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There have been 41 items by GoodGuy (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#144032 How do you clean your gamepad?

Posted by GoodGuy on 05 December 2012 - 09:56 AM in Wii U Hardware

Lol, is that what you kids are calling it these days?

What? :S are u a creep or something?

#144031 New Update right now?!

Posted by GoodGuy on 05 December 2012 - 09:54 AM in Wii U Hardware

Maan the downloads are really slow, this is 2012 it shouldn't take this long to download an update. On my Xbox it takes maximum 15 min to download an update this is pathetic

#133663 Is your gamepad rattling?

Posted by GoodGuy on 19 November 2012 - 01:17 PM in Wii U Hardware

Take out the stylus. Enjoy the silence.

Lol exactly.. are people really that stupid..

#128035 Sensor Bar Optional For Setting Up Wii U

Posted by GoodGuy on 12 November 2012 - 03:31 AM in Wii U Hardware

Will I need a sensor bar to play NSMBU with the wii remote plus?

#126070 Why I won't buy the Wii U (please read)

Posted by GoodGuy on 08 November 2012 - 01:29 PM in Wii U Hardware

This is ridiculous. You should be buying a new console for the games made for it, not for games from a previous generation that won't use the new controllers. What would you have done with the jump between the N64 and the GameCube?

Why is it strange that I want to play all the old nintendo games I played as a lil kid. I want a system where I can play all the old nintendo games as well as the new wii u games, with a wireless controller. Not ridiculous to me

#126079 Why I won't buy the Wii U (please read)

Posted by GoodGuy on 08 November 2012 - 01:44 PM in Wii U Hardware

Use the money you won't be using on Wii U and buy a console that can play old Nintendo games.

Thank you for your advice

is it really confirmed you cant use the new controllers? i find that odd

Yes, and I agree it's very odd

#125934 Why I won't buy the Wii U (please read)

Posted by GoodGuy on 08 November 2012 - 08:39 AM in Wii U Hardware

Im a big Nintendo fan, I wanted to buy the Wii U so I can play all the old NES, SNES, N64 games etc. and the new Wii U games all in one console. It's perfect.
But now I'm hearing the old games cannot use the Gamepad or even the pro controller..
So nintendo really expects me to buy outdated controllers in the form of a wiimote and a classic controller to plug it into the wiimote, just to be able to play the VC games? That is pathetic, greedy and so intentional by Nintendo to make more money. Why can't we use the gamepad to play VC games?

#126040 Why I won't buy the Wii U (please read)

Posted by GoodGuy on 08 November 2012 - 12:43 PM in Wii U Hardware

Thats a stupid reason.


#126092 Why I won't buy the Wii U (please read)

Posted by GoodGuy on 08 November 2012 - 02:05 PM in Wii U Hardware

well because there seems to be about a million ways to do that without having to buy a wii-u O_o lets see you have the original system the games were made for.. then you have wii which gave you the vc stuff.
and hell you can get any number of emulators to run any of those games on pc with a standard controller.

Ok.. So you want me to hook up a N64, a NES, a SNES all on my 52' HDTV and have wired controllers so my eyes bleed from how close the TV is. Its easier to have it all in one console, sit on my couch and use a wireless controller. Its as simple as that. The wii u is capable of doing this, but they intentionally chose not to. Thats what s bothering me. And of course I want to play the new games as well. So ur not really adressing the issue here, WHY doesnt nintendo enable this, when its possible and easy to do?

you know what.. you have opened my eyes... im not going to buy another blu ray player ever again unless it has beta max and laser disk support.
i mean hell they can easily include that in a blu ray with today's technology. :)
just messin with you but this does strike me as a little silly.

You are aware that it is possible to play old games on the wii u? So if they already decided to include this in the console, why do you find it strange that I want to use the default wireless controllers for these games? It should be possible, its just stupid that its not.

#125943 Why I won't buy the Wii U (please read)

Posted by GoodGuy on 08 November 2012 - 08:58 AM in Wii U Hardware

OK, so you would be willing to pay $300 for a console to play old games on VC + new Wii U games, but not an extra $50 (max) for a used wiimote+cc. Well, that's your choice, you can of course skip the WiiU altogether. And to respond to the last reply, you don't need a pro controller, it's just a gamepad without a screen. The advantage is the longer battery time. And believe me, if you're going to play CoD, you will want a wiimote (+ nunchuk).

My advice to you is: Get a wiimote, a nunchuk and a classic controller. Skip the Pro controller until you feel you need it.

I'll probably do that, but it's unnecessary from nintendo and stupid as hell. I have to attach a controller with a cable into another controller just to play certain games. Lol why? Whats the reason? The gamepad should be able to do this. And this is not about money at all.

Edit: or at least make the pro controller compatible with VC games, so I can use a controller without a freakin cable

#126031 Why I won't buy the Wii U (please read)

Posted by GoodGuy on 08 November 2012 - 12:29 PM in Wii U Hardware

I just think your body is not ready for wii u.

I think you're right :D

#125947 Why I won't buy the Wii U (please read)

Posted by GoodGuy on 08 November 2012 - 09:05 AM in Wii U Hardware

To be fair your being pathetic,your not going to buy nintendos amazing new console that gives a new great type of gameplay just be cause your a stingy uptight person who wont pay 15£ for a controller and plus shouldn't nearly everyone causal or hardcore have a wii mote and nunchuck another thing is that the technology's are different and are not completable.
You sir are no nintendo fan.

