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Miyamoto: Patience is the key to unlocking the Wii U's potential

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#1 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 08 April 2013 - 09:54 PM



I would have to agree with him. Nothing happens overnight. Your thoughts?


Can someone move this to the hardware thread. I accidently placed it in the software area.


#2 Julio93


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Posted 08 April 2013 - 10:12 PM

He's right, Miyamoto is a god among game creators and he knows what he's talking about. I like the comment that had the most positive votes


"Lack of 3rd party support is also hurting, but that's always been a problem for Nintendo. It just sometimes feels like the video game industry wants Nintendo to fail by the lack of 3rd party support it gets. Crytek basically said that they had Crysis 3 working on the Wii U, but for some reason still refused to release it on the console. EA backed out from releasing Battlefield 4 on the Wii U, Sega cancelled the Wii U version of Aliens: Colonial Marines (though considering the low scores it got, that's not too big of a loss), and Bethesda straight up said they have no desire to release games on the Wii U. Rockstar did show interest in releasing GTAV, but I'll believe it when I see it. It just disgusts me the way the video game industry is downplaying the Wii U and trying to pretend like it's not as powerful as the PS3 or X-Box 360 (when it actually is). Hopefully that will change when the 1st part games start rolling in."


Also, I like to help you there but I really forgot how to move topics, I did it like 3 times on Gaiaonline and I think they reported me or something then they moved my thread to the right topic.

Edited by Julio93, 08 April 2013 - 10:13 PM.



#3 Mitch



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Posted 08 April 2013 - 11:22 PM

"Lack of 3rd party support is also hurting, but that's always been a problem for Nintendo. It just sometimes feels like the video game industry wants Nintendo to fail by the lack of 3rd party support it gets. Crytek basically said that they had Crysis 3 working on the Wii U, but for some reason still refused to release it on the console. EA backed out from releasing Battlefield 4 on the Wii U, Sega cancelled the Wii U version of Aliens: Colonial Marines (though considering the low scores it got, that's not too big of a loss), and Bethesda straight up said they have no desire to release games on the Wii U. Rockstar did show interest in releasing GTAV, but I'll believe it when I see it. It just disgusts me the way the video game industry is downplaying the Wii U and trying to pretend like it's not as powerful as the PS3 or X-Box 360 (when it actually is). Hopefully that will change when the 1st part games start rolling in."





Nintendo pretends that they want/are "trying" to get 3rd party support, They are perfectly content with no 3rd party or very little 3rd party, all 3rd party would do is potentially cut into their sales of their first party games


They have their own nice little eco system going on, just look at the Wii; 9 out of the 10 top selling games are Nintendo games (with the 10th being Just Dance 3 by Ubisoft)





The counter argument to that could be "If Ninty had all the 3rd party support then people wouldnt need to buy from the competitors which would ultimately boost Nintendos sales"


And to that I would say "How dare you question the practices of Nintendo! Be gone you blasphemous heathen!"

#4 AndyG


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 01:16 AM

Once the installer base is bigger we should see more devs get on board.

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#5 GAMER1984



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Posted 09 April 2013 - 01:31 AM

yeah nothing wrong with getting quality software. People seem to forget nintendo went on record MULTIPLE time stating this was gonna be a more CORE console. i do understand its only been out for four months but they dont seem to be proactive. like i said im giving them until E3 to give us some surprises and show all the core talk wasnt just BS. seriously i do believe its time for changes at the top withing the company. they need a new face someone who can push the company forward.

#6 Nollog


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 04:44 AM

Nintendo pretends that they want/are "trying" to get 3rd party support, They are perfectly content with no 3rd party or very little 3rd party, all 3rd party would do is potentially cut into their sales of their first party games


They have their own nice little eco system going on, just look at the Wii; 9 out of the 10 top selling games are Nintendo games (with the 10th being Just Dance 3 by Ubisoft)





The counter argument to that could be "If Ninty had all the 3rd party support then people wouldnt need to buy from the competitors which would ultimately boost Nintendos sales"


And to that I would say "How dare you question the practices of Nintendo! Be gone you blasphemous heathen!"


