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Is EA trying to Dreamcast the Wii U?

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#1 thunderspider


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Posted 08 May 2013 - 09:16 AM

 Have you noticed that everything related with EA and Nintendo is someway like a way to Finish the Wii U? And i've noticed that western developers are doing the same. Can EA accomplish it's goal? I mean, maybe it's a strong line to say this, but with rumours and/or news like this :http://wiiudaily.com...elopment-rumor/  i just can think that they are just want to screw Nintendo badly.


#2 GAMER1984



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Posted 08 May 2013 - 09:21 AM

Nope they are making business decision that just don't include Wii U. Sad but that's their right to do what they want with their company.

#3 thunderspider


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Posted 08 May 2013 - 09:35 AM

I don't think is so simple, EA have never support Nintendo in big ways, they've always give the bigger support to others.

#4 Hank Hill

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Posted 08 May 2013 - 09:40 AM


I can't wait until the PS4 and 720 tank along with EA's games at launch.




Anyways, no, they will not singlehandedly "Dreamcast" the Wii U. It would seem that any time somebody brings up the Dreamcast as a Wii U comparison, they forget that Sega had screwed over developers THREE separate times up to that point with the Sega 32X, CD, and Saturn's rushed releases.


Developers being lazy doesn't automatically = Wii U is Dreamcast.

Edited by GameCollector, 08 May 2013 - 09:48 AM.



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#5 Nollog


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Posted 08 May 2013 - 09:46 AM

Stop being paranoid.

EA are choosing not to support Nintendo.


They wouldn't want to compete with them on a level footing so why would they want to force them out of the console race?

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#6 Azure-Edge


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Posted 08 May 2013 - 09:58 AM

Possibly. EA is definitely not happy with Nintendo, and it seems like it has way more to do than just with sales. I mean, if it were just sales then EA wouldn't have any reason to develop for the next two consoles either, since they currently have 0 install bases. That rumor about the whole Origin thing has stayed pretty predominant since it first came out, and EA's actions do seem almost spiteful in some ways. 


Personally, I think this might be EA trying to push their weight around and see just how much influence they actually have in the industry. That being said, I think it's going to be pretty interesting to see how a lot of third party devs do treat the WiiU in the upcoming months. We know that Ubisoft seems to be on board and it looks like GTAV and CoD could be coming as well. That leaves only EA as the last major western 3rd party dev shrugging off the console. EA might end up sorely disappointed to see they're not as big as they thought. Especially with them continually getting bad press and having to lay off a thousand employees. 


#7 PyroKinesis



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Posted 08 May 2013 - 10:02 AM

One publisher not publishing games for a console is not anything to worry about.

#8 Gamejunkie



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Posted 08 May 2013 - 10:36 AM

I don't think is so simple, EA have never support Nintendo in big ways, they've always give the bigger support to others.

It is that simple. As GAMER1984 said its just business decision. I honestly don't know where people come with all these conspiracy theories.

#9 DéliopT



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Posted 08 May 2013 - 10:51 AM

One publisher not publishing games for a console is not anything to worry about.


In this case, it is. Sports titles have always been casual titles that people buy every year and buy consoles just for them. Not to Forget that those titles atract millions of gamers and seeing the rise in popularity of the BF series, that is a serious blow to Wii U and 3DS too.


If you are one gamer who likes all or the majority os sports titles and enjoy shooters online, Wii U is no longer the platform for you. Why buy a Wii U when you can either buy a PS4 or X720 and get all those games without worries?



Unfortunately, EA has ignored Nintendo with the rise of Sony. Even Sega`s Dreamcast was ignored, despite being a hardcore console.

But this time, next year, EA is going to regret that decision. Wii U might not become the hardcore console of choice but i am positive that it will make strides to do what Wii and GC didn`t. And then... EA has to answer to investors.



#10 thunderspider


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Posted 08 May 2013 - 10:56 AM

It is that simple. As GAMER1984 said its just business decision. I honestly don't know where people come with all these conspiracy theories.

 Well, so where are the "strong partnership" ? and why they do just a little effort to bring the support? i bet it were in same situation, they will still support it

#11 Goodtwin


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Posted 08 May 2013 - 11:02 AM

 Have you noticed that everything related with EA and Nintendo is someway like a way to Finish the Wii U? And i've noticed that western developers are doing the same. Can EA accomplish it's goal? I mean, maybe it's a strong line to say this, but with rumours and/or news like this :http://wiiudaily.com...elopment-rumor/  i just can think that they are just want to screw Nintendo badly.


You cant go from an "unprecedented partnership" to practically no support, and not have some salty feelings with one another.  EA is pissed at Nintendo for not taking Origin, and with lackluster sales of their launch Wii U games, they now have thier excuse to eliminate support.  Not releasing games on the Wii U that you are releasing on the 360 and PS3 means that the power of the Wii U is not a factor.  They can make all the back handed comments they want, but if their game can run the 360 and PS3, it can run on the Wii U. 


EA probably does think that they can sink the Wii U, and would most likely take a lot of satisfaction in the Wii U fading away now that they arent support the console.  Will it happen?  I doubt it, the lack of support from EA would be devastating for the Xbox or Playstation, because their titles are very popular on those platforms.  EA titles just dont make up a huge chunk of software sales on Nintendo platforms like they do on the competitions platform.  Nintendo and EA both have big ego's, and they both feel they are more important than the other.  The fact is they would both be better off doing business together, but the relationship has been soured, and I doubt its going to be mended any time soon.

