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#185534 Toki Tori 2 Coming to Wii U on April 4th

Posted by binx on 23 March 2013 - 06:43 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I hope there is a demo since I never played the first one.

#185531 Lego City Undercover ?

Posted by binx on 23 March 2013 - 06:39 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I think its fun and funny if you listen to what the people have to say. The gameplay is good and works well with the gamepad. This and NSMBU are the best games out. I didnt like any other of Lego games and was skeptical but I am enjoying this one.
Pros: Great dialog
Tons to do
Missions are fun
Freeroaming is rewarding
Gamepad controls work well

Cons: Long loading times
Framerate drops are noticable
Graphics are not as polished as it should be
No multiplayer

All in all I would give it a solid 8/10. It is a good game with the only real detractors being graphics and loading times. You will forget about these when you get into the game and play for a bit. The dialog alone is worth the price of admission, I find myself continuing playing to hear what they are going to say next. "Chase, you need to access the compuper". The references are subtley adult but not to advanced for kids. I wish there was online co-op like a crackdown sort of way. Would have been a great addition, but all in all a solid game for a system that is floundering in the software department. Lets hope this is how the rest of the games fare from here on out.

#180865 Wii U system update!

Posted by binx on 09 March 2013 - 05:28 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Hopefully this will fix my Wii U. Everytime I turn it on it locks up and has did this since launch. I have to pull the plug everytime its turned on and then restart it and then it works fine. It gets to the log in and then locks up. Nintendo doesnt really seem to give a flying fiddly considering they already "fixed it" once. I sent it out and it didnt do a damn thing and now they are telling me if they replace it there is no guarantee all my saved stuff will tranfer.

#178911 Two problems that need to be fixed

Posted by binx on 04 March 2013 - 06:19 AM in Wii U Hardware

What band are you running on your router? G/n dual. That makes a difference more than anything I've seen or tried.

#178190 Scribblenauts

Posted by binx on 02 March 2013 - 08:03 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I bought this from best buy for like 35 bucks when it came out. Pretty much all the stores are discounting the U games pretty heavily. In the US anyway.

#178187 Does runner 2 have a demo?

Posted by binx on 02 March 2013 - 08:00 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Yes it does, you have to go through the actual game and click the information button next to the purchase one and it brings you to the demo.

#178185 Bit.Trip Runner 2 out now on eShop

Posted by binx on 02 March 2013 - 07:58 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Yayyy, a game ! Finally a reason to dust off the Wii U ! First game in three + months, cant wait.

#175528 Scribblenauts

Posted by binx on 24 February 2013 - 12:59 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Game is way to simple even with creative answers. I wish we could get Professor Layton games, those are good puzzle games.

#175525 The official "What games should I get?" Thread

Posted by binx on 24 February 2013 - 12:55 PM in Wii U Games and Software

There all lame right now. Theres nothing really powering this thing up for and I own or owned a lot of them. Get Dead space 3, Crysis 3, Bioshock infinite, or tomb raider in 2 weeks. The U's got nothing worth playing, IMO. Plus theres only like 3 releases this year that actually look decent. Nintendo, U got me again,...facepalm....

#175389 Exactly how large is the power gap between the Wii U and the PS4?

Posted by binx on 24 February 2013 - 06:51 AM in Wii U Hardware

Look at the difference in memory alone DDR3 vs GDDR5. You gave 1gb for the U that is usuable outside of the OS. The PS4 lets say will use 2gb for OS and 6gb out side of that, Hypothetically. I know I am getting away from things but the difference in data transfer speed and bandwidth from DDR to GDDR is doubled. DDR3 is very antiquated for memory, try to buy some if you dont believe me. Hence the reason the OS is slow. Some games will look really good, ie, first party as usual. But for the time being I have better looking games on my Ipad and my S3 really. I know the controls arent there on touch screen and the Wii U you can play off screen. But then why would I have a console if I wanted to play on a portable or a controller. I want to use my 55" 3d TV, not a subpar screen the size of a napkin. The controller is a gimmick and detracts from any real immersion in gameplay and makes it tedious to play games when having to look away all the time. The difference between the two will be noticable, not in the eye bleeding roughness that is the Wii vs xbox/ps3, but in an aliens colonial marines vs crysis 2 on pc way. Nintendo has already lost third parties, games have been delayed or cancelled. Look at rayman, Ubisoft had so little faith in them, they made versions for the 360/ps3 to sell the game. When their main third party supporter doesnt have confidence to ship a game seperate from other platforms it doest look to good. At this point they could say it has a GTX 8million and a 40 core CPU and developers wouldnt take notice. A damn shame. Nintendos platform is seen a cell phone console, cheap mini games and ports. Look at the trade value right now gamestop is giving the same for the Wii U deluxe as a ps3, my ps3 is 6 years old?!

#174889 [Photo] Wii U GPU Die

Posted by binx on 23 February 2013 - 12:07 PM in Wii U Hardware

Why do we know more about the ps4 than the Wii U at this point?! By time they produce a good looking game I will have the next consoles from xbox and PS and all this spec stuff will be moot.

#174885 30% Off all Ubisoft games on eShop (Wii U)

Posted by binx on 23 February 2013 - 11:42 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Its still cheaper to buy these on disc. Everyplace I have seen is discounting wii u games pretty steep. Not a good sign.

#172456 Are things really this dire?

