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There have been 104 items by TheDoctor_13 (Search limited from 03-July 23)

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#316155 Nintendo publishing Devils Third, Valhalla on PC . 4th quarter

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 20 July 2015 - 09:32 PM in Wii U Games and Software

On Pc too? I guess Nintendo made a deal if the developers were afraid of sales on Wii U. I hope it doesn't hurt Wii U sales.

#316239 Nintendo wants to build a sleep monitor with a projector

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 26 July 2015 - 12:53 PM in The Café

This is old news, your slow Judd. :P (Maybe he needs a QOL device....)

#315897 New 3DS games

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 07 July 2015 - 10:00 PM in General Gaming

Most of the recent ones take use of the better processor, I imagine Hyrule Warriors: Legends will like the extra power quite a lot. 

#315818 Rumour - NX will NOT be competing in power with PS4

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 04 July 2015 - 11:21 PM in General Gaming

"Its a negative Nintendo rumour, so it must be true!!!" - Internet

#317414 Lost Reavers - Available in Japan eshop

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 03 December 2015 - 12:41 AM in Wii U Games and Software


#317720 Book of unwritten tales 2 headed to Wii u retail

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 24 January 2016 - 03:05 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I wonder if the first one and small expansion will be included in this.

#317571 Gift for Hype

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 26 December 2015 - 12:55 PM in The Museum

Here you go. A picture because I was busy but i can scan it when I get home, maybe even color it if you want. Enjoy!



#317141 Sonic Generations Mod: Mario Generations

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 02 November 2015 - 10:47 PM in General Gaming

Wow they actually made it so its not janky af. I'm impressed. Kinda wish they put Mario in rollar skates or something so it would seem less weird. Would be extra cool if they mario-fied the environments. Maybe just the backgrounds, like big buildings in the mushroom kingdom. 

#317005 Shiny Xerneas, Yvetal, and Not Shiny Zygarde to be given out in

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 11 October 2015 - 08:19 AM in General Gaming

Just JPN or wordwide? I'm not that far in the anime, they'll probably show up online though.

#316890 Nintendo Names New CEO

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 13 September 2015 - 11:56 PM in Wii U News

Tatsumi Kimishima

Tatsumi Kimishima has been named the new CEO. His background includes being the President of NoA for 5 years, I heard he also led The Pokemon Company but I'm not sure. He also isn't a game designer, just business. More here:



#316265 Big Splatoon Update Coming August 6th

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 27 July 2015 - 10:58 AM in Wii U Games and Software

IS this friends battle splitscreen at all? If not, then I don't really care that much. 

#313996 Counterfeit Amiibos are hitting the market

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 07 June 2015 - 06:39 PM in General Gaming

Really hope parents won't fall for it, but they are nice copies, and un-suspecting people have been fooled with less. I might bite though on some rarer ones (if available) for looks. 

#316730 Minecraft Story Mode - Coming to Wii U

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 26 August 2015 - 12:47 PM in Wii U Games and Software

So we're getting story mode, but not actually Minecraft? Kind of odd. Though I guess maybe this could lead to more of their games coming. I don't even know if I want Minecraft on Wii U anymore, Microsoft will probably make it like the XB/PS versions, not taking advantige of the touchscreen, the gyroscope, and other great ideas. 

#308595 Mekazoo Wii U,PS4,XBO

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 09 February 2015 - 08:32 PM in General Gaming

Looks like it had some work put into it, I like it. Kinda reminds me of Sonic Book (3DS) a little bit also. 

#313586 Chibi-Robo Platformer and Amiibo Releasing in 2015

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 31 May 2015 - 11:37 AM in General Gaming

Ohhh, I hope this comes to America!! Also was the begining footage part of this game, or from a previous title in the series? I never played a Chibi Robo game before.

