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#315870 Microsoft didn't consider Nintendo a competitor last gen

Posted by Leland on 06 July 2015 - 07:07 AM in General Gaming

Does not matter how much you sell if losing money. Why Wii U sales are not killing Nintendo,Still making profit.


Wii U isn't making money though, Nintendo's been in the red since each year since the Wii U launched and they've stated in their annual reports that the failing Wii U business is the reason. I'm not sure where you're getting that graph from but 2013 was most certainly not a profitable year for them.

#315407 Project Cars Dev "We Really Dislike Nintendo Users"

Posted by Leland on 26 June 2015 - 07:33 AM in General Gaming

Thanks for clarifying. It's confusing either way and they really mucked up the whole situation by simply not being up front from the get go. That's the main issue

Reading further Kickstarter looks to be wrong as it was their own crowd funding setup which helped fund development.

None of that makes up for leading on a userbase for so long with half truths and misinformation.


It is really confusing, but it's also an important distinction to make; the popular narrative going around is that the game was primarily/largely funded by Nintendo owners, when in reality the console versions were added at the end of the crowdfunding.

#315405 Project Cars Dev "We Really Dislike Nintendo Users"

Posted by Leland on 26 June 2015 - 06:52 AM in General Gaming

LOL you should be a political commentator, your spin is incredible.



When this was announced it was PC & Wii U, then they added PS3/360. They kept saying it's running great on Wii U as development went on. Next they dropped PS3/360 to add PS4/Xbox One but insisted that PC and Wii U were continuing as planned. There was always Wii U right from the Kickstarter program on day 1.


Actually, that's not all correct. I was one of the backers of the game and it wasn't funded on Kickstarter, and it was for PC only. The console versions were added later.

#315271 The 6 Problems With Third Person Shooters Splatoon solved

Posted by Leland on 24 June 2015 - 03:20 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I guess the big thinkers behind this can't tell the difference between a first person shooter and a third person shooter  :blink:

#315173 Splatoon disc content leak?

Posted by Leland on 22 June 2015 - 06:53 AM in Wii U Games and Software

So basically because there's been some free content therefore all of it will be free? Once again, that may be the case but since they haven't made an announcement regarding this content we can only make assumptions, while it's fine to hope this will be free I don't see how people can say that it will be with such certainty as if it's somehow guaranteed.


I think Nintendo said that the DLC was going to be free in one of their Splatoon directs, IIRC.

#315166 Guerilla Games new IP Horizon

Posted by Leland on 22 June 2015 - 05:03 AM in General Gaming

Learn to read and reading comprehension.


That's a little hypocritical when you can't even get that sentence right. Perhaps you should find a forum with younger kids if you can't communicate well with adults, instead of telling him to "learn to read."



It's in the game. Says he reminds him of a Spaniard. Ubisoft is french and have ZERO respect for any native culture. Why they have you murder them for no reason in ACIV. They just have them there for no serviceable purpose,just padding for a dumb mission and have you invade their home and slaughter them.

Lizards don't have shells.



White people get indiscriminately killed in Ubisoft video games all the time. Should they start taking offense to that?

#315135 Guerilla Games new IP Horizon

Posted by Leland on 21 June 2015 - 02:31 PM in General Gaming

This kind of insensitive ignorance.

Not in the least. This has nothing to do with native Americans and claiming that it does....that's ignorant.

Few native developers around and sounds they are not happy with it. In fact some I get 1st hand word that Guerilla been approached about it at E3 with some really upset people. I won't say one of the name I know. Thing is the main character they showed was specifically doing Native tribe stuff. the reasoning is hilarious,they said they didn't want race to be a thing that people thought about.White people exist because of melanin deficiency.If you're making a game 100s of years in the future, in the sun drenched plains of north America they aren't going to have light skin.Deep red hair is called the manic gene,it's like "This game has to be realistic" "Thats why they're all white" "And we have robot dinosaurs"

You won't name a name because it's bullsh!t, that's why.

They're not depicting native Americans; it's a futuristic society that's regressed to wearing animal skins in a manner similar to native Americans. It's fantasy, not a commentary on Native American culture.

