for Japanese games than Western games, so this could be bias on my part, but I think their games appeal to demographics that are already fans of Nintendo. Instead of Nintendo focusing on the 'dude/bro' demographics who already have the complete attention of their competitors and like I said before are happy where they're at, I think Nintendo should have been going more for the RPG/Japanese demographic. All three publishers I mentioned before have had huge success on Nintendo platforms in the past and there is zero reason to think they couldn't now. In fact, all three publishers have had some of their biggest franchises begin on Nintendo systems (Megaman, Final Fantasy, Castlevania). Iwata should have been working his ass off to get these guys on board and to have their franchises on the Wii U. Think about what are the two biggest games people are BEGGING for on the Wii U. FFXV and KH3. 


Anyways, end rant. That's my two cents.

#255503 "Nintendo Could Be Forced to Discontinue the Wii U Next Year" - Motle...

Posted by Tom on 10 November 2013 - 08:38 PM

The site certainly lives up to its name.

#255380 Chicken takes drawing requests <(^)3

Posted by Horchata on 09 November 2013 - 10:48 PM

Draw Mega Scizor.


#255350 Chicken takes drawing requests <(^)3

Posted by Horchata on 09 November 2013 - 05:40 PM


Draw a picture of Reggie riding a magnificent magical Entei/Unicorn Hybrid on a giant Rainbow waterfall 



#254710 Chicken takes drawing requests <(^)3

Posted by Horchata on 05 November 2013 - 08:24 PM

Draw me edible KFC


#254705 Chicken takes drawing requests <(^)3

Posted by Horchata on 05 November 2013 - 07:51 PM

Draw the most detailed chicken possible.



Wii this

#255084 20-Year Microsoft Analyst Rick Sherlund says Xbox “Generates” $2 billion...

Posted by Hank Hill on 08 November 2013 - 06:26 AM

Microsoft is bleeding billions due to Xbox, they're fine.


Sony is bleeding billions due to the Vita, they're fine.


Nintendo turns a profit, they're doomed. 

#254899 Went to buy Ghosts came back with Pikmin 3 lol.

Posted by Hank Hill on 07 November 2013 - 07:20 AM

You bought the better game.

#173756 Ps4=Wii U in graphics IMO

Posted by Lain on 20 February 2013 - 05:49 PM

It's to early (on both sides) to judge whether who has the better console and graphics. The WiiU hasn't even been out 6 months and the PlayStation4 hasn't come out on the market. Only time will tell.

As always.

Besides, I don't think the graphics were the real highlight of this meeting. It was more about its potential

#173742 Ps4=Wii U in graphics IMO

Posted by ProjectX3dsman on 20 February 2013 - 05:42 PM

From what I saw it looked stronger than wii u, and it probably has more horsepower used for later. However, I think it didn't looks 3x-4x more powerful than wii u like the fanboys say. Also the Wii U's Power is also just being unlocked. I personally think they look about the same. I know I'll get some hate on this but it's just my opinion



Different graphic types, but similar on level.

#253383 Rumour: XBone OS is a mess, takes months to fix.

Posted by Gaymer on 28 October 2013 - 06:04 AM

Yay, more rumors!

#253236 Games Just Arn't As Fun on Non-Nintendo systems.

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 26 October 2013 - 04:57 PM

Am I alone in this thought? Say NFS: MW vs NFS: MWU, or ACIII. I just find games funner on Nintendo, maybe because of the gamepad, ok thats probably it. But does anyone else feel this way? I could just play a game on the xbox but I don't seem to have as much if any fun.

#253021 Sony tested Nintendo-like controllers during their testing phase

Posted by Dr Wario on 24 October 2013 - 08:24 PM

Sony wanted to use Nintendo's controllers?  No way!






#252405 Next Gen review scores Guessing game (PS4/XBO/WII U)

Posted by Nollog on 20 October 2013 - 06:51 PM

Since the new consoles come out soon I figured why not start guessing how well these games will fare?
Knack (9.7/10)
Killzone Shadow Fall (10/10)
Warframe (8.7/10)
Infamous Second Son (10/10)
Minecraft (10/10)
Drive Club (10/10)
Xbox One
Ryse (8.9/10)
Dead Rising 3 (9.8/10)
Forza 5 (9.910)
Killer Instinct (10/10)
Titan Fall (9.9/10
Mine Craft:Xbox One edition (10/10)
Wii U 
Super Mario 3D world (6.2/10) awkward controls
Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze (5.5/10) awkward controls
Wii Party U (4.1/10) awkward controls
Bayonetta 2 (2/10) awkward controls
Super Smash Bros. (7.5/10) awkward controls
Mario Kart 8 (8.9/10) awkward controls
Yarn Yoshi (6.2/10) awkward controls

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