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How is Monster Hunter Popular?

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#41 Lightning_Ninja


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Posted 15 March 2013 - 07:27 PM

that actualy sounds about right. monster hunter has been borderline on weather or not i should get. i failed when i attempted the hard to use guys. easily beat the first boss in 1 try with the default guy =/(2nd try total counting the gun person), didnt beat the second in time, and ended up still annoyed with underwater controls, the guy always attacked horizontly underwater, when i tried up or down, and several others.


IQ is ruffly 125, scored above 130 and below 120 before so very wide margin.


actualy i cant think of a time that worked. in any game. 


like MH im  on the fence on if i should get it or not. some control features i find acceptable/no issue(such as camra, and no running/life refilling with weapon drawn), some i find unnecassary. i do know if i do get this game i will go for the most agile kind of guy i can get. 


What features do you find unnecessary and what are your problems with them?  I'll see what I can do to explain them or tell you how to overcome them.  Also I recommend the Sword and Shield as a starter weapon.  It's the only weapon that can use items with the weapon out by pressing R+Y and its a fairly agile weapon that shouldn't leave you very open to attacks.  You just have to be a little aggressive since it doesn't do as much damage per hit as most weapons.  I also recommend watching how to videos on youtube for whatever weapon you want to try.  SocialDissonance has a lot of good how-to's.

#42 GAMER1984



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Posted 16 March 2013 - 12:51 AM

i dont get it either. i have tried the demo on Wii, 3ds and Wii U and it doesnt stick for me. i dont like the colorful artstyle. If it had a more mature darker sartstyle i think it would appeal more to the western audience.

#43 3Dude



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Posted 16 March 2013 - 03:38 AM

i dont get it either. i have tried the demo on Wii, 3ds and Wii U and it doesnt stick for me. i dont like the colorful artstyle. If it had a more mature darker sartstyle i think it would appeal more to the western audience.

Something like.....





#44 GAMER1984



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Posted 16 March 2013 - 03:45 AM

Something like.....


Just something more darker. i dont feel like im hunting prehistoric beast when im playing the game its to colorful to me. what game is that pic from?

#45 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 16 March 2013 - 03:52 AM

100% agree


I was once known here as KillerMario, but since I really like Banjo-Kazooie, I changed my display name to show them my respect :)

#46 3Dude



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Posted 16 March 2013 - 03:57 AM

GAMER1984, on 15 Mar 2013 - 21:59, said:
3Dude, on 15 Mar 2013 - 21:52, said:Something like.....


Just something more darker. i dont feel like im hunting prehistoric beast when im playing the game its to colorful to me. what game is that pic from?

You arent hunting prehistoric beasts in monster hunter. Just monsters. I think tri only containing wyverns/dragons threw a lot of people off.

Usually there are all kinds of monsters, giant boars, giant spider walker.... things, giant monkeys, giant.... evil, er... baloon things of death...

mh4 may interest you. It has a curse/virus that turns monsters into evil dark versions.


The game is Dragons dogma. It started as a monster hunter, but capcom changed the name when they decided to make the game easier and more attractive to the mainstream.

The monstersvare grade a fantastic, featuring nothing but monsters from real world mythology represented brilliantly, like chimera here, or the cockatrice shown earlier.


Or Griffons...



#47 GAMER1984



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Posted 16 March 2013 - 04:29 AM

GAMER1984, on 15 Mar 2013 - 21:59, said:
3Dude, on 15 Mar 2013 - 21:52, said:Something like.....


Just something more darker. i dont feel like im hunting prehistoric beast when im playing the game its to colorful to me. what game is that pic from?

You arent hunting prehistoric beasts in monster hunter. Just monsters. I think tri only containing wyverns/dragons threw a lot of people off.

Usually there are all kinds of monsters, giant boars, giant spider walker.... things, giant monkeys, giant.... evil, er... baloon things of death...

mh4 may interest you. It has a curse/virus that turns monsters into evil dark versions.


The game is Dragons dogma. It started as a monster hunter, but capcom changed the name when they decided to make the game easier and more attractive to the mainstream.

The monstersvare grade a fantastic, featuring nothing but monsters from real world mythology represented brilliantly, like chimera here, or the cockatrice shown earlier.


Or Griffons...

if i was to play an rpg type(which i never have been able to) i might try monolith soft X when it comes out... bu we will see. just cant get into monster hunter. NOA needs to market and get more developers for the western audience.

Edited by GAMER1984, 16 March 2013 - 04:30 AM.