#315125 Guerilla Games new IP Horizon

Posted by Leland on 21 June 2015 - 11:18 AM in General Gaming

This looks about as offensive to Native Americans as Game of Thrones. Tribes =/= Native Americans...get over it.

#314808 Next proper Metroid Prime not likely until Nintendo's next console

Posted by Leland on 17 June 2015 - 10:14 AM in E3 2015

Think this confirms what most of us suspected:


Stand by for an NX Zelda U announcement as well.

#314698 Nintendo e3 - Digital Event Thread

Posted by Leland on 16 June 2015 - 11:32 AM in E3 2015

to those that don't know.. this is Ryudo LMAO

Whoa...she's a big girl!

#314188 Wii U Refuses to Copy Certain Data Files to my External HDD

Posted by Leland on 11 June 2015 - 05:54 AM in Wii U Hardware Help

How was it formatted? If it's FAT32, you'll need to reformat it as NTFS.

If the drive is getting enough power and is formatted correctly, you might have a hardware problem with the drive itself - even if the PC could use it.

#314184 Wii U Refuses to Copy Certain Data Files to my External HDD

Posted by Leland on 11 June 2015 - 04:27 AM in Wii U Hardware Help

If it's a USB 3.0 drive, you'll need a Y-cable to power the thing with the Wii U, it only has USB 2.0 ports.

#312245 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by Leland on 22 April 2015 - 05:06 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Some people don't understand how games are made and resources and such. They showed trailers and gameplay and cutscenes before the game used more assets of the engine and power from Wii U itself. Like XB on wii people were whining it did not look as god as Mario Galaxy. Only way they could have made it as good is if the game was much smaller. It's not a downgrade it's just stuff more spread out now. At this point just ignore every stupid downgrade comment as they just don't get it.

Resources? Like those 4K textures in MK8?

No offense dude, but people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. You're the last person here who should be making claims to know how games are made...most of what you post here is either grammatically incoherent or outright wrong.

#312215 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by Leland on 22 April 2015 - 02:12 AM in Wii U Games and Software

What's with the downgrade on the visuals? Shading on the mechs and characters in this latest trailer look completely flat all of a sudden.

#311895 Splatoon Voice Chat... the reason we wont get it

Posted by Leland on 12 April 2015 - 06:02 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Why are you comparing Spatoon to other team based shooters? A game none of us have played but looking at it may as well compare Mario Kart 8 to Driveclub if you keep comparing it to other team based shooters. You race so must be the same right? It may not even be needed in Splatoon.

In Dark Souls it would be nice to communicate telling a dude how to strategize on a boss. Instead the series uses emotes from MMO's in the 90s.

Even from the trailers any reasonably intelligent person can see that Splatoon is modeled after squad-based shooters, so voice chat is a pretty glaring omission.

#311670 Zelda Wii u delay = NX launch title?

Posted by Leland on 07 April 2015 - 06:36 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Do i see a big chance of the game being ported to NX? Given TP's case, yes i do.
Do i believe the game was delayed to fit this possible 2016 launch? Given the explanation, it could go either way. We don't really know what Aonuma was talking about.

It's worth noting that Aonuma didn't confirm a 2016 release date for the new Zelda.

More like exactly what I said because it's fact. Making a trailer or demo they don't have time for. I rather not get into specifics like a 3Dude post and have a war and peace sized post but it really takes a lot of time and extra effort they just don't have right now.

It will be for Wii U and only Wii U on release.

Well, what you said isn't actually fact. Seeing as you -

1). don't work for Nintendo
2). don't have access to Aonuma
3). don't know what's involved in putting together an E3 demo 

- you're really just speculating like the rest of us.

#311386 Zelda Wii u delay = NX launch title?

Posted by Leland on 02 April 2015 - 09:35 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Either way, the timeline still fits. Nintendo first spoke of the Wii 2.5 years after the release of the GC. If history is repeating itself, the NX could be the sucessor to the Wii U.

#311366 Zelda Wii u delay = NX launch title?

Posted by Leland on 02 April 2015 - 04:52 AM in Wii U Games and Software

im still curious on to why everyone thinks the nx will be the next console. It is clearly a handheld, especially sicne the 3ds is "far" older than the wii u (about 6-7 years old by the time we get the nx wii u being maybe 5)

Well, Nintendo announced the Revolution at E3 in 2004, and unveiled it as the Wii a year later at E3 2005. The GC was barely 2.5 years old at the first announcement with sales of 15 million units. The Wii U is about 2.5 years old now, with sales of under 10 million, so it's very possible Nintendo is talking about the Wii U's successor.

