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#311731 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 08 April 2015 - 08:07 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Tonights update prepping for tomorrows doll video.


#311687 No more pokemon for me

Posted by 3Dude on 07 April 2015 - 09:29 PM in General Gaming

That was me back in like, 98 99, when they released the next ones, and I realized it was basically the same exact game with different creature portraits.

#311553 Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - Final Game Stable, Steady Frame Rate

Posted by 3Dude on 06 April 2015 - 02:32 AM in General Gaming

So far it's looking very good!!
NintendoLife 9/10
Gamespot 8/10
Gamesradar 9/10
Nintendo-insider 9/10
God is a geek 9/10
Mynintendonews 8.5/10
So probably only slightly lower than the metacritic average for the original if things continue in this pattern. Big sigh of relief!!
Got my copy today. Really enjoying playing it on handheld so far. The IQ downgrade is noticeable but doesn't ruin it for me.
The 3D however is really terrible! One of the worst implementations in a 3DS game. It seems to add almost no depth at all.

Yeah, I really didnt even think about how impossible deep 3d would be. Dissapointing when compared to those xenoblade mpo's from a few years back.

The trick they are using seems to be 3 tiered.

The up front geometry uses a full 3d effect, including depth and roundness, albeit quite shallow, like normal games with the screen only turned a third of the way up. This appears to encompass maybe 10 units from the camera? Something like that. This part of the scene is rendered twice, once for each eye.

The second layer has depth, but no roundness to it, so basically cardboard cutouts of varying deepness, also very shallow. This is taken from an already rasterized image, and simply cuts out, and places certain objects and parts of the environment a certain distance apart for each eye to show how far back they are according to the z value.

This goes out about maybe a thousand units judging y colony 9 from atop the cylinder hanger.

Everything else is on the final layer, a flat raster image, thats only use of 3d is to push it back as far int the scene as possible.

#311542 Ys Series done for me-new video

Posted by 3Dude on 05 April 2015 - 03:03 PM in The Museum

Oh, I get it, what ys has done for you.

For a second I thought something went horribly horribly wrong and you were done with the series.

#311485 Digital Foundry Splatoon Tech Analysis

Posted by 3Dude on 04 April 2015 - 12:48 PM in Wii U Games and Software

That backwards Nintendo.

Having rock solid working games months before release.

When will they get with the times and release broken crap like everyone else?


Posted by 3Dude on 04 April 2015 - 12:46 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I am so glad I dont care about these at all (I dont really collect merch, just games).

I feel so bad for the people who like collecting this stuff, I totally empathize, especially since these arent upposed to be rare out of print products, they are brand new! It shouldnt be like trying to pull teeth to buy a companies product.

#311152 Iwata Asks: Xenoblade 3D !

Posted by 3Dude on 30 March 2015 - 12:11 PM in General Gaming

Oh yeah, right you are. I forgot what 480p meant.
Although based on the images I've seen, I think the texture resolution is a bit lower too.

Not really, Xenoblade wii had textures that were made to be viewed from a distance, the up close lod had really, really, really bad low res textures. Worse than a lot of og 3ds games.

I think a lot of people are misremembering the game, through a combination of remembering textures from farther away at their optimal viewing distance, and because a considerable amount of images that show up on the google image search are unlabeled from this retextured dolphin mod:


But when you see parts that had yet to be improved...

It really hits home just how low res xenoblades textures really were. And honestly, how do you get lower res than that on a system with over twice the ram (256Mb just counting main ram, vs 88 Mb all the ram on the system), and how would you notice on a down ressed image, that was then a blown up lossy compressed image or stream?

Another thing to remember, is that all screens and video of Xenoblade 3d are from 2d mode, which halves the resolution yet again, and fills in the space by doubling each vertical line, which means you are left with half the texture, stretched out to fill the screen.

#311136 Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Thread: Hunting Intensifies

Posted by 3Dude on 29 March 2015 - 10:17 PM in General Gaming

What do you need tru for?  Pretty sure g rank armor skips tru, though you still have to get divine from really high guild quests.  Haven't done stuff for divines myself yet.
Gotta do guild quests in a certain level that varies on the monster.  Scroll down on this page: http://gaijinhunter....ing-expeditions
Once I got g rank armor I just ignored the tru spheres.  I'm probably gonna do basarios for divine.  Even at max level, I'd rather fight it then tigrex at a slightly lower level.