I don't understand why they even still bothered after the first year of the Wii.


Nintendo games sell Nintendo hardware, third party games should, and are an after-thought.

Only Sony and Microsoft care about third party because they don't have the level of studios or games Nintendo does for first party.

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#7 Penguin101


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 04:51 AM

Trouble is I want the Wii U to have more third party games. I prefer third party games 7/10 times to Nintendo games, a few like Zelda, Metroid and Super Smash are gold and are gods amongst third party games, the rest sink into the river of mediocrity like so many other games on other systems. Not to say other Nintendo games are bad, they just have started to feel stale, hell even Zelda is feeling stale which is why I welcome the changes to Zelda U


I want a console that does both, and I'm hoping the Wii U can do that.


PS: This is an opinion, not fact

Edited by Penguin101, 09 April 2013 - 04:54 AM.

#8 Desert Punk

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Posted 09 April 2013 - 04:57 AM

I'm not expecting the wii u to get a lot of third party support and when it does a lot of it will be casual. You buy a wii u really for Nintendo's own software which is often amazing and any other bonus software worth buying. Same situation with the wii. I don't know if the wii u will succeed ultimately, obviously its struggling a bit at the moment but either way as long as Nintendo develop great software for it I'll be happy.

#9 3Dude



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Posted 09 April 2013 - 05:09 AM

If nintendo got all the same multiplats as any other console.... Would anyone buy ms or sony systems?

I remember when different consoles had completely different libraries, even when they had the same 'game' they were usually completely different games. Thats what made it worth owning different consoles, they had completely different libraries.



#10 Penguin101


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 05:13 AM

If nintendo got all the same multiplats as any other console.... Would anyone buy ms or sony systems?


Well it's the first party games, and gameplay experience that define a console. I prefer Nintendo first parties to Sony or Microsoft first parties. If Nintendo got all the multiplats too it'd cement my choice to go Nintendo this generation.


However I'm going to have to eventually fork out hundreds of great british pounds to buy a PS4 too because the Wii U won't get all the third party multi-plats, as Sony's IPs are my second fav. 


Visually I don't care if it's at 1080 or 720p or if it's 30 or 60 frames. So long as the game is the same and not watered down to make it playable on Wii U then I'm fine with Wii U ports, the more ports the better. 


I gambled on Gamecube because of Resident Evil being exclusive. But eventually had to get a PS2 because Nintendo couldn't secure all the games I wanted. Despite being more powerful, which I felt was ridiculous, I didn't really care about having two discs.


The Wii I gambled on because I thought developers would make some effort for such unique controls, but got a PS3 because of watered down multiplat ports.


I'm just hoping Wii U gets it right otherwise it could be the last Nintendo console I buy as the first console I buy

Edited by Penguin101, 09 April 2013 - 05:18 AM.

#11 3Dude



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Posted 09 April 2013 - 07:03 AM

someone needs to read the rest of the post they quoted.

You SHOULD want to buy more than one console because it has games you want you cant get on just one console. Its the entire point of having multiple consoles.

Edited by 3Dude, 09 April 2013 - 07:10 AM.



#12 Penguin101


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 07:25 AM

someone needs to read the rest of the post they quoted.

You SHOULD want to buy more than one console because it has games you want you cant get on just one console. Its the entire point of having multiple consoles.


Yes all consoles have something to offer, but in this financial climate I can't afford multiple consoles, maybe in three or four years I'll be able to afford a PS4 or 720, but I'm barely able to afford lots of Wii U games. it's amazing that my fiancee bought a Wii U for me. So it's just be nice that Nintendo had third party multi-plat games and not be left out.

Edited by Penguin101, 09 April 2013 - 07:26 AM.

#13 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 07:49 AM

It will take time just like the DS did, to be honest, I get it, and I love it, and I would litterally punch someone if they tried to take my gamepad off me............

