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#309056 What Wii U Game Of 2015 Are You Most Looking Forward To?

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 16 February 2015 - 03:39 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Zelda U all the way. It is the game I have waited all my life for.

#309200 Aonuma says Zelda Wii U will push the hardware to its limits

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 18 February 2015 - 02:31 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Yeah this will almost certainly be our only Zelda, I'm assuming the next Ninty console to be out 2018 at the latest, and with it I suspect a new Zelda will be shown.  Also, with the wii u being a comercial failure, they won't want to put too much money into a game that has a terrible install base, and they will probably try to use the IP to drive next gen sales.

#309348 Aonuma says Zelda Wii U will push the hardware to its limits

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 20 February 2015 - 04:03 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Okay that was kinda rediculous.. But almost every modern company reacts that way, not saying it is right, but it certainly is how things work nowadays.  Though I think Nintendo was right to not cut people because it lowers morale and digs the hole deeper.

#309053 Aonuma says Zelda Wii U will push the hardware to its limits

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 16 February 2015 - 03:18 PM in Wii U Games and Software

That would be:


Every zelda game could use a huge freaking helping of majoras mask, in the npc/sidequest department. Hopefully this one channels majoras mask into its overworld, towns, and npc's, because that WOULD be fantastic.

Indeed.  Majora's Mask remains my favorite Zelda game because it dared to break the formula and in return we were left with, in my opinion, the most intriguing game world in gaming.  Almost every single NPC had a story and a purpose, and each one was integral to the world and the advancement of the overall story.  It made a living, breathing, bizarre, and almost untopable world.  I like what Aunuma said about the remake, how he learned from his mistakes, but also was reminded of all the things he did right, and I am looking forward to see if his recent remake experience carries over into his design of Zelda Wii U, and if it does I do not think another Zelda could possibly surpass it.

#309395 Aonuma says Zelda Wii U will push the hardware to its limits

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 21 February 2015 - 01:48 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Classic trollism.

#309051 Aonuma says Zelda Wii U will push the hardware to its limits

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 16 February 2015 - 03:04 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm still looking to see if this large world carries with it an actual improved and larger game.  I'm talking actual NPC's that have schedules and backgrounds, and rewarding non fetch side quests. But every single thing I have seen and heard about this game so far is fantastic.. ITS ALMOST TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE!!

#309125 Aonuma says Zelda Wii U will push the hardware to its limits

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 17 February 2015 - 02:44 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Yes the WWHD was very much a way for the team to familiarize themselves with working with the system, and I think that the fast sailing might have been a test to see how much the new hardware was capable of loading at certain speeds, because the boat speed is very similar to Epona's speed.  Also, The visuals for both the games are similar, while Zelda U is obviously far superior, and is almost a mix of SS, TP, and WW.  I think for Zelda U, the team is made of a lot of young folks, and experienced veterans.  Also, I think Aunuma loves to make extremely different games but is stuck with the Zelda franchise, so he personally loves to drastically change things up and experiment.  He was once tasked with making Ura Zelda, and when he hated just rehashing the OoT, he challenged Miyamoto and ended up making IMO the best Zelda game in the franchise's 3D history, Majora's Mask.  I also think it is clear he listens to fans and uses their input, to a degree.  He saw how upset a large portion was about the WW's childish graphics, so he gave us the gritty TP.  I know i have digressed a little, but what I am trying to get at is that This game is exactly what the fanbase wants right now, and I think he is going to deliver like he did with MM, WW, and TP.  This game is gonna blow my freaking mind!

#309208 Aonuma says Zelda Wii U will push the hardware to its limits

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 18 February 2015 - 05:04 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Explain to me how making profit is a commercial failure? because it didn't sell 20 million? Doesn't matter the system makes profit. That's the point. You can't be failing if you make money. Gamecube made money. Wii U makes money. Sony is failing losing billions per year and cutting 18,000 jobs in 3 years and posting it's 7th annual loss.


Top it off Wii U software sales up 175% last year. Nintendo isn't failing as a business nore is Wii U. No it's not sold in the bajillions like Wii did or PS4 is but PS4 will see diminishing returns.