I refuse to do quests anymore without at least great luck once I see a gold rathian.

The golden lunemail is a pretty great set for hoarders, I can typically make a weapon and full armor sets with only 2-3 hunts of a beastie, what with breaking every part every time, in the first five minutes of the fight.

But my ocd compels me to upgrade it up past tru armor spheres, which I did.

Now I have a bunch of armors that would be really great for switchaxers, that I refuse to wear unless I get ultra lucky cat, because I am a hoarder and I have a problem!!!

I am now testing out honing.

My obvious inclination was towards attack, but it turns out its only 20x your weapons damage modifier, looks about the same as getting damage up L, and since my switch axes have raws past 1500, and I already have power charms and claws, and food, that really doesnt do a whole lot for me, a little over 100 added to my raw, whoppie doo.

Defense is nice, a good +60, and automatic protection/whim as if you had the skill. Bit boooooring.

Life is definately the most interesting. It seems to activate at random, with maybe a cool down timer, so weapons with high dps will see it activate a lot...

However, the amount you heal seems to be linked to what % of your raw damage the attack animation that triggered the heal does (Maybe a small multiplier?).

Its pretty much worthless on the super high dps weapons like dual swords, like consuming an herb.

Great swords get pretty decent boosts out of it, getting a potion or megapotion out of most normal moves, and a full heal if it activates on anything charge level2 and up. But... its really not reliable for great sword users, as they tend to only use the useful hits when they have an opening, which means it triggers rather rarely as a result.

CHarge blade seems okay, getting activated regularly during sns mode, but only for a potion or so, axe mode fairs much better, but it doesnt get any extra healing from element up mode, because its not about how much damage is done, its about the number for what percent of your weapon types raw gets used for that move.

Switch Axe seems to be the best deal for this, as it has really fast attacks, its dodge system and super armor means the user rarely stops attacking (Even less so if they dont have to stop to take a pot) and generally all its attack motion values are at least at 30, so at the lowest (With maybe one exception) you are going to get almost a megapotion, on average you will get a megapotion, and in axe mode more, as it doesnt count the power phials added damage, only the attack motion value. THe chop finisher activates surprisingly often, and can fill about half a health bar, as does the jump axe attack when it activates, the chops themselves are one of the lesser heals, but still do about a pot worth.

Havent tried it with any lances/g lances, but I think the only thing that would really heal a good amount would be a full counter.

No clue what it would do to bowguns.

#311119 AMD revealed the Nintendo NX?

Posted by 3Dude on 29 March 2015 - 07:57 AM in Wii U Hardware

I am curious as to IBM ditching PPC. I don't understand how this affects Nintendo, which uses PPC in the Wii U and I believe intends to have the next console backwards compatible with the Wii U, necessitating the use of PPC.

Nintendo is a client, they have a contract with ibm to use their ppc products. Ibm is the vendor, they make the ppc products. When I say ibm is ditching ppc, I dont mean they are looking for a processor from another vendor, I mean they are no longer developing ppc products for companies like nintendo to use in their systems.

#311101 Iwata Asks: Xenoblade 3D !

Posted by 3Dude on 28 March 2015 - 01:46 PM in General Gaming

I assume he means texture resolution there. Isn't the 3DS screen res fairly similar to the wii?

No, he means screen resolution.

The wii is 480p, thats 400x800

The 3ds 240x800 in 3d, and 240x400 in 2d.

#311100 AMD revealed the Nintendo NX?

Posted by 3Dude on 28 March 2015 - 01:42 PM in Wii U Hardware

IBM literally ditching the power processor field lends quite a bit of credit to this.

Even if Nintendo wanted to put a ppc in the next system, IBM's made it really impractical for them to even try.

#311077 Iwata Asks: Xenoblade 3D !

Posted by 3Dude on 27 March 2015 - 11:28 PM in General Gaming


Holy crap those comments are moronic.

