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#207914 Summer Update!

Posted by Happy Monk on 17 May 2013 - 02:55 AM in Wii U Hardware

Faster load times would be good. In game I mean.

#207912 Nintendo Direct 5/17 4PM CEST, 7AM PST, focus on Wii U/3DS Spring/Summer Titles

Posted by Happy Monk on 17 May 2013 - 02:52 AM in Wii U Games and Software

He mentioned on IGN boards 2 weeks ago that they were making the trailer for Smash Bros and 3D Mario.

The thing is, we already know they are going to show both of those games. Nintendo told us, directly.

#207911 EA finally admits it has no new games in development for WiiU

Posted by Happy Monk on 17 May 2013 - 02:50 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Looks like I won't be getting FIFA World Cup 2014 then... My childhood self is in tears.

#207695 A possible shaq fu sequel?

Posted by Happy Monk on 16 May 2013 - 08:58 AM in General Gaming

I made this ages ago, I think it's time to pull it out again:



#207665 Nintendo Direct 5/17 4PM CEST, 7AM PST, focus on Wii U/3DS Spring/Summer Titles

Posted by Happy Monk on 16 May 2013 - 07:00 AM in Wii U Games and Software

The European one is just for the Wii U. and focusses on games coming out soon. We have a second one during E3 focussing on Wii U titles coming at the end of the year.

Officially excited.

#207647 Nintendo Direct 5/17 4PM CEST, 7AM PST, focus on Wii U/3DS Spring/Summer Titles

Posted by Happy Monk on 16 May 2013 - 05:55 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Meh. Some of the things he said are going to be true. Mario and Mario Kart will both be playable, we know this already. Chances are, they will show more of Yoshi on the Wii U. But everything else he says is fan pandering...


That said, it's a good list of predictions and I'm surprised it doesn't mention Super Smash Bros. Nintendo already said we will see that for the first time there.

#206550 Monthly Banner Poll: May

Posted by Happy Monk on 13 May 2013 - 03:24 AM in Site News and Feedback

I like the first, third and seventh. Third is best however.

#206548 Favorite Pixar film?

Posted by Happy Monk on 13 May 2013 - 03:19 AM in The Café

Ratatouille is really one of the best films ever made in my opinion. I love every second of that film and it's really, really beautiful to watch. Despite this, I have never been able to decide.

I can say my personal favourites are:


Toy Story trilogy, Up, Ratatouille, The Incredibles and Monsters. Inc.

I pretty much know these movies off by heart.

#206543 Hi new wii u owner

Posted by Happy Monk on 13 May 2013 - 03:02 AM in Introduction Central

Sorry Stoke lost yesterday (I'm not really sorry at all)!

#205697 Update speed boost to cpu &gpu utter rubbish?

Posted by Happy Monk on 10 May 2013 - 05:16 AM in Wii U Hardware

Pretty sure it'd be possible but it would increase heat and power consumption, most likely.

Yeah, like I said, this rumour is utter arse.

#205694 Update speed boost to cpu &gpu utter rubbish?

Posted by Happy Monk on 10 May 2013 - 05:07 AM in Wii U Hardware

Is it not possible to overclock core speeds with an update? I'd assume you could.

The numbers on display however are far too high. Surely it would be possible to take the CPU speeds up to say, 2.0 GHZ and the GPU to 600 MHZ.

I'm not suggesting this rumour is true (it's clearly not), I'm just saying would it not be possible, just to a lesser extent?

#205547 Post Your Favorite MiiVerse Screen Capture

Posted by Happy Monk on 09 May 2013 - 03:36 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I just go to MiiVerse on my web browser, save image as and then upload here by attaching to post. Thanks for sharing !

Cheers, I'll give it a try at some point in the future.

#205476 Post Your Favorite MiiVerse Screen Capture

Posted by Happy Monk on 09 May 2013 - 09:21 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Here's one of my brother's:



Sorry, I have no idea how to post images and such...

#205061 which publisher/developer do you guys hate the most?

Posted by Happy Monk on 08 May 2013 - 03:11 AM in General Gaming

Why exactly?

Because they suck.

#204853 Portal ds (no, not the 2d portal game)

Posted by Happy Monk on 07 May 2013 - 12:58 PM in General Gaming

No, it cant, The n64 was far more powerful. Though I wont argue they do often look much better.

Prime example is mario 64 ds. Looks much better on ds.