Look I didn't mean to start a riot.  I personally absolutely love the wii u, that is why I am here.  But in its first couple years it did cause operating losses for the company.  I was just pointing out that the social stigma and the inability to top even 10 million is in no way a success.  Not everyone can win every time, and Nintendo knows the Wii U hasn't been what they hoped, the best thing they can do is pick themselves up and hit hard with their next console, and a Zelda game to launch would be a perfect plan.  Yes they did post a profit this year, and will almost certainly post another one this year with Zelda, StarFox, and XBX, but after that they have to look to a brighter future where they could have an install base of more than 9.2 million (or as I suspect, around 15-20 by the time the next console is released.)  Also I said nothing about Sony, so I do not know how they came into the reply, but I have mad respect for Sony as well and their business model of getting a large install base to sell software, because software makes a lot more money than hardware.  This is also why the Wii U isn't completely failing, because its low install base is big into buying all of Ninty's games ,with them selling millions.  Nintendo will always be the software king, and though they are on track to lose this gen, I believe they still have some magic.

#314712 Iwata acknowledges the reaction of Ninty's Digital Event

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 16 June 2015 - 01:51 PM in E3 2015

What a shame.  They have so much talent and goods to offer but their method of always changing it up gives no stability.  They are now a mostly miss with a few hits now and then. And when they do get a hit game, they change it up too fast instead of just refining the experience, so instead of sequels we are left with new sometimes much worse experiences and all that stays is the name.  Sometimes I wish they would stop innovating for a while and just make great games that people want to play. Also, two Zelda teams is needed if they are going to keep delaying the big puppy so much that it will last guardian itself and by the time it releases no one really cares enough any more. Terrible direct. The only thing that keeps me hanging on to my wii u is that zelda game, and it sure as hell better be good or I'm switching full time to PC.

#309360 Post One or Two Interesting Facts About Yourself

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 20 February 2015 - 07:33 PM in The Café

Wah.wah.waaah.. I keed I keed ;)


 some things I say are downright idiotic.


I'll be the first to admit I am not as smart as paper might say I am. A's don't do much for social skills... 

#309345 Post One or Two Interesting Facts About Yourself

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 20 February 2015 - 03:58 PM in The Café

1. I'm a certified genius (159 IQ), and I am attending Penn State University this upcoming fall, joined the honors program. Also, although I am technically smart, I am in complete lack of common sense, and some things I say are downright idiotic.  I also love chemistry to death and my teacher thinks I am some sort of prodigy but he is ticked because I want to develop video games instead of be a lab rat :P

2. I have written probably two dozen short stories and maybe another 50 poems that are all contained within a couple journals in my room, no one else but me has ever read them.  I do it therapeutically, it helps me distress and come to terms with my feelings and emotions. Looking back on them sometimes induces vomit out of sheer disgust with myself.

#311093 AMD revealed the Nintendo NX?

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 28 March 2015 - 11:16 AM in Wii U Hardware

I wonder if the surprise they are talking about is that the next Nintendo system, NX, will be of much greater power than the two twins... I doubt it but it is fun to think about.

#309640 Playtonic working on Banjo Kazooie spiritual successor (mentions Wii U)

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 25 February 2015 - 02:18 PM in General Gaming

HYPEEEEEEEEEE.... 2015 is THE year for gaming.  So many fantastic games on the horizon that staying up with them all is tricky! But honestly besides LOZ Wii U, this game is probably my most anticipated, even though it probably won't launch for several more years, just getting more info about what the game is like is exciting enough.

#310576 Playtonic working on Banjo Kazooie spiritual successor (mentions Wii U)

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 15 March 2015 - 12:22 PM in General Gaming

This is almost exactly what I've envisioned BK would look like in HD.  I cannot wait to see what these talents will do with their newly found freedom.  I really hope they can achieve the same amazingly fun gameplay that was featured in the original, but also add enough new mechanics to make it fresh.  As for the people hoping Nintendo buys them, I believe they have said that they want to remain independent, which is understandeable considering their talents have been wasted for the last decade and a half with Microsoft!  They will be getting my Money in May, that is for sure.

#309057 Playtonic working on Banjo Kazooie spiritual successor (mentions Wii U)

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 16 February 2015 - 03:47 PM in General Gaming

Damn it now I have to go change my pants.  This just added itself to my list of most hyped about games for the next few years.  I reallllllyyyyyyyy hope this group can stick together through the production of this and release it with Ninty's aid, then Playtonic will be the new Rare. I've always hated the "Retro is the new Rare" garbage anyways.

