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#61422 The Wii U can, in theory, run the Samaritan demo.

Posted by Play4Fun on 13 February 2012 - 05:50 AM in Wii U Hardware

Before I get started, let me just make a few things clear. Everything I'm about to say is of course, speculation. I'm going off the assumption that the Wii U is indeed using a 4870 GPU and the Xbox 720 (or NextBox) is using a 6670. So I'm not trying to say "awesome look 100% comfirmed OMGZ" or anything like that lol. Again, this is all in-theory.

Also, I know, graphics aren't everything, but really we're all interested in the exact amount of power the Wii U will be packing. So this is just something to think about.

Now Epic recently came out and said that the Samaritan demo can be ran on hardware 10x more powerful than the 360. According to IGN's reports, the NextBox is 6x more powerful than the 360.

As I'm sure most of you have found out, the Wii U GPU, the 4870, is roughly 2x more powerful than the 6670 supposedly being used in the NextBox. In this case, that would mean that GPU-wise, the Wii U is 12x more powerful than the 360.


Memory Bandwidth: 115.2 GB/sec
Pixel Fill Rate: 12000 MPixels/sec
Texture Fill Rate: 30000 MTexels/sec


Memory Bandwidth: 64 GB/sec
Pixel Fill Rate: 6400 MPixels/sec
Texture Fill Rate: 19200 MTexels/sec

So Epic has said that it takes 10 360 to run that demo in native 1080p, and if these rumors are true, the Wii U ends up over-achieving that number being 12x more powerful than the 360.

So in-theory, the Wii U might actually be able the Samaritan demo technology in 1080p. It's just something I realize and it's a pretty fun topic to speculate on. I wanna know what you guys think.


A 4870 would NOT make Wii U 12x more powerful than 360! A 12x jump expectation for WIi U is completely unrealistic! It's even unrealistic for PS4/720.
Posted Image
See that? It takes a GPU with 2.5 TFLOPS to run Samaritan at 1080p 30fps.

We'd be lucky to get such GPUs from even PS4/720 in 2013.

It takes 4.4 times the power of 360 to run Samaritan in 720p and since PS4 & 720 will be no doubt be more powerful than that when they launch in 2013 (expecting 6 -8 x more pwoerful) they can run Samaritan at 720p all effects.

Wii U is expected to be 3 - 5x 360, so either it can run it at 720p reduced effects or sub-hd.

Don't get people's hopes up with false information.

#53802 New Wii U video, Nintendo finally shows off Japanese Street Scene!!!

Posted by Play4Fun on 12 January 2012 - 06:32 PM in Wii U Hardware

Guys, it's not real time graphics.

It's a video showcasing the high bandwith streaming and AR capabilities of the controller.

C'mon now...

#42937 Wii U power

Posted by Play4Fun on 21 November 2011 - 02:32 AM in Wii U Hardware

Except that's what modern games run at. The Wii U is 6 years later and its power should reflect that.

Except that's what modern games run at. The Wii U is 6 years later and its power should reflect that.


Games built FOR the Wii-U will run at 1080P such as first party and 3rd party exclusives.
But since MS and Sony will be launching after Wii U, their consoles will be more powerful than Wii U (though a smaller gap than this gen).

So games built for 720 or PS4 and ported to the Wii-U will have to be down-scaled for Wii-U since it won't handle the exact same things those consoles can. You know, kinda like games that can run on PC this gen are down-scaled  so they can run on PS360?

Why does no one seem to understand what I'm saying? <_<

#42897 Wii U power

Posted by Play4Fun on 20 November 2011 - 06:50 PM in Wii U Hardware

sorry but wiiu runs on 1080p not 720

I know Wii-U supports 1080P...

I said by mid-gen games built for PS4 and 720, which will be more powerful than Wii U, will be made to run in 720p so that they run better on Wii U.

#42709 the two tablet problem will it make you not want to buy one?

Posted by Play4Fun on 19 November 2011 - 02:27 PM in Wii U Hardware

Word is that Nintendo is working on getting the system ready for 2 tablet gameplay by launch and I think that is very much possible.

I could only see four tablet multiplayer gameplay working if the game isn't graphics-intensive.

But what would be the point of buying 4 tablets when you could just play multiplayer with wii remotes though?

I'm leaning towards two tablets at most.

I dont really care tbh. To me the Wii U controller is just a bonus thing. As long as they keep supporting WiiMote/ Nunchuk combo I dont mind. Im not getting the Wii U for the controller, Im getting it for the games.

But the new controller is what will bring alot of new gameplay possibilities to the console.

#42707 Wii U power

Posted by Play4Fun on 19 November 2011 - 02:11 PM in Wii U Hardware

Wii will most surely be closer to the 720 and PS4 than the Wii is to the current 360 and PS3.

