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#232535 What makes a hardcore gamer?

Posted by IvyT on 17 July 2013 - 04:51 PM in Wii U Hardware

I hate the term "hardcore gameer", dunno why, I just do.



I agree....


It has a very toolish vegetagy tone to it...


Most of all I hate how people hide under the "hardcore gamer" label to make others feel less like gamers, or like they're not good enough gamers just because they're not "as hardcore as them"

#232335 New Super Mario Bros. U Reviews

Posted by IvyT on 17 July 2013 - 05:00 AM in Wii U Game Reviews

I really want to get this one since the last SMB game I played on a home console was on the NES times... But I've heard this is basically the same as the DS version (which I own and love) and the Wii version (don't own but I've played it as well). I could get it for around $40/$45... Do you think it's worth the price? I doubt it'll ever go down to budget price, since I still see the Wii version priced as much as $50.

#232334 EA, possibly others may charge over $60 US for PS4/XB1 games

Posted by IvyT on 17 July 2013 - 04:57 AM in General Gaming

Games normally launch at $100 here in Australia. Life sucks for us.


But I don't think the AUS $ is the same as the US $. It's not equivalent, we have to take that in consideration too.

#232333 IGN: Why Are Fans Buying a PS4 at Launch?

Posted by IvyT on 17 July 2013 - 04:56 AM in General Gaming

You do know there's a chance the hardware may come faulty at launch right? Buying a console before one or two revisions to the hardware and software is a big risk and a waste of money too imho. All those people who bought the PS3 on launch at $699 for a 60 GB model that not only is much bigger but also has chances of Yellow Light will agree I think.

#232329 Miiverse Policing Check ....

Posted by IvyT on 17 July 2013 - 04:14 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I was sick of all the nastyness and trash talking on the Xbox 360, safe to say that MiiVerse is a breath of fresh are for genuine gamers who just want to have a fun time :)


Same here. Not to mention the Miiverse allows a level of interaction other consoles' online services don't allow. I think the policies are good too because it makes for a much better environment for everyone, across all ages... It's not like Nintendo is trying to cut freedom of speech. It's just a shame most communities are becoming hogs for posts like "thanks for the x yeahs" "yeah this if". The Youtube community, especially, is a complete joke. You don't have to post every time you're going online or offline or if you're "gonna have lunch brb"

#232272 So I bit the bullet and bought a 3DS

Posted by IvyT on 17 July 2013 - 12:07 AM in General Gaming

I should probably look into selling my DSi XL and trying to get a used one. There's a ton of really great titles I'd love to play.

#232270 Pach-Attack: Did Sony make PS4 too cheap?

Posted by IvyT on 17 July 2013 - 12:06 AM in General Gaming

That makes absolutely no sense. How does a good console with good specs and games having a decent price constitute as a problem? In what world? Honestly. When the PS3 came out, it was too expensive. Now the PS4 is too cheap. This guy is a tool.

#232255 Price for Next Gen EA titles

Posted by IvyT on 16 July 2013 - 11:49 PM in General Gaming

Just sad that Bioware games are published by EA. It makes it really difficult to me to completely boycott them but I can barely afford $60 for a game, much less $80.

#232247 Will you buy Pikmin3, or not?

Posted by IvyT on 16 July 2013 - 11:31 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Not gonna pre-order because there's not any kind of pre-order bonus and I'd rather wait a couple of days for feedback from reviews and stuff, since this is gonna be my first Pikmin game (aside from the Pikmin minigame on NintendoLand :P)


I don't think there's a point in waiting for a price drop on this one since it might take quite some time, considering this is a big Nintendo title... Just look at NSMBU. It's still priced between $40-$60 everywhere I see.

#232240 Pikmin 3 is apparently selling well in Japan

Posted by IvyT on 16 July 2013 - 11:21 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Great news! Now it just needs to do well in NA and Europe and we're off to a great fall/winter season for the Wii U  :)

#232239 Pikmin 3 NA commercial!

Posted by IvyT on 16 July 2013 - 11:20 PM in Wii U Games and Software

That ad is so good, now Nintendo of Europe needs to step up too and get an ad running all across Europe too, especially since the game comes out here sooner!

#232235 Best Buy Wii U Pro Controller Deal $25

Posted by IvyT on 16 July 2013 - 11:13 PM in Wii U Hardware

Just wish you could ship in to Europe from Best Buy. That's an amazing deal.

#232004 How to make Ps3 downloads faster (HELP!)

Posted by IvyT on 15 July 2013 - 11:56 PM in General Gaming

It's an issue everyone has. You can always connect the PS3 via Ethernet and enjoy a slight bump in speed, but even if you have a good internet connection it'll still take you some time to download multiple gigs of content. That's just the Playstation way  :P


Download overnight or download in the background while you play something else if you must. Just make sure you don't play something that's installed on your hard-drive because that'll stop the download in the background.

#232003 Why is NintendoLand panned as bad?

Posted by IvyT on 15 July 2013 - 11:46 PM in Wii U Games and Software

To me it doesn't feel like a full game just a dozen of mini-games put together. It's like Wii Sports and Game & Wario, these game just don't appeal to me, they feel rather superficial.


I feel the same way.


This game is fun with friends and family but having to buy additional controllers for a bunch of people is pretty much a waste of money, since they'll only be used for that one game, since most of the time I'm just playing by myself.