I don't know why you don't read my posts but I clearly said its not about the money. Its stupid to buy a new console, and then have to buy old outdated controllers to play certain games. The technology is not different man, its easy programming.

#125949 Why I won't buy the Wii U (please read)

Posted by GoodGuy on 08 November 2012 - 09:10 AM in Wii U Hardware

OK, I understand your point, but the VC was part of the whole Wii thing, and it would probably require a little extra programming to make all those games compatible with a totally new controller. And Nintendo is known for doing as little as they can with the VC. For instance, since the PAL versions of old games are running slower than the NTSC versions, I need to use an emulator through the "HomeBrew channel" in order to play the best versions of the games (I live in Europe). It would be easy for them to just allow you to choose which version you want to play once you have bought the game, but no.

I know man I'll probably buy it anyway haha but it's just an annoying detail that could and should have been solved better.

#125940 Why I won't buy the Wii U (please read)

Posted by GoodGuy on 08 November 2012 - 08:51 AM in Wii U Hardware

Could you use the Wii Mote to play Gamecube games?


What? That was impossible because there was not enough buttons on the wiimote. But the gamepad and pro controller could easily be used for VC games if Nintendo wanted to. Now you have to buy a pro controller to use for some games(like call of duty etc), a wii mote and classic controller for others (VC games), and use the game pad for certain games. Thats 4 different controllers.

The $20 cost of a 3rd party wiimote really breaks the bank doesnt it... those greedy asian Nintendo bastards need to go to hell... trying to milk us for every last dime...

Its not about the money man, its the principle. And so pathetic that you have to buy a classic controller and plug it into a wiimote. This is 2012, why not use the wireless controller that comes wih the console in the first place. So stupid

#125974 Why I won't buy the Wii U (please read)

Posted by GoodGuy on 08 November 2012 - 10:11 AM in Wii U Hardware

I think It's a safe bet that all future VC games on the Wii U will have multiple controllers support. If I were Nintendo I wouldn't be spending the money or man power to update every VC release either.

I don't think you understand. They don't have to update every VC release, just make the gamepad or pro controller compatible with the vc games. Thats it

#125964 Why I won't buy the Wii U (please read)

Posted by GoodGuy on 08 November 2012 - 09:31 AM in Wii U Hardware

Its called a Wii U. It has the word Wii in it! therefore, I would expect Wii Controllers to be used for it as much as the Wii U ones.
also i don't believe the wii's controllers are not out of date.

making games compatible with future consoles is hard to program for. Even some ps3 models can't play ps2 games.
Its not easy programming. You have to change the code and stuff.
We can't play Wii games with the gamepad because of the same reasons. the Wii U reads it the exactly the same as a Wii will. The Wii U functions the exact same as the wii when is reads them, therefore it would be extremely hard to program different controllers for, That's why Nintendo made the classic controller specifically for this so that it could

I see were your getting at, but making the games compatible with the Wii U controllers is harder than it seems. although maybe games are compatible with the pro controller. It depends on how the pro controller functions.

Please reconsider not buying the Wii U :)

Thank you for your response. I work in IT, Im not a programmer but a software tester. Yes, its hard to make old games compatible with new consoles, but this is not the issue in this case. The games are already comptible wih the console, its just the mapping of the controls that needs to be done in the gamepad or pro controller. And this is not complicated programming, trust me man. If they can make a screen on a gamepad with no lag at all, they can do this as well.

I will probably still buy the console on launch day though I wont be able to resist :)

#125952 Why I won't buy the Wii U (please read)

Posted by GoodGuy on 08 November 2012 - 09:17 AM in Wii U Hardware

The real question is why dont you have a Wii already????? everyone and their grammy has a Wii

Haha true but I wasn't really into the whole moving around while playing videogames thing. Haven't bought a nintendo console since the N64. But with the wii u its a different story

#134092 Custom Modded Wii U Pro Controllers

Posted by GoodGuy on 19 November 2012 - 09:20 PM in Wii U Hardware


#136760 An honest Wii U review (finally!)

Posted by GoodGuy on 23 November 2012 - 09:59 AM in Wii U Hardware

So all the negative reviews are dishonest?

#133180 NSMBU: The Best Mario Game Since Mario World?

Posted by GoodGuy on 19 November 2012 - 05:03 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Super Mario Galaxy were better games than Super Mario World...

so no, NSMBU is not the best game since Super Mario World.

Thats only your opinion tho.. For most ppl Super Mario World > mario galaxy


Posted by GoodGuy on 18 November 2012 - 02:27 PM in Wii U Hardware

Nintendo really messed up. How the hell did they miss this?

It should not be automatically turned off as it's technically not inactive, it's applying an update

#126411 Can I Use The Pro Controller For 2 Player Games Instead Of Wii Motion Plus?

Posted by GoodGuy on 09 November 2012 - 12:36 AM in Wii U Hardware

Thats what I was saying in the other thread, they messed up with all the different controllers

#137438 Idiot selling microwaved Wii U for thousands...

Posted by GoodGuy on 24 November 2012 - 10:51 AM in Wii U Hardware

It could be worse...
Posted Image
^This painting was sold for 73 million dollars.

That's beautiful

#134278 Surround sound not working properly?

Posted by GoodGuy on 20 November 2012 - 01:25 AM in Wii U Hardware

Smh this is another serious issue.. The bugs just keep popping up

#148532 mario bros u multiplayer question

Posted by GoodGuy on 16 December 2012 - 09:08 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Lol nintendo

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