#311069 Less painful way to exercise using the Wii U

Posted by 3Dude on 27 March 2015 - 06:36 PM in Wii U Games and Software



#311066 Wii U horror game Forgotten Memories

Posted by 3Dude on 27 March 2015 - 05:56 PM in Wii U Games and Software

That looks cool.

Getting a sh 2ish vibe from the atmosphere and scene layout. I find thats probably the strongest aspect of what ive seen.

Baddies shown don't seem to be doing much for me. They seem... out of place.

#311058 Iwata Asks: Xenoblade 3D !

Posted by 3Dude on 27 March 2015 - 12:17 PM in General Gaming

How come Xenoblade Chronicles X will have a smaller counter then?...

Eh? It wont.

He was talking about the hour counter for the save file of the japanese release of the original Xenoblade. It was actually fixed during the localization out west, as my Xenoblade file certainly has more than 99:99 on it.

#311030 Iwata Asks: Xenoblade 3D !

Posted by 3Dude on 26 March 2015 - 06:18 PM in General Gaming

This is quite literally, one of the greatest things I have seen concerning game design on jrpg's. I just wish it didnt take over two generations of mostly wasted time for it to be realized.

The vindication of hearing Takahashi say the things I've been saying for over a decade now is cathartic.

Greatest Iwata asks ever.

#310996 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 25 March 2015 - 11:54 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Totally digging Chill Ape.

He needs some shades.

#310983 Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Thread: Hunting Intensifies

Posted by 3Dude on 25 March 2015 - 05:41 PM in General Gaming

OMG tru armor spheres blargh....

Finally started getting these. Most places on the internet seemed to be low by about 20 levels for when they started appearing for me.

#310931 new Splatoon gameplay!

Posted by 3Dude on 23 March 2015 - 09:27 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Splatoon is pretty much a Dreamcast game that never got made and has some Jet Set Radio in it. Some of the music on one of the videos is very late 90's edgy cool sound of the time. The skate area reminds me of the first Tony Hawk game.  It's like Nintendo took some SEGA potion and made a late 90's game in modern HD and it's freaking fantastic. I really applaud Nintendo for something making me really smile. A new IP that makes you nostalgic while being totally new is a feat.

I think the best part of this, is that its made by the young blood of nintendo. This is these guys' big training game debut. Its nice to know, that at least somewhere, the future looks like its in good hands.

#310930 Nintendo gone Mobile/Nintendo NX system

Posted by 3Dude on 23 March 2015 - 09:01 PM in General Gaming

I don't know where everyone is getting this "VR is the next big thing" from. Sure, maybe some people on internet forums would like VR, but your average consumer does not because, as you said, no one wants to wear something on their face to play a video game just like no one buys 3D TVs because you have to wear stupid glasses. 
I'm also finding it hard to see what huge benefits this would bring to the majority of Nintendo's games- platformers.

Its mainly because of sony's morpheus, and a few personalities constantly pushing it as the next big thing.

VR is wayyyy to restrictive to be useful for anything but a few select genres, all of which would need to be first person.

VR is a cool tool, but thats all that it is, a tool in a bag, and you need more than a headset to pull it off, you would also need some well done absolute position tracking motion controllers (souped up powerglove) like input devices to properly interact with the virtual environment in order to have actual vr, and even then as Ryudo insinuated, some people would not be able to get past the fact that your real hand doesnt stop when your virtual hand collides with a surface.

Oculus is pretty cool for some non first person non absolute controlled games like windwaker, however, exactly like ryuudo said, thats not virtual reality, its head tracking with stereoscopic 3d, those are factors that go into vr, but in order to have vr, you need the whole enchilada so to speak. Its cool, and already with just some minimal adjustment to the how the hud layer is displayed is more than playable, but its totally not virtual reality, its basically strapping a 3ds in gyro mode to your face.

#310698 Nintendo gone Mobile/Nintendo NX system

Posted by 3Dude on 17 March 2015 - 08:19 PM in General Gaming

I disagree with the mobile part. Nintendo wouldn't go through all this trouble just to use mobile as advertisements.

