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#1673 The Wii U and 3D

Posted by Jikayaki on 04 April 2011 - 06:27 PM in Wii U Hardware

Nintendo it seems at least don't appear to be considering the idea of focusing on 3D in the Wii's successor. Some other visual or control based hook will likely be added to give the Wii's successor the same sort of viral appeal Nintendo is trying to give the 3DS with its glasses-less 3D screen. The only idea I can think of that they could add that would give a similar experience as 3D without depending on consumers buying an expensive new TV is through head tracking VR displays through the same sort of camera technology already used in the DS, 3DS, and Wii remote. The problem is that it would be a very personal experience as only one individual at a time could benefit from the effect.

#51751 Should the WiiU have a USB3.0 on the back

Posted by Jikayaki on 06 January 2012 - 01:46 AM in Wii U Hardware

USB 3.0 would be a smart move by Nintendo to incorporate. Its not exactly the only option though. Whether or not USB 3.0 or something else needs to be added depends largely from my understanding on the drive's read speed. USB 2.0 may still be useful if the drive's read speed is lower than the bandwidth of the USB 2.0 port.

#1901 Retro Studios are working on a Wii U game

Posted by Jikayaki on 20 April 2011 - 05:01 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I really doubt it will be F-Zero. I'd like to see a franchise like F-Zero have a reboot from Retro, but to me F-Zero doesn't make much sense based on Retro's experience though neither did Donkey Kong. Star Fox doesn't sound all that impossible I could envision a space fighter combat/first person shooter reboot that could borrow extensively from Retro's experiences with Metroid. That said I think there was a reason Retro created Donkey Kong Country Returns. Its specific existence likely comes down to needing another quick release while Retro was if I was to speculate working primarily on next gen engines, but it may of been testing the market for a Donkey Kong Country reboot. This perhaps isn't what majority of fans would want Retro to work on, but I find it likely Retro's next game for the foreseeable future is Donkey Kong. As a launch game Donkey Kong even makes sense instead of a Mario or Zelda. Its not currently really an overly powerful franchise and wouldn't completely overshadow 3D party efforts, but give a reason for Nintendo fans to buy the system right away instead of waiting.

#51754 PS4 and 720 more powerful than Wii U?

Posted by Jikayaki on 06 January 2012 - 01:57 AM in Wii U Hardware

Extremely unlikely.

Looking at the currently rumored specs of the Wii U this is nothing short of impossible without the PS4/720 costing well over 900$ USD to produce (That sounds outrageous, but keep in mind that manufacture cost of a launch 60GB PS3 was $950 USD!). Sony is too smart to make the mistake they did this last generation of releasing a vastly over expensive console that is difficult to develope for, and Microsoft would lose market going this route as well.

Prehaps if either console was release say some 4 years after the Wii U, such of a gap would be expected, but I doubt Microsoft/Sony are being serious about the "10 year lifecycle".

Its impossible for the next Sony and Microsoft consoles to be so above the Wii U in tech to repeat this generation, but its rather easy even regarding the higher spec rumors for PS4 or Xbox 720 to be more powerful machines. It all depends on how these devices are designed and their intended market and price point. If PS4 follows Vita its going to be more powerful, but perhaps not as much as some would like to think as Vita is mostly a device created to budget with little R&D based on current advancements in mobile tech. The next Xbox is harder to speculate about we've heard rumors that Kinect is going to be a heavy focus next gen for the Xbox brand. That eats into revenue to produce the device since that would seem to point to a mainstream product something that could easily be within the ball park of Wii U. So its sane to say that these systems will end up more powerful than Wii U, but by how much we can't say.