#14 Cozmo


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 08:59 PM

its all fine and dandy to just say that we have to be patient but nintendo needs to get a bigger user base before sony and ms release their systems. im not too worried about ms bc i can alread see a blood trail from the bullet in their foot, but if they dont get a bigger install base, then most games are going to be for ms and sony. theres a double edge sword for this bc for nintendo to get a bigget user base, they need more third party support and to get that they need a bigger install base lol. these first party games will hopefully be the catalyst for more third party games to come to the system.

Edited by Cozmo, 09 April 2013 - 09:00 PM.

#15 Penguin101


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Posted 10 April 2013 - 01:29 AM

its all fine and dandy to just say that we have to be patient but nintendo needs to get a bigger user base before sony and ms release their systems. im not too worried about ms bc i can alread see a blood trail from the bullet in their foot, but if they dont get a bigger install base, then most games are going to be for ms and sony. theres a double edge sword for this bc for nintendo to get a bigget user base, they need more third party support and to get that they need a bigger install base lol. these first party games will hopefully be the catalyst for more third party games to come to the system.


I honestly have a belief Nintendo are just going to go all out on releasing game after game after game over the next two years and not let up.


I think Nintendo's install base by December 2013 will be a minimum of 7, 000, 000 at worst, and 12, 000, 000 at best with a butterzone of 10, 000, 000 sales. And by Dec 2014 will have up to 26, 000, 000 as an install base. Purely because they'll be chucking us exclusive after exclusive topped wih improvments in the OS and Miiverse are coming out all the time. On top of looking at what they have, over what they're not telling us, over the potential  it just seems people are going to be rushing to pick up a Wii U for those games and experiences!


I have a feeling PS4 will sell more at launch (around 4 million) but like the Wii U will struggle in its early life

Edited by Penguin101, 10 April 2013 - 01:33 AM.

#16 Blade of Dyna

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Posted 10 April 2013 - 05:58 AM

I am sick of people saying devs will jump on board once the Wii U's install base grows... the Wii had a large install base did developers jump on that? HELL NO Nintendo needs to get their act together

#17 Penguin101


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Posted 10 April 2013 - 06:09 AM

I am sick of people saying devs will jump on board once the Wii U's install base grows... the Wii had a large install base did developers jump on that? HELL NO Nintendo needs to get their act together


Devs did jump on board....with shovelware  :P



But as you can already see this gen is different. third parties like Ubisoft are already supporting the Wii U far more than the Wii. Other publishers have already said they're waiting for the install base to grow larger and thus more profitable before bringing games to the Wii U. A completely different bowl of eggs

#18 Blade of Dyna

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Posted 10 April 2013 - 06:52 AM

But as you can already see this gen is different. third parties like Ubisoft are already supporting the Wii U far more than the Wii.

u mean only ubisoft

Other publishers have already said they're waiting for the install base to grow larger and thus more profitable before bringing games to the Wii U.

What publishers said that?

#19 Gamejunkie



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Posted 10 April 2013 - 07:57 AM

I don't understand why they even still bothered after the first year of the Wii.

Nintendo games sell Nintendo hardware, third party games should, and are an after-thought.
Only Sony and Microsoft care about third party because they don't have the level of studios or games Nintendo does for first party.

Rubbish. Microsoft may be weak on the 1st party front and rely more on third party especially exclusives. Sony on the other hand has a lot of quality inhouse devs and software support. Not to mention they all need quality third party support to be successful in the long term even Nintendo. Third party games are in no way and should not be an after thought.

#20 Gaymer


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Posted 10 April 2013 - 08:04 AM

I've always been a multi conole owner, so I don't mind if the Wii U doesn't receive many third party games. (I didn't expect it to.) Ever since the 64, I've purchased Nintendo consoles solely for its first party games, and I see that continuing with the Wii U. Whatever I can't get on the Wii U, I'll get on the Nextbox or maybe even PC.

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