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There have been 119 items by Structures (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#229318 Did U ever have a fallout with Nintendo?

Posted by Structures on 06 July 2013 - 10:33 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I was a PS3 fanboy lastgen but only because I have one hand so it was really hard to play the mario galaxy games and I didn't really have anything for my wii besides smash and mario kart. Early PS3 games were annoying though because a lot of them still had R1 to shoot but a played a lot of resistance because you can customize your controls in that

#229314 The unboxing video of Shin Megami Tensei IV for 3DS

Posted by Structures on 06 July 2013 - 10:19 AM in General Gaming

nice, this is my first SMT outside of playing some SMT2

#229221 College students, what classes are you taking in the Fall?

Posted by Structures on 05 July 2013 - 10:09 PM in The Café

Freshman Seminar
Introduction to Computer Science and Information Technology

Introduction to Programming

Standard Freshman Composition

Lifetime Fitness

#229031 Amnesia's 6 reasons to own a XBox One over a PS4

Posted by Structures on 05 July 2013 - 10:44 AM in General Gaming

I think if they were priced the same I would go with a Xbone (I'm not getting either as of now) Sony has practically no exclusives I personally want, and I would only get one probably in a year or so if it gets some good exclusives.

#229028 You go on a date, which one of you pays the bill?

Posted by Structures on 05 July 2013 - 10:39 AM in The Café

either every other time like Nollog said or we both just pay for what we got

#227515 Rumor: Mario Kart 8 due out in April 2014

Posted by Structures on 29 June 2013 - 02:16 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I think you mean GREAT game. Mariokart 7 was good, but felt rushed. This needs more polish than that one. A LOT more polish.

I loved mk7 but some of the "shortcuts" straight up broke the game

#227322 What type of lover do you like?

Posted by Structures on 28 June 2013 - 07:26 PM in The Café

2D ones ;_;


but no basically what Zinix said

dem crazy girls they get ya

#227321 Atlus goes banktruped, (bad news for Western Atlus fans.)

Posted by Structures on 28 June 2013 - 07:25 PM in General Gaming

buy them nintendo :(

#226813 Third Party Exclusives Rant

Posted by Structures on 27 June 2013 - 11:18 AM in General Gaming

Ridiculously lacking? Do you even own it? First off, no. Nobody even knew at the time when it came out if we would even get DLC and there have been a few patches for game. Nobody does not buy a game because there isn't DLC for it. LOL. Wii U arguably was the best version of the game. The game sold bad and it wasn't Treyarch or Activision's fault. Sorry.

yes i do own it and it is lacking

#226809 Third Party Exclusives Rant

Posted by Structures on 27 June 2013 - 11:09 AM in General Gaming

Call of Duty sold bad on Wii U cause it's ridiculously lacking, no dlc, terrible support

#226305 Petitioning to Remove Region Lock (Wii U and 3DS)

Posted by Structures on 26 June 2013 - 06:45 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Having no region lock is really good for people in Europe but most people here really don't care that much. Still there shouldn't be a region lock

#226090 Will AC4 be better on WiiU?

Posted by Structures on 25 June 2013 - 04:48 PM in General Gaming

next gen versions will probably just have better anti aliasing, shadows/lighting. but Wii U controls more than make up for it

#224884 Rejoined Team Nintendo

Posted by Structures on 20 June 2013 - 10:27 PM in Introduction Central

this is how I felt when a bought my 3DS and Wii U. Just something about turning on a Wii U feels so different and great.

#224876 Cop shoots kittens infront of screaming children.

Posted by Structures on 20 June 2013 - 10:01 PM in The Café


#223883 Anime Recommendations?

Posted by Structures on 18 June 2013 - 09:40 PM in The Café

Fullmetal Alchemist

Cowboy Bebop

Ghost In The Shell

Gundam Seed

Neon Genesis Evangelion

Samurai X

Fruits Basket

Initial D

#222776 How many of Nintendo's E3 Wii U games are you getting?

Posted by Structures on 16 June 2013 - 02:34 PM in Wii U Games and Software

all of those on there. all day one probably besides WWHD depending on when in October it comes out



also Bayonetta 2 will NOT be multiplat considering it was funded and published by Nintendo

#222656 Pachter: If Wii U lacks 3rd-party support after the holidays, Stick A folk in it

Posted by Structures on 16 June 2013 - 08:32 AM in General Gaming

why did you link that

#222654 Pachter: If Wii U lacks 3rd-party support after the holidays, Stick A folk in it

Posted by Structures on 16 June 2013 - 08:04 AM in General Gaming

I've seen like 3 people in the industry say that CoD isn't getting a Wii U release when it is...

#222295 Will Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros be 5 players?

Posted by Structures on 15 June 2013 - 12:20 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I could see 5 players for Mario Kart being something they're looking at, I hope they have 5 player smash but there's no reason they couldn't have had 5 player smash before so I don't think that's likely

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