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There have been 58 items by giggity3000 (Search limited from 06-June 23)

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#123162 ZombiU: What do U think?

Posted by giggity3000 on 31 October 2012 - 11:15 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Thing that bothers me is that the resources they used to develop the multyplayer could have been used on the single player and i don't like linear zombie games, i feel like it'd get stale if they didn't add enough maps to "explore" (Linear?) and it'd probably be a few hours long. Idk but it looks like another dead island scenario and not many people liked that game

#127750 Wii U will not have system-wide accomplishments

Posted by giggity3000 on 11 November 2012 - 03:42 PM in Wii U Hardware

This increases the games life for the consumer. It's always fun tracking them down but i'd rather there be no trophy system then to have A ' PING [ swung sword once ] 5 g' while in the middle of A cutscene

#118249 Wii U Pro Controller Themes

Posted by giggity3000 on 16 October 2012 - 05:19 PM in Wii U Hardware

Off topic A little? Bring on the ideas & themes not wether its real

#118159 wii u pro controller has 80 hour play time

Posted by giggity3000 on 16 October 2012 - 01:40 PM in Wii U Hardware

Heard this awhile ago. dont remember where

#141584 Wii U Cpu is horrible? Real developers

Posted by giggity3000 on 01 December 2012 - 03:25 PM in Wii U Hardware

Now that the console is out and developers with actual names say its bad what happens next? I probably wouldn't get it if it means another 6 years of lack luster 3rd party trash with the occasional 1st party jewel. Luckily i didn't buy it the 1st day. Even if some users of this forum were calling me out as A sony drone cause i didn't buy 1st day -_-


#141609 Wii U Cpu is horrible? Real developers

Posted by giggity3000 on 01 December 2012 - 04:12 PM in Wii U Hardware

Yeah I basically bought it for mario mario kart zelda metroid brawl and all other first party nintendo games but had a feeling third party was going to jump ship on wiiu. I got assasins creed 3 coming this week for the u and will prob get the new aliens game on the u too along with blops 2. A part of me was hoping this was going to be my main system but that was foolish cause i love halo and gears and xbox live and love playstation for there exclusives so i will have all the consoles once again.

>implying sony will last long enough past next gen
>implying they lost more profits in the past year then nintendo did in 3
>implying no one is buying their tech so drones can't use that as an excuse
>implying the vita wont flop

#141606 Wii U Cpu is horrible? Real developers

Posted by giggity3000 on 01 December 2012 - 04:00 PM in Wii U Hardware

Well this is gonna sound funny but this "kinda confirms that wii u truly is nextgen."

The next generation of graphics and games is heavely based on the gpu. Almost everything is simulated and rendered with the gpu.

Since the CPU and memory is cheap ones and the system still is 300 bucks shouldn't that meant that the gpu is really good?

It can't run unreal engine 4, only unreal engine 3.9 then the huge jump to 4 is too much

This is why nintendo kept the specs hidden and never said anything. I hope I dont regret my wii u purchase we will def get awsome first party games but dont see much of a reason to buy third party on the wii u when the next box and ps4 will look way better and be able to do more wit hthe game as far as having more enmys on screen and other awsome graphics.

If you bought it for nintendo games then you're ok but if it's 3rd party you wanted then you messed up

#178685 Who else is concerned for Wii U?

Posted by giggity3000 on 03 March 2013 - 01:20 PM in General Gaming

I wasn't on the forums for the ps4 reveal but is anyone else afraid for A repeat of this generation?

With the Wii U only having 4.6 percent of developers making games and the Ps4 pumping out next gen graphics that pretty much blew away what the Wii U had in the last 2 years in only 2 hours. I'm really hoping that it's not going to happen and im here so you can prove me wrong, and please no more of that "Sony isn't dumb enough to over power" (yes they are)

"Sony in finiancial crisis" (doesn't seem like thats stopping them)

"Ps4 can't be extremely more powerful then the Wii U cause it's only A year away from Wii U's release" (You mean like last gens  launch?)


