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#50656 Origin of your username

Posted by hyp on 02 January 2012 - 09:00 AM in The Café

Ah, my username is just a shortening of a old username on another site, Hyperfox, way back in 2007. I don't use it at all anymore, so I made a shortened version. Hyp. I'm also known as that on the 3DS Forums.

The story behind the orginal is that I have ADHD and when I was younger I would drink Mountain Dew. We're talking 7-8 here.
So one day me and my Pops went out hunting, and I ran off. I tripped and fell down a hill. When I raised my head there was a fox standing there. It was only a few seconds before he ran off.
So, I made the name Hyperfox.

loljk I was 14 and I couldn't think of anything.

I'm better known as LukasNotLuke though, and Cyn. in some places.

#50657 -

Posted by hyp on 02 January 2012 - 09:21 AM in The Café

Well. The World Ends With You is my favorite game. Ever.

Neku seemed like a good choice. However Hanekoma was a close runner up when I choosing.

#50665 What music are you listening to at the moment?

Posted by hyp on 02 January 2012 - 09:50 AM in The Café

I was listening to all this earlier.

I was also listening to U.N. Owen Was Her? from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, and Nonaggression from Sonic Advance 3.

#50674 Favorite Disney character?

Posted by hyp on 02 January 2012 - 10:35 AM in The Café


Mickey Mouse. I know that's the more common answer, but if I had to pick one, it'd be Mickey Mouse.

Sue me. Stitch is a quick runner up though.

#50701 What Consoles do you have?

Posted by hyp on 02 January 2012 - 01:33 PM in General Gaming

All right.  Full list.


GB Pocket
GB Color
NDS (I've gotten two of these, my first one broke years ago.)
NDS Lite (Some punk stole it from me.)

Virtual Boy (ALMOST HAD ONE.  I was short on the cash though.)
GB Light
GB Micro
Super Famicom
Sega CD
Sega 32X
Atari 2600
Sega Mastersystem
Xbox 360
3DS (Japan Import)

People have their hobbies.

#50703 Avatar Party: Break Mode (IF YOU'RE INTERESTED, POST!)

Posted by hyp on 02 January 2012 - 01:45 PM in The Café

All right.  I'm going with Paper Mario.

#50756 Avatar Party: Break Mode (IF YOU'RE INTERESTED, POST!)

Posted by hyp on 02 January 2012 - 03:24 PM in The Café

A more creative way would be taking out the good ol' AR cards and posing your Mii somewhere.

Then cropping the image however you'd like.

#50777 Avatar Party: Break Mode (IF YOU'RE INTERESTED, POST!)

Posted by hyp on 02 January 2012 - 04:14 PM in The Café

Oh, well either way I can't really think of anything else at the moment. :b

#50786 Avatar Party: Break Mode (IF YOU'RE INTERESTED, POST!)

Posted by hyp on 02 January 2012 - 04:29 PM in The Café

*looks at avatar* OK... *looks at sig* *thinks The World Ends with You thoughts*

Eh, sue me.  I'm on medication and yogurt, lol.

Aight, I go with The World Ends With You.

#50799 Super Smash Bros. 4 Discussion Thread

Posted by hyp on 02 January 2012 - 05:19 PM in Wii U Games and Software

It popped up on 4chan which is known for its leaks

Oooooh, 4chan is known for quite more than the leaks. Lol.

Either way, I'm guessing we won't get it until 2014 or 2015.

#50808 Favorite Type of Cookie (When You Were a Kid)?

Posted by hyp on 02 January 2012 - 05:49 PM in The Café

Posted Image

I need 5 packs of these.  Now.

#50902 What is the average age group on the website I bet I'm the youngest one h...

Posted by hyp on 03 January 2012 - 04:50 AM in The Café


Loljk.  I'm actually 18, but I'll be 19 in about a month.

#50906 How long would it be untill SSB4 is released

Posted by hyp on 03 January 2012 - 05:24 AM in Wii U Games and Software

A nice 2014 launch would work fine with me. It's enough time for them to work on it, and at the same time not too far away, which would make waiting for the game... Well, awful. Somewhere around the middle, leaning towards the end of 2014 sounds perfect.