#48 3Dude



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Posted 16 March 2013 - 04:47 AM

GAMER1984, on 15 Mar 2013 - 22:43, said:if i was to play an rpg type(which i never have been able to) i might try monolith soft X when it comes out... bu we will see. just cant get into monster hunter. NOA needs to market and get more developers for the western audience.

Dragons dogma has rpg elements, but its gameplay is a capcom action game through and through.



#49 tboss



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Posted 16 March 2013 - 06:53 AM

What features do you find unnecessary and what are your problems with them?  I'll see what I can do to explain them or tell you how to overcome them.  Also I recommend the Sword and Shield as a starter weapon.  It's the only weapon that can use items with the weapon out by pressing R+Y and its a fairly agile weapon that shouldn't leave you very open to attacks.  You just have to be a little aggressive since it doesn't do as much damage per hit as most weapons.  I also recommend watching how to videos on youtube for whatever weapon you want to try.  SocialDissonance has a lot of good how-to's.


cant attack up or down with some characters, not much of a issue on land, annoying in the water.


controls almost completly change with weapon drawn.


buttons only for switching potions/ammo, didnt see a stick you can move, but now that i think about it, probly a side effect of porting. some odd movement restrictions, i could only get the lance guy to dodge backwords, not left/right/foward.

#50 3Dude



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Posted 16 March 2013 - 08:09 AM

cant attack up or down with some characters, not much of a issue on land, annoying in the water.
controls almost completly change with weapon drawn.
buttons only for switching potions/ammo, didnt see a stick you can move, but now that i think about it, probly a side effect of porting. some odd movement restrictions, i could only get the lance guy to dodge backwords, not left/right/foward.

Different weapons may as well be different 'classes'.

All characters control exactly the same with weapons sheathed, but since every weapon is different, EVERY weapon controls differently when drawn, including dodging. The lance guy is also the only character who can move while blocking, and perform counters, lancers are a heavy armour class, dodging is not a lance users priority.

The right stick controls underwater steering as well as camera.

If you are having trouble selecting items, put them on the touch screen.



#51 Lightning_Ninja


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Posted 16 March 2013 - 09:04 AM

cant attack up or down with some characters, not much of a issue on land, annoying in the water.


controls almost completly change with weapon drawn.


buttons only for switching potions/ammo, didnt see a stick you can move, but now that i think about it, probly a side effect of porting. some odd movement restrictions, i could only get the lance guy to dodge backwords, not left/right/foward.


With item selection I believe it was always like that.  The touch screen item selection was simply a new addition.


With the basic lance (not gunlance)  you can press the dodge button three times in a row.  You can only dodge left or right if done after either an attack or dodge.  Some combinations of lance dodging assuming its done after an attack:

back, left, right

right, right, right

left, back, left



There's two strategies with the lance: guard lancing and evasion lancing.  With guard lancing, you usually rely on the counter thrust (R+A) after the first or second attack in a combo, while you can do a doge after almost anything.  I'm more of a guard lancer, but some monsters are easier with evasion.


A more advanced trick to usng the dodge while moving is to instantly orient yourself so you're facing the opposite direction you want to move, and then pressing B to move backwards.  If I'm not attacking and see that snowball coming at me I quickly turn left and backhop out of the way,   Just make sure after orienting yourself you don't move too far, or backhopping once will put you back where you were.

#52 A-Leal



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Posted 16 March 2013 - 03:27 PM

The demo was indeed awful, but Monster Hunter isn't a bad series.

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#53 umegames


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Posted 16 March 2013 - 04:02 PM

I wanted to like it, i really did, but just didn't tickle me. I too, didn't care for the controls on the wii-u.

#54 tonyOn1ce



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Posted 16 March 2013 - 04:57 PM

I read this topic from the first post to the last and now I'm remembering why Monster Hunter was such a hit and miss over the years.  It sounds like a beaten record but everyone is discouraged by the game at the start.  You will not be wowed.  It starts out that way if you have no experience playing it but once you get good it becomes a fantastic game.  I havent played an MH game since the psp Monster Hunter Freedom 2.  Obviously I didn't have/ or play the Wii version so since I bought the Wii U and saw this was available to the system I've been in anticipation of it.  Then I read this thread and thought.....maybe it isn't like I remembered it to be all those years ago and that it might play different from the psp version.  