#2034 Possible way for Nintendo to compete and win in Graphics

Posted by Jikayaki on 23 April 2011 - 10:09 AM in Wii U Hardware

Since Nintendo's next console is reportedly using R700 series architecture there may not be any issues with being within the same ballpark as its competitors. The rumors from IGN contradict the rumor of AMD's Trinity fusion chipset being used in Project Cafe, but we still have a leak that points to the chipset being used in a next Generation console. The leak can't be linked to former plans from Nintendo that didn't pan out since according to rumor Nintendo's console is already in production or will be in production soon. It doesn't make since for Sony either since they need to continue to milk these generation. My guess is that the AMD Trinity fusion chipset will instead be powering Microsoft's next console. The four core CPU and either HD 5000 or HD 6000 series GPU would potentially be more powerful than the rumored three core PowerPC CPU and R700 series GPU, but not necessarily by much. A good contender for the GPU in an APU for Microsoft's next console is Radeon HD 6770, which is about 6 times as powerful as Xbox 360's Xenos. A good contender for Nintendo's Project Cafe's GPU is Radeon HD 4770, which is exactly four times more powerful than Xbox 360's Xenos. Then there is the possibility that Nintendo's console will be more exotic as unless Nintendo uses off the counter CPU parts I don't see why it would be as large as a original model Xbox 360 like depicted in the rumors. Its certainly possible that Xbox 720 could use a better GPU than Radeon HD 6770, but options available would make it difficult to use anything within the HD 6000 series beyond Radeon HD 6850, which is slightly more than six times as powerful as Xenos, but the difference in power wouldn't be more than 50 percent more powerful than Nintendo's next console and potentially if Nintendo uses a dual GPU or a Radeon HD 4890 equivalent GPU they could be more or less equal. Though if Nintendo is going with a dual GPU model the chances of it being more powerful than the Xbox exist, but if size isn't a concern Microsoft they can easily match it.

#4327 Pikmin 3

Posted by Jikayaki on 08 June 2011 - 01:06 AM in Wii U Games and Software

As much as I enjoy this news, it`s sad because the wii was perfect for pikimin

You'll still have the capability to use the Wii remote motion controls including Wii motion plus. I'm not surprised Pikimin jumped a generation. You simply have to look at how Nintendo approaches development and how their developers think, especially in the case of Iwata and Miyamoto. During development Miyamoto will completely throw out a game if it doesn't meet his expectations or he wants to add new ideas and those ideas conflict with the current version of the game. This can be seen as the result of the new art direction found in Skyward Sword motivated in part after adding Wii motion plus functionality. With Pikimin it may simply be that the Wii's hardware wasn't capable enough to do what Nintendo wanted thus why this game was continually stuck in development. Now as a plus Pikimin serves as a strong launch title that won't over shadow 3D party titles. Even if those 3d party titles are practically no more than slightly enhanced ports simply because the art direction of Pikimin won't compete directly with the same audience.

#35240 Pikmin 3

Posted by Jikayaki on 06 October 2011 - 07:30 PM in Wii U Games and Software

It was developed mostly on Wii so even if they did upscale graphics how would they make larger worlds or many different Pikmin then previously intended? If they add a new Pikmin then originally planned then they have to reimagine everything to put those pikmin to use in puzzles & combat. The maps won't that huge or they once again have to start from scratch. If they did a complete HD makeover with all the extra stuff then it would take a few more years. So don't expect a Pikmin game that would blow you away. At least the graphics will look nice

This is Nintendo we're talking about. Many of Nintendo's developers especially Shigeru Miyamoto will throw out a game and start over if ideas and concepts added don't mesh with work already done. It wouldn't surprise me if development changed greatly after the decision to move the title from the Wii to the Wii U was decided. Pikmin 3 itself likely switched consoles during development when ideas and concepts the devs wanted to try couldn't be done on the Wii. Its not entirely impossible that because of the switch to Wii U that not only will there be more Pikmin on screen than was possible with Wii, but improved graphics and new concepts than were originally done for the title before switching platforms.

#4681 Nintendo's first fail...

Posted by Jikayaki on 11 June 2011 - 07:27 PM in Wii U Hardware

It was only the third-party games, though; the ones like the bird at the hanami (cherry blossom place), the Zelda one, and any first-party games are the ones ran on the Wii U.

There actually weren't any first party games for the Wii U this E3. Battle Mii, Chase Mii, Super Mario Mii, ext were merely prove of concept demos for the functions of the controller not actual games or prototypes of games in production.

#27184 Nintendo please dont rush the wii u out!