#308956 Playtonic working on Banjo Kazooie spiritual successor (mentions Wii U)

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 14 February 2015 - 06:14 PM in General Gaming

The concept art does look intriguing.. I really hope Nintendo catches wind of this and helps publish, because then all my silly dreams of Rare coming back to Nintendo with the original staff would finally be sorta true!!

#308702 Playtonic working on Banjo Kazooie spiritual successor (mentions Wii U)

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 11 February 2015 - 02:48 PM in General Gaming

This does come as music to my ears, however I have to control myself, because more often than not these spiritual indie games burn out quickly, or in the rare cases (see what I did there) that they are finished, they often get panned.  I have been following this project however for a little over a year, I think the group's  twitter was originally MingyJongo, managed by the environment director, Steven Hurst, who I had the pleasure of exchanging tweets with shortly before the account went dead.  After the account died, with over 20,000 followers, I assumed the game they were planning died as well.  If this is indeed the same group of people who are making this game, then I do have some faith it will be done, and considering Grant Kirkhope was originally supporting the Mingy Jongo revival project, I have hope that he will compose music for this game as well.  As for the characters, I think the top one is some sort of tropical bird, and the bottom one is either a bipedal Alligator, or a dinosaur of some sort.  I will definitely have to follow this project closely to see whether it lives up to its hype, and if the developers are serious about taking fan consideration, than I may fire them a few emails.

#308958 Playtonic working on Banjo Kazooie spiritual successor (mentions Wii U)

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 14 February 2015 - 06:27 PM in General Gaming

not getting my hopes up for a Wii U release at all.

Wii U has actually quite a bit of indie games, so it would not be surprising to see this on it eventually

#308186 Legend of Kay Getting Remastered for Wii U , PC

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 04 February 2015 - 04:08 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Hmm this is interesting.. as a huge fan of Darksiders II im interested to see if the wii u support my spawn a sequal? Maybe Nintendo will publish it similar to Bayonetta 2!  Probably just hopeful thinking but this is a studio to keep an eye on.  I've never heard of this game but if it ever goes on sale i might download it.

#308234 Bloodborne - The first 18 minutes of gameplay

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 05 February 2015 - 02:54 PM in General Gaming

The souls games really werent that difficult. They just demanded the most basic of competence in the controls and mechanics, and observation of enemy behavior, instead of smashing buttons and watching the computer do the awesome like in every AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA game available today.

If those players cant smash buttons and watch awesome things happen, they cry and scream about how 'the controls are broken!!!!'

Honestly, the combat, while enjoyable really isnt the main draw of the soul series to me. And this combat looks just as servicable, if not more enjoyable, from what little ive seen. What we have no way of judging yet, is whether or not bloodbourne will retain the souls series absolutely fantastic level 4 open world design.

Something I have no reason to doubt whatsoever what with the three souls games and years of kings field (Dark souls before it was called dark souls)

I agree the world is and how it fits together so well is nothing short of flawless, but I also disagree that the game isn't difficult.  While some of it is just pure get to know the controls, if you play it without spamming the game with soul farming and naked dodging than it does become quite the challenge, especially when you first reach a level.  It took me on average 10 deaths at the start of each new area to really get a strategy going and to prepare based on that strategy could sometimes take an hour.  However, I do think the boss battles were not as hard as many have said, until the end that is.. Another thing that I really enjoy about the game is how you are left to really play it how you want, while sure some ways are a lot easier than others (AHEM pyromancer) some ways are incredibly difficult, such as the knight.  I don't see me getting into this new world as much as I did with the soul series, considering I am a huge fantasy nut, so I'm slightly dissapointed with its direction. Also, I can't see there being any diversity within the world, no forests, no lakes, no swamps only a post apocalyptic industrial age city.  So it will be neat to see if they can keep that level 4 world design, of if they pull a metroid based on what you said in the metroid discussion. 

#308187 Bloodborne - The first 18 minutes of gameplay

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 04 February 2015 - 04:15 PM in General Gaming

This game has caught my interest, but I'm afraid it won't live up to the souls series before it, which were some of the best games of the last gen.  I will get this game eventually though and i really hope it provides the same controller throwing gameplay of the souls series! IT does look to be quite difficult from the trailer..

