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There have been 8 items by Zuchery (Search limited from 10-June 23)

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#88561 Minecraft Wii-U

Posted by Zuchery on 18 June 2012 - 11:02 PM in Wii U Games and Software

hardly possible but mincemeat anything and I will buy it! .___.
edit: minecraft not mincemeat

I really don't think an edit was necessary there - I wholeheartedly agree that anything mincemeated is worth buying..... Mmmm meat pies....just kidding - I feel the same way - I just bought minecraft and cannot get enough of it.

#88534 Project P-100

Posted by Zuchery on 18 June 2012 - 06:41 PM in Wii U Games and Software

This looks like a sweet game! I was sort of bummed after e3 when we did hear a ton of third party support but then realized that I don't really want that support for myself but more for the general success of the Wii U - I don't want it for my self mostly becuase a lot of third party game are just chock full of violence and swears - i realized that i much more enjoy the "kid" games that nintendo systems bring like rayman, mario,zelda, pikmin etc. P-100 with its art style and gameplay looks to be a super fun game and has got me pumped for the Wii U

#79281 How would you react if...

Posted by Zuchery on 19 May 2012 - 03:21 PM in Wii U Hardware

That would be sweet to go back to the good old days of almost no loading times. If they could make it cheap enough it would be a one up on the other disk based systems - also developers wouldn't have to spend money on load screen graphics.

#78566 Nintendo aiming to get the "hardcore" gamers back. Would it even matter?

Posted by Zuchery on 15 May 2012 - 11:00 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I think that Nintendo's attempts to attract the "hardcore" crowd will help them the most not necessarily in winning over ps3/Xbox gamers but to retain the Nintendo fans (especially during the wii era) who end up purchasing another console to play the great third party games out there. If Nintendo can have its gamers buying up their awesome first party games and be able to get the latest 3 party games on the same system they would be pretty happy - as would all of us fans. One system to rule the all.

#78023 Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

Posted by Zuchery on 12 May 2012 - 03:42 PM in General Gaming

I remember playing ffta for like 6 hours straight on a road trip once.  The job system and weapons were so adddictive - mastering a jobs abilities and completing long quests for awesome weapons ( like the onion sword)

#74306 WiiU and Ustream possible sue.

Posted by Zuchery on 23 April 2012 - 08:44 PM in Wii U Hardware

:o that's no good, i hope they realise soon, if they haven't already. HOLD UP!! just got a brainwave, maybe nintendo has noticed this, changed the logo (or even the name) and that's why we still havent seen the wii u logo in any third party games or anything like that

My mind jumped at that thought until I remembered the NDA. Though it is interesting that the games that have all but confirmed wiiu support like aliens: colonial marines and assassins creed 3 do not show the wii-u logo at the bottom. I also couldnt find the wiiu logo on the website for the wiiu exclusive killer freaks from outer space (again, maybe use of the logo is part of the NDA) however it is fun to play conspiracy theory and speculate that the reason is due to a new name in the works.

#72123 Pikmin 3 discussion thread

Posted by Zuchery on 14 April 2012 - 12:05 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I guess the environments will be REALLY realistic but the characters would be toonish (yeah I dont wanna see a realistic, human-proportioned Olimar)

I agree. That's what made Pikmin so great on the GameCube- I loved in the second one how many of the treasures you found were real life objects and that you would be leading your through gardens and across giant manhole covers. I hope that they continue to do the balance of realistic and cartoony.

Is anyone worried that because the game originally started development on the wii that it will feel like a wii port with hd textures thrown on? I know that what ever they had prepared for the wii would have been good, however I don't want it to not show what the wii u is really capable of.

#69649 Monster Hunter for Wii U?

Posted by Zuchery on 04 April 2012 - 11:19 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I enjoyed Monster Hunter Tri for the Wii, however to think of the possibilities of the series on the Wii U is awesome. It may not work in the Monster hunter style, but I would love a huge open "sandboxy" world. I would love to be able to scope out the prey from a far way off rather than enter a small area, wait for the system to load and then immediately see the monster. How cool would it be if you could watch your prey from a distance, note its movement patterns and then attack from any direction you wanted. (I just felt bottlenecked sometimes - like you would walk into a new area and immediately have to fight)

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