The problem with the Wii is it's ~DX7 GPU didn't have programmable shaders and it didn't have a multi-core CPU which made it extremely hard to scale games down to the system. Next gen though, all the systems will have multi-core CPUs and it'll more than likely come down to WiiU having a DX10.1 GPU while the PS4/720 will end up with a DX11 GPU. We'll have to wait until all the systems are out to see how big of a gap there is between the WiiU and the 720/PS4.

So really in the end, the Wii U should be able to receive better port support. By mid generation (next gen) games running on PS4 and 720 boxes at 1080p and 60FPS can get downscaled to 720p@30fps for wiiu.  How good the support is depends on how good a job Nintendo does catering third parties and how well Wii U sells before PS4/720 are released and after.

The gap next gen will be more similar to PS2-GC-Xbox than Wii-360-PS3.

I have no doubt Wii U will get next gen ports since the industry has become so multiplat-dependent. What i'm worried about is how well will devs take advantage of the Wii U tablet. That thing has so much damn potential for gaming it would be an outright shame if it isn't taken as much advantage of as possible.

I'm optimistic that it'll end well though because the tablet isn't a completely new controller like Wii-remote was. It's a familiar dual analog with a screen and other enhancements.

#24891 What's the point of next gen consoles?

Posted by Play4Fun on 30 August 2011 - 04:29 AM in Wii U Hardware

Classic fanboy post. Yeah, of course you'de say that Nintendo's the one inovating and the other companies are somehow incapable of inovating too.

Nintendo is by far the most innovative of the three, so nothing to get upset about.

#19359 What's the point of next gen consoles?

Posted by Play4Fun on 06 August 2011 - 08:19 AM in Wii U Hardware

The fool.

#11582 E3 2012... im a little worries.

Posted by Play4Fun on 30 June 2011 - 12:12 PM in Wii U Hardware

they always flock to the most powerful console... AS LONG AS IT'S EASY TO DEVELOP FOR. it's easy for a developer to put a game on a console and say this game is being made for x console because it's the only console that can run it. power plus ease of development will get you a lot of support. for years the xbox 360 got most of the exclusives MASS EFFECT for example now developers are learning the PS3 and look now mass effect 2 was made for PS3 and mass effect 3 is coming to PS3 as well.

if console a has more horsepower than console b.... why wouldn't a developer want to take advantage of the extra horsepower? that's just the way it is.... graphics aren't everything. horsepower can go to so many other things in game making like how smooth a game runs, A.I, and overall better textures.

Devs have never flocked  to the most powerful console though.

Not this gen (360), not last gen (PS2,) not the gen before (PS1) and so on.

Devs don't have to develop ON the console to take advantage of the horsepower. You can see that with console and even PC multiplats.

Look at this generation and previous generations and you will see that the most powerful console has NEVER won its' generation.

#11485 E3 2012... im a little worries.

Posted by Play4Fun on 29 June 2011 - 08:06 PM in Wii U Hardware

MS can't show a console that will be launching a few months after Wii U and make it look dated.

It's not possible.

If MS launches a few months after Nintendo, the graphical gap between the two would be something like the 360 to PS3.

#10072 Wii U Price Discussion

Posted by Play4Fun on 22 June 2011 - 03:32 AM in Wii U Hardware

Nintendo obviously want to beat Sony at their own game.

Just kidding. It's just a pre-order price.

#9892 What graphics processor will the Wii U have?

Posted by Play4Fun on 21 June 2011 - 03:16 PM in Wii U Hardware

Good to see someone knowledgeable about tech on this board.

I'm no techie, but I know a few things and understood everything you said.

The only thing is you forgot to take price into consideration. Nintendo will not sell at a loss.

From all the rumours we've received so far, I'm expecting one of the high end 4000s (maybe a 4850) that is customized with features of the 5000s (like better tessellation). It would be nice if Nintendo made it support DirectX11 features instead of Direct X 10.1.

I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out to be something like a customized 5770 but I'm leaning towards a 4850/4890 right now.

#9627 Let's Talk IPs!

Posted by Play4Fun on 20 June 2011 - 01:09 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Yeah, this seems to be a big gap in Nintendo's franchise library... I'm not personally into the hack n slash genre, but I think it would be good for the system to have a solid entry or two for both genres. I LOVE sandbox games, and have also noticed a conspicuous lack of true open world games on the Wii. I think that big Nintendo fans would really eat up a good open world game.

Isn't that Pandora game hack N slash?

#9533 wii u to hardcore for me?

Posted by Play4Fun on 20 June 2011 - 08:44 AM in Wii U Hardware

Hah, Mario is a top-tier platformer because it's one of the few that are actually good. To be honest, I've never heard of a bad platformer, but I've never really heard of that many platform games. It's easy to dominate a genre that has few games that could stand up against you.

Especially when you practically 'created' that genre.

#9474 General site suggestions

Posted by Play4Fun on 20 June 2011 - 03:59 AM in Site News and Feedback

It would be nice if there was some way of knowing when one of your posts in a thread has been quoted.