Seems to me something might be up with this game. Considering it was originally slated to launch this year, they've shown barely more than mock ups. Perhaps they will prepare a version for the NX.

#301596 3Dude: The Movie

Posted by Leland on 01 November 2014 - 09:55 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Maybe youll find you deserve better than people defecating all over your face and laughing at you behind your back for being what their marketing department calls 'a whale that will keep buying our product no matter what as long as we tell them its good'

Definitely one of his more fallacious arguments.

#301525 3Dude: The Movie

Posted by Leland on 31 October 2014 - 02:59 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

This sounds like a Lifetime movie. I actually see him played by Tori Spelling.

#301176 [Kickstarter Part 2] Tear my Kickstarter apart... time to wash my hands and redo

Posted by Leland on 27 October 2014 - 11:41 PM in The Café

I'll only comment on one area for now - making games for Google and Apple tablets is a pain vs. making games for a custom tablet.

I'll give you an example. Samsung has a blocking feature on their tablets which makes it hard to test your games on them.

Now LOTS of developers do make games for Apple and Google, but it can easily double development time.

I can't say I've experienced what you're talking about, but three of my friends and I have been writing our first iPhone game over the past 18 months on a couple of MacBooks with Xcode, and it's been exceedingly simple (and cheap). We have a fifth guy who's helping to port the game engine to Android and he's not reporting anything unusual in the way of development difficulty.

All told I think we've spent about $1700 out of pocket. With all the work that it's taken, I wouldn't even want to imagine how much more effort it would take to market and sell our own platform - I don't envy you taking this on all by yourself on $6,000.

Also, how did this get funded? https://www.kickstar...l?ref=discovery

Did people like his drawings or something?

I don't know, but I'm not sure I would assume that this is a good example of the type of result you should expect from Kickstarter.

Anyway, if it's just you working alone, I'd recommend that you might want to spend time just polishing one demo before anything else - you might be surprised how much time it takes for everything to come together. It was pretty difficult to tell what was happening in your demo movie, so I'm guessing you aren't too far along on it.

#301172 [Kickstarter Part 2] Tear my Kickstarter apart... time to wash my hands and redo

Posted by Leland on 27 October 2014 - 10:25 PM in The Café

Since you're asking for honest opinions, I think you might have trouble getting this funded.

You might want to consider narrowing your scope a little - maybe focus on getting ONE awesome game demo up and running before you seek funding. You've announced three whole games here, an app store and a tablet, but nothing that looks very high quality (yet).

I'm also curious, why a tablet and an app store? The uplay tablets are, forgive me for saying, kind of craptastic. You might have better luck marketing to more well established tablets like Apple's and Google's.

Anyway, that's just my opinion - good luck with your Kickstarter!

#300796 GAMER-GATE

Posted by Leland on 22 October 2014 - 04:28 AM in General Gaming

Well that's not why gamergate discussions get shut down, but that's besides the point...
I stopped seriously responding to 3dude quite some time ago except for the single response on the last page, which was more of a general comment towards anyone on the anti gamergate side.

What blows my mind is that it's the site staff here doing the lion's share of the flaming. What's the point of having moderation if the moderators are off their leashes and calling community members idiots?

@3Dude: If you lack the maturity to agree to disagree with someone and move on instead of shoving your opinions down everyone's throats every chance you can, then you have no business calling yourself a moderator. You're supposed to be here to protect the community against this sort of abuse, not fuel it.


#297977 Xenoblade Chronicles X - Gamepad - Dev Speaks About Useage

Posted by Leland on 04 September 2014 - 07:26 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Crikey, does this game look less impressive each time that they show it?

#291652 Guillermo del Toro confirms Pacific Rim 2

Posted by Leland on 26 June 2014 - 09:04 PM in The Café

That's unfortunate.

It's sad to see a talented filmmaker start turning out garbage like this - a transparent and trite storyline with overblown special effects. But hey, I guess legions of overweight anime nerds now have something to else to jerk off to.

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