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Final art project due tomorrow, and I haven't even started on it yet. #YOLO #Swagmebro #420blazeitfgt

Is it sad that the only gave I've ever bought during this 6 months of having my Wii U was NSMBU?

Same here actually! Well, it's the only full retail game I've bought. I have a few eShop games. I'm using those and Wii games to tide me over until the end of the year when all the games will start coming out...
Jun 02 2013 07:18 AM -
I've had a 3DS for almost two years. Only games I ever got for it were Dead or Alive Dimensions and Mario Kart 7.
Jun 02 2013 08:16 AM -

Hank Hill
Because candy and Nintendo are both amazing things to be savored and loved.
May 29 2013 11:57 AM -

What if Noona isn't on right now to read these birthday messages because she's actually a cat?

oh, that slang isn't censored...
May 27 2013 05:19 AM

You wanna know why it's called the Xbox One? Because you turn one degree and wa... Wait a minute.

same, in my school, they haven't blocked n00bpwners either. I think cause they use the same type of forums.
May 08 2013 06:54 AM -
I don't think schools are going to block gaming forums. They probably have no idea that they exist. :p
May 08 2013 07:56 AM -
they probably use a proxy thing that doesn't update all that often, wiiu will probably be added to their list when they see that it exists.
May 08 2013 08:37 AM

Green tea with dragon fruit and acai berry smells amazing but tastes horribru. ;_;

Dragon fruit on its own is, in my opinion, pretty good, but mixing it with acai is not a great idea...
May 05 2013 05:53 PM -
I have had other dragon fruit drinks that weren't too bad (I still don't care for it), but adding acai to anything can make something taste bad as acai can be very bitter or rich.
May 05 2013 11:25 PM

So I can handle skating down a slope without falling off of my board, but the second I try to skate on flat ground, it results in me getting covered in boo-boos. Wut?

I still impulsively scroll to the bottom of the page to see if people are on the chat. Someone cure me of my problem.

the advertising will have to be done in secrecy.... the chat is a modern day speakeasy
Apr 18 2013 06:01 PM -
Linking people through PM isn't really advertising unless the person never really asked for it. I just wanted to clear things in case Pyro publicly brings up his chat. I'm not opposed to user-made chats, I just can't really "support" them, for reasons you can probably guess.
Apr 18 2013 06:17 PM