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Member Since 11 Jan 2011
Offline Last Active Nov 27 2021 11:56 PM

#309384 What music are you listening to at the moment?

Posted by Xiombarg on 21 February 2015 - 09:25 AM

#303010 Post your desktop

Posted by Horchata on 15 November 2014 - 05:38 PM

please no bully



#303852 Random Miiverse User Gets Ubisoft-Level-Polish Version of Smash 4

Posted by KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums on 24 November 2014 - 07:22 PM

No one's really sure how it happened, but someone got a rather... special version of smash, and has been posting some screens to Miiverse ( https://miiverse.nin...rs/Guuppp/posts ).

Also posted three pretty funny videos: 






So if you were ever wondering what would happen to smash if Ubisoft got a hold of it, here's your answer.

#303054 Elric's Poetry

Posted by Elric on 16 November 2014 - 02:39 PM

Hi everyone. For those who don't know, I like to pretend to be a good poet sometimes. I sometimes even write poetry and perform them at poetry slams. This thread will be for posting my poetry/videos of my slam poetry. I might post more if you guys enjoy it. 

Hope you all enjoy, and like always, comments/feedback is welcome. 


This was my first poem, "Egyptian Cotton" (ignore the title on the video, the person who uploads all the videos to the channel is kind of lack and often makes spelling errors). 




This one is literally about stage fright: 


#303354 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by NintendoReport on 18 November 2014 - 04:55 PM


Digital version for $20!!!!!!!

I feel like this:


That with the deluxe promotion or something? great deal. i got a digital copy and physical. i love that game.

I got this after dinner.



#303273 Post what would happen if the person above you was admin

Posted by Tom on 18 November 2014 - 08:55 AM



#303113 Chicken takes drawing requests <(^)3

Posted by Horchata on 17 November 2014 - 12:30 AM












#302906 Address about what happened

Posted by Xiombarg on 14 November 2014 - 03:31 AM

I'm sorry, but what the hell are you thinking? This is you're response to everything? A passive aggressive argument on the justification of your behavior?


There is no need, none at all, for you to have made this post. In order for things to move on and relationships to improve, you take the situation and learn from it. You don't consistantly antagonize the userbase and then make an apology expecting everything to turn out peachy and everyone giving you another chance.



I'm still pretty miffed about a certain moderator telling me he would talk to me on Facebook Monday and then not doing it. I'm over it now. Forgiven but not forgotten. Putting family you can talk to every day over an online friend, is not how I, for one, roll.


I'm really not sure what else to say. Other than that I prefer honest people, like Ryudo. I'm sure if he was in the whole Facebook situation, he would come out and tell me, "I will talk to you on Monday, unless I'm busy with family. They come first and I will choose them over you."


This is honestly kind of disgusting, believing that you are more entitled to attention than someone's family. Real life, NO MATTER WHAT, takes priorty over internet interactions. A person is not required to mention that their life takes priority over someone elses. If you are a decent person, you would understand this idea and realize that not everyone can cater to you at every waking moment of the day.


I don't need to go through your post like N, and rip it apart, when it is already filled with holes.

Porhorse, I'm not spending any more time dealing with you, I've already dumped in more than enough.


I'll end it with what I've said to you before. People treat you how you treat them.

#302829 Stop the spam, and I don't mean just the adverts.

Posted by Mewbot on 13 November 2014 - 04:53 PM

75. You say you're Batman. Batman began in 1939.

You old man.

Good God, you're right!

However Batman has many incarnations, different ages in each. While I am 75 years old, my body is only as old as the newest incarnation of batman, Bruce Wayne in Gotham. That means I'm 13, I guess.

#302398 Post your desktop

Posted by Xiombarg on 10 November 2014 - 01:50 AM

I want to change mine, but I haven't quite found a suitable image just yet, so I've been sticking with this one:


#302233 Making a video game

Posted by Lupaie on 07 November 2014 - 12:32 PM

They were trying to make you into a professional.

Isn't that what schools do?

#301538 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by Tom on 31 October 2014 - 03:43 PM

Got my somewhat appropriate costume for passing out candy.



#301470 3DS - Wii U Connectivity Speculation Thread

Posted by Wertville on 30 October 2014 - 08:54 PM



Thread so old they were calling it the Cafe in most posts.


Thread so old they was calling it the Wii2.


Thread so old that dual analogue sticks was speculation.


Thread so old that most original posters have disappeared, never to be seen again.


Thread so old that feld0 wasn't just an urban legend.


Thread so old that feld0 not only existed, but gave a damn about us.

But it's still stickied, so It's totally still legitimate discussion.


...Why is this still stickied?



...Actually, ignore that, I want my post to remain here for all eternity--!


#301466 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by Horchata on 30 October 2014 - 06:59 PM

A pumpkin and a big lemon



#300838 GAMER-GATE

Posted by Bill Cipher on 22 October 2014 - 12:44 PM

It's funny how every time someone disagrees with they way you present your arguments, they're automatically supporters of GamerGate. I don't know anything about GamerGate, and, really, if I had to side with anyone in this thread, I'd side with the anti-GamerGate side. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna accept your deplorable disregard for the rules of the website.


1.- Aha, but in fact you have directly insulted and called people stupid. Just because they're accompanied by a real argument it doesn't mean they're not there. Or do you want me to quote the many, many times you've called Wydra a "brainwashed tool" and "ignorant prick"?


Also, how you seem think that having an argument that doesn't devolve into spiels made entirely from inflammatory language is treating it with kid gloves, is beyond me.


2.- Warning or no warning, censored or not censored, you're still posting a link that deals with and links to fetishistic content, a link you DIDN'T need to post because you're not going to find anyone contesting the legitimacy of a relatively easy to find meme. Look at the rule. It very clearly says "No posting" not "No posting without a warning" or "No posting unless you're 3Dude". Hold yourself accountable, will you?


3.- I'm not here to add anything to the ongoing debate, that's why I didn't address anything brought up. I'm not trying to discredit your argument, as you seem to think, I'm here to point out a big issue with the moderation of this website, that, sadly, is present in full force within this thread.


I'm not sure if that's addressed towards me, but just in case, I wasn't aware that GamerGate's mascot (didn't even know they had a logo or that Vivian James was their mascot previous to reading this terrible thread) was a rape meme. I was deeply disappointed when I read of it here, since I actually liked the concept of Vivian James and what TFYC's were doing with her. It's really too bad it ended up being typical 4chan crap.


I'm with everyone else on the sentiment that this thread should be locked.


I've been trying to keep my comments in this thread civil and was TRYING to promote an open discussion(Like, there's legitimate issues on BOTH sides, as I've brought up before, but this thread is dissolving into the debate between Goku and Superman.) To me, THERE is a need to end this, but it won't be through GG winning or the anti-GGers winning. It needs to be "More Representation/realizing reviews CAN't be objective while at the same time ending the crapfest of AAA publishers basically pushing around the journalists and the journalists LETTING THEM/Accepting bonuses for good reviews." We can agree on some issues, which was the point. But instead we're just getting the Goku/Superman Debate, with each side yelling against each other in a grudge match instead of admitting that it's a completely situational thing and your predetermined bias heavily impacts your view.


Unfortunately, this thread needs to be tied to a brick, chucked into the ocean, and then blown up. 


On behalf of myself at least, I apologize for ever bringing this topic to this place. I'll even take warning points for bringing this stupidity here.

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