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Whelp, we can now officially add Criterion games to the the mass graves of developers EA has murdered. Enjoy nowing the fact that if you buy EA games, you helped ea murder, rape and destroy the greatest studios and franchises in gaming.
Jan 03 2014 05:57 PM
  • 3Dude's Photo
    Criterions been bleeding staff since the aquisition. Not everyone is in a position where they can easily pack it all up and start over again, some people have commitments like say, family they need to provide for, which comes first.
    Jan 03 2014 07:51 PM
  • ThePopiPenguin's Photo
    Tell that to RareWare, Mig. After the two Stamper brothers left, Rare was left to cater to the Xbros.
    Jan 03 2014 08:16 PM
  • Mitch's Photo
    Mig is EA fanboy CONFIRMED...

    Get the rope and torches boys, tonight we have a good old fashioned hangin'
    Jan 03 2014 10:44 PM
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