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Member Since 21 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Jul 25 2013 08:19 PM

#227894 Need PC purchase advice

Posted by bornsupercharged on 01 July 2013 - 04:25 AM

That wasn't lost on me.

The games he mentioned are made for Mac. But not all games are. 

Macs have awesome gaming hardware. No they don't, they're typically overpriced for what you get and PCs offer more flexibility to upgrade components later.

And he also said music and school. Seems you forgot those. Macs are best for music and a must in many education environments. Total garbage, there's zero difference in music from a PC to Mac - obviously you're a fanboy. I'm in college and there's no educational requirements for having a Mac at all, nor do my kids or other people I know in various levels of schooling require any type of Mac product. 100% false statement.  

He can also run windows on a Mac, either virtually or on a separate partition. It's the best of both worlds. Except running windows on it defeats the purpose of getting a Mac, as you claim Macs do everything just as good or better why would be want to buy a license for Windows and dual boot? Costly Mac + Windows License = way more than a more powerful PC would have costed him.

Why anyone settles for a pc anymore is beyond me. Why anyone pays for overpriced Apple products is beyond me.

Macs do it all. Except the games that they can't play and the DRM music it can't play.

And you won't need to upgrade as often. Or you could get a PC and when you DO need to add more ram or swap out the battery or hard drive, you can. Derp.

#226046 What if in a few years Nintendo made a Wii U RAM Expansion Pak?

Posted by bornsupercharged on 25 June 2013 - 01:47 PM

2GB DDR3 is plenty for Wii U games - Nintendo would have put more if it required more. Consider this, the PS3 only has 512MB. The Wii U has 4 times the amount as the PS3. How much better graphics than the PS3 do we really even need? Fun games > amazing graphics that are crap to play. 

#225477 Defending the Xbox One against the hate

Posted by bornsupercharged on 23 June 2013 - 05:39 AM

Then it would be a two party war because see with PS4 targeting its core demographic and... oh...hi Apple *giggles* is that a new controller design your getting a patent for? Its smexy..

While I agreed with a lot of what you said, it's mind boggling that you will diss Microsoft for DRM and then say hi to Apple.. gaming on a theoretical "Apple console" would most definitely be all digital and you'd be locked into their app store, where only games they approved would be allowed. Apple has the worst DRM policies and are VERY unfriendly to mature content, which a lot of video games these days have. There's no way Apple can compete in the console video game market, only Apple fanboys would buy their crap. 

#222826 I don't think people realize that there are two sides to the used game issue

Posted by bornsupercharged on 16 June 2013 - 05:10 PM

Everything you buy to do with software is just a license to use the software, the physical disc is worth a fraction of a cent.

You can not sell your license to that software, read the fine print. Therefore, you can not sell the disc's contents, therefore, you can not sell the disc.

What gamestop are doing is piracy, it's just done by a huge company who also happens to make the software companies money.

Sorry but you are WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. 


Check the back of most any DS game's booklet. "Game & Accessory Warranty" - "Nintendo warrants to the original purchaser that the product (games and accessories)...".

Keywords: Original Purchaser; Games


Meaning I purchased the game - NOT a license to PLAY the game. I literally OWN my copy of the game. I OWN my physical product. They WARRANTY the product I received.


When you buy a game, you OWN the game. Period. End of discussion. 

#222673 Sony's Secret DRM Plan same as Xbox One?

Posted by bornsupercharged on 16 June 2013 - 09:30 AM

In case you guys dont remember, Sony filed an anti-used games patent back in January. It sounds EERILY familiar to what Microsoft has done with the Xbox One:



Does anyone else think Sony might have a secret DRM plan in place? We already know that they said used games will be left up to the 3rd party publishers - meaning they could require one-time codes to play online or get characters etc. But what I'm talking about is a "flip of the switch", behind the scenes, type of thing that essentially implements the same DRM policies that Microsoft is doing.


This IS Sony, after all. They are major RIAA supports, they are in the music/movie/gaming industry and to they loathe piracy/second hand content that doesn't make them money. 


I did pre-order a PS4, extra controller and Battlefield 4 yesterday at Gamestop because I really hate the Xbox One policies. But the more that I think about it, the more afraid I am that I'm buying into a ploy of sorts, and that Sony is over-promising on their comparably-relaxed policies. I don't want to be $600 into the PS4, only to find out that 3rd party publishers of PS4 games will also be able to determine what used games can sell for, how I can lend games out, etc. 