#12 Gamejunkie



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Posted 08 May 2013 - 11:06 AM

Well, so where are the "strong partnership" ? and why they do just a little effort to bring the support? i bet it were in same situation, they will still support it

I thought I already mentioned that. It was a business decision on EA's part.

#13 tboss



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Posted 08 May 2013 - 11:32 AM

short version, nintendo refused to a deal to let EA screw people over through nintendo network, so EA tries to assure nintendo regrets the decesion. the later outcome is very unlikly.

You cant go from an "unprecedented partnership" to practically no support, and not have some salty feelings with one another.  EA is revel in the beautiful sunshineed at Nintendo for not taking Origin, and with lackluster sales of their launch Wii U games, they now have thier excuse to eliminate support.  Not releasing games on the Wii U that you are releasing on the 360 and PS3 means that the power of the Wii U is not a factor.  They can make all the back handed comments they want, but if their game can run the 360 and PS3, it can run on the Wii U. 


EA probably does think that they can sink the Wii U, and would most likely take a lot of satisfaction in the Wii U fading away now that they arent support the console.  Will it happen?  I doubt it, the lack of support from EA would be devastating for the Xbox or Playstation, because their titles are very popular on those platforms.  EA titles just dont make up a huge chunk of software sales on Nintendo platforms like they do on the competitions platform.  Nintendo and EA both have big ego's, and they both feel they are more important than the other.  The fact is they would both be better off doing business together, but the relationship has been soured, and I doubt its going to be mended any time soon.


i spent time thinking about other ways they can do things together, and most them end in a similar result as today, except varing amounts of who mocks who. 

#14 TheUltimateWaddleDee


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Posted 08 May 2013 - 11:39 AM

I am sick of these Wii U= Dreamcast remarks: the Dreamcast failed due to Sega having 3 hardware failures in a row and developing games with unreasonable sales expectation more so than the lack of a dvd player and a lack of support from EA. The Wii, being the massive success that it was, put Nintendo in a great financial position. If the Wii didn't meet expectations, then they may have been in some trouble.

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#15 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 08 May 2013 - 11:39 AM

There is a reason EA had been ranked the worst company in America for 2 years in a row.


I was once known here as KillerMario, but since I really like Banjo-Kazooie, I changed my display name to show them my respect :)

#16 routerbad



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Posted 08 May 2013 - 12:02 PM

Nope they are making business decision that just don't include Wii U. Sad but that's their right to do what they want with their company.

That wasn't the question.  They are in fact trying to shape the hardware landscape based not on business decisions (they poured money into Crysis3 for WiiU then made sure they made zero profit, bad business)(they released ME3 for $60 on WiiU and released the trilogy on other platforms at the same price, intentionally cannibalizing ME3 sales, bad business) but on bad business relations.  What they are doing to Nintendo transcends smart money moves, as none of their decisions to date have been smart money moves.  


They are within their rights to develop where they want, but lets not get confused as to the reason.  EA believe they control the gaming industry, and Nintendo got in their way of making that pipedream a reality.


Making comments that are obvious bald faced lies through social media and press releases is not based on a business decision, its based on a want to destroy any possibility of Nintendo succeeding without EA games now that they have made their choices.  If Nintendo succeeds, without any EA titles in the future on the platform, how does that make EA look?  

#17 thunderspider


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Posted 08 May 2013 - 12:06 PM

I am sick of these Wii U= Dreamcast remarks: the Dreamcast failed due to Sega having 3 hardware failures in a row and developing games with unreasonable sales expectation more so than the lack of a dvd player and a lack of support from EA. The Wii, being the massive success that it was, put Nintendo in a great financial position. If the Wii didn't meet expectations, then they may have been in some trouble.


I didn't said Wii U will be a Dreamcast, but just that EA apparently want to do the same thing they did with the Dreamcast

#18 Guy Fieri

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Posted 08 May 2013 - 12:10 PM

EA is not trying to kill the Wii U. They're still (supposedly) butthurt over the Origin on Wii U problem, or it's just a business decision.

#19 Desert Punk

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Posted 08 May 2013 - 12:44 PM

Why on earth would Nintendo users or Nintendo want origin on wii u. It's Nintendo's console and clearly they would want to control software sold through wii u. Surely that's a massive revenue stream for Nintendo that they would not give to EA. 


Seems strange that EA could ever have expected that to happen.


EA did do massive damage to the dreamcast by denying Sega many sports titles which helped kill the dreamcast in the USA. They have cancelled the next madden for wii u too. I guess their wii support was respectable but most of it was forgettable. The only wii title they did which I liked a lot was Monopoly Streets. The need for speed titles are pretty weak and comparable to ps2 versions.

#20 routerbad



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Posted 08 May 2013 - 01:08 PM

Why on earth would Nintendo users or Nintendo want origin on wii u. It's Nintendo's console and clearly they would want to control software sold through wii u. Surely that's a massive revenue stream for Nintendo that they would not give to EA. 


Seems strange that EA could ever have expected that to happen.


EA did do massive damage to the dreamcast by denying Sega many sports titles which helped kill the dreamcast in the USA. They have cancelled the next madden for wii u too. I guess their wii support was respectable but most of it was forgettable. The only wii title they did which I liked a lot was Monopoly Streets. The need for speed titles are pretty weak and comparable to ps2 versions.

I can't think of a reasonable reason that Nintendo would have accepted that deal, so I find it odd that EA is taking it like this.

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