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There have been 284 items by Camcam281 (Search limited from 06-June 23)

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#4972 what do you think of the wii U controller

Posted by Camcam281 on 13 June 2011 - 05:59 PM in Wii U Hardware

I personally love it. It is a very crisp design, and seems to be perfect for all kinds of gamers. I also personally like how they are analog sliders not like the nunchuk. Some people were saying that it is to big and seems to seem like it would hurt your hand, but apparently it is perfectly fine. We will see :P

#4981 Rob Lowe Theorizes About the Wii U's Online

Posted by Camcam281 on 13 June 2011 - 06:03 PM in Wii U Hardware

I personally really like the xbox 360 set up, so I personally hope it is somewhat like that. So in other words, it has 1 friend code or gamer tag instead of 1 for every game. And, it is easy to see who is on and who is not. Pretty sure Nintendo will come out of the closet soon about the interface a little more because people like us seem to not know enough to be satisfied. :P

#4985 Hey everyone! I have arrived!

Posted by Camcam281 on 13 June 2011 - 06:06 PM in Introduction Central

Hey guys! I have officially joined, and can't wait to have some fun! Can't wait to post, and hope I post more than the 3DS forums :P my goal before the Wii u comes out is 1,250 posts. Hopefully, I get that! But yeah, don't know what else to say so, hey!

#4994 Yo!

Posted by Camcam281 on 13 June 2011 - 06:16 PM in Introduction Central

I agree with SRT :P jk. SRT, you need to do comedy or something, your really funny!!!

#5015 Hey folks

Posted by Camcam281 on 13 June 2011 - 06:27 PM in Introduction Central

Hey jump man? How you been? Haven't chatted with you in a while!!!! So, how is life? And welcome to the new team forum!!!!!

#5025 TheWiiU.com's One-Stop Sig Shop!

Posted by Camcam281 on 13 June 2011 - 06:32 PM in Site News and Feedback

I will most certainly make one! Probably have one for you by tomorrow night. Cause, I need to upload my profile pic, siggy, and now make another siggy B)

#5031 Are Friend Codes dead or alive? Apparently in this report they are dead

Posted by Camcam281 on 13 June 2011 - 06:36 PM in Wii U Hardware

I honestly don't care exactly what they do, I just care that they change it a lot. It is a real pain to have to know all of those friend codes for every game!!!! It's almost impossible to stay on track sometimes. I would be fine with the 3DS style friend list, I would be fine with 360 style game tags. I personally just want it changed B)


Posted by Camcam281 on 13 June 2011 - 06:41 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I cant wait go play shooters on the thing with the new controller! Like shown in the demonstration video shown at E3, the could sell a sort of Wii zapper thing that mounts the controller, and on the screen, you see a battle field. But say you are using a sniper, if you see something you want to zoom in on with the scope, you could tap a button on the controller and see through the scope on the controller screen. That would be amazing! Plus, the ghost recon video, as you said shows amazing options they could use for the game! Can't wait! Only like, a year till it comes out!!!!! B)

#5477 A starting member FINALLY!

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 03:31 AM in Introduction Central

Hey shabu!!! Haha welcome! I think you joined right after me, so I get to say welcome to YOU this time! B) Anyway, welcome to the forum!

#5479 Origin of your username

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 03:35 AM in The Café

Well, a long time ago, when I was joining a site (that I can't remember) I tried using the username camcam because people at school would call me that. And of course, the username camcam was taken, so it game me options of other ones with numbers at the end of camcam, and one of them was camcam281, and I decided to use it. Now ever since then, I have been using it on everything I sign up for! Plus in my opinion, it's kinda catchy B)

#5501 W00t! Another member from 3DS forums :)

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 04:10 AM in Introduction Central

Yeah, I do! Welcome to the forums fellow member! Hope you enjoy your time here, and get to know the non-3DS forums members! (all 20 of them. Lol that might be a little off B)) anyway, this forum is set up a little different as you can see, but it will grow on you soon. Have a great wait!

#5504 I'm new:3

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 04:12 AM in Introduction Central

Welcome to the forums! You will soon be part of the family in no time, just interact and socialize and you will be fine! Enjoy your wait!