No, perfect would be a controller in my hands, playing it, right now.

I'd expect 2015, I guess 2016 at the latest. As they want to make it more than just a sequel this time around, plus they got the 3DS to make.

Fun fact, Brawl was supposed to come out on my birthday at one point, but it got pushed even further away.

#50908 Let's Talk IPs!

Posted by hyp on 03 January 2012 - 05:31 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'd quite enjoy an RPG simulator.

Love to see what Nintendo could do with it.

#50916 Youtube Channel Masterthread

Posted by hyp on 03 January 2012 - 06:57 AM in The Museum

http://youtube.com/lukasnotluke is my personal YouTube. Filled with just about anything honestly.

From that YouTube you can find my other YouTubes, one for my production team and the other for video/film art. So I doubt I really need to post them both.

#51436 -

Posted by hyp on 04 January 2012 - 08:08 PM in General Gaming

Sonic Team, Square Enix, but maybe ATLUS.

#51437 Your favourite MK7 Character?

Posted by hyp on 04 January 2012 - 08:10 PM in General Gaming

Shy Guy and Luigi.

Luigi because, well, he's the best.


#52010 Favorite Disney character?

Posted by hyp on 06 January 2012 - 08:55 AM in The Café

Toby... Bet most of you will have to Google that.

Great Scott, I didn't even remember him having a name. However.
The one associated with Basil or the one associated with Robin?

#52014 Anime Discussion

Posted by hyp on 06 January 2012 - 09:06 AM in The Café

I would not watch the new Pokemon episodes if you paid me.
Get me the original season on VHS though, then we'll talk.

Side note, highly love Death Note.  Just my two cents.

#52141 double dash wii u

Posted by hyp on 06 January 2012 - 04:51 PM in Wii U Games and Software

How about no?  However.

DLC, a update, or something to add the teamup from DD would be awesome.

Not to mention bringing some of the tracks to the Wii and 3DS.

#52144 Nintendo and Sega Super Sports

Posted by hyp on 06 January 2012 - 05:05 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I'd rather see a Mario and Sonic game with storyline.  Varied platforming.  And co-op.

I'm sick of sports games to be honest.

#52334 WiiU most powerful in the next gen?

Posted by hyp on 07 January 2012 - 07:47 AM in Wii U Hardware

Yeah it will be like the 6th Gen(Dreamcast, PS2, Xbox, and GCN), where all the consoles get multiplats and are all roughly equal in power to one another.

I know it's correct, but that bothers me. The Dreamcast ended when the Gamecube started. They never even competed, but it's the only place it fits.

#52522 Super Smash Bros. 4 Discussion Thread

Posted by hyp on 08 January 2012 - 07:05 AM in Wii U Games and Software

i'm highly doubtful anyone will get replaced. Or anyone from Melee that was dropped off will come back.
Except for maybe Lucario with a newer Pokemon, but that's it.

Hopeful from some Megaman and some (or a) Square Enix character. Personally I'd prefer Neku, seeing as he's been a Nintendo exclusive. Not getting my hopes up though.

That's also a good thing to keep in when thinking of possible new fighters people, they gotta have some tie to Nintendo.

#54618 Darkest Zelda Title

Posted by hyp on 15 January 2012 - 01:44 PM in General Gaming

Posted Image

I'm sure your choice will most likely be Majora's Mask, so if it is that, what's your second.

Also, lets add a cherry to this topic.  Worst (excluding CD-i, that's just cheating) and best Zelda title.  Shoot.

As for myself, MM is the darkest game.  I found Link's Awakening though to have a semi bittersweet ending.

As for worst title?  I'll get back to you on that.

#55933 Darkest Zelda Title

Posted by hyp on 20 January 2012 - 08:46 AM in General Gaming

Darkest: OOT - the game used to scare me with its cut scenes
BEST: OOT- come on its a freaking classic and half of my childhood
Worst- Zelda II - that game totally blew... it's game play is nothing like the others and in my opinion is a complete fail

I dunno, personally I'd like to see a Zelda II and OoT hybrid.S
Still saying Awakening is bittersweet game.

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