No fanboy comments please, I just want some good things to hear and i'm getting enough crap for not being A 100% supporter of nintendo.

#120358 Which Zelda is Better?

Posted by giggity3000 on 22 October 2012 - 10:57 AM in General Gaming


#115024 What Nintendo Land game are you looking forward to most? + General Discussion

Posted by giggity3000 on 04 October 2012 - 05:34 PM in Wii U Games and Software

no online. I can't  find myself liking that no matter how much I try to see the good in it. We asked for dedicated Mario, Metroid, Donkey Kong games so they give us that thing & dare blame me when I complain

#247812 What if Nintendo was to re-release classics in HD?

Posted by giggity3000 on 24 September 2013 - 10:55 AM in Wii U Games and Software

If they did, then people would just complain that Nintendo never does anything new with their games despite the same thing happening with HD Collections on the PS360.

The difference being that the other consoles release new games and don't charge full price. See metal gear legacy

#128062 What does Bayonetta 2 mean for Wii U? (and LOL?)

Posted by giggity3000 on 12 November 2012 - 06:35 AM in Wii U Games and Software

They don't care about Bayonetta 2 (except for fans) its just that they can't believe and hate the idea of Nintendo getting A game that they wont.

#118520 What Do U Hope The Wii U Will Be Like One Year From Now?

Posted by giggity3000 on 17 October 2012 - 03:54 PM in Wii U Hardware

All of the above. But I want people to see the Wii U as A true next gen console and include it's name along side others. I wanna hear it
*bottom of commercial* Ps4, Wii U, (nextbox), xbox live, PSN, [N], [PC]
Pre-order at gamestop and get this exclusive (Insert worthless gimmick)
All right guys Today im bringing you guys some more CoD future warfare and I get A sweet 23 - 4 just dominating everyone on nintendo network
Ok this weeks give away goes to (name). Congratulations and out of the three choices you choose 2000 nintendo points.

#143289 What are your rare nintendo items?

Posted by giggity3000 on 04 December 2012 - 11:29 AM in The Café

Super Mario playing cards. Club nintendo rewards for 2012. Only were available for platinum members. Had A choice between this and Zelda posters and I choose this. Thanks to the few users who helped me A few months ago when my dumb self messed up the order.  Don't know if this counts as rare so i won't vote yet.

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#141999 well known Hacker reveals specifications

Posted by giggity3000 on 02 December 2012 - 07:21 AM in Wii U Hardware


oh my gosh :o

#142012 well known Hacker reveals specifications

Posted by giggity3000 on 02 December 2012 - 07:38 AM in Wii U Hardware

This isn't about the CPU its about the GPU

#142017 well known Hacker reveals specifications

Posted by giggity3000 on 02 December 2012 - 07:46 AM in Wii U Hardware

Meh, lock it up then

#247822 WayForward wants to make a "Pony" game

Posted by giggity3000 on 24 September 2013 - 11:20 AM in General Gaming

The butthurt will be glorious

Attached Thumbnails

  • reckt.jpg

#178686 Walking Dead: Survival Instinct is coming to the Wii U

Posted by giggity3000 on 03 March 2013 - 01:23 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I don't get all the hype of the Telltale game. The story is fun, but people are hyping the game up to GoTY level along side games like Farcry 3 and Halo 4. Without multiplayer or any kind of real replay value I just cannot see that.

Welcome to the great times we call Snes - n64

#113999 To cancel or not to cancel?

Posted by giggity3000 on 30 September 2012 - 05:08 PM in Wii U Hardware

If I were you I would just stick it out and get it. Once you get the WiiU and play it you will not think twice about it being a bad decision. You will be satisfied I bet. Take a chance and get the new console.

