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I just noticed that your character runs quite daintily if you wear a skirt in New Leaf.

Dig holes behind you to brace your body when bashing the money rock. It allows you to get the final 8000-bell bag. Magic!
Jun 13 2013 04:11 AM

In 100 % Swedish and called Ryan... Farts do smell good on Saturday! But don't go near me on Tuesday.
Jun 12 2013 08:49 AM -
I saw you on t.v Tom Nook. Get a job Tom Nook and your village is a shambles. :D
Jun 12 2013 10:17 AM

All GameStops within a 100-mile radius are sold out of the poptarts. I have broken down and just purchased New Leaf on my rainbowty, regular-sized 3DS. ;_;

I almost broke down and bought New Leaf on the eShop, but I must stay strong. I want the poptart.

No man should ever have to live in conditions where it's 91 degrees indoors.

Saturdays for Tom: Post on the Wii U forums about Saturdays for Tom in anticipation for New Leaf.