Posted by binx on 17 February 2013 - 02:28 PM in Wii U Hardware

It also doesnt help that almost every game that was supposed to be out in the fall or the spring that they announced originally has been delayed or possibly canceled. There are a few but I would not buy a port on the U. The only game that looks exciting to me is the wonderful 101. The games that I was excited for are delayed or have had features removed, ie lego undercover multiplayer. I havnt even turned mine on since the second week in December. I bought 5 retail games and 2 eshop titles with it and I have since traded them in because they were just lacking and the whole touchscreen thing seems to take away from the immersion with tacked on look at your controller now stuff. The added features on the console work better on my other devices so I dont need the other gimmicks. Like everyone else I am waiting for that wow moment, be it a game or service that can make me justify my purchase. Granted Miiverse is a cool idea and I like it. I cannot in good faith recommend the U to anyone because of these things, and to top it off the general public still doesnt have an idea of what the hell this thing is. Most still think its a controller add on. Now Im not wishing the doom and gloom that you see around the net, but more frustration and dissapointment in what Nintendo had me believe would be a game changer right off the bat; and sadly it is not. Here's hoping that feeling is renewed in the coming months.

#172446 Question Concerning the Wii U

Posted by binx on 17 February 2013 - 02:05 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Save your money. Wait a few months until there are games worth playing.

#146945 I own a 360 ps3 and a wii. Do i really need a wii u?

Posted by binx on 12 December 2012 - 05:17 AM in Wii U Hardware

Wait until spring or summer to get it. That's when all the good games seem to be coming out. The other systems have better games until then. Plus it's not like theres a shortage of Wii U's anywhere. It doesn't really seem revolutionary right now with most touch aspects tacked on as an afterthought. The games are good but not great. Spring, summer games is where it's at.

#146393 I don't really believe that Wii U's will be not available until March...

Posted by binx on 10 December 2012 - 05:20 PM in Wii U Hardware

All the stores by me have plenty in stock. Go figure.

#146391 Error code 160-0106

Posted by binx on 10 December 2012 - 05:15 PM in Wii U Hardware

That is what I am using with the usb drive.

#146228 Error code 160-0106

Posted by binx on 10 December 2012 - 07:00 AM in Wii U Hardware

Every time I turn on the console I get this error it says USB unplugged and then the system locks and I have to unplug it from the back. Since the update I haven't had it just freeze in the middle if a game, but am now getting this every time it's turned on. Anyone else have a similar issue. I called Nintendo and they were clueless as usual.

#142354 Game releases

Posted by binx on 02 December 2012 - 08:40 PM in Wii U Games and Software

What the hell is a useless nintendo supporter? I bought a deluxe and 5 games,....yup...useless..lol All that I was offering was my opinion as to why Im disappointed and that I find the games lacking that Nintendo-ness we all have come to love. I was stoked and more excited about the games that got delayed than the actual release ones because they were getting the most hype. There are many things I like about the console. These are-Being able to jump between things without having to exit the game, the separate screen to play on, browser that actually works, miiverse is an actual social platform that works, I can use existing controllers, I can play wii games if I want, soon nintendo tv, oh yeah universal remote. I enjoy what the system offers and what it can offer. I was put off that it seemed to ship incomplete, ie, updates for everything, freezing and certain things with long load times. I have not played my console since the 21st because constantly unplugging it is bad for the system, despite what nintendo says. Love me, like me, hate me, whatever makes you sleep better at night. Honestly I don't care, but I do want Nintendo to succeed. Im not a fanboy because I didn't like a few things. After many years on the other consoles I can still point out things I don't like. But in the end Im a gamer and love to play, to relax and or escape the sometimes purulent world outside by just shooting Master Chiefs in a Killzone, all while stomping Goomba's whilst red shells fly forth at peoples Forza'd Gran Turismo the whole time saying, "Its A'me Mario" !

#142216 Game releases

Posted by binx on 02 December 2012 - 04:04 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Up until launch at least a couple of the games were previously slated for December, wonderful 101, rayman, and Lego city. Aliens was originally a January game, with dragon quest in February. Just disappointed with the huge push backs of most of the big games.

#142201 Game releases

Posted by binx on 02 December 2012 - 03:38 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Anyone else notice that no games except for shovelware are coming out until at least March ? I thought more were coming sooner but they have all been pushed back. Cloudberry kingdom is about it and thats at the end of this month. I have all the good ones and there ok at best. Mario is mario so cant complain, Zombiu is good except for the constant freezing up during play so it has been returned, nano assault neo is good, sonic racing is ok but the frame rates drop bad in some sections, Nintendo land is stupid and not fun, my wife even said it was dumb..lol, and I have Scribblenauts which I have yet to play because all my Wii U does is freeze up when playing games. All the other third party games I have or have had on the Ps3 or 360. I am just dissapointed that there nothing coming until the Aliens game which looks pretty sick and that comes out anywhere from March to May. Im not trying to bash the system because I think that there will be good things out for it, but I couldve waited a year for this. Sucks because I was stoked about an HD nintendo. Oh well, let me know if anyone hears any different in releases or games I have missed.

#142063 Wii U got problems?

Posted by binx on 02 December 2012 - 09:16 AM in Wii U Hardware

All mine does is lock up.Doesn't matter what fix I tried. Plus it looks like it will be another first party only system like the Wii was for me. Mario and zombiu are fun, everything else is mediocre at best. Not really impressed with the system. Oh, well here's hoping.

#142056 Hardware Freeze

Posted by binx on 02 December 2012 - 09:08 AM in Wii U Hardware Help

This happened to me a bunch of times. I actually returned the game because of it. I have not played the system since the 21st because it freezes all the time. Hoping for an update because it is unplayable in it's current state and contrary to popular belief, pulling the plug constantly will damage the system.

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