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All the furniture is gone. At least I still have my modem, router, and lapterp with me.

At one point Zinix said he might be homeless. Then I started a meme which took off
Jan 22 2014 05:04 PM -

So I'm totally just sitting around in my living room while the folks at Mayflower is packing up everything around me.

Gosh, those poor New Zealanders and Australians. It's a shame that their race had to be wiped out so soon.
Jan 13 2014 06:22 PM -

Gosh, my favorite streamers haven't been streaming for the past 2 days. I think I'm actually experiencing a withdrawal.

haayyy guyzzzzz my parents got me a ipad fo cristmas but i wnted a iphone lyk wtfffffff #didntgetwatiwant

White Trite Chronicles
lik, guiz, i wanted, like, a ps4 for christmas, and i got, like, a horsing ps4 i mean lik wat da fuk.
Jan 05 2014 05:30 AM -

White Trite Chronicles
Welp, if you're the new overlord, I guess it's time for a revolution. Vive le Non-Bronies!
Jan 02 2014 08:43 PM

not really bad but this new year's was basically the first good one I've ever had so the past 2 days are boring, also I'm 18 and all my friends drink so all my friends have been recovering until just now
Jan 02 2014 01:40 PM