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There have been 308 items by HaoSenVastForest (Search limited from 05-July 23)

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#63442 What name do you choose in Loz

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 25 February 2012 - 10:45 AM in General Gaming

Same here

Horse: Epona
Link: Link

#75085 Wii U Console Redesign

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 26 April 2012 - 03:56 PM in Wii U Hardware

Well I dont really care how it looks because I dont go WOW DEH WII U LOOKZ SO AWSHOME AND BAD ASS IMA GET ONE! Wait what does it do agian? I think that they will buy it for its power and games. And yeah I do agree with Tron it does look a little plain and I wouldnt mind any change at all.

#139208 Request: Chatbox Rules Specifics

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 27 November 2012 - 01:46 PM in Site News and Feedback

What I want is some more specific rules because they are kinda vague and so we don't have many guidelines to follow is what I think allot of people are asking. Not about the punishments but the rules themselves. I think they need to be a little more specific.

#139242 Request: Chatbox Rules Specifics

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 27 November 2012 - 02:19 PM in Site News and Feedback

Always make meaningful chat messages. If you don't have anything to add to a discussion, don't send a message like "I don't know what to say" or something just to get attention. Your message will only get deleted. We'd like to avoid enforcing a specific word or character limit, if possible. This rule also acts against conversation necromancy - do not bring up an old topic of conversation if it has become irrelevant (e.g.: a conversation speculating about Blu-ray playback after it has been confirmed not to be a feature of the Wii U), and especially if you've got nothing to add to it (e.g.: you're only talking to say "the thing doesn't play Blu-ray's," or something along the lines of that).

Always be respectful of others and their opinions. No personal attacks, hateful/racist comments, flame wars, etc. It won't be tolerated. Emotional debates are fine, but hating someone just because they think the PSP is better than the DS is simply irrational.

No swearing. Minor curse words like "crap" and "hell" are fine, but the S-word and F-bomb are strictly taboo. Appropriate substitutes like "snit" and "funk" may be used freely, though. If you swear, don't be surprised if your words are replaced with embarrassing things like unicorns or rainbows.

Please write your messages in understandable English. You don't need to be perfect, and I won't even enforce capitalization; but basic punctuation and diction are a must. We want to keep the chat as readable as possible so you don't need to waste time deciphering aposttahtluksliektis.

Don't advertise your website on this site outside of your signature and the designated URL field on your profile. Status updates, chat messages, and forum threads/posts made to promote your site will be removed unless you have received express permission from the administration to advertise your site here.

Keep it appropriate. This means no posting pornographic or fetishistic images or content; no racism, sexism, or otherwise derogatory behaviour towards ethnic groups or other members - you get the gist of it. This isn't 4chan, after all.

Only one account per person! If you wish to change your username, you can do so from your user CP. Members caught with or suspected of having multiple accounts may have all but one of their accounts deleted or merged. We use the IP address logs to determine whether you have more than one account, so if another member of your household signs up, please do us a favour and send the moderation team a message about it.

No bashing, insulting, or otherwise pointlessly slandering Nintendo or their competitors. We're a community of respectful Nintendo fans. If you're here only to talk trash, don't even bother joining. That said, blind fanboyism (be it of Nintendo or any other company) will not be tolerated, either - if you've got something negative to say about any of the big three, it's fine to do so as long as it's phrased constructively and you know what you're talking about.

Discussion of piracy and ways to obtain, create, or play ROM's/ISO's is strictly forbidden.

Them's the rules.

THAT IS WHAT I WANTED anyways how does a guy get 2,000 posts?

#89840 I have a fear that the Wii U won't get great third party support

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 25 June 2012 - 07:12 AM in Wii U Hardware

You couldn't handle what they had to say?


#71464 WiiU hardware to "blow current gen out of the water"

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 11 April 2012 - 06:57 AM in Wii U Hardware

I have heard so many rumors I dont even care anymore. I dont know about you guys but good news or bad news this constant stream of rumors is just showing how unreliable they are. But still it is great to hear the good news. I just cant wait until E3 that way we can see what rumors are just made up and the ones that are actual leaks.