#308379 Wii U Zelda Map Analysis

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 07 February 2015 - 06:31 AM in Wii U Games and Software

This picture summed it up pretty well for me after the info from the game awards.



Great write up and analysis Banjo. Nintendo did say (Aonuma specifically) about wanting to go back to the roots of Zelda... the original . The world design looks very much like it was inspired if not directly implemented in Zelda U.

Yes I agree, that picture is I think proof of the world being directly influenced by the old Zelda. Hopefully the game is every bit as expansive compared to its day as the original.

#308388 Wii U Zelda Map Analysis

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 07 February 2015 - 08:24 AM in Wii U Games and Software

We had some discussion on the forums a bit ago regarding the engine for Zelda U. 3dude probably could chime in but I think some were in agreement that at the very least, the Zelda dev team probably were getting some suggestions or help from the team at Monolith Soft for X.


There are some engine similarities it appears in the scope of the open world, draw distance etc. We were even thinking it may well be the same engine. Hopefully he sees this thread and comments on that aspect. 


I believe when Nintendo was toying with Wind Waker, they were more playing with art style rather then engines. Wind Waker was ambitious to create an "open world" but it was more sectioned off in that regard.

Hmm. I could sorta see that.. But at the same time I can't.  I guess the styles are so different it's hard to see them coming from the same engine.  However, the flora do look incredibly similar.. It is possible however that the Zelda U engine incorporates elements from both the WWHD engine and X's engine.  But yeah I guess you are right that it was more art style, but I still wonder how Link will be able to access those islands, because swimming seems unreasonable.  Let's hope 3Dude comes by and can elaborate haha

#308385 Wii U Zelda Map Analysis

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 07 February 2015 - 07:36 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I really am excited to see some screens or footage of a dungeon in Zelda U. Having the very expansive open world, I wonder if the dungeons are going to be treated in a sandbox style design. Since the dungeon is usually an enclosed space, I'd expect very detailed and intricate design for them. Perhaps something similar to the tech demo of Zelda on the Wii U, but of course with the same artstyle as currently shown for Zelda U.

Personally, I am expecting to see 7 or 8 main dungeons that are incredibly detailed and grand in scope, with probably 15-20  side dungeons that are optional but beneficial that are not close in scope to the main dungeons, but with having a uniqueness to them.  I think it is going to be similar to how WW had several very small dungeonesque places to explore, but I think these in Zelda U will be larger and tied to side quests, and will most likely give Heart pieces as rewards.


One thing to note also is that the engine is most likely a further modified version of the WWHD engine, which was stated to basically be a test of HD and U power before delving into the main game, it was actually Stage 1 of this game's development.  WW was the only game Ninty has ever made that is close to ZU in scope, and I think a lot of what they did with that game can be seen in ZU (Zelda U).  The faster travel on the boat could easily be a test to see if Epona could be used to travel fast while still keeping the needed level of fidelity, and making sure that loading of far landscape was possible. Also, the great cel-shading lighting style is extremely similar with the games. Maybe we can take from this the level of detail in dungeons, which WWHD did put a lot of effort into, more so than the rest of the World.  It will be very interesting to see if maybe a boating mechanic is thrown into the game, as it did seem as though in the first trailer that a ship's mast was seen to the right of the opening shot.  Also, the inclusion of of many shallow waters and islands in the game seems to implicate that there will be a way to get to them, and knowing the size of the world swimming seems a little absurd.  I think it is a great possibility that a sailing method that was already well established in the test run known as WWHD was implemented in this game as well.

#309889 Wii U Zelda Map Analysis

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 01 March 2015 - 10:05 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I think the Gorons and the Zora will be in more of cave complexes than villages.


And it would be horsing awesome if the lost woods was procedurally generated, so if you even turn around you find yourself in a different area.

I didn't mean for a "generic" village, but moreso a large hub such as zora's domain and goron city that contains quests and many unique NPC's with homes.  


Oh my lord a procedurally generated lost woods would be insane! Finally actually getting lost... Although the possibilities for it are endless!  I think the lost woods will be in the Southwestern portion of the map, and I am so excited to see how they utilize the new power to create that portion.  


Also, I have recently noticed that the southern border seems to extend further, I wonder if there is more to the map that we haven't seen.. Or if they are making room for possible expansions?

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