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Gosh, those poor New Zealanders and Australians. It's a shame that their race had to be wiped out so soon.

My deck of Animal Crossing playing cards just arrived in the mail. Thanks, Club Nintendo! c:

I've posted 3 posts in the Miiverse and already have 40 yeahs. I can feel my ego getting larger with every waking moment!

Anyone participating in no-shave November? I'm gonna have a pretty gross mustache by the end of the month.

My dad was disappointed that I have 2 Bs in my report card. Talk about high expectations. :<

Bought a pair of shoes and Moby Dick today and it only costed me $14.00. Oh coupons and book clubs, how I love you so.

My mom just gave me $100 out of the blue. I asked her why and she said "So you can get your Wii U", and then I told her "Lololol (literally pronouncing it) that's twice as much as Dad gave me on my birthday! o:

so you have 150 dollars for wii u? wow lucky, now you have to only pay either 150 dollars for it or 200.
Oct 21 2012 07:59 AM -
Yes, Yoshi, I only have 150 dollar for the Wii U.
Actually, I had 300 saved for it before my birthday. Now I have 450. Still getting the White one, but now with a pro controller. c:
Oct 21 2012 10:11 AM -

Dream Radar day 3, and I've already caught Therian Forme Landorus. They could've made it much harder. :<

Than try catching the Gen IV mascots, or wait for the three secret codes for the English version to be revealed so you can get Beldum, Slowpoke, and Hoothoot.
Oct 09 2012 06:43 PM

After trading in Mario Tennis Open and Pokemon Black into Gamestop yesterday, I only needed to pay $2.45 for my entire pre-purchase of Black 2. I'm now going to pick my copy up in around 3 hours. GET HYPE.

Certainly not the game but trading in TWO really good games to get ONE good game seem like a rip-off. I don't like trade-in deals.
Oct 07 2012 08:27 AM -
IMO, Mario Tennis Open gets a little stale after beating it 20 times, and its replay value is by no means valuable. Trading in Black was inevitable, because I've acquired all the Pokemon except Meloetta and Genesect, and by the time they do a Meloetta and Genesect event, Black & White 2 will already have been out for a while.
Oct 07 2012 08:58 AM -
It's all a matter of opinion on those games. I personally don't like selling my games unless they are TERRIBLE!
Oct 07 2012 10:18 AM

So I'm getting a haircut tomorrow as a birthday present. I've been waiting a year for this day. c:

I fell asleep in the chair the last time I got a haircut .-. the humming sound knocks me the eff out lol
Sep 22 2012 07:27 AM -