Posted by Jikayaki on 09 September 2011 - 12:07 PM in Wii U Hardware

From what I gather from Neogaf this rumor from 01net is either completely bogus, an over reaction from some of the earlier dev kits which are known to have several issues, or simply someone not understanding that generally hardware development at this stage is usually clustered and haphazard to begin with. An individual from Neogaf with connection with this issue stated that the latest dev kit fixed the streaming issues with the controllers, so apparently that no longer is an issue.

#40908 Nintendo has to get it right

Posted by Jikayaki on 04 November 2011 - 08:02 PM in Wii U Hardware

I believe that nintendo has to have one hell of a launch lineup for Wii U to be successful. they have to show the power of the Wii U from day one launch games... they have to make people see with their own two eyes that a new generation has started. they need one hell of an exclusive im talking battlefield 4, cod, or gta. something that is exclusive to Wii U that ps360 cant get.

A better than 3DS launch is already practically guaranteed if for nothing more than third party ports. I don't think Nintendo need many must have launch titles either first party or exclusive third party to have a successful launch. Pikmin 3, perhaps a NSMBs, and one or two other titles would be more than enough along with the ports. What's more important than the launch titles themselves is a steady stream of titles afterwords. The lack of a steady stream of titles after launch is why the 3DS couldn't maintain any momentum at its original price not the lack luster launch software. Most launches are lack luster in selection and quantity.

#40612 Nintendo has to get it right

Posted by Jikayaki on 01 November 2011 - 07:36 PM in Wii U Hardware

is there any quote from developer or nintendo or even rumors that state this is being built in Wii U? im dying for info on this console.

Unfortunately no there isn't any quote from a developer or Nintendo pointing to IBM quad channel controllers or a system on chip or system in package designs for the Wii U. That is merely speculation from Neogaf the memory controllers coming from IBM's statement that the CPU within the Wii U is related to Watson and the speculation regarding SoC or SoP originates mostly from random statements from IBM with no real relation to Wii U and the size of the console in comparison to the rumors. There was a rumor on Neogaf from supposedly an investor or employee of the company manufacturing the embedded memory for the GPU that the Wii U will use the 28nm manufacturing process, which could point to more impressive GPU than previously thought. It doesn't look like anything concrete will drop regarding the Wii U until next year. Hope still exists that leaks will follow the release of the third gen dev kits, but that could of already happened and we haven't heard anything.

#38882 Nintendo has to get it right

Posted by Jikayaki on 27 October 2011 - 12:03 PM in Wii U Hardware

We already know that the 3DS changed to some degree to better match the wishes of third party devs and a lot of the focus on the Wii U's design is maintaining third party support. After the lack luster start to the 3DS it wouldn't surprise me if devs aren't able to push more with Nintendo regarding the Wii U in comparison. That said Nintendo has some very capable hardware designers. Going on leaks and rumors I do believe it won't suffer from many of the issues that plagued the Wii regarding the core audience and third party developers, at least for the first three years. Then if you add in some of the speculation from IBM's quad channel memory controllers to possibly a system on chip or system in package silicon designs Wii U may end up more impressive than the high end rumors while still using parts equal to rumored PC counterparts. A lot depends on what Microsoft and Sony do next gen, but a lot points to both potentially utilizing a more modest jump in comparison to last gen.

#4538 New Controller Limitations?

Posted by Jikayaki on 09 June 2011 - 10:16 PM in Wii U Hardware

Nintendo's making a profit of $150 off every 3DS sold (and who knows how much off the Wii, which is based on 2001 technology), so I think they might be able to subsidize their next console's costs a little.

Considering how much we can expect the cost of hardware to fall over the next year, I don't think Nintendo would actually have that much trouble making the console powerful enough to support two, if not four tablets, as well as the TV, without driving the cost up exorbitantly high.

This isn't actually true. Nintendo isn't actually making exactly 150 dollars off each 3DS sold. The pure manufacturing costs of the handheld is about 100 or 101 dollars, but other costs come into play. There's the retailers cut, shipping costs, ext that start cutting into that figure. Certainly they are making profit off each 3DS sold and quite a hefty sum at that, but not as much as many believe.