I think thats the only thing he said that makes any sense. That sounds like an incredibly nintendolike thing to do.

They will be releasing games with characters from nintendo ip's but they wont be 'real' games from those characters franchises, they will be like the mini games from super mario 64 ds. Kids will enjoy them, because unlike the other free to play garbage thats just skinnerbox addicting crap, these will actually be fun, and they will recognize the characters when they see them elsewhere, like in commercials, or store displays for nintendo hardware, running full versions of games that had the characters they played with on mobile.

Playble Ads.

#310554 New 3ds thread

Posted by 3Dude on 14 March 2015 - 09:38 PM in General Gaming

Makes sense since n3ds has what looks a edge lit top screen if turn it at an angle and IPS would confirm why new XL has much better viewing angles and a back lit display.

Kind of annoyed why Nintendo didn't match the quality of screen tech for the smaller version.



Just coming in here to give this to you:


Great eyes bruh, you were the first person I saw ever mention this difference, before I saw this article, wish I had a chance to see the difference for myself, but it definately makes me feel better.

#310552 JRPG or WRPG

Posted by 3Dude on 14 March 2015 - 09:26 PM in General Gaming

Jrpgs are made by the japanese, thats all there is to it. If its made by the japanese, and its an rpg, its a japanese role playing game.

#310550 Wii U eDRAM vs x360 eDRAM

Posted by 3Dude on 14 March 2015 - 09:20 PM in Wii U Hardware

Kids, this is a thread about technical specifications. If you dont want to talk about technical specifications, or read about them, go to another thread, do not spam this one with off topic rainbowposting.

#310545 Wii U eDRAM vs x360 eDRAM

Posted by 3Dude on 14 March 2015 - 08:42 PM in Wii U Hardware

3Dude, on 14 Mar 2015 - 1:20 PM, said:snapback.png


nope, as i said before i consider both latency and bandwidth important factors, neverthless i am giving more focus on memory bandwidth since its the thing that its being more understimated on the wii u edram(take for example shy guy's quote), thats why i brought topics like deffered rendering, g-buffer quotes from shinen like the triple 720p buffering+g-buffer(for deffered rendering)+intermediate buffers, and of course cryteks quote about the memory bandwidth requirements for the deffered rendering to even be a burden for the xbox one esram of 200GB/s

The reason its a burden on the xbone is because there are more rendertargets, and exponentially more pixels to calculate, and the esram doesnt have the capacity it needs to do its job, because its sram instead of dram, and they could only have a fraction of the capacity in that footprint with sram, as opposed to dram. Sram's higher bandwidth, is of pretty much no use at all for that situation, but MS had no choice, because their edram deals fell through, and the only people they could get contracts with could only do it on a seperate die that had to be bussed to the system, which would make it pretty worthless. So they had to go with a fraction of the capacity with esram.

You are constantly confusing bandwidth used for operations, like every single thing from every quote you have used, with bandwidth used for moving data.n You are also confusing capacity with bandwidth.

The memory attached to the wii u gpu's logic, has bandwidth is much higher than the bandwidth to the edram, because it is needed to perform the operations in the quotes you keep bringing up. Thats not what the edram is for. Once again, ive already shown exactly how much bandwidth is required for shin ens 3 720p framebuffers, its half Gb a second. You are confusing bandwidth with capacity... and dont seem to really have any idea what latency is.

The reason the edram can save so much bandwidth isnt because it has super high bandwidth, but because it has high capacity. The things in the edram dont need super high bandwidth, as, again, 3 720p framebuffers are simply 3.6 Mb images, theyve already been processed and rasterized,all they are now, are 3.6 Mb images, at 60fps and with 3 of them, thats only half a Gb of bandwidth thats needed.

