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#198576 Your least favorite game dev

Posted by Kimtastic on 23 April 2013 - 12:33 AM in General Gaming

Namco Bandai, Square Enix, Capcom to an extent.

#198032 Your favorite video game character?

Posted by Kimtastic on 22 April 2013 - 03:54 AM in General Gaming

Zelda. Not Link.. Zelda. I've always adored her. She's beautiful, wise and usually assists Link during the beginning and end of his journey. I've always found her to be so elegant and attractive. If she had a voice.. oh, I'm sure she would sound divine...

My second favorite would have to be Hrist. Definitely Hrist..

#195621 Wii U Forums Chat Memorial Thread

Posted by Kimtastic on 16 April 2013 - 03:01 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

I know I have no right to say anything about this, but I wouldn't care regardless. You people are whining over a chatroom. Why? I mean, it's not like you wouldn't be able to talk to your friends and acquaintances anymore. At least the forum is still alive. So what if a chatroom is gone? Mourning over it is rather childish. Move on.

#194153 wii u controller pro is it worth it

Posted by Kimtastic on 13 April 2013 - 01:34 PM in Wii U Hardware

 i've got a wii classic controller pro and if i'm honest i don't really like it too small for me and i don't like where the analogue sticks are my thumbs clash and it winds me up maybe i'm just too picky though lol.

You're just like my brother, ha ha. I have girly tomboy hands, so my fingers could feel comfortable anywhere, but I've gotten used to the ccp because of Brawl and how I play most of my wii games, that allow you to use the controller, with it. Personally, I prefer petite controllers.

#194143 wii u controller pro is it worth it

Posted by Kimtastic on 13 April 2013 - 01:19 PM in Wii U Hardware

Yeah dude it lasts ALOT longer than the gamepad so you don't have to worry about that. You know you can also use the Wii Classic Controller for Monster Hunter, its only $20

This. I use the classic controller pro for Monster Hunter and the buttons are pretty much the same as it was on Tri.

#198577 Whos is the cheapest fighting game character ever in your experience.

Posted by Kimtastic on 23 April 2013 - 12:50 AM in General Gaming

It depends which fighting game it is. In Super Smash Bros., of all time I would say Meta Knight and Pit. Any character that glides around the godforsaken stage is cheap to me.


In Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom, it's Kaijin no Soki and Ryu. Kaijin could be nearly impossible to hit if the person who plays him knows how to time his hits right. Ryu's just as cheap. Both of them have this skill that backs the character up and they could do their specials as well as combos, repeating the process.


Mortal Kombat is definitely Shao Kahn. Ughhh, he frustrates me.

#198035 What's so good about A LTTP?

Posted by Kimtastic on 22 April 2013 - 04:19 AM in General Gaming

Honestly, I liked The Minish Cap a lot more more than A Link To The Past. ALTTP wasn't bad though. The story was pretty cliche, but I loved the difficulty the most. The world felt endless at some points and I just enjoyed the overall exploration. I'm going to just say that OoT is just as bland with the storyline, if not worse. (Majora's Mask is better, to me.) But A Link to the Past is still one of the GOOD Zeldas out there.

#194519 What music are you listening to at the moment?

Posted by Kimtastic on 14 April 2013 - 01:25 PM in The Café

I listen to mostly soundtracks from videogames and some jpop/rock. Also some DDR music. Not usually songs with words, but the majority of OSTs I listen to are from well-known RPGs and my favorite composer being Motoi Sakuraba. The song I'm currently listening to is:


By Motoi Sakuraba, of course.

#198034 What is your favorite gaming system?

Posted by Kimtastic on 22 April 2013 - 04:10 AM in General Gaming

Oh, what a difficult decision.. but I'll go with the N64. As old as I am, the N64 was the first console I've ever gotten. (during my doll-playing phase..) That doesn't mean it's the first console I've ever played. Oh no.. My childhood ran on Sega, thanks to Gaymer.


Mmm yes.. I remember when I saw a used N64 at the flea market and my parents saw me eying that prize, so they bought it for me. Mind you, they were pricey during those days. The reset button was jammed, but my father fixed it and I must say, I still have that good ol' N64 back at home with me. Of course, it doesn't work anymore, but I'll always treasure it as I do my gamecube.



