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not really but im excited to create some levels and have my wife play them... maybe start it off very normal and mundane then throw her a curve ball the last half
Jun 19 2015 05:16 AM
it's always had that feel though. even the enemies and such are angular and simple but, just artistic in how star fox is.
Jun 17 2015 01:47 AM -
Yeah I guess I just wanted something more substantial looking. I was expecting this though. Still looks like it will be a fun game. Graphics look pretty dang bad in places though.
Jun 17 2015 02:20 AM -
yeah it looks ok, some textures especially ground textures look horrid. i expect it to get better though (i hope) either way, i think gameplay will be solid
Jun 17 2015 02:23 AM
That moment where you realise you're not really impressed by anything gaming related anymore :'(
Jun 15 2015 09:33 PM
I honestly don't know how Nintendo can turn it around though. It's not like they did much wrong with the Wii U (about as much wrong as the other two did). I feel like there's just a negative stigma surrounding Nintendo no matter what they do. Gonna be hard to break that. I hope they can though.
Jun 16 2015 03:09 AM -
YES! Finally someone that agrees with me. There is a mjor negative stigma surrounding Nintendo. just look at the recent DLC backlash they are getting over smash. Gamers soak up and buy DLC and season passes like its nothing but people are now complaining that nintendo is charging 6 dollars for a smash character? I seriously don't see this ever changing unless Nintendo becomes a clone of Sony/Microsoft.... because thats what the industry wants.
Jun 16 2015 04:03 AM -
It's $7 for a character and their stage for both versions of Smash Bros. Really not a bad deal.
Jun 16 2015 10:26 PM
Anyone else feel the best way for Nintendo to approach amiibo similar to the splatoon ones is by making them timed updates, ie everyone gets the amiibo outfits after a certain amount of time, then they could introduce a new update which the amiibo owners would get first etc. Could fix all the Daisying from people who can't get amiibo (I feel their pain though).
Jun 03 2015 12:12 AM
Just came across WydrA playing Splatoon. Scrub tho, I was a level 2 and he was level 10 and I beat him almost every time.
May 29 2015 07:28 PM
Where do you live? depending on what you have planned for the next day. I say F__K it and stay up its only like 30 min max probably not even that. also you could sleep and set an alarm to get up at that time
May 07 2015 12:20 AM
Huh. The new Iwata Asks interview says that the main character in Xenoblade Chronicles X was changed to be customisable roughly halfway through development, when they decided to add online multiplayer. Perhaps this means that Shulk lookalike character in the first trailer was actually the main character back then...
Apr 28 2015 02:08 AM
It also says that all of the different voice options for your character have a different personality.... So the script changes for your character based on the voice you choose. Interesting that they specifically mentioned the sexy voice when talking about this...
Apr 28 2015 02:11 AM -
Here it is if anyone is interested.
Apr 28 2015 02:11 AM -
The shulk one I believe was just a troll as Monolith is known to do that. I thik the main character was the black haired guy wearing all black.
Apr 28 2015 08:11 AM
The dolls are everything I hoped for and more, yay!
Apr 10 2015 07:18 PM
If the Miiverse posts are anything to go by then Goku and Shrek are going to be in Smash as DLC. However most Miiverse users probably won't vote on that website. I hope.... I voted for batman tho.
Apr 08 2015 04:15 AM
Guys I touched my first boobie last night
Mar 07 2015 11:53 PM
Mewbot Idk what I just watched but I like it
Mar 04 2015 03:36 AM