One last thing.. assuming Sony really has no plans at all to implement the same DRM as Microsoft, I think it was perhaps a brilliant move by Sony to file that anti-used games patent. It essentially made Microsoft think - GREAT! Sony is doing it too, consumers will have no choice! So at E3 Microsoft didn't hesitate to tell us all about their DRM policies because they truly thought Sony was going to be in the same boat. So Sony's patent suckered Microsoft into shooting themselves in the foot, while Sony was left to gain HUGE leads in popular votes across basically every poll out.


What do you guys think?


#153229 Wii U could more than double power consumption?

Posted by bornsupercharged on 28 December 2012 - 03:22 PM

It doesn't mean anything if they dont get 3rd party games. I'm reading more and more games that "won't be coming to the Wii U". Disappointing to say the least.

#150759 Good news about slow loading times

Posted by bornsupercharged on 22 December 2012 - 09:12 AM

Not to rant but the loadtimes ARE unacceptable for a next-gen console in 2012 with 1GB RAM. If you don't think so that's good, but they could and should be much faster.

Spot on.

Just because I am pointing out a flaw in the wii U doesn't mean I hate it especially considering this topic is about the same flaw in the system.


If the User Interface (UI) has to say "Please wait" there is a problem...

Houston, come in, Houston - There IS intelligent life on thewiiu.com forum!

#150430 Good news about slow loading times

Posted by bornsupercharged on 21 December 2012 - 08:02 AM

If the Wii U is so terrible, why do you still have it? Wouldnt it make more sense to sell it or return it? What is the point in complaining about something but still using it?

The Wii U has its pros and cons, I listed some of the cons. There are issues with it that they should fix, and that they can fix. They are aware of the issues, but it's up to them to decide if they give a carp or not.

Are you freaking kidding me? You have no clue what you are talking about! You are comparing a Freaking Microwave to a wii u? Wow, and the loading times may be bad for you, But i notice NO PROBLEMS! And you are complaining about the gamepad battery? Okay are you stupid or something? its that bad "Just fine for me" Because think about what all it has to do, Run the 480P screen, it has a motherboard, 9AXIS Gyro,  And rumble, and its a GREAT thing Nintendo Give MULTIPLE Controller options, Not just 1 Same old controller, And No dip Sherlock you cant use your pro controller with Wii games, Its because its running an Emulated wii menu So its just changing wii u, to wii, So of course you cant use your fang gamepad, It would be stupid if you used your gamepad with a Wii, Learn more facts before you post next time, Idiot.

No - comparing it to a microwave helps to show exactly how SLOW the menu loading is. For instance, with our baby when we make a bottle, we heat 6 ounces for 13 seconds in the microwave. So if I had to wait 22 seconds for the microwave to start, that'd be 35 seconds just to heat the bottle up. How is OKAY for a brand new console to take so long to load? It isn't.

What would you like me to compare it to, my laptop that boots up into WINDOWS faster than a Wii U can get out of System Settings?
Or how fast my phone or tablet can go into and out of their system settings multiple times before the Wii U can even get into it's System Settings once?

You must have narcolepsy, one second you click into an app, next thing you know you're fast asleep and when you wake up "omg wow that was fast it already loaded, I just clicked that half a second ago!"

BTW what the heck is your point when you said: "Because think about what all it has to do, Run the 480P screen, it has a motherboard, 9AXIS Gyro,  And rumble"
You're saying to think about what the GamePad has to do, it has to have a motherboard? LMFAO dude you're the idiot. It's not even doing any computations, its literally taking a signal from the Wii U and displaying the picture/driving the rumble. That's nothing.

"Its because its running an Emulated wii menu So its just changing wii u, to wii, So of course you cant use your fang gamepad, " - that's a decision and limitation imposed BY NINTENDO.

"It would be stupid if you used your gamepad with a Wii" - yes it'd be stupid to be able to play my Wii games directly on the gamepad instead of needing a TV.. lmao

The loading times are just fine and not slow, You are just an idiot if you actually think its that slow, But you are just one of those people that if its not as fast as YOU want it, Then you just whine and complain about it, And it annoys us, So stop complaining.


Once again, the loading times are NOT fine, they are SLOW. You're the idiot that thinks 22 seconds is "normal". Quit being a fanboy and admit Nintendo released a half baked console that loads everything absurdly slow.

