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#153166 Nintendo Force

Posted by backudog on 28 December 2012 - 01:36 PM in General Gaming

I prefer physical copies. I guess Im a hoarder.

Im like that too, digital is ok, but nothing beats having the physical mag in your hands and flicking through the pages. also it just feels wrong reading an ipad on the crapper! :D Im will confess to being a bit of a hoarder when it comes to mags too, got every issue of gamesmaster magazine so far (issues 1 to 260!) and GamesTM mag (issues 1 to130!) dont really need to keep them, but i do lol!

#153174 How the Wii U will handle against the new Consoles?

Posted by backudog on 28 December 2012 - 01:47 PM in Wii U Hardware

I personally am hoping that the next gen offerings from microsony are a significant step up from the ps360, it needs to be really to keep people interested, coz despite what people may say when it comes to new systems we all love new shiny impressive looking graphics, stuff that makes us go OOH! AHH! and then rush out and buy them lol. im sure the wiiU will get stuff like that over the course of 2013, just not quite as spangly as the other next gens. it'll widdle over the current systems by a fair bit in 2013 i reckon, but by this time next year it'll face some stiff competition! i personally cant wait to see how it plays out!

#153176 Wii U could more than double power consumption?

Posted by backudog on 28 December 2012 - 01:56 PM in Wii U Hardware

Well I for one appreciate the lower watt usage. The PS3 eats power and with that makes a hell of a racket. Only surpassed by the Xbox which is almost unbearable. The Wii U is nice and quiet which I like.

As has been said else where, the Wii U is much more efficient with its processors than the other consoles. I wait to see its true potential.

A lot of people say that, have you all got the older models or something? coz my slim 360 (you know..the shiny black one) is whisper quiet when im playing it?! my PC on the other hand has 3 x 120mm case fans plus the cpu fan and graphics card fans and psu fan which when they all get going is almost distractingly noisey, not hugely loud but very whirry (yeah thats a word!).

#153185 Nintendo Force

Posted by backudog on 28 December 2012 - 02:04 PM in General Gaming

ahh Gamefan was awesome! couldn't get it that often over here, but the ones i did get were great. similar story with EGM too, pity i got rid of them ages ago, i now have to trawl the 'net to find those if i wanna do a spot of nostalgic reading (found a couple of good sites that host downloadable free copies of tons of retro mags (all legal too i think? well i hopethey are anyway :blink: ) not the same as phisical but the quickest way to do some retro reading!

#153189 How the Wii U will handle against the new Consoles?

Posted by backudog on 28 December 2012 - 02:15 PM in Wii U Hardware

The X720 & PS4 will be more powerful than the Wii U that is a FACT, both Sony & Xbox will make sure of this, the question is what will the developers do with the power.

For sure the 720 n ps4 will be more powerful they'd be mad not to be! and Devs will do what they always do with new powerful tech, make games that are bigger shinier spanglier faster...erm..stronger( eh? - the voice in my head) maybe not all that different gameplay wise from what we got now to begin with (depending on what sort of controllers etc the ps4 n 720 have of course) but a couple of years down the line they'll give us stuff that makes you go "oooh different".

#153193 Aliens Colonial Marines Thread

Posted by backudog on 28 December 2012 - 02:20 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Awwwww lol

I have just ordered the Limited Edition from Zavii for £45

Am i going mad or does the limited edition version have a later release date than the standard edition on the zavii site? Is that normal?

Also, just preordered the limited editon from tesco site using code TD-PRGM to get 5 quid off the price! 34 pounds instead of 39 isn't to be sniffed at!

#153410 Aliens Colonial Marines Thread

Posted by backudog on 29 December 2012 - 04:49 AM in Wii U Games and Software

nice one also just a note to anybody else be aware that tesco charge straight away which personally i like but i know some dont.

Yeah, I didn't realise that when I ordered mine. Not a problem, but good thinking bringing it up for others!

