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Posted by Pac-1234 on 27 January 2012 - 01:59 PM in Wii U Hardware

OK, people. So, I was reading IGN's article where they report that supposedly the XBOX 720 (Or whatever it's  going to be called) is going to be 20% superior to the Wii U. After doing a little research of my own, I stumbled upon this:

check it out, it is VERY INTERESTING.

Oh, I'm an idiot. Sorry, I didn't realize this topic had already been posted. My mistake =(

#44904 What do you want to see at E3 2012 for Wii U?

Posted by Pac-1234 on 02 December 2011 - 01:02 PM in Wii U Hardware

Aside from the classics (Zelda, Metroid, Star Fox... etc.) I want Battlefield 3 for the Wii U with 64 player battles, destruction and visuals superior to those found in the PS3/360 versions and all the maps and dlc available from day one.

#44902 Wii U specs leaked?

Posted by Pac-1234 on 02 December 2011 - 12:42 PM in Wii U Hardware

I don't know much about computer parts and components, BUT according to this guy I asked, a dRAM is what it is used to communicate between the GPU and CPU exclusively. He said that current consoles (360 and PS3) have very little dRAM and so, 768mb of dRAM (what the "leak" claims to have) is like a whole lot.

Not to be confused with the general RAM which should be AT LEAST 2GB in my opinion. Oh, well.

#25107 is nintendo being cheap?

Posted by Pac-1234 on 31 August 2011 - 04:06 AM in Wii U Hardware

In a way, I agree with you, Thread Starter, but like most people have said here, I don't mind nor do I think it's a deal breaker. All that said, including DVD playback does imply an increase in price. Not because of Hardware costs (it could cost Nintendo ZERO to have the capabilities) but because of licensing fees. Granted, it's not too much of a price to pay, but not having it helps keep the cost of the unit low. Seeing how things went with the 3DS, I believe Nintendo will go this route in order to keep the console "affordable" and to sell it at a profit in the event of a necessary price cut a few months after launch day.

#24898 Article: Apple To Beat Wii U To Tablet Gaming Market?

Posted by Pac-1234 on 30 August 2011 - 06:06 AM in Wii U Hardware

Well, to a certain degree, Apple has been trying to kill dedicated gaming consoles (handhelds more prominently ) by strongly supporting casual gaming in. its devices. I suppose that, although focusing primarily in the handheld market, Apple is also trying to kill dedicated home consoles.

However, the way Apple is doing it is somewhat slow. Apple has not openly said it is planning to do so, but its actions speak louder.

The way I see it, Apple would only pose a threat to Nintendo (And any other console manufacturer) if it starts putting buttons in its devices.

If you think of it, that's the only thing preventing Apple from being a direct (keyword ) competitor in the dedicated console business.

The day Apple announces an "isomething" device, it'll be the day to start worrying for the dedicated console industry as we know it.

#20144 -

Posted by Pac-1234 on 09 August 2011 - 02:53 PM in Wii U Hardware

They're 5-6 years old.

Edit: Wait, why would they use Microsoft's Direct X 10?

They're not. Nintendo is using OpenGL 4.1 which is the equivalent to Direct X10. They say Directx10 because it's the most known measure (People are like that, they use names as measures instead of numbers...) so that more people can get a good idea of how well it'll play out. However, I've been told by some friends who study computer sciences at my college that Open GL does a bit better than Direct X so it will be like DirectX10.4 for the Wii U. I doubt my friends trolled me, but they have tricked me before so who knows. lol

#19277 Wii U's Rejection.

Posted by Pac-1234 on 06 August 2011 - 01:46 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Interesting point of view. One of the main problems Nintendo has been facing for quite some time now is the reduced amount of support from third parties. The Wii was the perfect example: Nintendo had a huge install base for third parties to profit from, However, the problem was that these third parties faced not only a lackluster system (In terms of processing power) that impeded them from simply watering down ports (The majority of multiplatform games needed to be built from the ground up); but a direct competition with first party Nintendo games.

