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Bethesda new game " Evil Within" first trailer

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#21 Chrop



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Posted 23 April 2013 - 08:40 AM

Um, its coming out on PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, PC but not the Wii U according to everything i've read about this thing. 

lhKtSmX.png?2 Well, I've finally found my Starfox, and I love it.

#22 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 23 April 2013 - 08:42 AM

Um, its coming out on PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, PC but not the Wii U according to everything i've read about this thing. 

It figures. No one want's a peice of the sweet Wii U pie. They will be sorry when the Wii U proves to be a major success and sells like hotcakes while the 720 crashes and burns with it's DRM servers.

Edited by Alex Apathy, 23 April 2013 - 08:43 AM.


#23 Crispy Bacon

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Posted 23 April 2013 - 08:46 AM

Currently, the plan is to release for PS3, Xbox 360, PC, and "next-gen". Do they consider Wii U "next-gen"? Now, that is the question.

Posted Image

#24 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 23 April 2013 - 08:48 AM

Currently, the plan is to release for PS3, Xbox 360, PC, and "next-gen". Do they consider Wii U "next-gen"? Now, that is the question.

They will consider it next gen when it sells like no tommorow.


#25 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 23 April 2013 - 09:03 AM

Bethesda is going downhill for many reasons. One being always teaming up with other third party companies to produce average quality games like Rage and also instead of giving people what they want like a new Fallout or a TES game they make other stuff that ain't nearly as good.

they put out an elder scrolls game 1.5 years ago, and they are most likely working on a new Fallout game right now. I agree rage wasn't that good, but Bethesda only published it, it was made by iD software I think. They also released dishonored last year which was amazing, made by Arkane. And I tho k this game is going to be great as well, and remember, it's only being published by Bethesda, Tango Gameworks is developing it. I think Bethesda is as strong as ever.


I was once known here as KillerMario, but since I really like Banjo-Kazooie, I changed my display name to show them my respect :)

#26 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 23 April 2013 - 09:05 AM

they put out an elder scrolls game 1.5 years ago, and they are most likely working on a new Fallout game right now. I agree rage wasn't that good, but Bethesda only published it, it was made by iD software I think. They also released dishonored last year which was amazing, made by Arkane. And I tho k this game is going to be great as well, and remember, it's only being published by Bethesda, Tango Gameworks is developing it. I think Bethesda is as strong as ever.

True. Perhaps I should have thought about it better.


#27 Byakuya Togami

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Posted 23 April 2013 - 09:08 AM

I'd like to correct the OP. Bethesda isn't making this game,just publishing it.

#28 Plutonas



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Posted 23 April 2013 - 09:17 AM

Thats why I said they cant skip wii U, because ps4 and 720 will make up to 1-2 years to make 5m sales each and 720 may take longer time for it! Due to online DRMs. Wii U is about 4 now!... They will be no excuse, except that its an american company and they do whatever they can to bump wii U.


thats the only excuse...

Edited by Plutonas, 23 April 2013 - 09:18 AM.

#29 3Dude



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Posted 23 April 2013 - 09:47 AM

I'd like to correct the OP. Bethesda isn't making this game,just publishing it.

Yes, Tango gameworks is developing it.

Edited by 3Dude, 23 April 2013 - 09:48 AM.



#30 DexterousGecko


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Posted 23 April 2013 - 09:55 AM

Thats why I said they cant skip wii U, because ps4 and 720 will make up to 1-2 years to make 5m sales each and 720 may take longer time for it! Due to online DRMs. Wii U is about 4 now!... They will be no excuse, except that its an american company and they do whatever they can to bump wii U.


thats the only excuse...

yup, it's just racism. they don't want to support the Wii U because it's a Japanese company.


Come on, Americans might be a lot of things, but one thing they are is financially smart. If an American company thinks they can make money from something, they will try. If they don't bring the game to the Wii U it's just because they think it won't sell. Correct or not, that would be their reasoning. Besides, 4 million doesn't mean 4 million copies sold. Nintendo fans don't historically love horror games. For goodness sakes , look at the new adds being released by Nintendo. I hope those don't scare Bethesda away.

#31 3Dude



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Posted 23 April 2013 - 10:16 AM

Bethesda is going downhill for many reasons. One being always teaming up with other third party companies to produce average quality games like Rage and also instead of giving people what they want like a new Fallout or a TES game they make other stuff that ain't nearly as good.

One of those 'other' games was call of cthulhu dark corners of the earth (xbox version by headfirst studios, pc was too buggy to even play)

And it is one of my favourite survival horror games of all time, and my favourite lovecraft game.

If for every couple of terds those expiriments pop out, just one of them is coc qualoty, i hope they never stop.



#32 Plutonas



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Posted 23 April 2013 - 10:17 AM

its not about racism... Western companies force always online... Sony in a small level complied with that, nintendo is not accepting it, so they all orchestrated a huge attack for the wii U.


I mean, look in every western post, they all speak about BAD sales... They dont say that wii U sold 4 millions and ps3- 360 sold 4 million after 2 years of time!


Remember my words... when 720 and ps4 get released, even after 6 months of period... they will have less than 2 m  sales.. and they will still talk about bad wii U sales.. hahaha

Edited by Plutonas, 23 April 2013 - 10:20 AM.

#33 DexterousGecko


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Posted 23 April 2013 - 01:45 PM

...really? After 6 months the 720 and ps4 will have less than 2 million sales?


You do realize that all the 720 and ps4 have to do is have a cod ready for launch and quicker than you can say "360 headshot!!" they'll each have 3 million consoles sold! ^^


but seriously, there is no west (and Sony) conspiracy against Nintendo. Everyone wants to make lots of money. That's all there is to it. Don't think Nintendo is any different. They're petting their golden 3ds (goose) as we speak.

#34 Plutonas



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Posted 24 April 2013 - 09:52 AM

...really? After 6 months the 720 and ps4 will have less than 2 million sales?


You do realize that all the 720 and ps4 have to do is have a cod ready for launch and quicker than you can say "360 headshot!!" they'll each have 3 million consoles sold! ^^


but seriously, there is no west (and Sony) conspiracy against Nintendo. Everyone wants to make lots of money. That's all there is to it. Don't think Nintendo is any different. They're petting their golden 3ds (goose) as we speak.


Xbox360 made more than a year to achieve 5m sales, also ps3 (360 made 1.5 years to achieve 5m)... what makes you believe the oposite, they will be very expensive and 720 will have online drms. http://vgsales.wikia.com/wiki/Xbox_360


If u check it... wii U is much better than 360 at this point... about 1.5m more sales than 360 at the same period of time. Thats why I am telling you that all these things, are orchistrated.. nothing to do with reallity. It is just nintendo that points always higher and higher...

Edited by Plutonas, 24 April 2013 - 10:01 AM.

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