It does feel like a better offer than Wii Sports though. I had fun playing some of the minigames for the first couple of days before I got something else to play. It's just a shame that some of them are multiplayer-only, it was a dumb move on Nintendo's part. I don't have a lot of friends, and in my family the only other person who will play with me is my brother.

#232001 Ubisoft: "We won't even start" a game if it can't be a franchise

Posted by IvyT on 15 July 2013 - 11:39 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Well that is pretty weird. Looks like they don't want to make games that can't be milked with a sequel every year.


That's exactly what I think the industry is becoming: a bunch of greedy companies who won't mind shipping out pointless sequels to their games every year or so, and that greediness is one of the reasons why third-party support is so weak on the Wii U. They don't want to just profit, they want to profit BIG.

#231999 What makes a hardcore gamer?

Posted by IvyT on 15 July 2013 - 11:23 PM in Wii U Hardware

Ohhhh noooo one of these topics.
I think hardcore is how a person plays a game. Let's use Mario Kart for example like I usually do.

Lots of people play Mario Kart casually and just play races to have a little fun by themselves or with friends in person or online. Casual is fine no one should knock it because it's just for fun and that's what games are for.

Now a hardcore Mario Kart player will learn all the tricks in gameplay mechanics, get 3 stars on all cups, beat all the staff ghosts and try and set good records. It is all about how the player plays the game that defines it in my eyes.

Both casual and hardcore are just fine and I do both for certain games. No one should be ridiculed for being a casual gamer or need to feel like the only way they will be considered a gamer is to be hardcore. We all do it to escape and have fun. It doesn't matter.



Hardcore gamer is someone who accepts video games as a hobby and doesn't discriminate between games, genres, consoles, or developers.


I think these two posts pretty much sum it up. Nevertheless I think labels are just about the dumbest thing people need in a society and they only serve to create conflicts and discriminate and rarely do any good. When people say "labels are a necessity in a society" I just have to cringe.


I can be a "casual gamer" and still play hardcore one or two games. Does that make me any less casual? Does that make me completely hardcore? I don't know, probably none of you do either, and that's the beauty of not having labels, we're just gamers regardless if we're playing 12 hours a day and going on competitions or if we just enjoy to sit down for a while whenever we have free time and have a little fun.

#231697 Pikmin 3 Gamestop hands on july 20 and 21st

Posted by IvyT on 15 July 2013 - 06:50 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I just wish Nintendo of Europe made a deal with some major retailers in Europe too, because we're also interested in this and it would be a great way to promote games and the console itself.  :(

#231695 Is Zombi U A Good Game?

Posted by IvyT on 15 July 2013 - 06:46 AM in Wii U Games and Software

That's where reviews come in handy  ^_^


Reviews are generally a great way to know whether or not you should invest in a game but we also have to take into account that they're also somewhat biased by the reviewer's own tastes.

#231694 Amazon dropped the price of wii U basic and premium and its number 1 in sales

Posted by IvyT on 15 July 2013 - 06:44 AM in Wii U Games and Software

See a price drop is what the Wii U needs, why don't they do that with NA since its not even close to par up with the PS4's hardware.


Hmm well because US dollars are largely undervalued compared to British Pounds and Euro so basically this discounted price is equivalent to the current US price.

#231055 Wii U's price went down again in Asda

Posted by IvyT on 12 July 2013 - 10:03 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Well I bought the Deluxe set on a limited time sale too for 249€, which is 100€ than its usual price.

#231026 Princess As Protagonist For Next Game?

Posted by IvyT on 12 July 2013 - 07:17 AM in General Gaming

The only princess I really want to have her own game is Zelda. It's a longtime coming for years now.

#231025 Do you think Nintendo games overshine 3rd party games on Nintendo consoles?

Posted by IvyT on 12 July 2013 - 07:16 AM in General Gaming

Yes, even though Playstation have some really good exclusives that I'd like to play on the Wii U too, Nintendo is easily the best company when it comes to first-party franchises, not only in terms of quantity but quality too. That's why, despite having a PS3, I had to buy a Wii U or else I knew I was gonna be missing out on some great games coming out this year and 2014.

#231024 PS+ just signed up. What a good deal.

Posted by IvyT on 12 July 2013 - 07:12 AM in General Gaming

I don't always have PS+ but when I do it's amazing. So many free games each month and it's not like they're crappy games or terribly outdated ones. I got my PS3 last year, 500 GB Super Slim model, and to be honest I only have like 5 games because I'm always too busy playing the games from PS+

#231023 EA, possibly others may charge over $60 US for PS4/XB1 games

Posted by IvyT on 12 July 2013 - 07:10 AM in General Gaming

Well considering I'm still a student and finding a job is nearly impossible in my country right now, I really can't spend all the money my mom manages to give me as my allowance in videogames. Yes, I've bought games on release day for $60 before, but I quickly realized that I rarely needed to play the game right away and after only a few weeks I'd find the game at $40 or even $30 and I'd be kinda pissed at myself.


So raising the price, especially on EA games which are mostly all the same and just lazy 'milking' of the same franchises, will probably put me off of buying their games and since not all games lower their prices son, sometimes I even forget about them and move on to other games I want to play more.

#231022 Hi there

Posted by IvyT on 12 July 2013 - 07:00 AM in Introduction Central

Another Zelda fan!  ^_^




EDIT: Just checked your Youtube channel. Looking pretty good, can't wait to see more stuff from you!

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