#5506 I make art

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 04:14 AM in The Museum

That is really good bonbon! You are a natural at art it seems! Keep it up and can't wait to see more in the future!!!!

#5512 What are you afraid of?

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 04:20 AM in The Café

I am pretty much afraid of larger spiders, the smaller ones I am fine with as long as I can step on them. But other than that, I am afraid of snakes because I am not positive which ones are deadly yet. So in my opinion, it is better for me just to run away when I see one that look at it to closely :)

#5515 Great forum :)

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 04:24 AM in Site News and Feedback

I personally also love the layout of this forum as well! The option to put signatures is also a plus in my book! Can't wait to put up my pictures tonight! The only thing I thing the 3DS forum is a little better on is the chat box IMO. Mostly because it doesn't have the top chatters feature, and it's not on the homepage, you have to open that page every time. But other than that, this Is an awesome layout! Can't wait to use it for a total of 1 full year! :)

#5519 New Avatar

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 04:28 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Yes, as people above put, I would choose the second one. Or, you could choose one that shows them driving underwater. Or an even better idea is you use all 3!!!!!!!!! Make them an animated gif! Just my thoughts, hope you enjoy your new profile pic!

#5521 The Gate of Despair

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 04:31 AM in The Museum

That is really good!!!! Who cares if the men don't look perfect! The image as a whole is amazing!!!! Keep up the painting and can't wait to see more of your work!!!!

#5523 7 lines above your reasoning

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 04:34 AM in Introduction Central

Hey rentaline!!!! Welcome to the new forum! I hope you get used to the different layout over time! And if you haven't read the rules page yet, there is no swearing what so ever, except crap and hell. Anything else will get you banned. So enjoy your stay here, and am looking forward to spending my wait time with you and everyone here!

#5524 The Goomba with a gun has appeared!

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 04:37 AM in Introduction Central

Hey gungoomba! Welcome to the new forums! If you haven't noticed already, the design/layout of this site is a little different from our usual 3DS forum layout. As it did with me, it will grow on you over time and soon it will feel like home! Thanks for coming, and can't wait to spend my waiting time with you and everyone here!

#5526 gday everyone

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 04:41 AM in Introduction Central

Sorry to tell you rewer, but none of us (as I know) are from the 3DS boards, because most of us are from the #1 3DS forum, the 3DS Forums, which currently had over 7,000 members :) But anyway, welcome to the new forum! Hope to get to know you over time, and can't wait to welcome you into our family! Welcome and enjoy your wait!

#5536 Newgrounds Nintendo Wii U Parody

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 04:48 AM in Wii U Hardware

That was really funny! Keep up the good work, and good find! That was worth watching! And like Aaron posted, ok, I laughed!!!

#5542 The Wii U is 50% more powerful than the Xbox 360 and PS3?

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 04:52 AM in Wii U Hardware

That's a pretty good thing to estimate right now, but as you said we need to wait for Nintendo to crawl out of their shell and give us the technical features, the overall performance of the console, and the power it possesses.Most likely that will happen before the month of July ends, so I guess guys, we wait! Again!

#5545 hi i am new to the forums

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 04:54 AM in Introduction Central

Hey there! I am also from your home destination, I don't know if you ever talked to me or we got to chat, but hey! I am camcam281, and I can't wait to welcome you to this new forum! As I don't really know you that much, I hope to learn more about you and can't wait to spend my wait with you! See you around!!

#5555 BLUE!!

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 05:05 AM in The Café

That video was so worth 5 minutes of my life! That video really sones up how good Microsoft did this year, and I am happy you shared the funny video! Nice find, and hope to watch microsoft fail in the coming years!

#5556 Im here as well

Posted by Camcam281 on 14 June 2011 - 05:10 AM in Introduction Central

Yeah, I was going to say, "how are all these people from the 3DS forums coming here that I have never heard of!?!?!" but yeah, welcome to the new forums! I am camcam281, who is also from the 3DS forums, I haven't really every talked or chatted with you, so I hope to get to know you a little better. But other than that, welcome to the family, and I hope to see you around! Have an awesome wait!

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