#137478 Audio Lag/Echo

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 24 November 2012 - 11:59 AM in Wii U Hardware

wait do you have a stereo or are you just using the TV?

#82392 Hotpockets

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 01 June 2012 - 02:04 AM in The Café

I never tasted one before.... What do they taste like and what are they?

#78797 Epic kind of says they are not impressed with PS4 and Xbox 720's power

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 17 May 2012 - 12:20 PM in General Gaming

Wait isnt this the same dude that was impressed with the Wii U's power? This is saying something! :D

#104866 What do you want to be when you grow up?

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 06 September 2012 - 04:14 PM in The Café

Don't laugh when I say this but I want to be a US Marine medic then run for president then start a US Revolution and later rule the world and create world peace.

#107079 BLACK OPS 2 Wii U OFFICIALLY CONFIRMED! [And Runs in 1080p60]

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 13 September 2012 - 02:17 PM in Wii U Games and Software



#137968 CAPU and PotatoHog's Thread

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 25 November 2012 - 10:16 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

you didn't nothing would of happened if potato never got jealous about everything

Well hey lets discuss this in the chat and potato come too if you see this I will have a private chat with both of you.

#137963 CAPU and PotatoHog's Thread

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 25 November 2012 - 10:11 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

I feel like I caused this......

#142664 Playsation Omni and Xbox 720 news.

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 03 December 2012 - 12:23 PM in General Gaming

Okay this is a bunch of BS if you ask me. Especially with Sony because right now they need to give you more reasons as to why you should buy a Vita. It seems to be a little premature for them to be making another console already. Also a $400-500 price tag? Really? For about $100 more I can buy a decent gaming PC that is about 2x a powerful as your phony Xbox720. Also how on earth would you make a console 3x as powerful as the Wii U if it uses the most modern technology out there? Unless if they made I time machine to the future I don't think that they are going to make such a powerful console.

#85463 Hottest Person?

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 07 June 2012 - 04:26 PM in The Café


#93855 Nintendo caved, says Patcher.

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 17 July 2012 - 05:46 AM in Wii U Hardware

This is the reasoning behind why I don't even bother to even consider anything Patcher says about the Wii U: Name one bad thing Patcher said about the Wii U. That wasn't too hard now was it? Well name one thing Ubisoft said that offends the Wii U. That may be a little tricky.

#83278 Redesign of the Wii U?

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 03 June 2012 - 08:32 AM in Wii U Hardware

E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE3!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

#81594 EPIC responds

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 29 May 2012 - 10:49 AM in Wii U Hardware

Sure. I think that Unreal will be on the Wii U because most of all the real Developers are practically kissing the console with praise. There is no reason for it not to have it. And besides it is a next gen console so if the Wii U doesn't get it then nothing will.

#119442 forum nickname!

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 20 October 2012 - 05:29 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Mine is more creative than any of yours. NL

#79437 Which Controller is better?

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 20 May 2012 - 05:04 AM in Wii U Hardware

Is it me or are the shoulder buttons slightly more triggerish now?

Anyway, Slide pads LOOK better, but I think Sticks will be more practical.

I agree with this. They do look more like triggers but I voted for the new one. Also I always did like the GC design because it felt so....Right....

#99143 Capcom Hints at Whats in Store For Wii U

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 12 August 2012 - 11:12 AM in Wii U Games and Software


#72321 Wonder if the Japanese Bird Garden Demo will be on the Wii U at launch?

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 15 April 2012 - 11:14 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm pretty sure it's not a game that will be availble, Nintendo confirmed at E3 2011 that all those tech demos are staying as tech demos, sorry.

Yeah I agree with your thinking because a game will show you more of what it is capable of than just a video.

#75016 Epic Making Metroid

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 26 April 2012 - 12:06 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I just dont want Metroid to end up like CoD. If Epic does that I may as well just loose all faith in gaming and actually exercise again. I just want them to do the graphics and AI. I still want Retro to do things like plot.

#159226 Albums to Listen To 2012

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 14 January 2013 - 11:47 AM in The Café

Blood by in This Moment!

#104359 I think I just found out the Wii U Launch info?

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 04 September 2012 - 01:45 PM in Wii U Hardware


**Starts shaking in seat**

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