The problem is, you dont get to pick and choose how much bandwidth you use, or pick and choose whic threads from a wavefront to send in along with something else all at once. These things work in groups caled wavefronts, thats why its a single input, multiple data. You either send the whole wavefront, or you send none of the wavefront to send something else. You only get one opening at a time, and then you have to wait for another shot to send the data (This is latency) if you have 500Gb a second of bandwidth, and you use it to send half a Gb of rasterized image, instead of crunching a wavefront, you just wasted all the rest of your bandwidth during that access. If your logic memory is full, it cant be used at all, if its waiting on a result it needs from another calculation, it cant be used at all. You want finished data, to get the hell out of your pipeline as soon as possible so something else can take its place. For that, you need something with high capacity, and low latency, not so much high bandwidth, to send it to.

We have the serial number of the edram in the wii u: Renesas / NEC D813301 its range goes from 32Gb a second, to 70Gb a second. ANd that is more than enough.

The reason you got kicked out of the beyond 3d thread, is because you were blatantly wrong and werent listening to anyone.

Again, the edram is Renesas D813301, and no version of it gets anywhere near the bandwidth you are talking about.


latency is important, i know that since the gamecube era, but bandwidth is important factor too, you can read documentation about the importance of bandwidth for deffered rendering using the g-buffer which is very demanding, do not ignore that fact either

Fenix, the g-buffer, is a buffer. the OPERATIONS to MAKE the product you SEND to the g-buffer (which can be any pool of ram large enough to store it) are very bandwidth intensive, that is what is sent to the edram, which they are USING for a buffer, it is the finished product of those operations, which is no longer bandwidth intensive, because its finished, and being stored ahead of time, in a buffer, you just need the capacity to store it, and the latency to access it when it needs to be accessed.

Buffers are for storing things, like rasterized images, not for high bandwidth simd operations.

The high bandwidth memory that is required to process that information, the memory you are talking about is not the edram, its the ram attached to the thousands of parallel arithmetic logic units that do the calculations for each and every pixel. Thats why its bandwidth is so freaking high, each cell is attached to its own alu. Its like a factory assembly line.

I am going to try to explain this very clearly for you, using your own misinterpereted copypastas:

"And yea, i already know that gpu have their own tiny memories like lovcaql data shares, texture caches and such, thats precisely why i told shy guy that 500GB/s of memory bandwidth is not an overkill for the gpu at all"

The problem with this, is you are freely exchanging any bandwidth from anywhere, on any gpu, with the wii u's edram. It doesnt work like that. There IS memory on the wii u's gpu, that has high bandwidth like that. It is NOT the edram. Because there is some memory, on the die, that gets bandiwdth similar to that, it does NOT mean the edram does, or even should, have that kind of bandwidth. It doesnt, and it shouldnt.

"Why to use Local Memory?
Local memory or Local Data Share (LDS) is a high-bandwidth memory used for data-sharing among work-items within a work-group. ATI Radeon™ HD 5000 series GPUs have 32 KB of local memory on each compute unit. Figure 1 shows the OpenCL™ memory hierarchy for GPUs [1]. Local memory offers a bandwidth of more than 2 TB/s which is approximately 14x higher than the global memory [2]."

This ram, has high bandwidth, low latency (Lower is better for latency), but very very tiny capacity. The capacity for this ram is only 32 Kb. This is in line with the rule of thumb that you can only realistically choose 2 out of the 3 important performance factors for ram. It has good bandwidth, good latency, but 'BAD' capacity (It doesnt need high capacity, it would be a waste). This, is is a good ram configuration for performing OPERATIONS. Its operational memory.

You are under the false impression, that the edram performance should mirror this rams performance. It should not, that would cripple the system and turn it into a worthless pile of junk. The edram should COMPLIMENT the operational ram, and do well, what this ram DOES NOT do well.

The wii u already has ram like this, again, it is the small capacity ram, that is attached to each alu/logic/compute unit (Sound familiar?) in the wii u gpu. This is the highest bandwidth ram in the gpu, no contest. It is operational ram. This ram has crappy capacity, it cant store anything it works on, it works on a small peice of a whole and sends it somewhere else to make room for the next peice.

That is where the edram comes in, the local ram, sends it finished products to the edram. IT has HIGHER capacity so it can store it all, in fact the capacity in the wii u's edram is 842 times higher, than the capacity of the operational ram in your very example. The edram, is NOT local 1 ram, like the ram in your example, its an intermediary between local and global ram, which is REALLY important.

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