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Member Since 18 Feb 2012
Offline Last Active Feb 21 2012 04:02 PM

#62337 What the Wii U needs to be a success.

Posted by NintendoWiiU3DS on 18 February 2012 - 05:56 PM

I am extremely interested in the Wii U and what direction Nintendo is turning with it. With the recent confirmation of the Nintendo Network being released, I have made up my mind about what should and shouldn't be on the Wii U.

Nintendo needs to have a better online system:
Nintendo's major drawback these days is that they do not have the full online capabilities that other gaming consoles do, although we do see a marked improvement with this in the resent 3DS hit Mario Kart 7. However this is still missing some of the key features I would like to see in a 'Next Generation Console', such as a friends list with no friend codes. I can see Nintendo's position with this, seeing as, and lets admit it, most of Nintendo's fans are children, and they are trying to be a family friendly company. However, this gets extremely annoying for some of us, because sometimes I would like to meet someone in an online game, and be able to add them then and there, so in the future I can game with that person.
Another drawback with the online system is the lack of communication you have with other gamers, although there are some pretty annoying people on Xbox live, and some that are just plain creepy, I like to communicate with my fellow teammates and even brag to the competition every once in awhile, because it adds to the fun of the game to do so. Momentarily switching to the 3DS in games like Resident Evil Revelations, you can join online survival mode type games and game together, I think that a way of communicating with your allies would be greatly appreciated by everyone. Not to mention that the 3DS already has a built in microphone, and speakers eliminating the need for a headset. I think the Wii U and 3DS should both have this capability, because without it many 'HardCore' gamers won't be as interested in the Wii U.

Full game Downloads: I like the idea, although I have yet to use it on my Xbox, that you can download full games to your hard drive, and avoid going to the store and purchasing the game, and prevent the risk of damaging your precious game discs. Nintendo has said this will be available on the 3DS (I need to go buy a larger memory card lol), but it should be available on the Wii U as well, which I am sure will happen if it is available on the 3DS. One drawback of this that is easily fixed however is memory space, the Wii U NEEDS a large internal storage, unlike its predessesor, which possibly had 1 gig? The perfect median for me would be about 100 Gigabites of internal storage, because I want to have games on my hard drive, its just more efficient for me, and I am not going to fill up the full 250 Gigs my Xbox has, although a 250 gig option would be perfect. Sad to say, I doubt this will happen, because Nintendo likes to keep their systems affordable, which is great, but sometimes really sucks. One thing I would like to see is Sony, has stated that if you buy certain games on the PS3 you can download them to your Vita free of charge, which is SWEET. For people that own a PS3 and Vita anyway. I would love to see this on the Wii U and 3DS, or even just a reduced price of the game if you buy it on the other console.

'Crossplay' interaction between your 3DS and Wii U:
With Sony's recent release of its new pride and joy, the PSVita, there is an interesting capability for it to interact with your PS3 console. This 'Dynamic Duo' of consoles has a ton of potential, my favorite is that you can start a game on your PS3 at home, and pick it up wherever else you may go, granted you pay the extra 15 some-odd dollars for the 3G dataplan. Now I think we all know that 3G most likely won't be available on your 3DS, but Nintendo could certainly find some creative and intuitive way of doing this. Another feature, which we have been teased with in the details of the upcoming Super Smash brothers game is the idea that your 3DS can directly interact with your Wii U for multiplayer and whatever other reason. I think it would be great to have one person with a WiiMote, or Classic controller playing on your T.V. screen while another is playing on the Wii U controller, While two are using their 3DS's, although don't quote me on that capability, now I am not certain this will happen, but it would make a great feature. We have scene similar features that Nintendo has used in the past, such as the Zelda Four Swords game that used the gamecube, as well as linked up gameboy advance systems to make a better experiance, however I can't think of many other uses for this capability on the console, and It would need to be used frequently not only by Nintendo but by Third Parties as well.

The Wii U appstore will be great, hopefully. I would love to see Angry birds come to the Wii U and 3DS, among other titles of course, because sometimes I don't want to sit down and play a full fledged game, I want the simplicity of slinging little red birds at pigs. One thing on the appstore I wouldn't care for is the E-reader capability, I just don't think it will be all that great to have another way to read, although others may disagree. One thing i would like to see is the ability to buy the official game guide digitally on to your Wii U controller, and have it in the background of your favorite game, simply touch a few buttons and you game guide magically appears in front of your eyes. It may also prove to be a quick and easy way of distributing those Nintendo Power magazines.

Well I have written tons more than I thought, and I am not complete, so post any of your idea's bellow, and I will continue adding as I see fit.

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