If there's one thing Nintendo has done right this whole time, it's an impressive first party army to back up Nintendo's system every generation. This is, However, a double edged sword; for one it gives the system and the brand (Nintendo) a major advantage over other platforms, but they also have a limiting factor, for third parties become more restrictive when trying to conquer new audiences in any of Nintendo's platforms.

Nintendo has tried to regain the third party support since the Gamecube era. Sadly, their strategies have yet to prove effective. The latest attempt made by Nintendo was the 3DS and even though Nintendo limited its first party games, in order for third parties to take the spotlight, the shadow of Nintendo's first party success prevented third parties from profiting as they expected. Aside from a very few third party games (Street Fighter 4 3DS is one example), what took the spotlight in the not so successful 3DS launch were first party games (Nintendogs+cats, Ocarina of Time, Steel Diver, Pilotwings).

In general, Nintendo is faced with a difficult task this upcoming gen; that is to regain the position of a company suited for third parties and first parties alike. If they succeed, I think we'll be seeing a second SNES era, if they mildly get there, I think we'll see a second Gamecube era and if they fail, I think we'll see a second Wii-like era.

Nintendo won't go out of business anytime soon, yet. Nevertheless, if the Wii U fails, I think it'll be time for every Nintendo fan to worry about the company's future as a dedicated console manufacturer.

#18274 Can Wii U Go & Wii U Blog have polls?

Posted by Pac-1234 on 03 August 2011 - 12:13 PM in Site News and Feedback

This sounds like a great idea. I second the motion for a public poll. Gamefaqs.com has had it for a long time and it has worked for it. There's even users who only go check gamefaqs for the "poll of the day". I think something like that could be very helpful to this site.

#18273 Operation Moonfall .GIF

Posted by Pac-1234 on 03 August 2011 - 12:09 PM in The Café

So every community movement from now on is to have the "fall" suffix added?

#18260 Nintendo in trouble?

Posted by Pac-1234 on 03 August 2011 - 11:35 AM in Wii U Hardware

No, they are losing money. The cost of the materials is ~$104, but the cost of manufacturing, shipping, advertising and similar things all add up, and then you have stores, which take $50+ of each product sold...

They're not losing much money, but they are most certainly losing money.

Yes, you are correct. I posted this before the price of manufacturing costs were affected by the price cut. But yeah, you're right; Nintendo is losing as of now some money. Not a lot though.

#17841 Nintendo in trouble?

Posted by Pac-1234 on 01 August 2011 - 05:33 PM in Wii U Hardware

It will certainly affect the launch of the Wii U in one way or another. Either by changing the retail price or by offering/removing certain content; However, the though of Nintendo being in trouble is in itself blown out of proportion.Don't take literally everything you read. The media is not the definitive truth. As popular or famous some sites might be, they are not market analysts, it's just a bunch of people giving their opinion on the subject. It is also important to not confuse terms; "Losing profits" is not the same as "Income losses". Nintendo is not losing money, it is merely seeing a reduction in profits it already makes from sales.

Brief and dumb example: During the Wii hot-streak, Nintendo made $10.00 in profits per unit sold.
Today, the Wii sales give Nintendo ONLY $2.00 in profits per unit sold.
An 80% reduction in sales revenue!
An 80% loss in profits!
OVER 50% losses!

Is Nintendo losing money? Not exactly! They are only making less money. They ARE NOT losing money.

#17840 Who is really gonna pre-order wii u?

Posted by Pac-1234 on 01 August 2011 - 05:16 PM in Wii U Hardware

I don't pre-order ANYTHING anymore. I simply go on launch day or a few days/weeks after the initial rush and I always get what I want. What's wrong with waiting just a little longer? I don't see the point in things like midnight premieres, midnight launches or early access. You're still going to play it for a long time after release day so I don't see the point in it.

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