I'm of the opinion the primary reason behind Nintendo only looking into using two utablet controllers so far comes down to a bandwidth issue and not necessarily a CPU or GPU related issue. The technologies that would allow for video streaming to multiple wireless monitors is quite expensive. Not so expensive I don't think Nintendo could allow for four utablet controllers by upgrading its Bluetooth or other wireless technology before launch, but expensive enough that they may consider whether two utablet controllers are enough merely to marginalize costs. Then you have to realize that Nintendo only recently got early developer kits out to the majority of developers within the last month. If the 3DS is anything to go by major changes will occur to the Wii U in response to 3D party developer reactions regarding these early dev kits all of which represents added cost to Nintendo. With 3D party development heavily focused primarily on online multiplayer and the rare co-op whether the number of supported utablets increases depends on if Nintendo is interested in the concept to be honest.

#4369 New Controller Limitations?

Posted by Jikayaki on 08 June 2011 - 10:53 AM in Wii U Hardware

It appears Nintendo is trying to insure that two tablet controllers can be used at one time, but no word on whether they'll use more than two. There are a lot of limitations for this sort of technology, so who knows what makes using more than two tablet controllers impossible right now. For one it could be a bandwidth issue through Bluetooth or ext. Then there is the possibility its a hardware limitation. The GPU can't handle more than three monitors while maintaining the graphical quality Nintendo wants and the full functionality Nintendo intends for the tablet controllers. So to have more tablet controllers playing at once may mean you either lower the graphics of the game or hardly utilize the intended functions of the touchscreen.

#36915 Monster Hunter for Wii U?

Posted by Jikayaki on 17 October 2011 - 05:25 PM in Wii U Games and Software

My other point was that Monster Hunter isn't the kind of game that needs the hardware to have good sales for it to sell well because Japanese gamers will buy the hardware for it. Also Nintendo said they're willing to invest in third party exclusives for the 3DS and Wii U so I'm sure they'd give a moneyhat to Capcom for Monster Hunter on Wii U. In fact I reckon they paid for Monster Hunter 4 to be exclusive to the 3DS as well.

Still why would Capcom create a Monster Hunter game for Wii U when they could simply make sequels for the Monster Hunter franchise and spin-off titles for 3DS and Vita. Handhelds are increasingly the preferred gaming devices for the Japanese market, where in their console market selling over 200,000 copies is extraordinary. Major Western franchises would crash at current dev costs within a similar sized market. The audience for Monster Hunter is completely complacent with a handheld experience. In other words there is no driving force for Capcom to develop a Monster Hunter game outside handhelds within its current market. The Wii U has to place itself as a major force in Japan like no console has done in recent memory or Nintendo has to foot the bill. Otherwise Monster Hunter for Wii U doesn't make financial sense for Capcom.

#37419 Monster Hunter for Wii U?

Posted by Jikayaki on 21 October 2011 - 05:37 AM in Wii U Games and Software


Really? And that's just an HD port.

That's what I was saying, sort of.

An HD port is an entirely different beast than creating a new entry within the franchise for an HD console. There isn't anywhere near the cost involved with your average port than creating a game from scratch for more capable hardware. I hold to my statement Monster Hunter Wii U is very unlikely unless Nintendo foots the bill, or Wii U creates a larger market internally for console franchises. Capcom isn't going to just create a Monster Hunter game for Wii U for **** and giggles. Capcom is a company and like any company needs a financial reason above all to go forward with a project. There simply isn't any reason financially for Capcom to create a Monster Hunter game for the Wii U.

#36576 Monster Hunter for Wii U?

Posted by Jikayaki on 15 October 2011 - 07:34 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Not now since the price and constant flow of great games but earlier on they were pretty poor with even the PSP topping it. And my point was that Monster Hunter Tri came to the Wii because PS3 development costs were too high not because the Wii had higher sales. Monster Hunter fans will come to any console if it has Monster Hunter so even on a console with terrible sales Monster Hunter would still sell immensely well. That's Monster Hunter is so important companies like Nintendo and Sony because it gives consoles a massive boost in Japan.

