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I dont remember him well enough to know if thats a good thing or a bad thing :p
Sep 15 2013 09:35 PM
Bill Cipher
I still hate this place. I'm only here because I feel the need to act as a detterent odd stupidity.
PS, I'm writing this on my phone with maximum lag so if there's any spelling mistakes is because of that
Jul 31 2013 09:53 AM
So, I played a little bit of Diablo 3. This game makes Call of Duty look like Vanquish.
Jul 13 2013 02:54 AM
Waller → EternalDeadman
Man, I wish you had posted more of your art. Happy birthday
Jul 03 2013 03:11 PM
Waller → Hank Hill
I think you should separate the whole "are JRPG's true RPG's?" discussion away from the let's buy Rare thread. You know, throw it into a new thread. That would keep things cleaner.
Jul 02 2013 08:42 PM