#9473 Your first Crush.

Posted by Play4Fun on 20 June 2011 - 03:57 AM in The Café

I face palmed at that, you got over her that fast...well you were young. How did you find out that she had a crush on you?

Her friends told me.

#9472 So, now that the graphics in this console are improved, will there be Music/S...

Posted by Play4Fun on 20 June 2011 - 03:46 AM in Wii U Hardware

Sound hasn't been a factor in gaming for a long time now.

We reached the 'good enough' a long time ago.

It's up to the person to get some good speakers if they want really high quality sound.

#8890 Grand Theft Auto, Read Dead Redemption Publisher And Developer Is Looking At...

Posted by Play4Fun on 18 June 2011 - 04:24 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I hope people aren't actually thinking Wii U will get GTA 5 exclusively.

#8441 7 things you didn't know about the Wii U.

Posted by Play4Fun on 17 June 2011 - 04:36 PM in Wii U Hardware

thats why they need to do something like this
Posted Image
seriosly, i would love this controller if it was real.

Too bad it's not ergonomic.

Ergonomics come first for Nintendo.

#8246 7 things you didn't know about the Wii U.

Posted by Play4Fun on 17 June 2011 - 11:50 AM in Wii U Hardware

We will have two or more controllers eventually.

#8056 The Wii U needs 3rd party exclusives...badly

Posted by Play4Fun on 17 June 2011 - 07:54 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I respect your point, but I really gotta disagree with you on this one... the 1st party content appeals to a certain type of gamer (mostly, the kind that was perfectly happy with the Wii, as well), but not to the audience of gamers currently on other systems, or about ready to go to other systems - both those that have left the Wii because they felt it ignored them, and those that never took Nintendo seriously in the first place.

The real problem is this. With the much lower install base of a newly launched system, and the recent memory of abysmally low sales for 3rd party games on the Wii, developers will, naturally, be hesitant to make anything truly original for the WiiU. 3rd parties need either big sales numbers or big Nintendo support to justify design risks. If all that the WiiU gets from 3rd parties is bland ports of games available on other systems, the WiiU may be looking at a repeat of the Wii situation, where 3rd party support evaporates and Nintendo is left with the only content on the system. Cross-platform games are okay... but they don't help the system itself succeed if there's no wide install base to buy them.

This is what Nintendo needs the 3rd party exclusives for. 3rd party exclusives draw wider ranges of new people to a system - get them in the door - and that allows all cross-platform games to sell well. If you can make a Sony fanboy break down and buy a WiiU for those two or three cool exclusives (like I bought an Xbox for Mass Effect and Gears of War), then you've got them for the cross-platforms, too. If you don't have them, then the cross-platforms don't sell at all.

The people who are all OMG'ing for a new Animal Crossing are NOT the same ones obsessing over the latest COD zombie mode DLC. The difference makes a big difference in a systems financial viability...

This man speaks the truth.

Nintendo needs 3rd party exclusives to get a healthy install base of non-Nintendo gamers on the system.
Then 3rd parties will NOT be able to ignore the console.

#7800 What has Rare been up to?

Posted by Play4Fun on 16 June 2011 - 02:59 PM in General Gaming

The Rare now is not the same Rare from back then.
Nintendo made a wise choice in letting them go since apparently they've lost the quality they used to have.

#7799 Let's Talk IPs!

Posted by Play4Fun on 16 June 2011 - 02:56 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Yes, but Metroid is Nintendo's franchise.

Publishing a game does not make it your IP.

The point is an IP doesn't have to be developed by a first party studio for it to belong to you.
If you have the rights for the IP it is yours but you can still have other studios (2nd or 3rd party) develop the games for you.

#7769 Let's Talk IPs!

Posted by Play4Fun on 16 June 2011 - 01:18 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Pandora's Tower was developed by Ganbarion. Not Nintendo. Unless a game is developed by a group in Nintendo or one of their first-party developers (Monolith Soft, Retro, Brownie Brown, Intelligent Systems, Project Sora, ND Cube and Hal laboratory) then it can't be considered a Nintendo IP.

That's not really true.

Metroid Other M for example wasn't developed inside Nintendo. That doesn't mean it's not a Nintendo IP.

Nintendo can co-develop/publish IPs with devs outside their company.

#7522 Let's Talk IPs!

Posted by Play4Fun on 16 June 2011 - 07:24 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm pretty sure XenoBlade is a Nintendo IP. I'm not sure about last Story but it might be too.

There's Disaster: Day of Crisis but that game needs to be rebooted to be worthwhile.

Then there's Pandora's Tower.

It would be nice if Nintendo bought a couple of small, talented devs or created one or two new ones.

Regardless of the "Nintendo rehashes old IPs all the time" argument you hear so often, they always make new IPS every generation. Even on their handhelds.

I don't think next gen will be any different. We just have to see what we get.

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