I'm not sure I'm explaining myself completely. HD console development costs being a factor in why Wii got a Monster Hunter isn't something I have argued against. There simply so much more to why Capcom didn't create a Monster Hunter for the PS3 at the time than simply the high developer costs of HD development. It has to do with the market within Japan where Monster Hunter contains majority of its audience. The investment wasn't worth it compared to the market that existed for HD consoles within Japan at that time or now for that matter. Wii had a larger market, it wasn't too difficult to share resources from the PSP, and it represented a lower investment. The Japanese market is far too small today for extensive development on a franchise unless it has some significance in the West.

#37060 Monster Hunter for Wii U?

Posted by Jikayaki on 18 October 2011 - 12:47 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Because there's no reason why they can't make Monster Hunter for both handhelds and home consoles so they might as well cover both markets even if the handheld one is bigger.

The point is that not only is the market for handhelds larger, but the market for console games within Japan isn't large enough to warrant development on next gen HD hardware. There isn't a financial reason for Capcom to develop a game within the franchise for the Wii U. The Wii U has to enlarge the console market in Japan, the monster hunter series is going to need to find a western audience, or Nintendo needs to foot the bill otherwise Monster Hunter Wii U is very unlikely.

#36709 Monster Hunter for Wii U?

Posted by Jikayaki on 16 October 2011 - 12:59 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I was just going by the official press release.

Those sort of things are often full of PR. I'm merely speculating on the reasons that Wii got a Monster Hunter and how that compares to the possibility that Wii U will get a Monster Hunter release based both on official statements and common sense. The Wii U has to create a larger audience within Japan for Japanese console games or the Monster Hunter games for the 3DS have to create a reasonable audience within the west if they are going to be localized. Otherwise a Monster Hunter for the Wii U isn't really guaranteed. Outside this Nintendo would have to money hat to Capcom for a console version.

#38346 Monster Hunter for Wii U?

Posted by Jikayaki on 23 October 2011 - 08:32 PM in Wii U Games and Software

My point was that Monster Hunter sells great no matter what. Also Nintendo has said they're willing to invest in third-party exclusives for the 3DS and Wii U some I'm sure they'd give a moneyhat for Monster Hunter on Wii U. In fact I bet that's how they got Monster Hunter 4.

I don't rule out Nintendo potentially footing the bill for a Monster Hunter for the Wii U. My point is merely that Capcom doesn't have an incentive to create an entry within the franchise on the Wii U otherwise really unless Wii U proves to drastically increase the size of the console market in Japan. For what it would cost to develop a single Wii U title they could likely create several entries and spin offs for the handheld market, which ultimately would prove more profitable. Then footing the bill for a proper Monster Hunter for the Wii U would be considerably more expensive than footing the bill for the 3DS. Financially Nintendo may not see the point for footing the bill for such an expensive purchase especially when majority of the console market is the west where majority of their troubles are likely to occur.

#36230 Monster Hunter for Wii U?

Posted by Jikayaki on 13 October 2011 - 10:21 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Not really the 3DS is getting to Monster Hunters despite poor sales. Wii got Monster Hunter solely for cheaper development costs not because of sales. I'm pretty sure it will, Monster Hunter's on PS2, PSP, Wii, 3DS, PS3 and even the Xbox 360 so I think are chances are pretty good. Heck Capcom said they were going to put it on the Nintendo DS but it wasn't powerful enough so they went for PSP.

The 3DS sales haven't been poor. Currently the handheld looks to out pace the first year sales of DS. The thing is regularly the top selling hardware in Japan since the price drop. Nintendo simply didn't push hard enough with the 3DS to maintain momentum at its previous price, but the DS suffered similar handling. Monster Hunter is a Japanese focused franchise. This is why I stated that the only way Wii U would get a Monster Hunter release is if the Wii U sells well in Japan. So much of the Japanese market is handhelds thus why this franchise with most of its focus in Japan has for the most part stuck with handhelds this gen. Monster Hunter for the 3DS is a natural fit for the Japanese Market. Monster Hunter for Wii U not so much. We'll have to see if the new controller helps the console create a market significant enough to warrant Capcom making a Monster Hunter game for the console.

Monster Hunter originally went to the Wii because of the franchise's Japanese market focus. There simply wasn't enough of an audience for the franchise to warrant HD developing costs because primarily the Japanese console market is too small to warrant that sort of investment. Wii U is going to have to over come that issue if Monster Hunter is ever going to grace its library. The touchscreen controller may very well help the console in that regard.