But its only a fraction of what the n64 game did and rendered, such as the trilinear filtering and even Marios model, as primitive as it looks takes far more polys than ds's better looking model.

They simply were better/ had more experience by the time the ds came out.

I highly suggest you do some research should you attempt to persue this, as you dont know where or why the n64 model has so many more polygons than the ds model, and will likely erroneously try to point out his hair or something where the ds game looks better, and i have model rips of both.




As for why valve hast tried anything like this? EVen if you wanted to they couldnt. They dont know how to. The days of future crew level talent is long gone. Devs are far too hard pressed, rushed, and under resourced by publishers making their code sloppy nowadays, and require gratuitious amounts of power to chug through their sloppy code.... singing the praises of raw power for gameplay innovation.... when it can basically run on a machine like the ds

Well, I was just under the impression that the DS is more powerful because I can't imagine many games on the DS looking like they do on the N64, but if the N64 is more powerful, fair enough. (I think it's mainly the screen size that makes DS games look good.


Because Valve has no interest in the handheld market.

Well they should.

#204780 Portal ds (no, not the 2d portal game)

Posted by Happy Monk on 07 May 2013 - 10:13 AM in General Gaming

As sombering as it is impressive. Portals gameplay was some of the most progressive and innovative of the entire generation, and here are its fundamental game mechanics running on a ds, a system less powerful than the n64.

The DS can outperform the N64, so many games on it look better than N64 games...

More to the point, this is very impressive, why did Valve never make this a reality?

(I know it's not an official game).

#204658 'Ps4 will have best multiplats' - Shuhei Yoshida

Posted by Happy Monk on 07 May 2013 - 03:47 AM in General Gaming

Fair enough.

#204657 Frostbite Technical Director on why Frostbite never came to Wii U

Posted by Happy Monk on 07 May 2013 - 03:39 AM in Wii U Hardware

yes, they said it's a childrens toy many times. :(


God knows how Nintendo can change their perception of them?.

Then just tell them that if they think something is childish, it is because they are childish.

Think about it, only kids complain about something being too childish. Something is only childish if it was made intentionally for children.

Essentially, one who complains something is too childish is pretty much saying:

'Waah, it's too colourful, I don't like it'.

#203261 Why should I buy a Wii U?

Posted by Happy Monk on 03 May 2013 - 12:51 AM in Wii U Hardware

Because we will look down on you if you don't.

#203260 Kojima: Metal Gear Solid: Legacy collection (w/ MGS4) might come to Xbox 720

Posted by Happy Monk on 03 May 2013 - 12:49 AM in General Gaming

I loled at the 360 part, GREAT SCOTT 7 DISCS!!!! O_O

Anybody who says great scott knows what they are on about.

By the way, weight has nothing to do with it.

#202891 Activision says Wii U is next gen

Posted by Happy Monk on 02 May 2013 - 09:04 AM in Wii U Hardware

Well, it's good to see a developer link it with the next xbox and ps4 for once.

#202887 Kojima: Metal Gear Solid: Legacy collection (w/ MGS4) might come to Xbox 720

Posted by Happy Monk on 02 May 2013 - 09:01 AM in General Gaming

What about the Wii U?

Wii U's discs have the same capacity as Blu-rays...

Man I want some Metal Gear Solid on my Wii U.

#202788 Wii U will miss out on Madden NFL for 2013

Posted by Happy Monk on 02 May 2013 - 03:44 AM in General Gaming

While a lot of people don't play madden, a lot of people do. I for one love sports games (real football games however, not this phoney baloney American Football rubbish).

It's quite a blow when Nintendo has received Madden games since 1991, and this one is the 25th anniversary version, It would not take much to quickly port it to the Wii U to keep some fans happy would it?

I'm just wary that we won't get FIFA 14 or the (hopefully) inevitable FIFA World Cup game. I have got every World Cup game since 1998 and have no plans of stopping this (a new world cup game is like a new Zelda game for me).

#202785 Game Boy Advance games on Wii U Virtual Console

Posted by Happy Monk on 02 May 2013 - 03:39 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I don't really mind what they look like, as long as it's good enough.

#202568 What Games Will You Buy Off the Wii U Virtual Console?

Posted by Happy Monk on 01 May 2013 - 02:30 PM in Wii U Hardware

I've never really got that many Virtual console games, I sometimes buy one that I never had or played.

I will buy Sonic Advance 1, 2 and 3 as well as the two Shining Soul games when they are added for the GBA virtual console though!

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