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Member Since 07 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active May 15 2017 08:58 PM

#237099 Pikmin 3, Does it do anything superior to ps360?

Posted by MatrixChicken on 04 August 2013 - 06:11 PM



OH MAN. Sorry. Thanks for that, Desert. :D

#231864 Wii U's Biggest Problem [Not a Hate Thread]

Posted by MatrixChicken on 15 July 2013 - 02:15 PM

Now, before you read this, I'd just like you to know that this is not another hate thread. I'm quite a Nintendo fanboy myself. I am just pointing out the Wii U's real problem, which is not the usual "the Wii U is underpowered" rubbish. That said, have a rant thingy.


I think the Wii U's biggest problem (and one that helps cause the misconception that it's underpowered) right now is that we're still getting launch games 9 months after launch. Not only is this the cause of the game drought, but the games that are finally releasing look like launch titles (albeit good ones) rather than 9-months-after-launch titles. I know these games have had a longer development time due to the delays, and that should allow for them to look better than a few months ago, but Miyamoto has admitted that it's taken some time to get used to developing for an HD console, and I'd bet that has nearly doubled the amount of time it takes to develop these first few games.


So, yeah. That's basically my opinion on what the Wii U's real problem is. And it's not necessarily a problem just with the Wii U, but with gamers as well. Gamers who are impatient and can't deal with delayed games that wouldn't necessarily be delayed, had it not been for them pushing Nintendo to release their new console already. Gamers who believe that, if a console isn't capable of outputting the same quality of visuals as the others (which we don't even know is the case yet), it's underpowered and current-gen.


Please, post your own opinions; I love looking through them! :D Especially when it gets 3Dude and Desert Punk arguing. That's the best! x3

#231778 Anyone looking forward to Paper Mario for Wii U?

Posted by MatrixChicken on 15 July 2013 - 10:44 AM

I loved the original, so yes! :D I haven't played Super Paper Mario, but I've watched a let's play, and it looked pretty fun. I hope to get it sometime soon. :3

#222447 The Wii U should have been as powerful as the Xbox one.

Posted by MatrixChicken on 15 June 2013 - 07:19 PM



First off, I'd like to say that that the fact that Mario Kart 8 is not a launch game changes nothing; both MK8 and Killzone are being released at the same general time. That's all that really counts.


Secondly: [sarcasm] you know, because off-screen footage is usually the best representation! [/sarcasm] Let's redo this...


One of the best Wii U had to offer at E3:



PS4 launch game:


#221852 Why people say Wii U is "current gen", and why they're complete d...

Posted by MatrixChicken on 14 June 2013 - 02:53 PM

Hahahaha!!! I get such a good laugh looking through all these Wii U hate-posts! xD It's almost as good as "y cant metroid crawl?"! :D

#219555 Nintendo E3= Disappointing?

Posted by MatrixChicken on 11 June 2013 - 10:06 AM

In case any of you haven't already, you can go here for a bunch of screenshots/information about the announced games! :)

#217385 Spam Battle

Posted by MatrixChicken on 08 June 2013 - 09:27 AM

WOW can't wait! Looks gr8!



#216840 Is the wii u THAT underpowered?

Posted by MatrixChicken on 06 June 2013 - 07:41 PM

Me too.


Me three.


Maybe I should get it and Trine 2. Then I'll have enough Club Nintendo points for Super Mario Bros. 3! :3

#214991 Wii mode upscaling

Posted by MatrixChicken on 03 June 2013 - 05:02 AM

I'd bet it upscales a bit from the original cables that came with the Wii... Not sure about it being better after an update...


But yeah, the original RCA cables from the Wii are probably only 360p, while I'd guess the Wii U upscales to the max Wii resolution of 480p. I think it was possible to get 480p out of the Wii with optional component cables...


As far as looks go, I think some people think some games look worse on Wii U, but I think that's due to the pixels being crisp, thus the "jaggies" being much more noticeable. After playing on it for a while, though, it looks pretty good. :)

#214478 To Everyone Asking for Nintendo's E3 Demos To Be on eShop

Posted by MatrixChicken on 01 June 2013 - 08:31 PM

I can see where y'all are comin' from here, but, hey! If Nintendo charged, say, 99 cents per E3 demo on the eShop, they could make some profit...

#213946 Official Nintendo e3 Website now up!

Posted by MatrixChicken on 31 May 2013 - 03:11 PM



Yay Wind Waker. :P There's a ton of Pikmin 3 ones... I wonder if this means anything?

#213832 Post your desktop

Posted by MatrixChicken on 31 May 2013 - 11:09 AM

Updated my wallpapers... I got a bunch of Nintendo ones (mostly Metroid, though :3), and I think they look pretty nice. :D




Source: http://orioto.devian...lanet-123100963


(You can't download it in full HD there, so here's the full-size version. :3)



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#213433 Nintendo Leaked Wind Waker Remake Art

Posted by MatrixChicken on 30 May 2013 - 03:07 PM

That game must have one rockin' soundtrack. 



#213244 Show Off You WiiU Library!

Posted by MatrixChicken on 30 May 2013 - 07:15 AM

I have a few more now...


New Super Mario Bros. U

Nintendo Land

LEGO City: Undercover

Tank! Tank! Tank! (free download version)


And for VC:


Super Metroid

Super Mario World

Super Mario Bros. 2

Kirby's Adventure


And I think that's it! :P

#208476 Why didnt Nintendo just make wii u more powerful?

Posted by MatrixChicken on 18 May 2013 - 09:06 AM

*sigh* Where do people get this idea that the Wii U is underpowered? It's got some great looking games on it (Nintendo Land, Need for Speed, Resident Evil, etc.), and as we should all know by now, they will only get better. The Wii U is at the beginning of it's life. I know I'm just reiterating what tons of other people have already said regarding the Wii U's power, but please, don't don't listen to everything an EA employee says.

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