#153411 Failed systems that had potential

Posted by backudog on 29 December 2012 - 05:08 AM in General Gaming

Jaguar, cd-i , dreamcast and Amiga cd32 are ones that spring to mind, never really had a chance to shine. Jaguar had some cool games, and the cd add on might've helped it but was released too late that nobody actually noticed it was out there, cd-i was woefully underpowered when it was released, Philips never really knew what to do with it, again some cool games for it (Burn Cycle was cool), the dream cast had loads of cool titles but people seemed to be more into Sony by then so it's life was cut short, and the cd32 could've been so much more, it could do 3d graphics (kinda) & had a fair bit of grunt under the hood for the time, but all devs did was release standard Amiga 600 and 1200 games on it with maybe a fancy intro tacked onto it! I owned each of those systems and loved them all, shame they didn't last a bit longer.

#153417 What's the cheapest game you ever bought at retail?

Posted by backudog on 29 December 2012 - 05:23 AM in General Gaming

Bought Risen on the 360 for 3 quid, even though it sucked I thought for that price I'd give it a go. Also got 2 games and a controller for the price of a stamp back when Microsoft dropped the price of the original Xbox, they offered peeps who had bought one full price b4 the drop their choice of 2 games and a controller to make up for it, was worth about 150 quid ish I think? That counts...technically lol!

#153814 2013 predictions.

Posted by backudog on 30 December 2012 - 01:00 AM in General Gaming

I just stumbled across this article http://www.digitaltr...were-expecting/   and thought it made interesting reading?

#154493 First Update

Posted by backudog on 31 December 2012 - 11:31 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm pretty sure mine only took about half an hour, mabe less? My download speed for most things is 7mb/sec usually though so that probably helped.

#154553 zombiU new game.

Posted by backudog on 31 December 2012 - 01:57 PM in Wii U Games and Software Help

My nephew is coming over on wednesday, naturally i want to show off the wiiU and he'll undoubtably want to play ZombiU, and i think he'll need to play from the beginning to get the full experience, so if i let him start a new game from scratch, will it delete or overwrite MY game save? or can u have more than one game saved at a time? Ive already died about 6 times and have only got upto being sent to buck house, and i don't want to have to start again myself from scratch!

#154554 Zombie U save question....

Posted by backudog on 31 December 2012 - 01:58 PM in Wii U Games and Software Help

My nephew is coming over on wednesday, naturally i want to show off the wiiU and he'll undoubtably want to play ZombiU, and i think he'll need to play from the beginning to get the full experience, so if i let him start a new game from scratch, will it delete or overwrite MY game save? or can u have more than one game saved at a time? Ive already died about 6 times and have only got upto being sent to buck house, and i don't want to have to start again myself from scratch!

#154691 zombiU new game.

Posted by backudog on 31 December 2012 - 09:53 PM in Wii U Games and Software Help

Good idea, think that's what I'll do, you really need to start from the beginning to really appreciate ZombiU, that and I want to see how he copes with the opening no weapons just run scene, he's probably gonna die straight off lol.

#154712 Assassins Creed 3 £54.99 on eshop?!?!?!?

Posted by backudog on 01 January 2013 - 01:19 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Was gonna download AC3 from the ESHOP today, but at that price they can feck right off! You can get it for £35 in some stores or online if you shop around, I was only doing eshop coz no buses are running today near me so I can't get into town, why Ninty why?? Who's going to be daft enough to dl it at that price? At this rate I'm never gonna be getting any wiiu games off the eshop. Was looking forward to playing that n'all.

#154802 Assassins Creed 3 £54.99 on eshop?!?!?!?

Posted by backudog on 01 January 2013 - 10:02 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Thats what i've done, not bought it. no way im paying that for it!

And you're surprised by this why ? Honestly you must have been living under a rock for the past few years. This isn't the first time a digital version of a retail game costs more then the physical copy. It's typical of most digital retail games on all console platforms. I'm not saying its right or justifiable but It's normal. Apart from the fact that publishers don't want to p**s off the retailers there are certain market forces that dictate retail prices that cannot affect digital downloads. Besides you're also paying for the convenience. As you say you can't get into town and they're offering you a way to get it right away. Anyway where have you seen it in local retail for that price. Everywhere I've looked it's at least £45.

i kinda mistyped what i meant, i should have said i can pick it up instore cheaper and seen it online for 35 quid (actually looking again its 36.99 but near enough...ish, lol). http://www.play.com/...oduct.html?ob=1

#155455 Zombie U save question....