Be careful. You never know

#124616 To all COD players

Posted by giggity3000 on 05 November 2012 - 07:43 AM in General Gaming

Well blackops had A half sencond delay unless you're host which led to fake kills.
You know whats balanced?Team Fortress 2, to this day it amazes me how they were able to achieve it in A game that you can have A rocket as A primary with 4 rockets loaded. With every weapon (minus the defaults) it gives you ups and downs, no weapon is better then another cause this game takes that saying this saying seriously "The weapon does not make the man strong, but the man holding the weapon". As for CoD well noobtube :P and theres always A class and killstreaks are bull,why should you give A player who is already winning the upper hand, i think death streaks were called for if they werent stupid. (Dead mans hand) and all the CoD fans hate on treyarch cause they change the game and innovate. Seems like A bandwagon to me.

#247819 The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD Receives a 9.8/10 from IGN

Posted by giggity3000 on 24 September 2013 - 11:08 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I dont get you guys. Wind waker was my favorite zelda game but this remake isn't worth 60$. They just turned up the bloom and tweaked a few things but why is it full priced? It would have been worth it if they released all the cut content since wind waker was rushed near the end. and the sailing would be fine if they world actually had stuff in it instead of empty islands and the occasional squid and shark. Also why would they remake a timeless game? Hardly counts as a remake if you ask me sounds more like a cash grab since not much effort was done to this.



Or they could say this is just remastered.

#247835 The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD Receives a 9.8/10 from IGN

Posted by giggity3000 on 24 September 2013 - 11:50 AM in Wii U Games and Software

1: This game is $50, the same as it originally launched at and $10 less than the average Wii U game.
2: The unused dungeons have been implemented into Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword.
3: A lot of HD collections are just the original game at 720p at a higher framerate. The only ones that I can think of that was better than this was Halo Anniversary and Ocarina 3D.
4: You would find lookout towers with pirates, pirate ships, submarines, hidden treasure, giant octorocks, and challenge islands mandatory for the Triforce Quest.
5: They remade it so more people can get the chance to experince it. They re-released Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, A Link to the Past, Zelda 1 and 2 on Wii Virtual Console, as well as remade Ocarina of Time on 3DS, put Zelda 1 and 2, Link's Awakening, and the Oracle games were put on the 3DS Virtual Console, and Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword are readily available Wii games. Wind Waker is the least readily available game in the Zelda series, so they wanted more people to play what is considered by many to be the best game in the Zelda series, if not of all time.

Couldn't they just make it HD with a better framerate and release it for 19.99$ on the virtual console? Seems counter productive to their name if everyone thinks it's a rehash.

you wot.png

#118407 The blatant disrespect for nintendo and why they will win next gen

Posted by giggity3000 on 17 October 2012 - 09:49 AM in Wii U Hardware

I horribly disagree with you on first party sales taking the back seat to 3rd party and nothing has changed in the last 10 years in that sense. People buy systems for 1st party titles. All the games you mentioned can be had on on the PS3,360,and PC. Games like Halo, Uncharted, God of War, and Mario/Zelda move systems. If they didn't we would have no need for 3 consoles. To say otherwise is ridiculous.

You're not getting the point. lets say A console had no 1st party games,i like metroid and mario as much as the next guy but theres no way i would favor A few 1st party games over A mountain of future 3rd party games. The console that wins is the one that has full 3rd party support and decent exclusives. I would have an xbox if the 50$ A year wasn't bullcrap. To many times have I heard "Coming to the Ps3, 360, and PC" and too many times have I heard "Don't worry bro we still have pokemon and happy fun hello kitty island" -________-

#118516 The blatant disrespect for nintendo and why they will win next gen

Posted by giggity3000 on 17 October 2012 - 03:45 PM in Wii U Hardware

I completely get the point - I'm not saying 3rd party don't don't sell systems - but what I'm saying is 1st party generally decides which system. If there were no such thing as 1st party exclusives then there would be no need for more than one home console..period

True, exclusives are what make people come to A console. That's the only reason i'm still here! Metroid Ftw but there hasn't been A decent new Metroid since 2007 :( (Other M sucks IMO)

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