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#317848 Nintendo Direct March 3rd at 2pm PT

Posted by SPG on 02 March 2016 - 05:58 AM in General Gaming

hopefully this one is longer than 6 minutes

#317827 Twilight Princess HD available now! (for pre-purchase) - NA

Posted by SPG on 18 February 2016 - 04:12 PM in Wii U Games and Software

thats only $5 more than the us unless you're referring to the digital version

#317807 Even more TP footage...yuck

Posted by SPG on 04 February 2016 - 09:44 AM in Wii U Games and Software


here is some more footage
-continuously hits the horse-

#317799 Even more TP footage...yuck

Posted by SPG on 02 February 2016 - 11:03 PM in Wii U Games and Software

It doesn't look atrocious. It's about was expected really.

looking as expected can still be atrocious lol

#317776 Even more TP footage...yuck

Posted by SPG on 30 January 2016 - 04:09 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Eh, as long as it's not buggy I'm happy. I've watched the videos and I still don't see what the problem is. Yes, there are games that look nicer than it. But this is still a decent game. Complaining about it won't do much, except maybe reducing the launch price (I'll admit I won't pay 75 Canuckistan Pesos for this)

complaining about meaningless things to other people on the internet is the only way I can feel better about myself....duh

#317773 Even more TP footage...yuck

Posted by SPG on 29 January 2016 - 09:56 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Eh, everything but the geometry and lighting looks great.

which is 2/3 of what you see lol

#317771 Even more TP footage...yuck

Posted by SPG on 29 January 2016 - 08:38 PM in Wii U Games and Software

But wind waker HD was amazing.

exactly, because the art style is timeless. Since is trying to be "real" without a remake, it just falls on its face

#317769 Even more TP footage...yuck

Posted by SPG on 29 January 2016 - 05:23 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I think some peoples expectations were way overboard. Art style is holding this game back, I would say it certainly could of used updated models but that was never in the cards. Small port team ( Tantalus ) and pretty much the same sort of work that went into Wind Waker has gone into here, this time amiibo as well.


Overhauling all of the models is a daunting task all by itself. Aside from the models, the texture work is good imo.

sad part is, I knew exactly what to expect since I knew this was the same thing with wind waker. Its just a game where it needed an actual remake. I like old games as much as the next guy but its like releasing episode 4 of star wars in 2016. By today standards its pretty bad (lets assuming it never came out before)
Everything I'm saying I've already said though, so I'm just beating a dead horse at this point.

#317763 Even more TP footage...yuck

Posted by SPG on 29 January 2016 - 09:58 AM in Wii U Games and Software

so we have more footage, and this shows without a doubt how bad and lazy this port/remaster/whatever you want to call it. If you can look me straight in the eyes and tell me that doesn't look atrocious I will safely say you're blinded by fanboyism. Yes it was fine in 2006. This isn't 2006. It's just higher res textures nothing more, nothing less and jarring polygons make you want to cry.


there is some more footage, all I can ask is why it just seems like wasted resources (though its probably only costing them maybe $500k and even thats a bit generous)
yes I know sony and ms have been doing this for years, thats not really an excuse, if its bad its bad lol


Posted by SPG on 28 January 2016 - 03:46 AM in The Café


#317718 Even More New Footage of Twilight Princess HD - Nintendo Minute

Posted by SPG on 24 January 2016 - 02:15 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Well I'll have to see if they make it a $30 game or a $70 game. $30 I still won't care, but admittedly $70 (thanks to the falling Canadian dollar) would prefer more polish.


Still, it is a 10 year old game. It's not like the PC world where people will spend countless unpaid hours patching Skyrim so it's super high def.

(refering to the bold) thats not an excuse at all

and its a full retail game if you get the physical copy, $10 less if you get the digital one without amiibo

#317715 Even More New Footage of Twilight Princess HD - Nintendo Minute

Posted by SPG on 23 January 2016 - 11:04 PM in Wii U Games and Software

OK to be honest I think you're being a little picky. It still looks pretty great, and any "low polygon" parts seem to suite the art style well. I don't understand why people want things to be hyperrealistic, is it to cater to some sort of "god complex" where you have to convince yourself that the characters on screen are real people who's lives are in your hands?


It is a game. There are better ones, and there are worse ones. But TP stands up to time pretty well, much better than games who were all the rage for their time and are now complete and utter rainbow. Whatever happened to letting your imagination fill in the missing details, or simply skipping the details that don't matter? Will having rounded edges on the walls and such really affect the gameplay that much?

I will disagree with you 100%
tp was made to cater to the people who wanted "realistic graphics" the art style is to be real, having low polygons ruins the entire effect of the art style. I'm not a graphics whore by any stretch of the imagination, but your claims feel more like they're shrouded by nostalgia than anything else. This game deserves a proper remake, to give it the effect it was meant to achieve back in 2006, giving it a texture pack and calling it a day looks incredibly lazy and rushed just to fill the gap between now and Zelda U.


Look at it this way, (for the most part) Wind waker was an EXCELLENT port/remaster. The art style fit, and didn't need much updating. They made textures sharper, better controls, added some bloom to the world and it made an excellent remaster. Why? the art style allowed you to get away with the flaws in the mesh because cell shading hides the flaws and makes it all blend together, same with Zelda U.