#35965 Monster Hunter for Wii U?

Posted by Jikayaki on 11 October 2011 - 07:08 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Monster Hunter going to the Wii U depends greatly with how good the Wii U sells in Japan. So much of the Monster Hunter's market is Japanese, which is why when the Japanese market moving toward handhelds instead of consoles the series moved to being a handheld focused franchise. Wii got a version of Monster Hunter partly because of its sells compared to PS3 and it represented far less of an investment for Capcom. The Wii U's presence in the Japanese Market is going to have to be significant for this franchise to ever see a console launch.

#35269 Known facts

Posted by Jikayaki on 07 October 2011 - 06:14 AM in Wii U Hardware

Hopefully not to close

So far to my knowledge the only limitation is that you more or less have to be in the same room, but otherwise you don't have to be too close to the console

#27196 is nintendo being cheap?

Posted by Jikayaki on 09 September 2011 - 12:35 PM in Wii U Hardware

Forget the rumors.... lets talk about the my first question. I asked a question which i thought had facts to back it up. we know nintendo made billions off the Wii. so can they not afford to put more up to date tech into their console. i was just posing a question and every nintendo fan on here took it as a personal attack on them. open up your mind people!

This is merely Nintendo creating console hardware based on the same principles that went into the creation of practically every console ever made. Individuals forget or simply don't realize that using the latest tech has never been within the equation of creating console hardware before the Xbox 360 and PS3. The tech behind consoles in the past was old by time the consoles hit the market often by several years. The gap on the age of the technology within a console has steadily decreased since the Nintendo Entertainment System, but still for instance the age of the GPU technology rumored to be used in the Wii U is rather equivalent with what we saw in the previous generation of consoles at launch.

This isn't anything really to be worried about itself neither Sony nor Microsoft are likely to use bleeding edge tech in their consoles though certainly more up to date than Nintendo. How far behind the capability of Nintendo's Wii U is to their competition really depends on what sort of memory they use, clock speeds, amount of customization, ext. Technical issues will greatly limit the capability of consoles this coming generation primarily because of high wattage from chipsets. I certainly expect Sony and Microsoft to have an edge regarding power, but it isn't going to be anything like the Wii in regards to the Xbox 360 or PS3.

#4465 How powerful do you think project cafe will be?

Posted by Jikayaki on 09 June 2011 - 03:39 AM in Wii U Hardware

I don't think they are better than the ps3 or xbox, but I suppose it's equal to them. Now nintendo has a chance to redeem themselves from the wii. And actually compete.

The Wii U is significantly more powerful than either the PS3 or Xbox 360. Both tech demos show cased that fact simply how much more powerful is the question. Rumors before E3 pointed to a theoretical figure of something between 4x to possibly 6x the capability of Xbox 360 depending on how the rumored chipsets where customized. The only thing in doubt about the full capability of the console was whether it could be considered a full generational leap over current consoles. As a measuring stick going by those original rumors there isn't any reason with optimizing the code for a closed box system that majority of the more graphically impressive games that have recently come out for the PC could run on Wii U on their highest settings.

There's a rumor going on on NeoGAF saying that the WiiU's CPU is based on Watson's Power7 CPU. Although that doesn't mean that your WiiU could beat you in Jeopardy because Watson's a gigantic cluster with 2880 cores and 16 TB of RAM, it still means that the WiiU uses considerably newer tech than PS360. Let's hope the GPU will be good enough not to bottleneck the CPU.

This bit of information though is extremely interesting. Basically the only thing that can be taken from it is that Wii U's CPU is Power 7 based, but that means far more power than many expected. Depending on the number of cores, the clock speed, and exactly how the chip has been customized it could theoretically be a full generational leap over Xenon. Going by the AMD press release the GPU may be something from the Radeon HD 5xxx to 7xxx family of GPU's instead of the originally rumored 4XXX family of GPU's. Which would result in a better feature set, better performance with a lower TDP, and would benefit from AMD Eyefinity technology. The biggest issues I'm worried about regarding Wii U now is its total RAM.

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