#316854 Pokémon GO + Pokémon GO Plus

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 09 September 2015 - 10:54 PM in General Gaming

The Pokémon Company just held a press conference and they announced a new game, for iPhone and Android [Sorry WP/BB :(]. If any of you have played Google's Augmented Reality game 'Ingress' it will seem familiar, as they are partnering with the company who made the game, [Company is now its own entity away from Google]. You will use your cellphone and see distances to where Pokémon are, you can through Pokéballs at them to catch them, it looks like there is other balls/items. The Pokémon travel through portals around in your town/nature around you from an another dimension, you can even team up with others to catch the Pokémon, you'll both receive it. You can even trade them!

Then there is the Pokémon GO Plus which is a peripheral kinda like the PokéWalker which you can either clip or wear as a wristband. It's meant to enhance the game, button to do actions, LED colors, vibrations. 

Its a collab project between The Pokémon Company x Niantic Labs x Nintendo. If you remember Google did an April Fools where you can go around the real world and catch Pokémon. Except now its real. No word on pricing though Ingress is free, so I expect the same of this hopefully, but The Pokémon Company has charged for Jukebox and higher price's on Pokémon Shuffle. 


#313595 Dr. Mario 3DS Reveal Trailer - Nintendo Direct JP

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 31 May 2015 - 01:51 PM in General Gaming

Still don't know why they brought this game back from the dead, but I guess some people like it. Strange that they didn't announce Amiibo too haha. 

Nintendo can bring back its own Tetris (since Ubi is .. Ubi, seriously who let them have the tetris license), why not bring back Wave Race and their own sport titles since their not getting any and their more popular.

#311662 Professor Layton 7 may come to Wii u

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 07 April 2015 - 05:09 PM in Wii U News

Is this Level-5's first attempt at a iOS/Android version of Professor Layton? I have never heard of Professor Layton anywhere except for Nintendo handhelds, which I'm assuming means that public awareness is insufficient for Level-5 to sell enough to make a profit on the Mobile game.

No, not the first. Layton Brothers

#309737 How To Make Your Own Clay Kirby

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 26 February 2015 - 09:09 PM in The Café

Didn't they say they made a clay kirby as inspiration for this game? :P

Not sure, I know they made a yarn Yoshi though. 

In-case you don't have two minutes.
1) Get some pink clay
2) Roll a ball


#312653 Happy Happy Joy Joy

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 06 May 2015 - 11:43 AM in Introduction Central

Oh boy, WE GOT A NEW MEMBER Everyone~ Welcome welcome. 

#315189 Nintendo of America Boss Teases Release of Smaller New 3DS

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 22 June 2015 - 11:51 AM in General Gaming

do we really need another 3ds?

Yes. :P I want a new 3DS, but the XL is quite a bit big.. 

#309841 How To Make Your Own Clay Kirby

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 28 February 2015 - 10:19 AM in The Café

Can you give me the steps for a Yarn Yoshi?  :wacko:

Yarn Yoshi:

1) Get a nice and talented Grandma

#309788 new fighting indie game for Wii U... Strength Of Sword

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 27 February 2015 - 02:02 PM in Wii U Games and Software

^ Yeah but that game dosen't have swords. :P

That one does look better with the effects and all, but the sword one dosen't look two bad especially since its only 2 people. Plus I like the art style. What happened to the devs that were going to make a old school WWE game or something like that? or is that the Last Fight game? who knows.

#311721 Level 5's: The Snack World (N3DS/IOS/Android

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 08 April 2015 - 02:39 PM in General Gaming

Level-5 on 3DS?!?!

#307674 The Future of Nintendo Spin-Off's

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 27 January 2015 - 02:07 PM in General Gaming

Metroid Pinball happened on DS.

DK racing became a Safari open world game..that was also scrapped.


I want to see Project Hammer back

More games like Giftpia/Captain Rainbow but in the US

Didn't know about the first two, but imagine it coming back with the enhances in tech. DK racing still should come back.

This is about Spin-offs, but those would be nice too, not sure how a Captain Rainbow like game would be percieved here though. 

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