On the case of OoT and MM those used the same assets (aside from updating in a few models) from the N64 and once again was just a texture pack. But once again this worked due to the art style and limitations due to the 3ds. The rough models on select things didn't matter because its a handheld, and for the art style it wasn't trying to be real. It did its job wonders and it looked visually pleasing.


With that in mind, to say twilight princes ONLY needed some new textures is a blatant lie, and it ruins the entire effect of the game, it needed so much more than a texture pack to do it justice, and it feels incredibly insulting to the fan. But who cares about my opinion right? I'm just some random person with an opinion that doesn't matter at the end of the day. People will buy the game anyways, and they'll deny the flaws because it's nintendo, and tp is their favorite game ever so its fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine

#317700 Even More New Footage of Twilight Princess HD - Nintendo Minute

Posted by SPG on 22 January 2016 - 06:07 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I pissed off some people in the comments saying the textures make the game look like trash and its hilarious.
no I'm not trolling, the updated textures and using the SAME EXACT MODELS makes the issues and lack of polygons in the model more obvious and it just looks really bad. Wind waker did the same exact thing, but it actually worked because of the art style. Since tp tries to look "real" you see the flaws far more easily and its just nasty. But noooooo I'm wrong cuz ninnteod can't make look anything look bad! People need to get their heads out of their butts and look at it for what it is. Visually tp has aged horribly, giving it a new coat of paint, and only paint won't fix anything. You have to remodel too.

#317695 Paper Mario by Intelligent Systems - Rumored for Wii U this year

Posted by SPG on 22 January 2016 - 04:53 PM in Wii U Games and Software

hopefully, and if its real, hopefully it goes back to n64/gcn style. Straying from the path too much made it boring. Wii stickers

#317691 Platinum Games - NEW - Wonderful 101 Directors Cut Trailer

Posted by SPG on 22 January 2016 - 11:01 AM in Wii U Games and Software

so...what exactly is different about this version? not sure if the trailer showed it because I sadly have never finished the game, I'm incredibly bad at it lol (i'll go back to it eventually, now is not the day though) I don't remember there ever being dlc for the game unless I'm mistaken

edit:wait, this isn't a re-release just a trailer because wynaut....nvm then

#317681 TP HD Wolf Link Amiibo - New Footage

Posted by SPG on 20 January 2016 - 08:49 PM in Wii U Games and Software

k, now people can stop Daisying about content being locked away because I'm going to be honest, the dungeon it unlocks sounds like a rainbowty pit of 100 trials

#317658 Hyrule Warrior Legends - 3DS vs N3DS

Posted by SPG on 17 January 2016 - 07:34 PM in General Gaming

The Wii U version is to be getting the new characters I believe. I think those that get the 3ds game it will give it to you "free" for the wii u version. I would assume another DLC pack would be for those that don't get the 3Ds version but still want the new content. Not 100% sure.

i hope so because I'm not interested in dropping $40 for a few characters on a port of a game that came out not even 2 years ago

#317654 Hyrule Warrior Legends - 3DS vs N3DS

Posted by SPG on 17 January 2016 - 04:37 PM in General Gaming

I'm fine with this mainly because I have the mm n3ds : p
I doubt I'll pick this up though because hyrule warriors is far better on console, no way I'm putting 200 hours into a handheld game (unless its pokemon or animal crossing)
I really hope all the new stuff gets ported to the console version but I seriously doubt it

#317388 Platinum TMNT incoming!

Posted by SPG on 01 December 2015 - 02:24 AM in General Gaming

Aussie rating tho. To them Smash bros has nudity

lol are you serious? and people say america is bad

#317307 Thoughts on Linkle

Posted by SPG on 22 November 2015 - 04:50 PM in General Gaming

this is all I have to say

#317206 Nintendo Direct Thursday

Posted by SPG on 10 November 2015 - 02:02 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm not sure how I feel about this
since its been so damn long I'm scared it will be a massive disapointment with news we don't really care about
I hope to god I'm wrong

#317150 Moderators

Posted by SPG on 06 November 2015 - 05:17 PM in Site News and Feedback

It seems to matter to her enough to advertise here.

judd is a girl now? everything I know is a lie!

#317148 Moderators

Posted by SPG on 06 November 2015 - 04:41 PM in Site News and Feedback

lets be honest...does it really matter at this point?

#317105 death is lovely

Posted by SPG on 27 October 2015 - 12:16 PM in Site News and Feedback

The nx is going to be rumourville from now on, so there's loads of money in clickbait articles. Another David will show up eventually.

but there was only one australian to follow!

#317097 death is lovely

Posted by SPG on 26 October 2015 - 02:29 PM in Site News and Feedback

That was my thought too. I'm surprised though.


I had just gotten an email that someone from there asked me if I got a couple games yet, and if it wasn't for the fact that he said my title specifically I would never have known if he was talking to me, a group broadcast, or posted a new thread. Looking closer it seems that he tried to send me a direct message but accidentally posted it to his profile page.


I actually kind of hate the design of that website, and have deleted my account. I'll probably migrate to the 3DS forum, there at least I know which end is up.

I can't go back to that site, I was an idiot 5 years ago and ended up getting banned due to everyone hating me...though I wasn't the only toxic person on that site. If it has gotten better or not I'm not sure but I can't make a new account without most people knowing me I'm sure of it. If they still care or not is another question entirely (I highly doubt it)
I'll probably stay at linustechtips forum and just not talk about nintendo much

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