Ahem.. Rambling about my past aside, I thought the N64 had the best games that have brought me into enjoying the types of games I do now. My favorite games being Bomberman64/Hero, Mario Party3/2, Super Smash Bros, Star Fox 64, etc.. Those were the games that I adored. And if not have played sooner, I would have never recognized them.

But don't get me wrong. I also adored the Super Nintendo and the gamecube. All three of these wonderful consoles have been my favorites, but the N64 is what brought me into gaming in general. That.. and Mortal Kombat.

#206604 What games will U play this weekend

Posted by Kimtastic on 13 May 2013 - 08:54 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Well, I've taken a hiatus from Monster Hunter Ultimate since it's spring and all, and spring tends to make me want to play Animal Crossing or Harvest Moon.. So I have been playing both the gamecube and Wii version of Animal Crossing and Harvest Moon: Animal Parade every day.


And a little Minish Cap to the side.

#197563 What games are you actually going to buy this year?

Posted by Kimtastic on 20 April 2013 - 07:17 PM in Wii U Games and Software

For the Wii U? Nothing, really. I'd go for the Windwaker HD if I didn't have WW for the gamecube already. I love WW and all, but don't want to waste cash on another remake. I'm fine with Monster Hunter Ultimate for now.


For the 3DS, on my top list is Animal Crossing: New Leaf. I've been waiting for that game for almost two years. ALTTP 2, of course. I doubt Rune Factory 4 or Bravely Default will come this year.


Another, would be Phantasy Star Online 2, if it even comes out this year...

#194136 Was the gamecube really a failure like thousands say?

Posted by Kimtastic on 13 April 2013 - 01:05 PM in General Gaming

The gamecube got me into Animal Crossing as well as Harvest Moon and the Tales of series. (Though I'm no longer a fan of the series.)


But some memorable games came from it, that I admire like Windwaker and Pikmin. Most people just considered the gamecube childish. But the N64 was the same way and I adore it!


I personally thought the gamecube was one of the best Nintendo consoles ever built... I mean, design-wise. It was a cute little cube with a handle. Reminded me of a lunchbox when I first had mine. Though I wanted the indigo one since indigo is my favorite color.

#198031 Top 10 3rd Party Characters I Would Like to See in Smash Brothers

Posted by Kimtastic on 22 April 2013 - 03:36 AM in The Museum

I'm hoping that they don't add any third party characters in the new Super Smash Bros. this time. It's not like Nintendo is lacking any first party characters. The only problem is, that the 'clones' should at least have a different set of moves that separate them from their counterpart. I mean I'm all for Toon/Young Link, but I don't want to see him have literally the same moves as Link.

#208363 The petition about Nintendo exclusive Sonic games.

Posted by Kimtastic on 17 May 2013 - 11:07 PM in Wii U Games and Software

People who dislike ANYTHING exclusive for Nintendo, always act like ornery baboons. 


They're just mad because they're greedy and want everything for Sony or Microsoft instead of Nintendo. So.. yeah. They're all anti-Nintendo... and that petition just proves it. 

#193601 Still worried about capcom support

Posted by Kimtastic on 12 April 2013 - 11:59 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Because Capcom is so going to read this thread and make that decision.

#193608 Still worried about capcom support

Posted by Kimtastic on 12 April 2013 - 12:05 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Capcom should though the 3ds version blows in comparison!

Capcom does not care what one or a select group of people want or think would be better for their company. They just want money. All companies want is to make sales. Unless they themselves find it necessary, would they allow a price drop for their games... but I find that very unlikely.

#199045 Spam Battle

Posted by Kimtastic on 23 April 2013 - 06:44 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

ily Kim. You already know the kind of people who inhabit these forums. ;)

Yes. They can't handle all of this dericious blubber.


Little know fact #38: Lagiacrus Human hybrids have been know for raging on the interwebs over nothing at all, and are also horrible at being trolls.

Because I was trying sooo hard to be at your level. It must be amusing to look at yourself and make fun of someone who acts just as idiotic as yourself as well. Oh, oh! But here's the thing: I actually adore Lagiacrus. He is my baby. So I thank you for the compliment, but please please...


There is only one sexy Walrus to pass around. You're taking advantage of my affection towards your... nimble words of wisdom? Yes. I'll go with that.


Do you feel like a big macho man now?

#199019 Spam Battle

Posted by Kimtastic on 23 April 2013 - 05:48 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

You obviously didn't get the joke that Cerb is the resident Monster Hunter nut.