#150407 WiiTV

Posted by bornsupercharged on 21 December 2012 - 07:14 AM

Not trying to come off rude but I called it wii tv not my son and if he called it wii tv Its not a big deal as he is only 4 and does not know the difference.

Just ignore Nollog he's a d-bag.

#149980 Good news about slow loading times

Posted by bornsupercharged on 20 December 2012 - 09:39 AM

[..]My Wii U load times are only 10 seconds.[..]

So you are backing him up on a false claim that I'm a fanboy?

No, I'm backing him up that "It's also a lot more then 10 seconds and the Wii U should have response times similar to that of its competitors"

Watch the video I made:

Your Wii U is the SAME EXACT hardware as mine, and everyone else's. There is no way your menus load 50% faster than mine, period.

#143939 New Update right now?!

Posted by bornsupercharged on 05 December 2012 - 06:43 AM

I haven't updated yet, but I just hopped over to IGN and some people say it's faster while some people say it's not.  Is it possible that people could experience significantly different load times within the start up menus and MiIverse.....I don't get it.

It's a placebo effect, you want to believe something is faster. But I timed it, going into System Settings and back out is identical, loading into the eShop and Miiverse are all identical. I dont know why people are claiming Miiverse is any faster, it's not.

I don't doubt that they fixed some bugs, tweaked some things, perhaps trojan'd some new functionality such as TVii into the Wii U without telling us, so that when they enable it it's instantly there - but that might just be wishful thinking.

Here's what Nintendo IS saying about 2.1.0:

Version 2.1.0 U
Released: December 4, 2012
Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience.


#143801 New Update right now?!

Posted by bornsupercharged on 04 December 2012 - 08:12 PM

I'm in UK Updating right now, how is it what does it do?

It makes the console look for external hard drives on boot, which is nice. Other than that, um - nothing I can tell. Probably stability fixes?

#143089 Slow loads not really

Posted by bornsupercharged on 04 December 2012 - 05:18 AM

Brumfc4life - glad you're content with load times that were acceptable 2 decades ago. But most of us are not, we have phones/tablets/computers that load menus instantly, why shouldn't we expect the same from a gaming console? There's no excuse for the slow load times.

#140982 Cartridges VS. Discs

Posted by bornsupercharged on 30 November 2012 - 11:26 AM

Cartridges are far better. They have the ability to store a lot of data if they need to. You never have to worry about buying used games and checking for scratches and gouges. Plus DISCS won't last forever, they do have a shelf life and eventually disc based collections will corrode.

Cartridges store less data, they're prone to getting dust/crud on the contacts, corroding contacts, they're bulky, they require pressure to be inserted,  they're more expensive to produce and thus cost more... In my opinion the only real pro about cartridges is the access time is faster.

As for discs not lasting forever, I GUARANTEE you my DVDs and Blu-Rays will outlive the consoles and players. Check this out:

Done by the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

Among the manufacturers that have done testing, there is consensus that, under recommended storage conditions, CD-R, DVD-R, and DVD+R discs should have a life expectancy of 100 to 200 years or more; CD-RW, DVD-RW, DVD+RW, and DVD-RAM discs should have a life expectancy of 25 years or more. Little information is available for CD-ROM and DVD-ROM discs (including audio and video), resulting in an increased level of uncertainty for their life expectancy. Expectations vary from 20 to 100 years for these discs.

#140548 AWFUL Nintendo Store Rule!

Posted by bornsupercharged on 29 November 2012 - 02:36 PM

It only takes a second and your not changing disc each time for a game change. You can bring a library of games with you on a single drive (Given the limitations to the older models), Slim 360's you can pop just about any laptop 2.5 HDD in without even using a casing. Just line the Serial ATA and power prones up with the drive and your ready to go. No need to pull twenty games with you when you can just have a drive almost no bigger than your hand. The only problem I see with the Xbox in terms of slowing you down would be the dashboard after the whole NXE update, yet that did get smoothed out a bit. It does still move sluggish at times going through your game library. However, nothing as bad a years ago.

To be honest I don't know why I'm responding. That said, my games are kept in a case with sleeves, so taking a hard drive or taking a case doesn't really affect my carrying capacity in any way. It's about equal. And I guarantee I can take out a disc and put a new in in faster than you can login, download your profile to the 360, browse the library and find the game :)

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