Posted by backudog on 02 January 2013 - 10:12 PM in Wii U Games and Software Help

I was going to do that, but in the end my nephew AND my niece (17 & 13) just watched me playing, i tell ya, this game is a blast when you got other people watching you who have never seen this game b4 lol, we had the lights off, curtains drawn, nice n dark with the sound going through my surround set up, and they were jumping & screaming at the tv when i was being attacked by the zombies in buck palace,(AAAAHH! RUNRUN!! ITS COMING! KILL IT! KILL IT! ITS KILLING YOU! AAAH NO THERES ANOTHER ONE!!) and really getting nervous and creeped out when i wasn't (aaah what was that noise? check your radar! etc etc) and afterwards both agreed the game is creepy scary as hell, and they both wanted it and a wiiu, you're welcome nintendo and Ubisoft. didnt even get to try the muliplayer part lol.

#156251 Aliens Colonial Marines Thread

Posted by backudog on 04 January 2013 - 10:59 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I remember seeing avp on the Atari jaguar, made me go out n buy one, the console sucked but that game rocked! hope colonial marines is as tense, trouble is hands on previews of the single player part I've read have not been too positive Though?

#166131 just got ac3 great game!

Posted by backudog on 02 February 2013 - 10:08 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Just picked up AC3 at my local cex store for £32(new copy not a traded in one)! I've never played an assassin's creed game and so far I'm loving it, but I'm so glad I held off getting the digital version off the eshop. Also picked up a pro controller for £18!!! Think they had priced it wrong lol.still thier problem not mine bwahahahahaha!!!

#166132 Polygon Rumor: Xbox 720 revealing in March or April, might have subsidized versi

Posted by backudog on 02 February 2013 - 10:16 PM in General Gaming

I'll be getting a 720 or whatever they call it,simply coz I enjoyed my experiences with xbox, the 360 and xboxlive, although I'll be keeping a close eye on the ps4 too but 720 is the one for me..... Ah who am I kidding? I'm gonna end up getting both like I did this gen! Lol.

#166134 GBA Eshop wishlist

Posted by backudog on 02 February 2013 - 10:24 PM in General Gaming

Why should there only be specific titles? I wanna see ALL gba titles appear. Didn't have my gba for long back in the day so missed out on loads. The same goes for GameCube titles do em all!....I'm semi kidding of course,we don't wanna see any naff titles appearing but def think they should consider some of the lesser known maybe not quite as popular titles too,just to give us a wider choice.

#166136 just got ac3 great game!

Posted by backudog on 02 February 2013 - 10:33 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm still on the first bit and just arrived in America, not gonna rush through it am hunting out the collectables first, those page thingys and wotnot, and generally having a look around, picking pockets too lol! Then I'll get stuck into the missions etc.

#166236 just got ac3 great game!

Posted by backudog on 03 February 2013 - 07:27 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Regardless of whether it was new or second hand it still would have been traded in as that is how CEX works. Everything they sell new or second hand has been traded in for cash or exchange. That's a pretty good price for a pro controller whether its new or second hand though. I got mine bundled with the Zombie U Premium Deluxe Wii U console.

oh,didn't realise that, I assumed mine was new coz it still had the club Nintendo points card in it unused. Which was nice.

#166829 Bayonetta 2 real time graphics clip NOT CGI

Posted by backudog on 04 February 2013 - 11:06 AM in Wii U Games and Software

By the beard of Zeus! If that is indeed realtime in-game graphics this game is gonna be schweet!!

#166830 Lego City Undercover - New Trailer

Posted by backudog on 04 February 2013 - 11:13 AM in Wii U Games and Software

And by the looks of that trailer you get a free chase mccain figure with the game too! (It says so on the box at the end of the vid) Awesome!! Was a definite buy for me from the moment it was announced.

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