Oh I saw the joke. I just  decided to bypass that and hmm... I guess, perhaps put my own legitimate input against it?

#199030 Spam Battle

Posted by Kimtastic on 23 April 2013 - 06:17 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

oh wow guiz theres a pro elite MHU player whos godly and is bettr then erry singel pursun lul les be his friend cuz we sux and kant fend for ourself becuz were nubs.


Welp. Now I know how you people play MHU 'legitimately'. Good thing I'm a noob who will never succeed in MHU! Oh gigglesnort. Oh el oh el and such because that is so hilarious, girlfriends!


Please. I don't even know who this "Cerberus" person is. How could I be jealous over someone I don't know. Orly? I'd rather be a noob at the game than rely on someone who's a Monster Hunter nut. Did it ever occur to you that there are others who excel at the game as well?


Aww, 'das cute. I love you all too. <3 Not really. Get out.

#199002 Spam Battle

Posted by Kimtastic on 23 April 2013 - 05:21 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Or you could actually, I don't know.. put effort into playing the game instead of relying on someone? You can't simply rely on assistance all of the time. Especially since most people who play online are selfish and expect others to do their HR quests.

#199052 Spam Battle

Posted by Kimtastic on 23 April 2013 - 06:49 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

To put things simply, don't always rely on others to do work for you. You can do a lot by yourself as long as you're not lazy and stupid.

I could say the same about you, Nathaniel. You never want to play with my sexy Walrus anymore. I know I have an empowering voice, but I'm still yo' best man, neeja.

#212871 Spam Battle

Posted by Kimtastic on 29 May 2013 - 02:09 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

If there was a back door to the house.. I wonder if it's possible to bypass his lecture. That, or plant a metal tile over where he spawns from and get a thrill off of him attempting to dig over that.

#193475 something about Nintendo i noticed

Posted by Kimtastic on 11 April 2013 - 10:39 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I like how most of those pictures are of pokemon. Pokemon may be affiliated by Nintendo, but Nintendo didn't make Pokemon.. so they have no place in that list.


I also find it weird how an overweight guy like Mario can do so many stunts, yet still have a belly. He's actually a lot slimmer than he used to be in the older games. But seriously. He's a cyborg! Bowser's mad muscular though. He has some beefy biceps in SSBB.

#206607 My Realistic Smash Bros 4 Newcomers List

Posted by Kimtastic on 13 May 2013 - 09:01 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'll probably get bombarded by this but I honestly don't care. I'd really appreciate it if Princess Daisy would at least, if not a character, become an assist trophy in the new SSB. She's been in enough party games to prove a point. Far more than Waluigi who I detest.


And I would not mind having a character from Animal Crossing as well.

#193469 Monster Hunter 3 Demo... why do i hate it?

Posted by Kimtastic on 11 April 2013 - 10:05 PM in Wii U Games and Software

The game is called "Monster Hunter" for a reason. The main purpose is to hunt monsters. Either small or large-scaled ones. Honestly, the demo was demonstrating hunting two individual monsters. (Lagombi in Easy, Plesioth in Hard) There's more to the game than just hacking and slashing the thing. Most monsters are the same, while others are different. They live in different habitats, have different movesets, etc. You can capture or hunt the monster down, then carve it when it is dead to make materials for a new weapon or a nice set of armor.

Online and offline play are different. If you strictly play the game offline, it'll bore the hell out of you. Playing online with either strangers or friends is a lot of fun. Not saying playing offline is boring overall. I actually enjoy playing both, but if you want to get some nice armor/weapons and raise your Hunter Rank, it's best to play online. Not only are the monsters you fight more difficult, but you get to fight it with others. Capturing the monster, hunting it down, collecting materials to combine better items. That's what the game's about.

If you love exploration, then this game can be pretty fun. You have a whole 50 minutes during any guild quest, to gather materials for potions or bombs as well as bugs, or you can go straight to hunting. Trapping monsters is my favorite thing to do, but what's the harm of making the large monster face you, and with such skill, you quickly throw a flash bomb right onto their face, making them dizzy? Well, that's something that's fun for me. Hunting monsters can be a pain sometimes.. especially when you're dealing with more than one large monster in a map and you're not experienced. The game is difficult, but with practice and patience, you'll be an expert in no time. Dodging is important!



Anyway, I could go on, but like I said.. There's much more to the game than just hacking and slashing.

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