Played the demo.....and I love it.  It was like riding a bike again.  I killed that ape-like creature I havent ever fought before (it wasnt in MHF2) and nearly killed Plesioth while using my favorite weapon the long sword.  The controls are fluid and the camera is effective.  This is a game that must be played.  You build your character and make them stronger through hard work.  And your skill improves all along the way.  It's truly an awesome feeling to down a big monster for the first time.  And I have yet to ever play it with others.  I got every monster in MHF2 and plan to do it again....but this time with friends.  Can't wait....and for those who may or dont like it...give it a chance.  

#55 tboss



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Posted 16 March 2013 - 06:34 PM

Different weapons may as well be different 'classes'.

All characters control exactly the same with weapons sheathed, but since every weapon is different, EVERY weapon controls differently when drawn, including dodging. The lance guy is also the only character who can move while blocking, and perform counters, lancers are a heavy armour class, dodging is not a lance users priority.

The right stick controls underwater steering as well as camera.

If you are having trouble selecting items, put them on the touch screen.


its not the steering, its the attacking.

#56 CUD


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Posted 16 March 2013 - 06:39 PM

And this is why I never play demos. They're like reviews: Never living up to the truth of the game.

That's just a fault by the developer, they should be designing a demo that gives the player a feel of what the game will be like.

This statement is false. The previous statement is true.

RIP in peace Nintendo.


#57 3Dude



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Posted 16 March 2013 - 07:26 PM

its not the steering, its the attacking.

Thats what you meant by this:

'cant attack up or down with some characters,
not much of a issue on land, annoying in the

Sorry guy, a foot long sword just doesnt have the reach of an 8 foot great sword. Thats not a fault in game design, its a fact of physics.

Unless you are Dahlsim or something, you are going to have attack things in arms reach of humans not made of rubber bands.

Thats why sword and shield users and dual sword users focus on elements, they typically cant reach parts that are more vulnerable to physical attacks, (not too mention elemental damage has no relation whatsoever to the physical power of an attack). Well, except underwater, they can attack anywhere then.



#58 Lightning_Ninja


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Posted 16 March 2013 - 07:27 PM

its not the steering, its the attacking.

Yeah, Plesioth is just a jerk.  No getting around it.  Compared to all the other monsters I've fought underwater, he's far more ornery and moves too much.  Probably the hardest to fight underwater.  Plus, water combat takes a lot longer to get used to than land combat.  Don't feel bad or discouraged if your having trouble with him.



That's just a fault by the developer, they should be designing a demo that gives the player a feel of what the game will be like.

Well they give you the hunt, which is the most important part of the game.  Everything else in the game is supplementary.  They do give you some stuff in the item box that lets you go mining and bug catching, both of which have their uses for items and equipment in the full game.  If I could make three changes to the demo thay would be:

1) At some point tell the player to check the manual

2) Put the quest time limit to 50 min (thats how it is in the full game for 99% of quests)

3) Give you one minute to carve the monster after killing it, like the full game allows


I think these would have helped a lot in the demo.

#59 CUD


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Posted 16 March 2013 - 07:41 PM

Well they give you the hunt, which is the most important part of the game.  Everything else in the game is supplementary.  They do give you some stuff in the item box that lets you go mining and bug catching, both of which have their uses for items and equipment in the full game.  If I could make three changes to the demo thay would be:

1) At some point tell the player to check the manual

2) Put the quest time limit to 50 min (thats how it is in the full game for 99% of quests)

3) Give you one minute to carve the monster after killing it, like the full game allows


I think these would have helped a lot in the demo.

The manual really didn't explain much, there should have been a tutorial in the demo itself.

This statement is false. The previous statement is true.

RIP in peace Nintendo.


#60 Lord N

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Posted 16 March 2013 - 08:28 PM

Capcom failed hard body with the demo. WTF is the point of a demo if it doesn't work. Especially if you're attempting to introduce the franchise to a different audience. By that, I mean any Nintendo 3Ds or Wii U owners. I get it, the game actually isn't bad. It takes some workin on it til you get it down.

I don't see why any developers, ESPECIALLY Capcom, would decide to " not look into expanding its audience". It's simply not good marketing strategy. And before anyone retorts as I already know the MH fanboys are flaming right now. Self centered as usual, they seem to think that the dev teams simply create their games for them and not just anyone at all. What you see or hear in the media...isn't always true.

Lastly, getting back on the demo subject. If you are REALLY trying to get into the game, play the demo at least 3 times. I usually make my decision to buy a game after the first demo attempt, but they obviously did so bad a job that you really need the extra 2 times to really explore your character options and control combinations to do...pretty much anything.

As i mentioned in a previous post somewhere, If it wasn't going to be me giving complaints, someone else will do it.

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