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Elric → Xiombarg
Hey Mournblade, you should start being active in the RP on noobpwners....
Jul 06 2012 02:20 PM
Eh... I sort of left that site for a while. I never knew that the RP was active, but ok.
Jul 06 2012 02:41 PM
Well, I'm frustrated. I just got my AP scores and now I know that I got a 2 in US History. I had spent the longest amount of time studying for that and now I can't trade it in for crdit. Sure, I got a 3 on English and Spanish(one everyone thought I would fail), but still...
Jul 06 2012 01:15 PM
The AP tests are tests that high school students can take to earn college credit.
Jul 06 2012 01:41 PM
Well, I can't believe I just spent $60 on two Visual Novels... I feel both good that I am supporting the author, but bad that I could've torrented it...
Jul 04 2012 10:40 PM
I just heard a good word of advice. If you are ever in a ghost hunting team and you are investigating a haunted area, the minute you hear a ghost, smash everything. The windows, the TV, etc...
Jul 01 2012 02:47 PM
It will show the ghosts that you aren't afraid of property damage. The only ghosts that would go after you are the ghost police.
Jul 01 2012 03:17 PM
Well, I now hate bronycon. If YTPMV+ is true, YTPMVs as an art or music are essentially dead. Computer generated music will become as standard as a fast food chain of carpty food. tldr; Bronies may end up killing off YTP and YTPMVs for good.
Jun 30 2012 09:38 PM
Auzzie Wingman
That sounds like a severe cave in. Then I remember I live in Australia...
Jun 17 2012 06:55 PM
So my brother and I went to Walgreens and bought a few little superhero figures. I made a mistake and grabbed the Marvel when I wanted batman. I was suprised to see the "rare" spiderman figure, so I held it hostage until my brother bought me batman. The wrong batman, but it's still batman, so I can't complain.
Jun 14 2012 04:35 PM
You should paint it so it looks like Non-Specific Action Figure.
Jun 14 2012 06:20 PM
The more I hear about people hating prometheus, the more I want to see it. Not because of the Alien saga, but because I heard it plays homage to the Lovecraftian expeditions and the deterioration of the human mind.
Jun 09 2012 09:26 PM
Yay, a 2012 version of the body ready remix
Jun 05 2012 04:00 PM
E3 is a private event where only certain people go, so most of the stuff that comes from it ends up as rumors or ends up dated.
May 30 2012 08:50 PM
At least it didn't take me all night to finish my extra credit "satirization" for science of the student teacher as he-man. Unfortunatly, I got caught up in an RP... I hope my character dies off soon so I can review for finals.
May 23 2012 09:19 PM
Xiombarg → Elric
In case you didn't know, Soul decided to shut down YAF. Ampersand, cb, and Zero got together and created another forum. Whether it is the new YAF or not, it serves it's purpose of discussion between all the members.
May 23 2012 01:24 PM
From what I heard, all the AP essays were easier ones this year. The main US History was about how corporations affected the economy, politics, etc.. after the civil war. The 11th grade English was like a standardized test and the spanish AP was pretty easy. I heard that the AP psychology test was a joke and some others were easy.
But the college board is already changing AP standards for next year... again...
May 23 2012 03:52 PM -
Looks like I'm taking u.s history, english 3, and possibly pyschology next year. I've also heard that test was a joke. on another note, have you watched Another? You might like it, it kind of reminded me of higurashi at one point.
May 23 2012 05:16 PM -
I actually have it on my list. I am only waiting to watch it because my hard drive is too full right now. From what I heard, Another is very similar to Higurashi.
May 23 2012 06:02 PM