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Got my class schedule today. Apparently Acting IV is considered an honors class, hoho.

Got them wisdom teeth removed, today. Now I get to enjoy some legally-prescribed oxycodone and some mushroom soup for the next few days. c:

A Full Sail University rep called me and wanted me to attend a behind-the-scenes tour of their campus; too bad it's scheduled the day before I start going to school.

I've been talks with a rep for a while. It sucks because I want to do the tour but it's too far away... :/
Jul 22 2013 09:31 AM

Because, in my opinion, i hate sleep. It wastes 6-8 hours of your entire life every day which could be used on other stuff, would be better if we didn't need to sleep at all.
Jul 19 2013 07:51 AM -
You're not smart enough to fool me into thinking you knew what he meant before I hinted it to you.
Jul 19 2013 07:56 AM -
Hank Hill
All I know is the more sleep I get, the happier I am, and GOD KNOWS I NEED ALL THE HAPPY I CAN GET. ;-;
Jul 19 2013 10:00 AM

Got my first ever cavity filled in, and next week I'm gonna my wisdom teeth removed. Fun times all around!

Ask for Laughing Gas, trust me, u don't want to have them just jam the needle of novacane in u cuz its hurts like hell. I had to get 2 baby teeth pulled out on Monday and I was clenching from the needle.
Jul 17 2013 07:09 AM -
I actually don't mind needles in my gums. Truth be told, the cleaning was more painful than the drilling.
Jul 17 2013 07:24 AM

That son of a Daisy Redd sold me a fake painting. My jimmies have been rustled.