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I think when E3 comes around there should be a limit of one doom thread per day.

If any of my posts in the Roleplay and Forum Games section actually counted, I'd have over 1000 posts. o:

I was just about to take a nap, only got 2 hours of beauty sleep last night
Mar 28 2013 03:02 PM

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is stealing all of my hours, and quite frankly, I don't necessarily want those hours back.

Im planning to get this today along with Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon :D
Mar 28 2013 09:02 AM

I'm curious to know why you're given the option to call offline people on the WIiU.

Dem ratings for SimCity on Amazon. Good job, EA!

So a Full Sail representative told me that MacBook Pros are required for media production. She says that while it takes literally 3 minutes to save one PowerPoint presentation on her school-appointed MacBook Pro.

Probably just to keep everything the same. VS having everyone running a different system and os. Either way I drone work on macs and windows. I find Mac software is a ill faster but it's because there hardware is the same for a lot of them vs the millions of pc setups
Dec 22 2012 09:00 AM -
the only reason you would need one if because you can only get final cut pro on a mac, and that's the software thats seen as the best
Dec 22 2012 09:17 AM -